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PLECS Student Licensing Terms and Conditions

With this special academic licensing policy, Plexim grants a professor at an institute of higher education a
certain number of license codes, which can be used by students to obtain free personal PLECS Combo
licenses. The professor can assign these codes to students who are enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate
(but not post-doctoral) program at the university, thereby allowing them to use PLECS Blockset, PLECS
Standalone and the PLECS Coder in conjunction with their studies and coursework.

In order to be eligible for a list of codes, a professor must acknowledge receipt and understanding of these
terms and conditions.

Once a professor has reviewed and accepted these terms and conditions, Plexim will issue an agreed number
of codes. The professor is being charged to assign licenses to students by providing them with a code from the
list, either directly or via a recognized Teaching Assistant or IT lab assistant. Once a code has been issued,
students can apply for license files on Plexim’s website.

The following terms and conditions apply to this licensing policy:

• Code lists expire at the end of each academic year. New codes are needed if a professor desires to
continue providing access to free licenses for their students for the following academic year.

• A general code assigned in conjunction with the university's email domain expires after an individually
agreed upon period of time.

• Each student license is free of charge and valid for one year from the date of fulfillment. Once expired, the
license file will no longer allow the student to use PLECS. As long as a student retains his/her status during
the following academic year a new code may be issued to them at that time.

• Software updates for the student licenses are included during the 12-month period and updated license
files for major software releases will be e-mailed directly to the student.

• It is the responsibility of the user (student) and professor to adhere to these terms and conditions.

• Plexim reserves the rights to discontinue accepting codes at any time if students or professors are in non-
compliance of these terms and conditions.

• Plexim can terminate this licensing policy at any time, however it guarantees a notification period of six
months before termination and any new license requests using existing valid codes will be accepted.

A PLECS student license is bound to the following restrictions:

• The professor in charge of the codes may use one code per code list for his/her own computer. The
corresponding PLECS license may only be used for teaching and classroom instructions.

• The PLECS student license can only be assigned to a student’s personal computer in connection with a
personalized login username matching the specific student.

• Each PLECS student license can be installed on one designated computer only and must be operated from
that computer’s console. Accessing PLECS via remote terminal sessions is not allowed.

• The license shall only be used for work related to classroom instruction and/or research activities.

• Use of the PLECS student license for any other purposes, including for postdoctoral research and for
commercial activities, is expressly prohibited.

General Licensing Agreement

Please be advised that Plexim’s License Agreement is an integral part of these terms and conditions.

Revised: May 2021

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