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Clan: Dromoka (GW)

Color: White creature
Location: In front of a sacred ancestral tree, in the wilderness
Action: This is a portrait of ANAFENZA, who in this timeline is not the khan of the
Abzan clan but instead a young woman who was killed for practicing forbidden
ancestor worship. Start with the image of Anafenza in the Khans of Tarkir world
guide. Instead of the clothing she wears there, use the updated Dromoka-clan armor
motifs in the Dragons of Tarkir world guide. She carries the same long sword as the
khan, but she holds it horizontally before her in two hands, in an attitude of
Anafenza is a spirit made of sand, in the old Abzan tradition.
This illustration is intended to recall that shown in the card Kin-Tree Invocation in
KTK. This kin-tree is not planted in a fortress like those of the former Abzan, but
rather is hidden among other trees in an oasis far from the cities.
Focus: Anafenza
Mood: I bring you the blessings of the ancestors now that I am one of them.


Clan: Silumgar (UB)
Color: Black legendary creature
Location: In front of a Silumgar palace
Action: This is a portrait of SIDISI the NAGA, who in this timeline is not the khan of
the Sultai clan but has become an undead sorcerer in the service of the dragonlord.
She still plots secretly against Silumgar.
Start with the image of Sidisi in the Khans of Tarkir world guide and her card in that
set. Instead of the clothing she wears there, use updated Silumgar-clan naga garb in
the DTK world guide. She has an impressive golden collar but not the distinctive
crown/hat of her previous incarnation. She is withered, with purplish glowing eyes,
and her rich clothing is decayed; she carries a gold-inlaid staff instead of the adze-
like weapon of KTK. Her hand is cupped under a floating human skull wreathed in
purplish smoke.
Focus: Sidisi
Mood: Dangerous and duplicitous.


Clan: Atarka (RG)
Color: Green legendary creature
Location: On high ground in Atarka territory
Action: This is SURRAK, who in the Khans of Tarkir timeline was the khan of the
Temur clan. Under the dragonlord Atarka, he is the Hunt Caller of the clan,
responsible primarily for supplying the dragon with food. He is every bit as ferocious
in battle as he was in the alternate timeline. Show Surrak much as he appeared
in Khans of Tarkir, but with Atarka-style costuming as shown in the DTK world guide.
Surrak no longer wields the Dragonclaw weapon (the dragonlord ordered it
destroyed). Instead he has twin OBSIDIAN BLADES, one in each hand, which he is
bringing down in an overhead chopping motion. He still wears bear claws on his
wrists, but they are longer and cruder, and their bindings are of unworked leather.
In the distant background we might see an ATARKA-BROOD DRAGON.
Focus: Surrak
Mood: I will make you a meal for my lord!


Clan: Kolaghan (BR)
Color: Red legendary creature
Location: In the encampment of the dragonlord Kolaghan
Action: This is ZURGO, who in the old timeline was the khan of the Mardu clan.
Under the dragonlord Kolaghan, his stature is greatly reduced, both politically and
literally. Now he accompanies the dragon and sounds a great dragonbell to rouse
the horde to attack.
Start with Zurgo as he appeared in Khans of Tarkir, but with Kolaghan costuming like
that of an orc shown in the world guide. He is still a tough warrior but now has a
more wiry build rather than the massive brute he was in the old timeline. He still has
his heavy greatsword, but he is swinging it at a MAN-SIZED BRONZE BELL. This is
crudely cast, not like the elegant dragonbells of the Ojutai clan. It is mounted on a
special harness of a hordebeast, something like the falcon perch shown in the Khans
of Tarkir world guide.
In the distant background we might see a distant horde of KOLAGHAN-CLAN
WARRIORS (mix of genders if they are visible) or a KOLAGHAN-BROOD DRAGON in
the sky.
Focus: Zurgo
Mood: Get in there and fight!


Clan: Ojutai (WU)
Color: White-blue Planeswalker
Location: Underground, bright torchlight, in front of the "Dragon Doors" shown
in Fate Reforged
Action: This is a portrait of NARSET, who in this timeline is not the khan of the Jeskai
clan but has followed a different path. Having reached true enlightenment, her spark
ignited, and she is now beginning to explore what it means to be a Planeswalker.
With the ascension of the dragonlord Ojutai, she has undertaken to wander the
world. Now she is at the Dragon Doors that guard a repository of ancient lore. The
doors are open.
Start with the image of Narset in the Khans of Tarkir world guide. Instead of the
clothing she wears there, use updated Ojutai-clan garb something like that shown in
the DTK world guide. It should have interesting, unique details, such as embroidered
symbols (no real-world iconography please.) She strikes an impressive kung fu pose,
balancing on one foot on top of a crumbled Dragon Door guardian. Try to use a
different pose from her previous appearance. She no longer has the Jeskai Eye
marking on her forehead; instead her eyes glow with mystical blue-white light.
Focus: Narset
Mood: I have discovered secrets within me, and they have led me to more secrets.
Clan: Silumgar
Color: Blue creature
Location: In swampy Silumgar territory
Action: We see a FEMALE HUMAN WIZARD of the Silumgar clan. She is using magic
to fly, with her robes swirling dramatically around her. She has the SKULL of a
YOUNG OJUTAI-BROOD DRAGON (skull about the size of a horse's) held suspended
between her hands. The skull is cracking, and purplish magic flares from the crack as
well as the eyes of the skull.
The mage is staring defiantly at the viewer.
Focus: The wizard
Mood: Try me.


