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Brief History:

AutoCAD is a software application developed by Autodesk that

enables computer-aided design (CAD) and drafting. The software is
used to produce 2D and 3D drawings. AutoCAD software allows users
to conceptualize ideas, produce designs and drawings to the
required levels of technical accuracy, and even perform rapid design
calculations and simulations; across a wide range of industries.

The company behind AutoCAD, Autodesk was founded in 1982

by John Walker. He and the other 15 co-founders intended to
develop five different desktop automation applications, hoping that
one of the applications would take off. Their flagship product turned
out to be AutoCAD. They launched AutoCAD at the COMDEX trade
show in Las Vegas as the first CAD program in the world to run on a
PC. By March 1986, only four years after it was introduced, AutoCAD
had become the most widely used design application worldwide, a
position it still holds today.



 At Window desktop, double click on the AutoCAD 2016 or any

version of AutoCAD icon

 Or pick the icon and right click as shown below:

Or from start menu ( Microsoft Windows) enter AutoCAD 2016.

Then pick AutoCAD 2016 from the menu as shown below:


When you open autoCAD, the start up dialog box is displayed. The
dialog box provides you with four ways to start drawing.

Open Files

 OPEN A DRAWING - open an existing you selected from a list of the four
most recently opened drawings. Also, it displays the Browse button
that you choose to look for another file.
 Click the Open a drawing button
 The middle of the dialog box now displays a list of drawing that have
been opened recently. Highlights one of the names in the list to see
preview image of that image.
 If the drawing you want is not in the list, click browse button to
choose a drawing from the available on your file system by another us


Open a Sheet Set

 OPEN A SHEET SET- open a new drawing based on the measurement

system you choose English (inches) or Metric (millimeters). Start
drawing based on a template.

USE A TEMPLATE – opens a new drawing based on a template you

select from a list. It displays template files(.dwt extension) that
exist in drawing template. File location as specified in option
dialog box. Template files stores all the settings for drawing and
can also include predefined layers, dimension styles and views.
* Select the use of template button
* Scroll down the list of template files and highlight one that
you are interested in.
* Click OK. A new drawing comes up base on the chosen

Get More Templates Online

Explore Sample Drawings


II. After selecting the AutoCAD icon on the Desktop, The autocad main
window will open. Click Start Drawing to start a new drawing.

 Note that the AutoCAD automatically assigns generic names, In our

example, AutoCAD open graphics window using a default system units
and assigned the drawing name Drawing 1.

Drawing Units Setup

Every object we construct in a CAD system is measured in units.

We should determine the system of units within the CAD system
before creating the first geometric entities.

1. In the Menu Bar select: [Format] [Units]

• The AutoCAD Menu Bar contains multiple pull-down menus where
all of the AutoCAD commands can be accessed. Note that many of
the menu items listed in the pull-down menus can also be
accessed through the Quick Access toolbar and/or Ribbon panels.

2. Click on the Length Type option to display the different types of

length units available. Confirm the Length Type is set to Decimal.


3. In the Drawing Units dialog box, set the Length Type to Decimal.
This will set the measurement to the default English units, inches.

4. Set the Precision to two digits after the decimal point as shown
in the figure below.

5. Pick OK to exit the Drawing Units dialog box.

III. If necessary, click on the down-arrow in the Quick Access bar and
select Show Menu Bar to display the AutoCAD Menu Bar. The Menu
Bar provides access to all AutoCAD commands.

IV. To switch on the AutoCAD Coordinates Display, use the Customization

option at the bottom right corner.



When starting AutoCAD, the AutoCAD window opens. The
window is the design work space. It contains elements that creates
your design and to receive information about them. The following
illustration shows the main parts of the AutoCAD windows:

Understanding Toolbars

To display a toolbar
1. To display the menu, click Quick Access Toolbar drop-
down > Show Menu Bar.

2. To display a toolbar, click Tools menu > Toolbars and select the
required toolbar.



1. Left Button

 pick or point button to specify a point location/position

 to select objects/commands/menus

2. Right Button/Right Click Shortcut

Rapid access is given to the available menu options. Different

shortcut is available at different time.

 DEFAULT- At the drawing area, with no command in progress,

or selection set available, right click. (Figure 1)
 EDIT MODE- with objects selected, but no command in
progress, right click. (Figure 2)
 COMMAND MODE- During command in progress right clicks. The
menu displays the option specific command.(Figure 3)
 RECENT COMMAND at the command window right click to
display a shortcut menu or previous commands. (Figure 4)

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4



Function key Descriptions
F1 - Online Help
F2 - Switches between Graphics screen and Text screen
F4 - Turns Tablet ON/OFF
F5 - Cycles to Top, Right & Left Isoplanes
F6 - Turns Coordinates ON/OFF
F7 - Turns grid ON/OFF
F8 - Turns Ortho ON/OFF
F9 - Turns Snap ON/OFF
F10 - Turns Polar Tracking ON/OFF
F11 - Object Snap Tracking ON/OFF
F12 - None
Status Bar
Single Click access- Use a single click to toggle ON and OFF
Right Click- An associated dialog box is displayed.


1. By Absolute Coordinates x,y,z

2. By Relative Rectangular Coordinates @x,y,z
3. By Relative Polar Coordinates @distance<angle

Let us Draw the figure shown below using the 3 coordinate system one by


1. Using Absolute Coordinate x, y, z:

Specify a point by entering its X and Y values in the format X,Y (or
X,Y,Z for 3D). Use absolute X, Y coordinate when you know the precise X
and Y values of the location of the point.

