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Name /Class :Narina Aura Savitri Acub Umar , XI Mipa 1

Essay COVID-19 health protocol violators should be sanctioned

Read the text 1 and answer the question !
COVID-19 health protocol violators should be sanctioned. As we know, the
number of people infected with the covid virus is still increasing in our country, but
some people still ignore the health protocol by not wearing mask and keeping their

Firstly, the violators will continue to ignore the health protocol suggested by the
government if they aren’t sanctioned. By being sanctioned, they will feel deterred and
ashamed so that in the future they will obey the rules given.

Secondly, by sanctioning the violators, they will understand responsibility. Not

only does it prevent us from being infected by the virus, but adhering to health
protocols also keep others safe. We may not feel infected, but at least we prevent bad
things by continuing to keep distance and wearing masks. That way, we will fulfill our
responsibilities to ourselves and others.

Lastly, giving sanctions to the violators will make them more aware of the
danger of COVID-19. It is said that WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic, which
means that this virus is very dangerous, so it is best to continue to maintain health and
avoid COVID-19.

Therefore, the health protocol violators should be sanctioned because of the

reasons given above.

1. What is the text about ?

2. What is the social function of the text ?
3. Identify the generic structure of the text!
4. Explain the arguments in the text!
5. The text above explains about sanctions for violators of the Covid 19 health protocol.
Do you agree with the above opinion. Explain?

1. The text is that violators of health protocols should be sanctioned so that there is a
deterrent effect.
2. to tell us that we must comply with health protocols.
3. •Thesis : COVID-19 health protocol violators should be sanctioned. As we know, the
number of people infected with the covid virus is still increasing in our country, but some
people still ignore the health protocol by not wearing mask and keeping their distance.
• Argument : Firstly, the violators will continue to ignore the health protocol suggested by the
government if they aren’t sanctioned. By being sanctioned, they will feel deterred and
ashamed so that in the future they will obey the rules given.
• Reiteration : Therefore, the health protocol violators should be sanctioned because of the
reasons given above.
4. The argument is that violators who continue to ignore the protocol must be given
sanctions, otherwise the Covid 19 cases in Indonesia will continue to increase.
5. yes I agree, because we know that currently there is a Covid 19 pandemic and certain
people who don't care about health protocols will actually add to this case, therefore if
someone violates it, they must immediately be given a penalty.

Text 2.

Arrange these parts of letter into a good order by giving a number(4) and identify the
generic structures.(5)

Number Generic Structures

Jumbled Parts
(no 4) (no 5)
How are you there in Jakarta? I wish you
4 healthy and happy. I’m so sorry for just
replying your letter right now.
7 I can’t wait to see you next week. Closure

3 Dear my beloved friend Rania,
Next week, my Mother and I also will go to
Jakarta with Jamal. Can we meet there? We’ll
probably reserve a hotel near University of
6 Indonesia. Let’s meet there in Depok. I want
to go to UI’s library. I heard that UI’s library
is so big and the books collection are also
Anugerah Residence No. A28 Address
Banjarmasin 67854
9 Renanda
I want to share this good news with you. You
remember my big brother, Deny, right? He
just accepted in University of Indonesia, in .Body
the faculty of medicine. I’m so proud of him!
He’s going to go to Jakarta next week so
right now we are busy preparing his needs.
2 July 12th, 2018
P.S I will bring you some souvenirs and gifts Postscript
from Banjarmasin
Complimentary close
8 With love,

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