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Kain: Hi, welcome back, and I hope you’re finding this section interesting. We just want to be
as completely transparent as we possibly can to show you there’s no magic going on behind
closed doors, everything that’s actually going on, we’re explaining, we’re unpacking, hopefully
so that by the end of the course we haven’t left any stones unturned, so that there’s no air of
doubt in your mind as to what hypnotherapy is, what it can be used for, and how powerful it
can be when we’re focused on helping people gain insights into what’s working well for them,
what’s not working well for them, and how it is that they can begin to change.

What I’m going to suggest right now is that if we are using, or if we are giving people our time,
if we’re practising any discipline on people and it’s not leading people into a place of greater
insight and understanding of themselves, then we are not serving them. Now, granted, there’s
going to be many practitioners out there who set themselves up as gurus, who can click
their fingers and make people feel happy and make people feel confident, I think there’s a
number of books out there today by certain hypnotists, I can make you happy, I can make you

Garbage, it’s absolute nonsense. I cannot make you happy, I cannot make you confident, the
reason being is because at all times and at all situations, we are never responding to reality,
we’re just responding to our perception of reality, which means that I cannot make you
confident, but I can guide you into a place where you can gain a different perspective of
yourself. I cannot make you happy, but I can make some suggestions which if you follow, will
lead you out of a place of unhappiness and into somewhere else. Do you see where I’m going
with this?

Unfortunately, I’m spilling the beans here, I’m going to be upsetting all of those men and
women who’ve set themselves up as mystical gurus and have been pulling the wool over
people’s eyes for decades. So this induction technique is referred to as outstepping. Now,
it’s very, very similar to the repositioning model that we just demonstrated two videos ago.
Outstepping is about Karen not stepping into the perspective of another person, but just
simply remaining within in herself, but just simply repositioning herself outside of herself.
Does that make sense? Most likely probably not. I think I explained it a few videos ago
anyway. We’re just going to jump right into the demonstration so that I can show you exactly
how we do this. Now, listen, if you want to follow along, I’m not sure how effective this will be
as it’s a video-based course, and I’m obviously communicating to Karen, but allow yourself to
close your eyes.

You’re not going to see much anyway, because Karen’s going to have her eyes closed, she’s
going to be working stuff out inside of her mind. I’m just going to be doing some talking, which
means that if you want to, you can close your eyes and just follow the experience along for
yourself, we invite you to do so. So Karen, what I’m going to ask you to do this time, I’m going
to ask you if you can recall a past event or a memory or an experience that you haven’t yet
made peace with. You’re nodding your head.

Karen: Yeah.

Kain: Be as honest as you can be, and when I say an experience or an event or a situation or a
person that you haven’t yet made peace with, it’s going to be a facet or an aspect of your life
that just hasn’t been dealt with. It’s an open wound or a sore or something like
this, it’s just something that hasn’t been resolved, an area of unresolved in your
life, in any aspect, doesn’t matter what. Now, bearing in mind for demonstration
purposes, I’m just doing a little bit of fishing here, just so that we can authentically

work through this demonstration.

Karen: Okay, I’ve got something.

Kain: You’ve got something, fantastic. I’m going to wonder right now if you could just close
your eyes and just focus in on what this is, and just in your own words, if you could just
describe it, explain it, not using details, but rather just as simplistically as what you can.

Karen: This is to do with a relationship.

Kain: So it’s a relationship.

Karen: That’s grown apart.

Kain: A relationship that’s grown apart.

Karen: And there’s a bit of tension there, because I’m not too sure where I stand with this
other person and it works the other way round as well.

Kain: So you’re not too sure where you stand with this other person, this other person, you’re
not sure if they know where they stand with you. It would seem to me that this is bringing an
air of uncertainty into your life.

Karen: Yeah. I don’t focus on it often, but when I do, it’s like, oh, yeah, it’s unresolved.

Kain: It’s unresolved, it’s not complete. Okay. I’m assuming this relationship is an important
relationship to you.

Karen: Yeah.

Kain: It’s an important relationship to you. What I’m going to ask you to do right now, if you
would, is in five, four, three, two, one, just step back out of yourself in this experience, just a
few steps back, so that you can see yourself now facing this person, you and this person are
face to face, and you can see them both, and you can see this uncertainty, it would seem that
there might be a little bit of tension in the relationship, a little bit of confusion, perhaps.

Karen: Yeah.

Kain: Yeah. I’m just wondering what it is that you see from this place that you couldn’t see

Karen: Yeah, I can see that both people are experiencing this tension, but nobody’s talking
about the tension, it’s not being addressed.