Exercise 2.1:

Command: L/Line
LINE Specify first point: 0,0,0(enter)
Specify next point or (Undo): -3,0,0(enter)
Specify next point or (Undo): -3,-3,0(enter)
Specify next point or (Close/Undo): 2,-3,0(enter)
Specify next point or (Close/Undo): 2,-1,0(enter)
Specify next point or (Close/Undo): c(enter)

 Note: x, y and z coordinates have + and – values. All that is heading left
or down have negative values. All that is heading right or upward have
positive values.

2. Using Relative Rectangular Coordinates @x,y,z

Specify a point by relative to the X and Y from the last

point in the format @ X,Y (or X,Y,Z for 3D point). Where @ is
a relative last point or last point.

Exercise 2.2:

Command: L/Line[enter]
Specify first point: (You can pick anywhere in the viewpoint)
Specify next point or (Undo) :@-3,0(enter)
Specify next point or (Undo) :@0,-3(enter)
Specify next point or (close/Undo) :@5,0(enter)
Specify next point or (close/Undo) :@0,2(enter)
Specify next point : c(enter)


3. Using Relative Polar Coordinates

Exercise 2.3:

Command: L/Line[enter]
Specify first point:(You can pick anywhere in the viewpoint)
Specify next point:@3<180(enter)
Specify next point:@3<270(enter)
Specify next point:@5<0(enter)
Specify next point:@2<90(enter)
Specify next point: c(enter)

4. Direct Distance Entry

Specify a point by moving the pointer (mouse) device to the
direction of the point and entering a distance.
At a prompt to locate a point, enter a numeric value
With direct distance entry, you can quickly specify a point relative
to the last point you entered. At any prompt for a point location,
you move the cursor first to specify the direction, and then enter a
numeric distance.

5. Polar Tracking and Snap

Polar tracking restricts cursor movement to specified angles.
PolarSnap restricts cursor movement to specified increments
along a polar angle. When you create or modify objects, you can
use polar tracking to display temporary alignment paths defined
by the polar angles you specify.


Draw Commands:

1. Line
2. Pline
3. Sketch
4. Mline
5. Ray/xline

1. Circle
2. Donut
3. Ellipse
4. Spline
5. Arc

1. Rectangle
2. Polygon
3. Hatch/Gradient

E. TEXT/Dtext/Mtext

Erase Commands
Using Selection Method
a. Last e. All
b. Pickbox f. Undo
c. Window g. Oops
d. Crossing
a. Using Last - Select the most recently created visible object

b. Using Pickbox - A small box called the pick box, replaces the cross hairs on the
graphics cursor. You can select objects individually with pointing device.


c. Using Window - Select objects completely inside a rectangle by

two points. Specifying the angle defined by two points. Specifying
the corners from left to right creates a window selection.

d. Using Crossing - Select objects within and crossing an area

defined by two point. A crossing selection is displayed as dashed
line or otherwise highlighted to differentiate it from window
selection,. Specifying the corners from right to left creates a
crossing selection.

e. Using All - Select Objects (except objects in Locked or Frozen

f. Using Undo - Cancels the selection of the objects most recently
added to the selection set.
g. Using Oops - Restores all objects by the most recent use of


Exercises : Draw a 3 inches with 45 degrees inclination.

Command: L/Line(enter)
LINE Specify first point: (pick anywhere at the viewport)
Specify next point or (Undo): @3<45(enter twice)
Note: Specify first point and second point: Press ENTER twice to continue from
the last drawn line or specify a point if you press ENTER once. Use pedit
command to convert into pline. Line commands comes with (c) close and
(u)undo features.

Exercises : Draw a line with different length and angles. (see figure


Pline – is a set of connected segments, considered as ONE ENTITY.

Draw a 2 x 4 inches rectangle with width = 0

Exercises 2.15:
Command: Pline
Specify start point: (pick anywhere in viewport)
Current line-width is 0.0000
Specify next point or
Specify next point or
Specify next point or
Specify next point or (Arc/Close/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width): c

 Note: To convert pline into lines, use Explode command. It is useful in

defining Hatch and Bhatch Bounderies.

Exercises : Draw a 2 by 4 inches rectangle with width = 0.15 inches

Command: Pline
Specify start point: (pick anywhere in viewport)
Current line-width is 0.0000
Specify next point or (Arc/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width):w
Specify starting width<0>: 0.15
Specify ending width<0.1500>: press enter to accept the default
Specify next point or(Arc/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width):@2<90(enter)
Secify next point or Arc/Close/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width):@4<0(enter)
Specify next point or
Specify next point or (Arc/Close/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width): c

Note: If you explode, it will turn into a single line and the width will be lost.
Once you specify the starting point press w to specify the desired width then
press ENTER twice if uniform width is desired.


Exercises :Create an arrow using pline command.

Press F8 to turn on orthomode so it can restrict the cursor horizontally

Command: pl/PLINE
Specify start point: (pick anywhere in viewport)
Current line-width is 0.0000
Specify next point or (Arc/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width):w
Specify starting width<1.0000>: 1.5
Specify ending width<0.1500>:<Ortho>1
Specify next point or (Arc/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width): 1(this is the
length of the first segment)
Specify next point or (Arc/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width):w
Specify starting width<1.0000>: 2
Specify ending width<2.0000>: 0
Specify next point or (Arc/Close/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width): 0.75
(this is the length of the segment)
Specify next point or (Arc/Close/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width): (press
ENTER twice to finish)


Command for freehand drawing, comprising of small line segments.

Sketch is useful for entering small map outlines, signatures, or
other freehand drawing.

