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Alcalde Jose Street, Kapasigan, Pasig City


Midterm Examination
GE 005
Purposive Communication
1st Semester 2021-2022

Name: Shara Lyn A. Merin Prog. & Yr. BSED1-FIL

Student No. 21-00317 Date: OCT 29, 2021

I. Directions: Identity what would you do as a teacher in the following school

activities. Demonstrate a culturally responsive school related tasks or
activities. Discuss the details of these activities. (30 pts)
1. Academic Fair in school

As a professional teacher, it is essential to demonstrate culturally

responsive when it comes to school-related activities or to be fair with your
student’s attention or teaching. To present it first as a teacher, you should
know the value of your student's capability to work on, especially when it comes
to their school activities. Being academically fair with your students enables
you to recognize as a teacher who demonstrates culturally responsive wherein
students are expected that being academically suitable with all students is
demonstrated smoothly. There are no biases among students in a high position.
It should be essential on how students performed in the class based on their
knowledge and how they're working with their activities. As a teacher, first, it
should be done by respect wherein it includes the teacher politely treating their
students as they treat others. It should be no discriminatory treatment because
it is inappropriate for students who always respected them but did not receive
respect. The second is concerning with students. It could be done employing
confronting them with their problems when it comes to their problems at
school, etc. This teacher’s attitude means caring for their students fairly and
distributing care to all of them without degrading their feelings. It talks about
telling them correctly concerning their learnings, for instance. These students
have difficulty when it comes to an understanding the lesson for today. As a
teacher, you can demonstrate fair treatment to that students by telling them
correctly and discussing today's topic properly to understand that topic. And
last is the In achieving a culturally responsive class; we must valid each other
cultural point of view because everyone is significant to share and know
cultural opinions of others. By telling them and teaching them how to adjust

themselves in sharing about their culture, it can be a great way to promote a
culturally responsive class. We are different by perspective, but those
differences can be valuable if we understand and value each other.

2. Poetry reading in class

In this aspect of demonstrating cultural responsiveness as a teacher in a

poetry reading class, I should enable students to perform based on their
knowledge that they shouldn’t compare themselves to how other students
performed differently from what they wanted to accomplish. In this way, I can
demonstrate culturally responsive by telling them how they should be
comfortable sharing their unique knowledge with others. Because employing
this, they can boost or build their self-esteem and self-confidence by having a
relaxed pace whenever they perform a poet in a class. Reading poetry in a
category is difficult for students who cannot proceed with performance because
of low confidence in themselves because they are scared of getting
discrimination on how they are going to perform. In this way, the teachers must
be on top of the discussion wherein the teacher enables to eliminate the unfair
system when it comes to this kind of school activity. Every person has a unique
way of delivering a poet by having a different way of exerting their emotions. A
teacher must teach students in that activity wherein reading poetry isn't only
your perspective. It is a way of helping you as a person and as a student to view
from different perspectives by different people and understand the viewpoints of
other students who are new to you. As a professional teacher, it should be done
by teaching them and learning from them that knowing different people must
also enable them to acknowledge the essence of poetry in a class.

II. Analyze the situations and discuss your course of action. (20 pts)
1. You are in a faculty meeting with your colleagues from different
cultures. Knowing that people from Latin and Middle Eastern cultures
raise their voices; colleagues from more neutral cultures can
overestimate the degree of opposition being stated. On the flip side,
people from Asia or Scandinavia use silence and unreceptive body
language to convey opposition, the message is often lost on more
emotionally expressive peers. If you were the presider in the meeting,
what would you do to avoid disagreements?

As the presider in the meeting, it is my responsibility to make sure that all

of my colleagues will have the chance to raise and speak up about their cultural
concerns. In the given situation, it shows that it is comprised of people who

have different cultures and they came from other nations. A topic related to our
culture is relatively hard to talk about because this is broad and complex to
discuss; thereby, all of the people involved in the meeting should be open-
minded and ready for a severe level of talks. We should introduce ourselves first
and have a warm welcome to prevent unwelcome behavior towards others to
avoid disagreements. As the presider of the meeting, I will allow an open
discussion and give an adequate time for everyone to share their sentiments,
breaking down all the part that needs to be discussed, talk about the possible
ways to solve specific cultural issues before ending the meeting, it is necessary,
to sum up, all the things that had been talked about and come up with the
agreement of both colleagues to avoid misunderstanding and to achieve an
effective and smooth communication from each other.

2. You are a facilitator in a seminar-workshop with participants from

other countries. Knowing that team members from more egalitarian
and individualistic countries, such as the U.S. or Australia, are
accustomed to voicing their unfiltered opinions and ideas, while those
from more hierarchical cultures, such as Japan, tend to speak up only
after more senior colleagues have expressed their views. People from
some cultures may hesitate to contribute because they worry about
coming across as superficial or foolish; Finns favor a “think before you
speak” approach. What would you do to elicit ideas from these

With this kind of situation wherein a seminar-workshop had been executed

with participants from other countries, it is an exciting and meaningful
conversation because there are a lot of different ideas and shared thoughts
coming from other people. As the facilitator of the said event, I must conduct a
plan and guide for the event to attain all the goals and objectives and make all
things possible. By doing this, I dare say that I can elicit those specific ideas
from participants because they will be encouraged to share their opinions, not
be afraid to stand with themselves, and gain confidence while having an
interactive talk with other people. Additionally, I agree with the "think before
you speak" approach because it is given that they are with participants who
came from different countries. Thus, they need to be wiser and consider what
they want to say and express to show respect and avoid dilemmas in the event.

III. Create a visual aid for any topic of your choice in your specialization.
Your students have different religions, family background, beliefs, economic
status, values and culture. Explain your visual aid briefly and substantially.


Visual aid appropriate to different cultures - 20

Written explanation - 10


I choose the topic of family background because family is the source of our
happiness & strength, and I believe that family is the most prominent thing
that we want to have. Family background is composed of many varieties, but I
only include three types of family background in my visual aid. Nuclear as the
traditional family, Single Parent Family as one parent can only sustain the
family’s needs. The third is the stepfamily, wherein either the mother or the

father is not the children’s biological parent. Family background in my
student’s experience has different types of it. Students also may have different
experiences with how they're treated in that family. Still, the only thing that I
know is that every family has a unique way of telling their children or
expressing their love. I am also part of a single-parent family. That’s why I know
the sacrifice of every parent when it comes to sustaining the needs of the
children. We may have the different family backgrounds we share knowledge
and experiences from those differences. As a professional teacher teaching
students with this aspect of family background, having differences will not
exclude you from society. Still, it will acknowledge your experience by having a
unique family environment. Having a family background is our instrument;
they build us into what we are today. They're the source of our life; that’s why
we treasure them until the end of our life.


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