Filipino Version of Cavite Mutiny

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Filipino Version of Cavite Mutiny

Writer – Dr. Trinidad Hermenegildo Pardo de Tavera

The revolt was merely a mutiny by Filipino soldiers and laborers of the Cavite
arsenal to the dissatisfaction from the abolition of privileges and prohibition of
the founding of the school of arts and trades.

Izquierdo – Governor General

Arsenals privileges

1st No need for taxes

2nd No force labor

3rd Prohibition of art and trades

Fort San Felipe

When Izquierdo learned about the attack led by Sergeant Lamadrid to seize the
arsenal, He immediately orders reinforcement because He thought that it was a
full-scale revolution but a thing to note is that the Spanish believed that the
revolution was all planned from different places yet when the mutiny happened
the Manilenos didn’t arrive which the Spanish thought to aid the Cavitenos
because they Cavite mutiny was orchestrated only by Cavitenos due to the
Abolishment of their Privileges and the prohibition of art and trades. And one of
the biggest pieces of evidence of the false claim in the Cavite Mutiny was the
execution of the three Filipino Catholic priests or Gomburza which the Spanish
assume of the accusation and conviction of the crimes of the Gomburza which
they did not commit yet even when they expressed their innocence to the
Spanish. The Spaniards still pursued the execution because they believe that
there was a much bigger thing that is happening.

Trinidad Hermenigildo Pardo de Tavera, a Filipino scholar, and researcher,

wrote the Filipino version of the bloody incident in Cavite believed that the
Spanish friars and Izquierdo used the Cavite Mutiny as a powerful lever by
magnifying it as a full-blown conspiracy involving not only the native army but
also included residents of Cavite and Manila, and more importantly the native
clergy to overthrow the Spanish government in the Philippines. It is noteworthy
that during the time, the Central Government in Madrid announced its intention
to deprive the friars of all the powers of intervention in matters of civil
government and the direction and management of educational institutions. This
turnout of events was believed by Tavera, prompted the friars to do something
drastic in their dire desire to maintain power in the Philippines.

EDMOND PLAUCHUT which was a French writer who complimented Taveras

account which was confirming that the mutiny happens due to the
Discontempment of the arsenal worker and soldier in Cavite because the French
writer dwell more on the execution of the three priest which he actually

The primary cause of the mutiny is believed to be an order from Governor-

General Rafael de Izquierdo to subject the soldiers of the Engineering and
Artillery Corps to personal taxes, from which they were previously exempt. The
taxes required them to pay a monetary sum as well as to perform forced labor
called, "polo y servicio." The mutiny was sparked on January 20, when the
laborers received their pay and realized the taxes as well as the falla, the fine
one paid to be exempt from forced labor, had been deducted from their

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