Larger record of Increment Smaller record of Increment F8=ON F8=OFF


Command : SKETCH (Using Ortho OFF)

Record increment<0.1000> : enter
Pen eXit Quit record Erase Connect :Pick any point in the viewport
Pen eXit Quit record Erase Connect :Pick any point in the viewport
Pen eXit Quit record Erase Connect :Pick any point in the viewport
Pen eXit Quit record Erase Connect :Pick any point in the viewport



You can create circles in several ways. The default
option is to specify the center and radius. You can also
specify the center and diameter or define the diameter
alone with two points. You can define the circles
circumference with three points. You can also create
circles tangent to three existing objects or create tangent
to two objects and specify a radius.

a. Center, Radius
b. Center, Diameter
c. 2Points
d. 3Points
e. Tan, Tan, Rad

Exercises 2.28:
Command: C/CIRCLE
Specify center point for circle or (3P/2P/Ttr (tan tan radius): pick
Specify radius of circle or (Diameter): 1

Command: C/CIRCLE
CIRCLE Specify center point for circle or (3P/2P/Ttr (tan tan radius) :
Specify radius of circle or (Diameter)<1.0000>: D
Specify diameter of circle <2.0000>: 1.75

Command: C/CIRCLE
CIRCLE Specify center point for circle or (3P/2P/Ttr (tan tan radius) :
Specify first end point of circle’s diameter: pick A
Specify first end point of circle’s diameter: pick B or @ 2<0


Command: C/CIRCLE
CIRCLE Specify center point for circle or (3P/2P/Ttr (tan tan radius)
: 3P
Specify first point on circle: pick A
Specify second point on circle: pick B
Specify Third point on circle: pick C


Draws a filled circles and rings. A donut is a close polylines

composed of wide arc segments. How AutoCAD fills the interior of
a donut depends on the current setting of FILL command.

Exercises 2.29:
Command :DO (enter)
Specify inside diameter of donut<0.5000> :1:00
Specify outside diameter of donut<1.0000> :3.00
Specify center of donut or <exit> :pick any point
Specify center of donut or <exit> :press enter

Command :DO (enter)

Specify inside diameter of donut<0.5000> :0
Specify outside diameter of donut<1.0000> :3.00
Specify center of donut or <exit> :pick any point
Specify center of donut or <exit> :press enter

Creates a quadratic or cubic spline (NURBS)
Curve. SPLINE fits a smooth curve to a sequence of
point within a specified tolerance. AutoCAD uses
NURBS ( non-uniform rational B-splines) mathematics,
Which stores and defines a cless of curves and surface


Exercises 2.30

Command :SPL (enter)

Specify first point or (Objects) :pick pt. A
Specify first point :pick pt. B
Specify first point or (Close/Fit tolerance)<start tangent>:pick pt. C
Specify first point or (Close/Fit tolerance)<start tangent>:pick pt. D
Specify first point or (Close/Fit tolerance)<start tangent>:pick pt. E
Specify first point or (Close/Fit tolerance)<start tangent>:pick pt. F
Specify start tangent :pick or press enter
Specify start tangent :pick or press enter

Creates an Ellipse or an elliptical arc
If PELLIPSE=1, ellipse is a pline representation
If PELLIPSE=0, ellipse is a true ellipse object
Use ELLIPSE + Isocircles to create isometric circles ( for isometric

Exercises 2.31:
Command : EL (enter)
Specify axis endpoint of ellipse or (Arc/Center) :pick anywhere
Specify other endpoint of axis :@4.0<45
Specify distance to other axis or (Rotation) :1.00



A pline entity. Rectang command draws rectangular objects. The

two specified points determine the diagonal corners of a rectangle with
sides parallel to the X and Y axis.

Exercises 2.32

Command :REC (enter)

Specify first corner point or (Chamfer/Elevation/Fillet/Thickness/Width):0
Specify other corner point or (Dimension) :D
Specify length for rectangles <4.0000> :4
Specify length for rectangles <3.0000> :3
Specify other corner point or (Dimension) :pick any point


A polyline entity. Polygon command draws 2D polygons with
3 to 1024 sides. All sides are equal and equidistant from the

Exercises 2.33:
Command : POL (enter)
POLYGON Enter number of sides <4> :press enter
Specify center of polygon or (Edge) : pick any point
Enter an option (Inscribe in circle/
Circumscribe about circle)</> :C
Specify radius of circle : 2.00

Command : POL (enter)

POLYGON Enter number of sides <4> :press enter
Specify center of polygon or (Edge) : pick any point
Enter an option (Inscribe in circle/
Circumscribe about circle)<C> :I
Specify radius of circle :2.00

Command : POL (enter)

POLYGON Enter number of sides <4> :5
Specify center of polygon or (Edge) :E
Specify first end point of edge :pick any point
Specify second end point of edge : @2<0


To create a solid filled region. Specify area to solid by specifying

boundary points. Specify point as shown-all even points must be on
the same side.

Exercises :
Command : SOLID (enter)
Specify first point : pick any pt. in the view port(1)
Specify second point : pick any pt. in the view port(2)
Specify third point : pick any pt. in the view port(3)
Specify fourth point or <exit> : pick pt. 4 or press ENTER


3. HATCH/gradient
Fills an enclosed area or selected objects with a hatch
pattern, solid fill, or gradient fill.

Types of Hatch Patterns:

1. User defined- Creates a pattern of lines based on the current

line types in your drawing. You can control the angle and
spacing of the lines in your user-defined patterns.

2. Predefined- Specifies a stored predefined AutoCAD pattern.

You can control the angle and scale of any stored pattern.

