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Lecture 5.c

Other Theories
Ethics and Ethical Relativism

Moral Philosophy The moral rightness or wrongness of action varies

from one society or social group or culture to
another and that there are no absolute universal
moral standards binding on all men at all times.
Jove Jim S. Aguas
It holds that whether or not it is right for individual
to act in a certain way depends on or is relative to
the society or culture to which one belongs.
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Conventional Ethical Relativism

It is the view that there are no objective Cultural Relativism
moral principles that could be used to
It believes that cultures have different moral
determine the morality of human actions in a
particular social group.
Our sense of right and wrong differs from
All valid moral principles are justified by
culture to culture, for example the practice of
virtue of their social acceptance.
polygamy may be right in one culture and
Morality therefore has a social character; it is may be wrong in another.
relative to the accepted practices of a certain
group or society.
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• It does not follow that simply because there are
differences in cultures or in what society accepts as good
There is no universal moral law that governs or bad, there no longer a universal truth about morality.
all cultures and that should bound every • If some societies or people do not know the universal
culture to follow. moral truth it does not mean that there is no moral
Therefore, there is no objective standard that
can be used to judge one social code as better • There are some moral rules that societies and cultures
have in common and adhere to because they are
than the other. necessary for society and culture to exist.
• What may be relative is the interpretation and
application of those moral principles in a particular
culture or society.
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Ethical Subjectivism
Our moral judgments are based on our feelings and It could lead us to conflict and contradiction
nothing more; there is no such thing as objective when sentiments or feelings conflict. Whose
right or wrong. sentiments or feelings should prevail if there
Whatever moral judgment we make, we are only are conflicting sentiments?
expressing our personal feelings and our emotions,
nothing more. Feelings and sentiments are transitory.
Hence, morality is based primarily on our feelings, It could not account for reason in ethics, one
emotions and prejudices.
must present reasons or else he is not making
An action is good if it arouses in us a good feeling or a a sensible moral judgment.
positive emotion; one thing is good if we feel good
about it and one thing is bad if we feel bad about it.
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Ethical Egoism Each person ought to pursue his own self-

It holds that everyone must always do what interest exclusively and individuals have no
will promote his own greatest good. natural duties to others. It is one’s moral duty
to promote one’s own interest. Accordingly,
An act or rule of action is right if and only if it there is only one ultimate principle of conduct,
promotes at least as great a balance of good the principle of self-interest.
over evil for a person in the long run as
Ayn Rand, the proponent of rational ethical
Everyone should always act in his own self- egoism stresses that as rational human beings
interest regardless of the interest of others, we must act on our rational self-interest and
unless their interests also serve his. not think about the interest of others.
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The consequences of actions are not always

Analysis: certain. It is difficult to determine what would
It is inconsistent and cannot provide solutions be good consequences for others, and there is
to conflict of interests. What happens when the danger of determining the social worth of
everybody wants to promote his or her self- individuals.
Some actions despite their good
It tends to be arbitrary because it assigns consequences are in themselves morally
greater importance on one’s interest than that
objectionable. Some acts may involve
of others when there is no general difference
between oneself and others. There is the danger injustice, lying, violating a rule, but may result
of falling into a system where people will simply to some good consequences like increase
be manipulated by others just to promote their sales, getting things done, even helping the
own self-interest. needy.
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Discussion Questions

1. In determining the moral or ethical value or

character of our action, do you think we should
also consider its social character? Why?
2. In a world that is rapidly changing do you think
moral values and principles are still relevant?
3. Given the current pandemic that we are
experiencing, what valuable insight have you
learned from the different theories?

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