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Faculty of Business, Law and Social Sciences Assessment Coversheet

School of Business and Feedback Form

Student Name Trần Hoàng Long

Student Number BCU0254

International Business- 2021

Course and Year

Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management

Module Code

Module Title

Module Tutor Mr.Ron

Word Count

Complete the details marked in the coloured text and leave everything else blank. You are

reminded of the University regulations on cheating. Except where the assessment is group-

based, the final piece of work which is submitted must be your own work. Close similarity

between submissions is likely to lead to an investigation for cheating.


PunPun Cafe

1. Introduction

Nowadays, people's lives are progressively active, so opening a coffee shop in such a active put

may be a great thing. There are many reasons for a person to go to a coffee shop: find a place to

relax, gather to talk with friends and colleagues, find a quiet place to concentrate,... Stemming

from this request of clients, numerous high-class eateries and cafes have sprung up, particularly

in huge cities. Each put finds its possess interesting and uncommon highlights to draw in


That's why, PunPun Cafe was born with the aim of being able to turn a coffee shop that can let

people come to relax after stressful overtime hours or a place that can make people awake and

happy every step of the way go to the shop.

2. Business Plan

 Type of business: Cafe

 Business name: PunPun Cafe

 In spite of the fact that the title is brief, it sounds exceptionally charming, bringing a

charming feeling to clients. This title was propelled by a story that the proprietor of the

eatery very cherished. PunPun-a chick with a leisure activity of drinking coffee and being

exceptionally inviting, is exceptionally appropriate for making a cafe nameplate.

 Slogan: “Coffee has gotten to be a delicacy for everyone's soul”.

 Business operation method:

The center items of PunPun Cafe are not as it were tasty and nutritious dishes, but the shop is

additionally beautified so that each visitor who strolls in will feel the peace that PunPun brings.

The center of the store will be decorated with PunPuns so that guests entering will know the

shop's mascot. In addition, the shop will let customers know the wifi password every time they

buy a cup of the shop to facilitate customers to sit longer and enjoy a love song between music

and this cafe.

Spatial characteristics: PunPun cafe is expected to have a spacious, comfortable and light space

with an area of 469 m2, below the shop there will be a basement for parking with 3 guards

taking turns guarding to give customers peace of mind. and enjoy the restaurant's menu.

Estimated area includes:

 Guess Area: 269 m2

 Other areas include preliminary processing area, raw material warehouse, office area,

cashier, staff area: 100 m2

 Parking area: 60m2

 Bathroom area: 40m2

 PunPun cafe menu:

Basic drinks: black coffee, iced coffee, condensed milk coffee, condensed milk coffee, cream


Fruit smoothie: strawberry, pineapple, toad, apple, orange, mango, mangosteen,…

Drinks from tea: peach orange lemongrass tea, dreamy octopus tea, fragrant mango tea,

dreamy strawberry tea,…

PunPun's special drinks: Cocoa-infused PunPun, PunPun's special edition fruit smoothie,

PunPun with green tea, PunPun's Weasel Cafe,…

There are also seasonal and trending drinks to keep up with everyone's trends.

 Target customers

According to the results of the survey, the university village area in Thu Duc is a paradise of

cafes because there are many students from many different schools here. But everything has its

difficulties, this area is very competitive because there are many cafes and amusement parks

built there. So in order to be able to survive in such a highly competitive place, we took the time

to distribute a survey to get an advantage if we wanted to build a cafe here. And here are the

results we have surveyed:


9% 14%
27% Mature


And as we expected, this place is a paradise of young people. So we decided to open a cafe with

the main customer group being students - students who do not have high income. Belonging to

the youth group, love to discover new and unique things. Therefore, the design of the cafe that

is innovative, unique and in tune with modern trends will attract them. The taste of drinks with

them is not too strict. As long as the food is good, the price is attractive enough to satisfy them.

However, it is also necessary to understand the general taste of young people.

3. Purpose

The most important thing is profit. It would be paranoid if any company said that profit is not

needed. But this is the minimum to have a beautiful background. The second main reason is

that it's easy to do. I don't mean to compare, but coffee compared to other types of business. Not

to mention the future, but let's compare it with opening a rice restaurant, a bakery or selling

pho... assuming you make it as simple as possible, in addition to investing in construction, you

also have to continue monitoring raw materials, preliminary processing, preservation, food

hygiene and safety… are much more complicated and risky than making a glass of black ice.