3. Custom- Specifies a pattern that is defined in any custom.

PAT file that you have added to the AutoCAD search path.



A gradient fill is a solid hatch fill that gives the blended-color effect
of a surface with light on it. You can use gradient fills to suggest a
solid form in two-dimensional drawings.

The color in a gradient fill makes a smooth transition from light to

dark, or from dark to light, and back. You select a predefined
pattern (for example, linear, spherical, or radial sweep) and
specify an angle for the pattern and from light to Dark and from the
first color to second


Osnaps allow you to snap onto a specific object location when you are
picking a point. For example, using Osnaps you can accurately pick the end
point of a line or the center of a circle. Osnaps in AutoCAD are so important
that you cannot draw accurately without them.

There are four basic methods of accessing the Osnaps:

 The Osnaps are available from a flyout button on the Standard toolbar, see
illustration on the right.
 The Osnaps are also available on their own Object Snap toolbar. If this toolbar
is not already displayed, you can display it using the TOOLBAR
command, ViewToolbars… from the pull-down menu. When the Toolbar
dialogue box appears, simply check the box next to "Object Snap" in the
toolbars list.
 You can also access the Osnaps from the cursor menu. Hold the Shift key down
on the keyboard and right-click the mouse to bring up the cursor menu. The
menu appears at the current cursor position.
 Finally, you can also access the Osnaps from the keyboard by typing their
abbreviated name. See the exercise above and the sections below for details.


There are thirteen Osnaps in all and although they are all useful in certain situations
you will probably find yourself using about half of them on a regular basis and the
other half in special circumstances.

Toolbar Object Snap
Pull- down Shift + Right Click Endpoint
Keyboard END (when picking)
The Endpoint Osnap snaps to the end points of lines and arcs and to polyline vertices.
This is one of the most useful and commonly used Osnaps.

Toolbar Object Snap
Pull-down Shift + Right Click Midpoint
Keyboard MID (when picking)
The Midpoint Osnap snaps to the mid points of lines and arcs and to the mid point of
polyline segments.

Toolbar Object Snap
Pull-down Shift + Right Click Intersection
Keyboard INT (when picking)
The Intersection Osnap snaps to the physical intersection of any two drawing objects
(i.e. where lines, arcs or circles etc. cross each other) and to Polyline vertices.

Apparent Intersect
ToolbarObject Snap
Pull-downShift + Right Click Apparent Intersect
Keyboard APP or APPINT (when picking)
Apparent Intersection snaps to the point where objects appear to
intersect in the current view.

ToolbarObject Snap
Pull-down Shift + Right Click Extension
Keyboard EXT or EXTEN (when picking)
The Extension Osnap enables you to snap to some point along the
imaginary extension of a line, arc or polyline segment.

ToolbarObject Snap
Pull-downShift + Right Click Center
Keyboard CEN (when picking)
The Center Osnap snaps to the centre of a circle, arc or polyline
arc segment. The cursor must pass over the circumference of the
circle or the arc so that the centre can be found. This often
causes some confusion for new users.


Toolbar Object Snap
Pull-down Shift+ Right Click Quadrant
Keyboard QUA or QUAD (when picking)
The Quadrant Osnap snaps to one of the four circle quadrant points located at
north, south, east and west or 90, 270, 0 and 180 degrees respectively.

Toolbar Object Snap
Pull-down Shift + Right Click Tangent
Keyboard TAN (when picking)
The Tangent Osnap snaps to a tangent point on a circle. This osnap works in two
ways. You can either draw a line from a point to the tangent point or you can
draw a line from a tangent point, the latter is referred to as the "Deferred
Tangent" snap mode.

Toolbar Object Snap
Pull-down Shift + Right Click Perpendicular
Keyboard PER or PERP (when picking)
The Perpendicular Osnap snaps to a point which forms a perpendicular with the
selected object. As with the Tangent Osnap, Perpendicular can be used to draw a
line to a perpendicular point, or from a perpendicular point, known as the
"Deferred Perpendicular" snap mode.

Toolbar Object Snap
Pull-down Shift + Right Click Parallel
Keyboard PAR or PARA (when picking)
The Parallel Osnap is used to draw a line parallel to any other line in your
drawing. In operation, this osnap is slightly less intuitive than some of
the others. To draw a parallel line, first start the Line command, specify
the first point when prompted and then start the Parallel Osnap.

Toolbar Object Snap
Pull-down Shift + Right Click Insert
Keyboard INS (when picking)
The Insert Osnap snaps to the insertion point of a block, text or an

Toolbar Object Snap
Pull-down Shift + Right Click Node
Keyboard NODE (when picking)
The Node Osnap snaps to the center of a Point object. This osnap can be
useful if you have created a number of Points with the Measure or Divide
commands. You could insert a number of regularly spaced tree symbols
(blocks) along a line by using the Node Osnap for the insertion point of
each block.


Toolbar Object Snap
Pull-down Shift + Right Click Nearest
Keyboard NEA or NEAR (when picking)
The Nearest Osnap snaps to the nearest point on a drawing object.
This Osnap is useful if you want to make sure that a pick point
lies on a drawing object but you don't necessarily mind exactly
where it is located.


The Offset command creates a new object whose shape is
parallel to that of the selected object. The Offset button is
located in the Edit Object toolbar when tapping on any
editable shape.

Exercises 4.1
Command : OFFSET or O (enter)
Specify offset distance or (Through)<Through> : 0.15
Select object to offset or <exit> : pick object A
Specify point on side to offset : pick pt. B
Select object to offset or <exit> : press enter

Command that creates copies of objects arranged in a pattern.
You can create copies of objects in the following arrangements.
-Polar arrangement
-Rectangular arrangement
-Path arrangement

Polar array
The polar array is defined as the arrangement of copies of
an object in a circular form. It creates by copying the selected
objects around a center point.


