Writing Task

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Dear studens, if you have been following the news lately, you could see that there are numerous
riots in the USA.

Your task is to explore the Internet news and answer these questions?

1. What is happening in the USA and why? Which event was a trigger for this situation?
There are huge riots all over the USA because a policeman killed a black man who was unarmed.
2. What are your reactions and feelings about this events?
I think it was wrong to do this because the man said : 'I can't breathe' and the policeman didn't stop
hurting him. It makes me sad and upset.
3. What is racism?
Racism is discrimination against somebody of a different race.
4. What do you think about racism?
I think it's really wrong and it shouldn't exist.
5. Why do people become racists?
Some people become racists because they think they are better than others and they are afraid of
what is different.

Odgovore možete poslati u Wordovom dokumentu ili napisati u bilježnicu i poslikati. Možete javno,
a možete i privatnom porukom. Kako vam je lakše. Rok je do petka.
Prilažem vam i dvije poveznice koje pročitajte i poslušajte pa ćete možda lakše doći do nekih
odgovora. Veselim se čitati vaša razmišljanja...



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