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Rose Cover 1

1. Use a Revolve Feature to simplify geometry
2. Utilize the default reference planes to create
symmetric features
3. Mirror 3D geometry about a plane

1. Begin a new part file. Set the units to Inches, and set the unit precision to three decimal places.

2. Begin a new sketch on the Front Plane, and sketch the geometry shown below, using
dimensions and geometric relations to make the sketch become fully defined.
Rose Cover 1

3. Once the sketch is fully defined, click the REVOLVED BOSS/BASE icon, and enter a Blind Revolve
of 360 degrees.

4. Next, let’s work on the cylindrical feature. Begin a sketch on the Top Plane. Draw the sketch
below, making sure to add the dimensions and geometric relations shown below.
Rose Cover 1

5. When the sketch is fully defined, click on the Extruded Boss/Base icon. Make sure to extrude
the sketch in two directions. Set Direction 1 to a Blind Depth of 1.25 inches away from the part.
Set Direction 2 to an end condition of Up to Surface, making sure to select the inner surface of
the revolved feature as the end surface.

6. Let’s add the cutout in the extrude we just created. Begin a sketch on the Front Plane, and
sketch the geometry shown below. (Hint: Use the Sketch Mirror tool).
Rose Cover 1

7. Once the sketch is fully defined, click the Extruded Cut icon, and set the end conditions for
Through All in both directions.

8. The next feature we’ll work on is the screw inserts.

9. Begin a new sketch on the Top Plane. Draw the sketch shown below.

10. Open the Extrude Boss/Base feature. Set up Direction 1 as an Up to Surface end condition, and
Direction 2 as a Blind Depth of 1.6 inches.
Rose Cover 1

11. Now, let’s add the hole. Begin a sketch on the bottom of the extrude just created, and draw the
sketch shown below.

12. Click the Extruded Cut feature, and enter a Blind Depth of 1 inch.
13. To finish the part, create the second screw hole. From the Features toolbar, click the Mirror
icon. In the property manager:
a. Select the Right Plane as the Mirror Plane.
b. Select both the Boss Extrude and Cut Extrude as the Features to Mirror.
Rose Cover 1

1. Check the part’s center of mass. The part is symmetric about the XY and YZ planes, which
means the X- and Z- coordinates should be centered about the origin. Click on the Mass
Properties tool. Is the center of mass (inches) located at X = 0.000, Y = -0.020, Z = 0.000?
 If so, Good Job!
 If not, go back to the Feature Manager Design Tree. Double check the features that
were made using the Mirror Entities or Mirror Features tools. Make sure they were
mirrored about the right centerline/plane and are fully defined. If the values are similar
but don’t match up exactly, remember that you can always change the accuracy level
SolidWorks uses in its calculations by going to Mass Properties, clicking Options, and
selecting different values for decimal places and accuracy level.

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