Using array with Polar arrangement

Command : Array (enter)

ARRAY select object : Select Objects (2A and 2B)
ARRAY Enter array type (Rectangular, Path, Polar)<Polar>: Polar or (Enter )
ARRAY Specify center point of array or (Base point axis of rotation): Pick A
ARRAY Select grip to edit array or (Associative ,Base point, Items, Angle,
ROWs, Level, ROTate items, eXit) <eXit>: Enter

Using array with Rectangular arrangement

Command : Array (enter)

ARRAY select object : Select Objects (2A and 2B)
ARRAY Enter array type (Rectangular, Path, Polar)<Polar>: Rectangular (Enter )
ARRAY Specify center point of array or (Base point axis of rotation): select
ARRAY Select grip to edit array or (Associative ,Base point, Items, Angle, ROWs,
Level, ROTate items, eXit) <eXit>: Enter or pick any of the choices for editing


Command to duplicate objects within drawing, by defining a base

point or displacement (starting point) and a second point of

Example: Single copy with a given object

Command : CO (enter)
Select Object : pick A
Select Object : press enter
Select Base point or displacement : MID of (B) or pick any point
Select second point or < use first point as displacement>: @5<0
Select second point or < use first point as displacement> : enter


Command to create a reverse copy of an object in AutoCAD.

Command : MI (enter)
Selected Object : ALL
Select Objects : press enter
Specify first point of mirror line : pick endpoint 1
Specify second point of mirror line : pick endpoint 2
Delete source objects? (Yes/No) <N> : press enter


Command to round or clean the edges of two selected objects.
The image below shows an example of Fillet with R=20.

Chamfering connects two no parallel objects by extending
or trimming them to Intersect or join with an optional beveled
On the image below the first distance is 20, and the
second distance is 30.

Command to cut objects from a specifies cutting edge(s)
 Cutting edges
 Object to trim

Exercises 4.3
Command : TRIM or TR (enter)
Select objects :pick cutting edges(s)
Select object to trim or (Project/Edge/Undo): pick object
to trim(s)
Select object to trim or (Project/Edge/Undo): press enter



Command to rotate selected objects at specified base point

Rotate Object as shown

Command : RO (enter)
Select Objects : pick C
Select Objects : pick enter
Specify Base point : END of (D)
Specify rotation angle of (reference) : 45

Command to relocate objects

Command : M/MOVE
Select Objects : pick A
Select Objects : MID of (B) or pick any point
Specify second point of displacement of<use first point as

Command use to align objects or other objects in 2D and 3D.
Command : AL/ALIGN
Select Objects : pick A
Select Objects : press enter
Specify first source point :END of 1
Specify second source point : END of 2
Specify second destination point: END of 3
Specify second destination point: END of 4
Specify third source point or <continue>: press enter
Scale objects based on alignment points? (yes/No) <N>: press enter

Command : S (enter)
Select Objects to stretch by crossing-window or crossing-polygon…
Select Objects : pick A
Specify opposite corner : pick B
Select objects : press enter
Specify base point or displacement: pick any point or MID of drawing
Specify second point of displacement or <use first point as displacement>: @3<0



1. GROUP- Command to group objects together as one unit. Grouped objects
can be retrieved or inserted.
2. BLOCK- Command to join objects together and store it in a current file’s
block reference table for later retrieval. Template created using BLOCK
command cannot be retrieved in another file using insert or Minsert
3. WBLOCK- Command to write a drawing file from select object on screen or
from a block in a current file’s block reference table. Drawing files can be
retrieve in any current DWG file.
4. SAVE - Command to save the drawing under the current file name, or
enter a different file name to save a copy of the drawing under that name.

1. Insert- To import a template using BLOCK/WBLOCK/SAVE commands
2. MINSERT- Multiple insert, imports a template and array it rectangularly.
3. DESIGN CENTER- Can be used to insert blocks into a current drawing.


1. EXPLODE -To beak inserted blocks or drwg into its component
2. PURGE - To delete unused template from the Block Reference
3. RENAME -To change name of a template in Block Reference Table.
4. REFEDIT - To edit references in Place.


1. POINT - command to create a point onscreen
2. DDPTYPE - modifies point size and style
Command: DDPTYPE (enter)


Marks off a specified number of equal lengths on selected objects
by placing point objects or blocks along the length or perimeter of
the objects. Valid objects that can be divided include arcs,
circles, ellipse, and elliptical arcs, polylines, and splines.

Exercise: Divide an object and use POINT as a marker

Command : DIV (enter)
Select Object to divide: pick the line
Enter the number of segments (Block): 7

Command : DIV (enter)

Select Object to divide: pick the line
Enter the number of segments (Block): B
Enter name of block to insert: LAV
Align block with object? (Yes/No) <Y> : press enter


Marks off the specified segment length on selected object by

placing point objects or blocks.

Exercises: MEASURE an object and use BLOCK as a marker.


