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Kain: So within the next few moments I’m going to introduce you to Karen, I’m going to ask
Karen to come and join us, where I’m going to lead her through a very, very simple and basic
trance induction. I’m going to show you how easy this is. Now, we can take these trance
inductions as far as we want to. For some people taking this course right now, you’re just
simply taking this course for your own personal development, seeing if you can learn anything
new, perhaps a few phrases or ideas that you can build into the context of your day to day life,
so if so, then this is going to be one of those things that you can start putting into practice
right away. I’m going to refer to this or call this the hypnotic power phrase.

Now, I’m not saying it’s the magic phrase or anything like this, but I’m saying it is in fact a very
powerful phrase. It’s a very simple question that we can ask our clients or anyone in our lives,
to lead them out of a place of rational thinking or emotional feeling, and into somewhere else.
Remember right back at the start of the section I suggested that hypnotherapy is all about
creating channels in people’s minds, cutting through the thoughts, through the feelings and
into this other place. It’s all about leading people into a place of reflection and inner peace so
they can establish the truth, the facts about who they are, what they want, where they want to
be, why they’ve come to us to begin with and so on and so forth. So this hypnotic power
phrase I’m going to exercise onto Karen in just a few moments. Now, that was magic, wasn’t
it? Welcome in Karen.

Karen: Hi.

Kain: How do you feel about that?

Karen: That was a bit strange, wasn’t it?

Kain: A little bit strange. Tell me, Karen, what’s it like being beamed into a video like this?

Karen: It’s mesmerising.

Kain: It’s mesmerising. Oh, fantastic stuff. This actually leads us onto a couple of questions I
was hoping I could maybe ask you. What I’m hoping to demonstrate onto all the good people
at home is the hypnotic power phrase. Now, Karen, do you know what the hypnotic power
phrase is?

Karen: I don’t, no.

Kain: Karen, are you or have you ever caught yourself entering into a place of being
mesmerised, a place of reflection, you know where sometimes you can just lose perhaps five
minutes, ten minutes, half an hour, an hour, two hours in a place of thought or feelings or
something like this?

Karen: Yeah, I can relate.

Kain: You can relate. Could you give me an experience?

Karen: I can totally relate to being in the car and travelling somewhere and then ending up
somewhere else, and thinking how on earth…how did I get here?

Kain: How did I get here?

Karen: Yeah.

Kain: Could I ask you just to close your eyes for a second, and see if you can envision being in
that car, you know when you’re driving, you’re there?

Karen: Yeah.

Kain: What’s it like when you’re in this place? Just see it and sense it, see what you’re seeing,
feel what you’re feeling and just see if you could use just a few words that would really
accurately describe what it’s like when you’re in this place.

Karen: Peaceful.

Kain: Stop. That’s fine. To be honest with you, I wasn’t expecting it to work quite as quickly as
that. Now, for demonstration purposes, when it comes to creating courses like this, Karen
generally works away behind the scenes. She’s taking notes, I’m giving Karen projects, things
to write down, Karen works behind the cameras making sure everything’s documented so
that we can create the best courses for you that we’re physically able to, prior to obviously
the video going to the video production team, and you think, okay, what’s all this about? What
I’m saying is that this actually wasn’t staged. What I’ve just done is I’ve put Karen on the spot.
Karen around about five minutes ago was busying herself around behind the cameras, taking
notes, she’s got the laptop over there, we’ve got two different cameras shooting, we’ve got
audio files, we’ve got a computer over there, all the stuff that you can’t see in the shot.

What Karen’s responsible for is making sure that these courses are all documented so that
the whole team knows what they need to do to create them in the way that we see they need
to be. So what I’m saying is, Karen was elsewhere inside of her thinking before she sat down,
but what she has been doing is following along with some of the ideas that I’ve been sharing.
The hypnotic power phrase is this, what is it like when, what is it like when, because I knew
that if I’d asked Karen, or if I’d put Karen on the spot, asked her to remind me of something
that I’d said throughout the course, I know that Karen’s in a very different headspace, but this
is how it’s going to be when you start working with clients.

