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Geneva college

Beaver falls, pa

Lesson plan format

Name: Jacob Heiple. Date: 10/27/21

Course: dental health, development, and comparison to history

Grade level: 1st or 2nd

Topic/general goal
-Understanding the growth of teeth within the body as well as identifying specific teeth
(label the types of teeth). Taking care of the health of ones teeth (brushing teeth,
mouthwash, maybe diseases like cavities and those diseases causes.), comparing to
medieval dental care (how did people back then take care of their teeth).
Knowing growth and identification of teeth compared to today and past.

Reference to pa or common core standards

-Standard - 10.1.1.d1
-Distinguish between healthy and unhealthy behaviors.
-This standard applies, because students will understand teeth, and their growth, as
well as their health (the effects on the body healthy teeth and unhealthy teeth.) Also, will
be compared to health of medieval times.

Essential questions –
-What causes optimal growth and development?
-How has personal health develop from medieval to today?

Lesson objectives - objectives must be written using observable verbs from

-Tswbat apply dental health to themselves and others.
-Tswbat label teeth in the body.
-Tswbat contrast the view of oral health then vs now.
-Tswbat categorize teeth in the body.

Assessment/evaluation (what are you going to assess, how are you going to
assess, and expected level of mastery. What will do to re-teach students who
didn’t meet expectations?) **assessments must match the objectives (if you have
three objectives you will have three assessments)
-I can give informal assessments by asking students about the material. Giving them a
coloring paper and asking them to label the teeth. Ask them to tell me about how to take
care of teeth today and how they did it in medieval times.
-Informal assessment by asking the students
-Formal assessment by asking them to label the teeth on a paper and asking them
about how we take care of teeth compared to medieval times.
-Ask them to tell the difference of types of teeth.

Paper of teeth. To have students color on and illustrate their knowledge of
Coloring utensils. For the paper.
Model of teeth. To show the students teeth.
Toothbrush and toothpaste
Slide show to show medieval view
Model of skeleton.
There would be a powerpoint for the information about medieval knowledge
about teeth. As well as modern information about teeth that could be used by the

A. Introduction (activate schemata, connect to prior learning)

B. Lesson development (activities, procedures, detailed step-by-step that
someone else could follow)
C. Evidence of differentiated instruction (*tailoring instruction to meet individual
needs* vary content, process, product, learning environment)
D. Closure (summary)

-A. Introduction of this subject by asking the students what they know about their teeth.
Can ask a question, what is in your mouth? How do you take care of teeth? How did
people in the past take care of teeth? Are your teeth useful? are they important?
-B. Start with a model of teeth and pass it around maybe or talk about it while asking
questions. Ask students to look at their teeth with a mirror. Ask how to take care of teeth
and why it’s important, then talk about the different types of teeth and show food they
are useful for. Show a toothbrush and a medieval toothbrush. Show the different
diseases of teeth. Ask students to draw a disease on their coloring paper of teeth. Read
a book about taking care of teeth.
-C. I have many ways to show information. A talking as well as models they can look at
and touch. Able to see food each tooth is useful for. I also have a paper they can color
or write on for those that learn that way.
-D. I can have them look at the teeth they drew or colored and have them label or tell
me about the teeth and what they are good for and how to take care of them. Also, can
ask if the medieval way to take care of teeth is better than today.

Modifications and/or accommodations

A. Students with IEPs or special learning needs/considerations like a 504 plan?
B. Students who are gifted
- I have multiple ways to convey information leaving no one out.
- I can give extra learners a book to read on with a partner, while I help students that
need more time. Or ask THEM to write about what they did or learned from the book or
- A major activity that can encompass Modifications and Accommodations is this: You
can split the students into two groups were they each can use different sources to find
information about either what we know about teeth today and what we knew back then.
Some things they can find are how did/do they take care of their teeth, about the
diseases, How people dealt with problems of their teeth. They then can have multiple
products: they can have a poster or a presentation/PowerPoint. The students can be
assessed by having them present the information.

Interdisciplinary connections (connect with other subjects and/or real-life

-Can connect to health of themselves.
-Can also be a part of a skeletal unit and see how it relates to the body and its health.
-Can also read books about skeleton and write about it.

Self-evaluation (what went well, what do you need to adjust for next time, what
unexpected circumstances did you encounter, what needs to be completely

**the self-evaluation part will not be done for edu251

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