The third reason is that I can be my own boss and no one else is the boss. It's an obvious fact:

being your own boss is often the life goal of many people at work. If you want to be a decision

maker and are confident that you have what it takes to lead a thriving small business, starting a

coffee shop business could be a good choice for you. And the last reason, I simply want to see

the image of the guests laughing and talking in a small cafe that I set up, which is already my


4. Competition Analysis

Coffee business is a fairly popular business type. With a large number of cafes opening more

and more for the purpose of profit and serving the needs of refreshment and entertainment for

customers. However, the coffee shop business is quite competitive. Whether you are a small,

medium or large cafe, you have competitors with you. Your products and services can be

completely replaced by competitors. Due to the high level of competition, thorough, quick and

accurate competitor analysis is essential. PunPun cafe views the competitive situation as


The biggest competitor in Thu Duc is Starbucks - a huge competitor that needs to be overcome.

 This is a branded cafe that was introduced in Vietnam in February 2013, in Ho Chi Minh


 Starbucks' primary target market is men and women between the ages of 25 and 40. They

make up nearly half (49%) of its total business.

 Starbucks appeal to the consumer age group through its space design, consistent modern

design in its advertising and decor.

 After 7 years, Starbucks has opened 64 stores across Vietnam

 Competitive advantage: Specializing in premium product lines targeting the high-end

customer market. Starbucks has the advantage of coffee quality and music enjoyment space.

Meanwhile, PunPun cafe is just a newly opened shop. It is clear that when looking at the reality,

PunPun cafe is weaker than Starbucks and other cafes in terms of loyal customers and brands.

So, if you want to open a shop, PunPun cafe needs to find out what makes it different from the

rest to compete:

 The predicted target audience will be two: the first tier will target students as mentioned in

the target customers section. The 2nd floor will target the target customer group is office

workers. For this customer segment, drink quality and bar space are what they care about.

 Starbucks has the advantage of coffee quality and music enjoyment space. If you want to be

different, then PunPun cafe should focus on the mascot part and product quality, service

attitude to confront.

 Consider adjusting small things for the cafe. Instead of creating a menu with too many

choices leading to overwhelming, and difficult to decide leading to loss of time, create a

light menu with few choices, leading to customers choosing faster and takes no time.

5. Value Proposition

Service quality is the comment and feeling from customers with the services they receive when

entering a cafe, from the actions of reception, order recording, ordering, payment, ... of the staff.

to the evaluation of facilities and service processes. Therefore, PunPun cafe will focus on this

part to make the customers be treated in the most comfortable way:

Security: A cafe with good service quality must ensure the safety of customers when using the

service at the shop. Safety comes from the use of materials of clear origin, which do not harm

the health of the user, and protect the personal property of the customer.

Reliability: In order for customers to believe that this cafe has delicious drinks, the staff is

always polite, never miscalculates the bill or serves the wrong dish,... .PunPun cafe needs to

make sure to meet the requirements customer expectations from time to time.

Competence: According to PunPun's criteria, just being friendly and enthusiastic is not enough.

In order to compete with other stores, PunPun needs to train staff with knowledge of menus,

ingredients in drinks, etc. to be able to advise customers carefully and skillfully let customers

choose more dishes.

Courtesy: The service quality of PunPun cafe is also reflected in the attitude of the staff in the

cafe. That is the attitude of the security guard, the staff serving in the cafe,... .This factor is

reflected in many aspects, but most of it lies in the friendliness of the staff towards customers.

Creating and maintaining the better service quality of PunPun cafe not only helps to satisfy and

retain loyal customers, attract new customers, but also a way to affirm the brand and name of

the shop. on the market is the ultimate goal of PunPun.

6. Communications

To be able to serve customers with the highest level, Cafe PunPun needs to train staff to observe

customers in order to give reasonable advice. Here are three ways that PunPun cafe intends to

train employees:

 Communication skills
Communication skills are the basic skills that PunPun's waitresses must have. Because the

waiter is the person who directly communicates and impresses the customer. Always keep a

polite and welcoming attitude to guests in all situations.

 Observation skills
This is a very important skill for a waiter in a cafe. Employees need to get in the habit of

observing to refill water when customers finish drinking, do customers need any extra support

while sitting at the bar, or prepare plastic cups for children if they have children with them, etc.

