Cs BM Lock - Mechanism

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Lock Mechanism

1. Create the following part design from scratch
using a combination of features.
2. Isometric view should match the orientation
shown in the figure.
3. Achieve a design intent whereby the part is
mirrored about an axis.

1. Begin a new part file. Set the units to Inches, and set the unit precision to three decimal places.
2. Begin a new sketch on the Top Plane.
3. Sketch and dimension the circle shown below. (Hint: Note the location of the origin).

4. Extrude the sketch to a Blind Depth of 0.2 inches.

5. Next, let’s work on the base. Again, select Top Plane, and begin a new sketch.
a. Use the Offset Entities Tool to offset the circular perimeter 0.05 inches.
Lock Mechanism

b. Create a horizontal centerline through the origin for symmetry.

c. At the intersection of the y-axis and the circular sketch, add a horizontal tangent line to
the circle, followed by 2 tangent arcs.

d. Mirror the entities about the centerline, add the largest arc, and continue adding the
dimensions and geometric relations shown below. (Hint: Note the location of the origin).
Lock Mechanism

6. Once the sketch is fully defined, extrude the sketch to a Blind Depth of 0.1 inches.

7. Next, create the keyhole slot. Begin a sketch on the cylindrical face, and sketch and dimension
the rectangular shape shown below. (Hint: You can get many of these geometric relations using
a center-point rectangle and beginning the sketch at the origin).
Lock Mechanism

8. Once the sketch is fully defined, create a Through All cut.

9. To finish the part, add a Fillet of radius 0.05 inches around the perimeter of the cylindrical face.

Lock Mechanism

1. Part Orientation: Press the spacebar on the keyboard and switch to an Isometric View. Does
your part match the orientation shown in the image at the beginning of this exercise?
 If so, Good Job!
 If not, double check that the first sketch was created on the Front reference plane.

2. Fully Defined Sketches: Expand each of the features in the feature manager design tree by click
the plus icon next to each of them. Do any of the sketches have a minus sign next to them?
 If not, Good Job!
 If so, any sketches that appear with a minus sign are underdefined, and are missing one
or more dimensions or geometric relations. Edit any sketches with minus signs and add
the necessary dimensions or relations

3. Design Intent: Let’s check to make sure the design intent of mirroring the part about an axis was
achieved. Go to the Evaluate Tab, and select Mass Properties. Is the mass of the part 0.002
pounds? Is the Z-component of the center of mass 0.000 inches?
 If so, Good Job!
 If not, double check that the part’s base sketch was correctly mirrored about the
horizontal centerline, which is concentric with the origin, and that the large arc was
added after the mirrored entities.

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