When your clients come in the door for the first time, or let’s just say you want to start
practising hypnosis in the context of your day to day relationships, you can do so, when you
are able to recognise that a person is busy, that perhaps are very much involved in a thinking
process, they’re inside of their heads, they’re perhaps getting a little bit stuck inside of their
emotional experience or their rational processing, we ask them a reflective question, and
that’s all that this is. Karen, what is it like when you find yourself in this place being
mesmerised? Now, mesmerised is a fantastic word, because everyone has a rough sense of
what this means.

If you were to say to people, so what’s it like being in a state of hypnosis or trance, there’s a
lot of unclarity around these words, a lot of confusion. When we use words such as
mesmerised or what we could say is, so, Karen, you know at the end of the day when you start
slowing down, when you start switching off, when you start relaxing, just close your eyes for a
second, what is it like for you when you start going into this place?

Karen: Calm and peaceful.

Kain: Bingo. So can I just ask you just to give voice to how you’re feeling right now?

Karen: I’m feeling calm and peaceful, yeah.

Kain: Calm and peaceful. There we go, thank you very much, you can open your eyes back up.
This is as basic a trance induction as what we ever need to carry out. We can cut through the
complexity of people’s thoughts and emotions in moment’s view, by just simply encouraging
our clients or those people that we’re working with, to focus on the times in the past where
they’ve found themselves in a trance-like state, which we might refer to as being
mesmerised, or a place or a time of the day when they have historically just felt at their most
relaxed. It might be confidence, say for example your client has come to you, I’m struggling
with low confidence, well, let’s just get them to…Karen, can you think about a time perhaps in
the last three to 12 months when you were feeling really strong, confident and bold?

Karen: Yeah.

Kain: You can remember that time? Can I ask you to close your eyes for a second? Can I just
ask you just to tell me what it’s like when you’re in this place?

Karen: Empowering.

Kain: Empowering. Very different response, isn’t it? Thanks Karen. If we ever want to really
capture our clients’ attention, or anyone, if we want to influence human beings in the simplest,
but yet the most profound way, all we’ve simply got to lead them into is a very, very instant
trance induction, by using this one little phrase, by just simply urging them and guiding them
to fully embody and revisit that time in their life, that time they’ve already experienced in the
past, when they were already embodying the very result that they wanted. So if we want to
guide our clients into a place of future focus reflection or contemplation or deeper
introspection, i.e. self-reflection, then again all we simply need to do is just get them to turn
their focus away from what they’re thinking about, away from their emotional complexities
and towards a time in their past when they’ve already had what it is that they want now. If they
don’t even articulate this, say for example we can see that we’re working with someone,
we’ve got a family member who’s really stressed, who’s really anxious, something like this, all
we need to do is capture their attention for a few moments, and we say, listen, can I just ask
you just to…can you remember the last time you felt really relaxed? Can you remember the
last time you felt really relaxed, Karen?

Karen: Mm-hmm.

Kain: Can I just ask you to close your eyes for a second? Can you tell me what it is like when
you’re feeling really, really relaxed?

Karen: Carefree.

Kain: Carefree. Is that the same as…?

Karen: Calm.

Kain: Calm. Is that the same as…?

Karen: Peaceful.
Kain: Peaceful. Fantastic. Open your eyes again, Karen. We’ve just given you three examples
now on how it is that we can change and influence, it’s not that I’m changing Karen’s
perspective, but all I’m doing is I’m just capturing her attention, I’m making a suggestion, and
because Karen’s receptive to the suggestion that I’m making, she’s leading herself into this
trance-like state where she’s getting the result that she ultimately wants. You with me, my
friend? Trance inductions don’t have to be any more complex than this, but I tell you what, for
people who haven’t experienced this before, they can be massively, massively powerful. So I
would encourage you, if you’re looking for something you can put into practice right away, go
and practise this, the hypnotic power phrase. What is it like when? All you’ve simply got to do
is find a state that another person actually wants, and then just simply ask them to explain and
describe what it’s like for them when they’re already in this state, or when they’ve been in this
state at some point in the past, because the truth of the matter is, they already have a
strategy for getting there, and the truth of the matter also is that they’ve most likely just
forgotten how they’ve done it. Are you with me? It’s fantastically powerful, but put it into
practice and see what results you get.


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