Command : ME/MEASURE
Select object to measure : pick the curve
Specify length of segment or (Block) :B
Enter name of block to insert : LAV
Align block with object?(Yes/No) <Y> : press enter
Specify length of segment : 0.9


Command : LIST
Select object : pick any existing drawing
Select object : press enter


Command : AA/AREA(enter)
Specify first corner point or (Object/Add/Subtract): end of A
Specify next corner point or press ENTER for total : end of B
Specify next corner point or press ENTER for total : end of C
Specify next corner point or press ENTER for total : end of D
Specify next corner point or press ENTER for total : end of E
Specify next corner point or press ENTER for total : end of F
Specify next corner point or press ENTER for total : end of A
Specify next corner point or press ENTER for total : press enter

Command : BO/BOUNDARY (enter)

AutoCAD displays the BOUNDARY Creation box
1. Choose PICK points button
2. Select internal point pick center of studio plan

Specify first corner point or (object/Add/Subtract): O (the
highlighted objects appear)
Select objects:
Area = 15.8143, Perimeter = 19.2712



An electronic overlay similar to acetate. Every
layers has an associated color and linetype.
Layers are the primary method for organizing
the objects in a drawing by function or purpose. In
a house plan, you might create layers for the
foundation, floor plan, doors, fixtures, electrical,
and so on. In this example, the display is limited to
the objects on the Floor Plan layer by turning off
the other layers.

Organize your drawing by assigning objects to layers.

When a drawing becomes visually complex,

you can hide the objects that you currently do not
need to see.

In the drawing below, the doors and electrical wiring were

temporarily hidden by turning off their layers.

You gain this level of control by organizing the objects in

your drawing on layers that are associated with a specific
function or a purpose. It might be helpful to think of layers as
clear plastic sheets:


With layers, you can

 Associate objects by their function or location
 Display or hide all related objects in a single operation
 Enforce linetype, color, and other property standards for each layer

Important: Resist the temptation to create everything on one layer.

Layers are the most important organizing feature available in
AutoCAD drawings.

Layer Controls

To see how a drawing is organized, use the LAYER command to

open the Layer Properties Manager. You can either enter LAYER or LA
in the Command window, or you can click the Layer Properties tool
on the ribbon.

Here's what the Layer Properties Manager displays in this drawing.

As indicated, layer 10 WALLS is the current layer. All new

objects are automatically placed on that layer. In the list of
layers, the green check next to layer 10 WALLS confirms that it
is the current layer.
In the column labeled On, notice that the light bulb icons
for two layers are dark. These layers were turned off to hide the
doors and electrical wiring in the floor plan.
Notice that each layer name starts with a two-digit
number. This convention makes it easy to control the order of
the layers because their order does not depend on the alphabet.


Tip: For complex drawings, you might want to consider a more

elaborate layer naming standard. For example, layer names
could begin with 3 digits followed by a naming code that
accommodates multiple floors in a building, project
numbers, sets of survey and property data, and so on.

Practical Recommendations

 Layer 0 is the default layer that exists in all drawings and

has some esoteric properties. Instead of using this layer, it's
best to create your own layers with meaningful names.
 Any drawing that contains at least one dimension object
automatically includes a reserved layer named Defpoints.
 Create a layer for behind-the-scenes construction geometry,
reference geometry, and notes that you usually do not need
to see or print.
 Create a layer for layout viewports. Information about layout
viewports is covered in the Layouts topic.
 Create a layer for all hatches and fills. This lets you to turn
them all on or off in one action.

Layer Settings
The following are the most commonly used layer settings in
the Layer Properties Manager. You click the icon to turn the setting
on and off.

 Turn off layers. You turn off layers to reduce the visual complexity
of your drawing while you work.

 Freeze layers. You freeze layers that you do not need to access for a
while. Freezing layers is similar to turning them off, but improves
performance in very large drawings.

 Lock layers. You lock layers when you want to prevent accidental
changes to the objects on those layers. Also, the objects on locked
layers appear faded, which helps reduce the visual complexity of
your drawing, but still lets you see the objects faintly.

 Set default properties. You set the default properties for each layer,
including color, linetype, lineweight, and transparency. New objects
that you create will use these properties unless you override them.
Overriding layer properties is explained later in this topic.


Controls in the Layer Properties Manager

To create a new layer, click the button shown and enter the name
of the new layer. To make a different layer the current one, click
the layer and then click the indicated button.

Quick Access to Layer Settings

The Layer Properties Manager takes up a lot of space, and you

don't always need to access all the options. For quick access to
the most common layer controls, use the controls on the ribbon.
When no objects are selected, the Layers panel on the Home tab
displays the name of the current layer as shown here.

Occasionally, check to make sure that the objects you create will be
on the correct layer. It's easy to forget to do this, but it's also easy to
set. Click the drop-down arrow to display a list of layers, and then
click a layer on the list to make it the current layer. You can also
click on any icon in the list to change its setting.

To Create a New Layer

Click Home tab Layers panel Layer Properties. Find
In the Layer Properties Manager, click the New Layer button.
A layer name, such as LAYER1, is automatically added to the layer
Enter a new layer name by typing over the highlighted layer name.
Specify the settings and default properties of the new layer by
clicking the icons in each column.
 Layer names cannot include the following characters: < > / \ “ : ; ? *
 For complex drawings with many layers, you can enter descriptive
text in the Description column.


Output a drawing layout to a printer, a plotter, or a file. Save and
restore the printer settings for each layout.
Originally, people printed text from printers and plotted drawings
from plotters. Now, you can do both with either. So this guide will also
use the terms print and plot interchangeably as everyone else does.
The command to output a drawing is PLOT and you can access it
from the Quick Access toolbar.

To display all of the options in the Plot dialog box, click the More
Options button.

