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Ethics and

Jove Jim S. Aguas

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Religion and Ethics

• Some religions provide ethical norms or rules
of conduct like the monotheistic religions.
• Religion and ethics may overlap and may
influence each other but they are different • Some ethical norms are outside the confines
and can be independent of each other. of religions and one can be ethical without
being religious.

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Ethics and Law

• Law is an ordinance of reason. • Natural law is the law of God as
understood by human reason.
• Law can be eternal, divine, natural or human.
• Eternal law is the expression of the God’s • Human law is the ordinance of man
which could either be legal – the law of
providence; it is an ordinance of God based
civil authority or ecclesiastical/canon –
on his divine intelligence.
the law of the Church.
• Divine law is the law of God as expressed in • One of the standards of Christian morality is
revelation and as such are expressed in the
the law.
Holy Scriptures
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Levels and Stages Moral

Kohlberg: Moral Reasoning Reasoning
• Children are "moral philosophers" they Levels and Stages Illustrative Behavior
develop moral standards of their own
• These standards do not necessarily come from Level I - Pre-conventional Morality
parents, but emerge from their cognitive
1. Punishment Orientation Obeys rules to avoid
interaction with their social environment. punishments.
• Kohlberg sought to determine whether there 2. Reward Orientation Conforms to obtain
are universal stages in the development of rewards to have favors
moral judgments. returned.
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Level III - Post-conventional Morality

Level II - Conventional Morality 5. Social-contract Actions are guided by

Orientation principles commonly agreed on
3. Good Boy/ Good Girl Conforms to avoid as essential to the public welfare;
Orientation disapproval of others. principles upheld to retain
respect of peers and self-respect.
4. Authority Orientation Upholds laws and social rules 6. Ethical Principle Actions are guided by
to avoid censure of authorities Orientation self-chosen ethical principles
and feelings of guilt about not (justice, dignity, equality);
doing one's duty. principles upheld to avoid self-

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Discussion Questions

1. Today most people tend to be more legalistic

than ethical, do you think it is better to be
legalistic than ethical? Why or why not?
2. Should ethics and religion be independent from
each other of should they go hand in hand?
3. What insights we can learn from the reasoning
of children?

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