From there, there is appropriate behavior and service.

 Scenario handling skills

In any working environment, it is inevitable that unexpected incidents will arise. Therefore,

employees need to know how to handle it skillfully to make customers satisfied and not to lose

the reputation of the shop.

7. How will you deliver the product or service
What kind of product or service does a PunPun cafe need to offer to be able to stand up to this

tough business? According to the survey, more than 70% of cafes closed in the first year, the

remaining 20% did not survive until the 3rd year. Here are some ways that we have consulted

to be able to provide the best customer service.

 Serve the best products

 Show diners the difference

 Use promotions

 Trading in additional products (cakes, other drinks, ..)

 Provide ancillary services

8. Key activities to be undertaken

To be able to open a cafe, we had to prepare a lot of things before the shop opened, so that

everything works smoothly when the cafe is opened. My colleagues and I had to do these

things ourselves in order to have as little error as possible. Here is a list of the tasks we

anticipate having to do when opening a cafe:

a) Learn the knowledge and experience of opening a cafe

b) Prepare capital for coffee business

c) Identify potential customers, research competitors

d) Idea and style of the cafe

e) Choose a space, rent a place to open a shop

f) Complete legal procedures

g) Search for suppliers

h) Necessary supplies and staff

i) Buy cafe management software

j) Set menu, reasonable price

k) Promote the cafe

We don't know what problems will happen when opening, but we will promise that we will

find a way to fix the mistake as quickly as possible and try not to repeat it so that the cafe

operates at its best.

9. Team

In a business environment, it is necessary to have groups that are assigned separate tasks if they

want to be effective at work instead of doing it all alone. So if we want PunPun cafe to be highly

effective, we need to have individuals who show strong team skills, both in interaction and in

aggressiveness. Essential teamwork skills include:

Communication skill Critical thinking

Conflict resolution Solve the problem

Time management Organizational and planning skills

Time management Persuasion and influence

Make decision The ability to build trust

Trust is important to the team. If there is no mutual trust, there will be no effective

communication resulting in nothing being successful. Therefore, we will monitor the

relationships in the group and will intervene if necessary so that the groups can gradually

understand each other, thereby increasing work efficiency.

10. Revenue sources

In terms of profit, our cafe intends to make a profit in addition to customers buying the things on our
menu to be around 60-70%. In addition, we also have other services to increase revenue such as: selling
sweets, receiving birthday parties, placing game boxes on the 1st floor for students,…
With the motto "worth the money", PunPun cafe will continuously update according to the trend and will
continuously open events to be able to serve customers with the highest professionalism.

11. Partnerships needed

Business cooperation is very important, so our company thought and decided to cooperate with

an industry expert. Cooperation with experts in finance, accounting, marketing, cafe

managers, ... will bring many advantages to you in the business process. Because they are good,

experienced people and we will learn a lot from those who went before.

We plan to find a food partner because we will get a lot of favors from them, and it will be even

better if it is a famous food supplier. That will help improve our reputation and at the same

time we can recommend those foods to customers, win-win.

12. Critical costs and investments (there is no need to develop financial projections)

The cost of renting space is one of the most expensive that we know of. Followed by staff rent

and fruits and coffee.

Electricity, water, staff rent, security

In addition, there should also be an amount for external or negative factors such as: nature,

increased food prices, or sometimes need to hire more staff, business license,…

The following is a rough spreadsheet of the costs of opening a cafe:

Cost of renting premises 7-50 million per month
Cost of business registration about 10 million VND
Logo design cost
Interior design and construction costs 500,000 VND to 10 million VND
Cost of purchasing equipment and about 50-100 million VND

preparation materials
Employee hiring costs Manager: 8-10 million (the owner can also

hold this position, depending on the size of the


Mixing, serving, cashier part time: 2-10


Mixing, serving, cashier full time: 5 - 15


Security and parking: 7 million VND

Marketing expense about 20 million VND
Coffee shop operating costs approximately 10 million VND
Costs incurred 5-15 million VND

13. Conclusion

With product quality and customer service in the most professional manner, along with a

design style based on a famous cafe manga. We, PunPun cafe, are always looking forward to a

bright future, hoping to succeed from the beginning and achieve the set goals. Always trying

non-stop to become one of the most famous cafes in Viet Nam.

“Coffee has gotten to be a delicacy for everyone's soul”


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