As you can see, there are a lot of settings and options available for your

For convenience, you can save and restore collections of

these settings by name. These are called page setups. With page
setups you can store the settings that you need for different
printers, printing in gray scales, creating a PDF file from your
drawing, and so on.
Create a Page Setup
To open the Page Setup Manager, right-click on the Model
tab or a layout tab and choose Page Setup Manager. The
command is PAGESETUP.
Each layout tab in your drawing can have an associated
page setup. This is convenient when you use more than one
output device or format, or if you have several layouts with
different sheet sizes in the same drawing.


To create a new page setup, click New and

enter the name of the new page setup. The Page
Setup dialog box that displays next looks like the
Plot dialog box. Choose all the options and settings
that you want to save.
When you are ready to plot, you simply specify
the name of the page setup in the Plot dialog box,
and all your plot settings will be restored. In the
following illustration, the Plot dialog box is set to
use the Hitchhiker page setup, which will output a
DWF (Design Web Format) file rather than print to a

Output to a PDF File

The following example shows you how to create a page setup for creating
PDF files.
From the Printer/plotter drop-down list, choose AutoCAD PDF (General

Next, choose the size and scale options that you want to use:
 Paper Size. The orientation (portrait or landscape) is built into the
choices in the drop-down list.
 Plot Area. You can clip the area to be plotted with these options, but
usually you plot everything.
 Plot Offset. This setting changes based on your printer, plotter, or other
output. Try centering the plot or adjusting the origin, but remember that
printers and plotters have a built-in margin around the edges.
 Plot Scale. Choose your plot scale from the drop-down list. A scale such
as &frac14;” = 1’-0” is meant for printing to scale from the Model tab. On
a layout tab, you normally print at a 1:1 scale.
The plot style table provides information about processing colors. Colors
that look good on your monitor might not be suitable for a PDF file or for
printing. For example, you might want to create a drawing in color, but
create monochrome output. Here is how you specify monochrome output:


Tip: Always double-check your settings with the Preview option.

The resulting Preview window includes a toolbar with several

controls, including Plot and Exit.


 Compose of 3DFaces
 Usually hollow inside
 The drawing base is not mathematically complete
 Small size in file size
 Solid inside
 Big in file size
 Suitable for solid editing
 Can display mass properties (volume, centroid of
gyration, etc.)



1. Point
2. Linear
3. Filled Objects
4. Bounded objects
5. Circle
6. Ellipse
7. Donut
8. Arc
9. Text

You can extrude, move, rotate, offset, taper, copy, delete, and
assign colors and materials to faces. You can also copy and assign colors to
edges. You can imprint, separate, shell, clean, and check the validity of
the entire 3D solid object (body).
You cannot use SOLIDEDIT with mesh objects. However, if you select a
closed mesh object, you will be prompted to convert it to a 3D solid.

Edits selected 3D solid faces by extruding, moving, rotating, offsetting,
tapering, deleting, copying, or changing their color.

FACE: Extrude
` Extrude Extends a 3D solid face in the X, Y, or Z direction. You can
change the shape of the object by moving its faces.

Select faces. Specifies which faces to modify.

Remove Removes previously selected faces from the selection set.
Removes the selected face from the solid object.


Undo Cancels the selection of the faces you added most recently to
the selection set and redisplays the prompt.

Add Adds faces you select to the selection set.

All Selects all faces and adds them to the selection set.

Select faces. Selects specific faces (instead of all of them).

Height of extrusion Sets the direction and distance of the

extrusion. Entering a positive value extrudes the face in the
direction of its normal. Entering a negative value extrudes the
face in the direction opposite to its normal.
 Angle of taper for extrusion. Specify an angle between -90
and +90 degrees.

Path Sets a path for the extrusion path based on a specified line
or curve. All the profiles of the selected face are extruded along
the chosen path to create the extrusion.
 Select an extrusion path.


Lines, circles, arcs, ellipses, elliptical arcs, polylines, or splines can

be paths. The path should not lie on the same plane as the face, nor
should it have areas of high curvature.
Face: Move
Move Moves the selected face on a 3D solid object to a specified
height or distance. You can select multiple faces at one time.

You can change the shape of the object by moving its faces. This
option is recommended for minor adjustments.

Select faces Specifies the face to be moved.

 Base point of displacement. Sets the base point for the move. If you specify a
single point, usually entered as a coordinate, and then press Enter, the coordinate
is used as the new location.
 Second point of displacement. Sets a displacement vector that indicates how far
the selected face is moved and in what direction.

Face: Rotate
Rotate Rotates one or more faces or a collection of features on
a solid about a specified axis. You can change the shape of the
object by rotating its faces. This option is recommended for
minor adjustments.
Select faces (rotate) Rotates the face according to the
specified angle and axis.
In the drawing area, select one or more faces.
Axis point, 2 Point, Sets two points to define the axis of

View Aligns the axis of rotation with the viewing direction of

the current viewport.
Origin of rotation Sets the point of rotation.
Rotation angle Rotates the object about the selected axis the
specified amount from the current orientation.
Reference Specifies the reference angle and the new angle.


Face: Offset
Offset Offsets faces equally by a specified distance or
through a specified point. A positive value increases the size
or volume of the solid. A negative value decreases the size or
volume of the solid.
Select faces (offset) Specifies the faces you want to offset.
Note: The size of holes inside a solid object that is offset
decreases as the volume of the solid increases.

 Specify the offset distance. Sets a positive value to increase the

size of the solid or a negative value to decrease the size of the solid.

Face: Taper
Taper Tapers faces on a 3D solid at a specified angle. The
rotation of the taper angle is determined by the selection
sequence of the base point and second point along the
selected vector.

Face: Delete
Delete Deletes or removes faces, including fillets and
Use this option to remove and later modify filleted and
chamfered edges. The face is not deleted if the change
results in a non-valid 3D solid.