Kain: What else can you see?

Karen: That the tension’s actually the barrier.

Kain: The tension is the barrier. From here what I’m going to invite you to do, in five,
four, three, two, one, step back out of yourself once more and this time take a
few steps back, maybe three, four, five, maybe even six steps back, so you’re

outstepping yourself. You can now see you watching you and this other person. Now, from
this place, what can you see that you couldn’t see before?

Karen: I can see that this tension is so unnecessary.

Kain: The tension is unnecessary.

Karen: Because both people care about each other, it’s just…

Kain: Both people care about each other, the tension is unnecessary. What I’m going to ask
you to do, in five, four, three, two, one, I want you to step back out of yourself, again this time
taking perhaps two, three, four, five, six steps back, and from this place, what can you see
from here that you couldn’t see before?

Karen: That the reality is that life is actually really short and the tension that’s in this
relationship could be gone in like an instant if it were addressed, just to actually appreciate
the relationship.

Kain: So what I’m going to ask you to do now, I’m going to ask you just to step forward six, five,
four, three, two, one, back into this other version of yourself, and then from this place I want
you to just pick you up and then from within you just keep on walking forward and just re-
associate with that version of yourself, keep on moving forward, keep on re-associating until
you’re back where it was that you originally started. Now, five, four, three, two, one, just open
your eyes, come back into the room. Now, what I’m going to ask you to do this time is just…
what changed?

Karen: The further…there was a slightly bigger shift there in that the further away I got from
the original version of myself, the more perspective of life I could see.

Kain: The more perspective of life you could see.

Karen: Yeah.

Kain: Now, that’s actually a great response. If you’ve ever heard the term, can’t see the woods
for the trees, sometimes when we’re focused on something that’s right in front of our face,
remember the whole peripheral, foveal focus thing? It’s kind of like that. Karen, if I was to
ask you just to simply focus on my finger again, focus on my finger, now, keep your focus on
the tip of my finger. I’m going to ask you what else you can see in the room clearly. You’re
focusing on the tip of my finger, can you see everything clearly, or is it difficult?

Karen: No, I can only see the finger clearly.

Kain: Because that’s what you’re focusing on.

Karen: Yeah.

Kain: Now, how about I was to ask you relax your eyes and go into peripheral.

Karen: Now the finger’s blurry and I can see a better scale of the room.

Kain: Now the finger is blurry and you can see a better scale of the room. Alright?

Do you see how these ideas are all tying in? Very, very simple stuff. Listen, this all happens
inside of our minds. Anything that the mind can do, it can undo. The only issues and problems
that we have in life are just simply those issues and problems that we have not yet resolve.
We have not yet resolved those issues of our life because we haven’t yet discovered a
method or a process for doing so. So, Karen, this was the outstepping method, and all that
I invited Karen to do here was just outstep, step outside of herself, step outside of herself,
step outside of herself, and each time what Karen should have experienced was that her
perspective just enlarged, enlarged, enlarged, so she wasn’t just not able to see the woods
for the trees anymore, but now she can see the whole entire forest and the skyline and the
ocean in the background and pretty much everything, speaking metaphorically here.

This is it, very, very simple induction techniques, if you like. Again, they’re not here to resolve
anything, they’re not like deep change patterns or anything like this, but they can be
instantaneously effective at leading people out of traumatic states, people who are perhaps
really immersed in anxiety, panic, these are great for panic attacks, for depression, for chronic
depression, honestly, you can’t break people with this stuff, all you can do is help them to
shift their perspective. Please do not undermine the power of this stuff. The doctors and
the nurses and the hospitals out there give people medication, but honestly, try this stuff at
home, you will be surprised, if not completely astounded at the short term impacts you can
actually make in the quality of people’s emotional experience. Karen, any other feedback that
you’d like to give on these two different methods that I’ve just guided you through?

Karen: Just one thing, especially in that second technique there, because I was further
removed than I felt in the first one, I seemed to get a greater perspective of the situation, and
actually it’s given me more of a sense of urgency to do something about that situation.

Kain: Greater sense of urgency.

Karen: Yeah, so a better perspective in terms of the peace that I got to be able to see what
was going on, but also it’s made me want to do something about it.

Kain: It’s made you want to take action. Fantastic, and we’ve just got that through an induction.
I wonder what we’re going to find when we start doing the change patterns? My goodness.
Look, friends, I hope you’ve found this one interesting, seriously, go and practise these
methods at home on someone. The more you put these ideas into practice, the better and
more confident you’re going to become. Hope you found this interesting, and we’ll see you
again in the next clip.


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