Clan: Silumgar
Color: Blue creature
Location: In a library/treasure vault within a Silumgar palace
Action: The Dragonlord Silumgar has established a system of raising "pet" mages in
luxurious captivity to learn as much as they can. When their brains have reached
their physical peak they are sacrificed and fed to the dragon as a feast of knowledge.
Show a MALE HUMAN SILUMGAR-CLAN YOUTH. His head is shaved, garb is rich,
and he is bedecked with jewelry. He is reclining on soft pillows and surrounded by
scrolls and books, several of which are open. An ornate goblet and platters of food
are nearby. The scene looks like a dream existence—except for the dashed lines
drawn across his bald head. Like a butcher's diagram of a cow, they show the
dissection cuts to be made.
Focus: The sacrificial youth
Mood: Fated for brain harvest.


Clan: Silumgar
Color: Blue creature
Location: On a bridge outside a Silumgar palace
Action: A FEMALE SILUMGAR-CLAN NAGA SORCERER faces away from us on the
bridge. She grips an ornate staff in one hand, and in the other she raises the
SEVERED HEAD of an OJUTAI-CLAN HUMAN MONK, which she holds by its long
queue. The head is of a revered master; its hair is white, and there might be a long
beard. It is also really decayed-looking, suggesting that the corpse had been raised
as a zombie before it lost its head.
Focus: The naga and severed head
Mood: A horrific act that demoralizes the enemy.


Clan: Silumgar
Color: Black creature
Location: In the desert outside a distant Dromoka fortress
Action: A FEMALE SILUMGAR-CLAN RAKSHASA stands amid several fallen
DROMOKA-CLAN SOLDIERS. The rakshasa has markings like that of a leopard on
dark fur. She is raising her arms as though pulling on the strings of puppets. In
response to her magical command, two of the Dromoka dead are rising as zombies.
Focus: The rakshasa
Mood: You have failed in life. Now you will serve in death.

- Location: An active volcano in Atarka territory

Action: Show an ATARKA-BROOD DRAGON that is flying straight up out of the crater
of the volcano. The dragon is turbo-charged from the volcano's energy; it's mouth
open wide and roaring, shooting forth a stream of green-tinged flame into the sky.
Lava is erupting all around the dragon and splashing down onto the mountainside,
where it is burning the forests.
Focus: The dragon
Mood: The soul of the volcano.

-Location: In a Silumgar palace

Action: Show a SILUMGAR-BROOD DRAGON that is perched on a huge mound of
humanoid bones, wings spread. The bones are from various clans (including its
own), and there are pieces of armor, weapons, jewelry, and other treasures mixed
into the heap. The dragon is adorned with finery from the fallen (such as necklaces
worn as bracelets, or gems and coins pressed into its scales).
Focus: The dragon
Mood: The soul of the charnel house.

- Location: On the highest level of a temple/pagoda during a "dragon storm"

Action: This is the showcase portrait of the DRAGONLORD OJUTAI. The dragon
standing imperiously on his two hind legs at the top of the structure, about to
dispense wisdom to the assembled monks far below. His pose resembles that of a
revered Shaolin master. His wings are spread, and his arms stretch out to instruct.
A "Dragon storm" in the background is creating more of Ojutai's brood.
Focus: The dragonlord
Mood: A proud, intellectual master.

-Location: A Silumgar palace

Action: A large DROMOKA-BROOD DRAGON is crushing the bridge that leads to the
Silumgar palace. Some tiny Silumgar-clan warriors might be hurled in the
Focus: The dragon
Mood: A living wrecking ball.

- Location: A rugged hillside in Kolaghan territory (see world guide pp. 265, 292)
Action: This is an alternate take on a huge KOLAGHAN-BROOD DRAGON. It is
strafing the ground over a group of much smaller KOLAGHAN-CLAN MOUNTED
WARRIORS (mix of genders, can include orcs). The riders are charging toward the
viewer, with the dragon behind and slightly above them. Lightning is stabbing down
from the dragon to the ground and being picked up and redirected by the riders'
lightning rigs. The dragon is wreathed in crackling arcs of electricity.
The dragon is about the size of the one shown on p. 292.
Focus: The dragon
Mood: Heedless, devastating power.

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