Select faces (delete) Specifies the face to be removed.

The face must be in a location that can be filled by
surrounding faces after it is removed.


Face: Copy

Copy Copies faces as a region or a body. If you specify two points,

SOLIDEDIT uses the first point as a base point and places a single
copy relative to the base point. If you specify a single point (usually
entered as a coordinate) and then press Enter, SOLIDEDIT uses the
coordinate as the new location.

Creates a new object with the original orientation and profile of the
face. The result can be used as a reference to create a new 3D
Select faces (copy) Specifies the face to be copied.
 Base point or displacement. Sets the first point to determine
the distance and direction for the placement of the copied face
 Second point of displacement. Sets the second displacement

Face: Color
Color Changes the color of faces.
Colored faces can be used to highlight details within a complex 3D
solid model.
Select faces (color) Specifies the faces to be modified. The Select
Color dialog box is displayed.

Face: Material
Material Assigns a material to selected faces.
Select faces (material) Specifies the faces to be modified. The
Select Color dialog box is displayed.
 Enter new material name. Enter the name of the material to
be assigned to the selected face. (The name of a material can
be found by opening the Materials window and selecting the
material swatch to display the name in the Name field.)
 ByLayer. Assigns the material based on the layer assignment.

Face: Undo
Reverses actions as far back as the beginning of the SOLIDEDIT

Face: Exit
Exits the face-editing options and displays the Enter a Solids Editing
Option prompt.


Edits 3D solid objects by changing the color of or copying
individual edges.
Edge: Copy
Copies selected edges on a 3D solid as 2D arcs, circles,
ellipses, lines, or splines.

Retains the angle of the edge and allows you to make

modifications and extensions, and create new geometry
based on the extracted edge.

Select Edges (copy) Specifies the edges to copy. Press

Ctrl+click to select the edge. Then set the displacement:
 Base point of displacement. Sets the first point for
determining where the new object is placed.
 Second point of displacement. Sets the relative direction and
distance for the new object.

Undo Cancels selection of the edges you added most

recently to the selection set. The previous prompt is
displayed. If all edges have been removed, the following
prompt is displayed:

Remove Removes previously selected edges from the

selection set. The prompt is redisplayed.

Add Adds edges to the selection set.

Edge: Color
Changes the color of individual edges on a 3D solid object.
Select edges (color) Colored edges can be used to
highlight intersections, interferences, or critical clearances.
Press Ctrl+click to select the edge.

Edge: Undo
Reverses actions as far back as the beginning of the
SOLIDEDIT session.

Edge: Exit
Exits the face-editing options and displays the Enter a
Solids Editing Option prompt.


Edits the entire solid object by imprinting other geometry on the
solid, separating the solid into individual solid objects, shelling,
cleaning, or checking the selected solid.
Body: Imprint
Imprints an object on the selected solid. The object to be
imprinted must intersect one or more faces on the selected solid in
order for imprinting to be successful. Imprinting is limited to the
following objects: arcs, circles, lines, 2D and 3D polylines, ellipses,
splines, regions, bodies, and 3D solids.

 Select a 3D solid. Specifies the 3D solid to be imprinted.

 Select an object to imprint. Specifies an object that overlaps the first
 Delete the source object. Specifies whether the object to imprint is
removed when the operation is complete.
Body: Separate Solids
Separates 3D solid objects with disjointed volumes (sometimes
called lumps) into independent 3D solid objects. Combining discrete
solid objects using a union operation (UNION) can result in disjointed

Body: Shell
Shelling creates a hollow, thin wall with a specified
thickness. You can specify a constant wall thickness for all the
faces. You can also exclude faces from the shell by selecting
them. A 3D solid can have only one shell. New faces are created
by offsetting existing ones outside their original positions.

Select a 3D solid (shell)

Specifies a 3D solid.
 Remove faces. Specifies the face subobjects to be
removed when the object is shelled.
 Undo. Reverses the last action.
 Add. Press Ctrl+click an edge to indicate which faces to
 All. Temporarily selects all faces for removal. You can
then use Add to add the faces you want to retain.


Body: Clean
Removes shared edges or vertices having the same surface or
curve definition on either side of the edge or vertex.
Removes all redundant edges, vertices, and unused geometry.
Does not remove imprinted edges.
In unusual circumstances, this option removes shared edges
or vertices having the same surface or curve definition on
either side of the edge or vertex.

Select a 3D solid (clean)

Specifies a 3D solid object that you want to clean.
Body: Check
Validates the 3D solid object as a valid solid, independent of
the SOLIDCHECK setting.
 Select a 3D object (check). Specifies the 3D solid object
to be validated. If the object is valid, the following
prompt is displayed:This object is a valid ShapeManager
This option is used as a debugging tool to compare stages in a
highly complex 3D solid model.

Body: Undo
Undoes the editing action.
Body: Exit
Exits the face-editing options and displays the Enter a Solids Editing Option
Undoes the editing action.
Exits the SOLIDEDIT command.


CHANGE = Command to change
ELEVATION = Distance of the object from the
xy plane
THICKNESS = Extrusion height

Table Top: Thickness = 0.05

Elevation =0.6
Table Leg: Thickness = 0.6
Elevation =0


EXTRUDE = Command to assign thickness and taper angle
HEIGHT OF EXTRUSION = Thickness of the object
MOVE = Command to assign distance from the xy plane

Table Top: Height of Extrusion = 0.05

Taper angle =0
Displacement = 0,0,0.60
Table Leg: Height of Extrusion = 0.06
Taper angle =0
Displacement = n/a

















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