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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

12 December 20211 33rd

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oday the liturgy repeatedly invites us to rejoice. Although we have
many reasons to be sad because of the pandemic and its conse-
quences, so much suffering, violence, and hatred throughout the
world, both the prophet Zephaniah and the apostle Paul tell us that
the reasons to rejoice are even greater. In all these trials we are not on
our own: THE LORD IS NEAR! The Lord is with us! He is near as a mighty
savior, as a loving friend who comes to share our burden of sorrows in
order to make us share in his inheritance of eternal happiness.
In response to this heart-warming message, we are expected to
do our part. Following the invitation of John the Baptist, this means we
have to be generous toward our needy neighbor, to be fair in our deal-
ings with others, and to be instruments of God’s loving care for all.
These are the basic conditions we have to meet if we want to be
really happy in the Lord.

bring glad tidings to those great a salvation and to celebrate

afflicted by suffering and them always with solemn wor-
fear. Lord, have mercy! ship and glad rejoicing.
All – Lord, have mercy! Through our Lord Jesus
Entrance Antiphon P –Lord Jesus, you came to Christ, your Son, who lives and
(To be recited only when no
heal the broken-hearted. reigns with you in the unity of
Entrance Hymn is sung.)
Christ, have mercy! the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever
Rejoice in the Lord always; All – Christ, have mercy! and ever.
again I say, rejoice. Indeed, the All – Amen!
Lord is near. P –Lord Jesus, you came to
proclaim liberty to those
Greeting who are slaves of sin. Lord,
have mercy!
P –Blessed be the Lord, the All – Lord, have mercy!
cause of our joy. May his grace 1st Reading Zep 3:14-18
and peace be with you all! P –May almighty God have The certainty of the Lord’s
All – And with your spirit! mercy on us, forgive us our sins, saving intervention was so great
and bring us to everlasting life.
All – Amen! that the prophets often presented
Penitential Act it using the past tense. Today’s
P –As we prepare to celebrate Collect (Opening Prayer) poetic passage from Zephaniah
the sacred mysteries on this third P –O God, who see how your is a concrete example of this op-
Sunday of Advent, let us call to people faithfully await the feast timistic faith as he addresses his
mind our sins. (Pause) of the Lord’s Nativity, enable us, message of hope to Jerusalem
P –Lord Jesus, you came to we pray, to attain the joys of so and us.

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R –A proclamation from the 2nd Reading Phil 4:4-7 Soldiers also asked him,
Book of the Prophet Zepha- The approaching celebra- “And what is it that we should
niah tion of the Christmas event do?” He told them, “Do not
Shout for joy, O daughter should fill us with explosive practice extortion, do not
Zion! Sing joyfully, O Israel! and contagious joy. In today’s falsely accuse anyone, and be
Be glad and exult with all your passage, St. Paul’s exhortation satisfied with your wages.”
heart, O daughter Jerusalem! to the Christians of Philippi is Now the people were filled
The Lord has removed the most appropriate also for us. with expectation, and all were
judgment against you, he has asking in their hearts whether
turned away your enemies. The R –A proclamation from the Let- John might be the Christ. John
King of Israel, the Lord, is in ter of Paul to the Philippians answered them all, saying, “I
your midst, you have no fur- am baptizing you with water,
ther misfortune to fear. Brothers and sisters:
On that day, it shall be Rejoice in the Lord always. but one mightier than I is com-
said to Jerusalem: “Fear not, I shall say it again: rejoice! ing. I am not worthy to loosen
O Zion, be not discouraged! Your kindness should be the thongs of his sandals. He
The Lord, your God, is in your known to all. The Lord is near. will baptize you with the Holy
midst, a mighty savior. He will Have no anxiety at all, but in Spirit and fire. His winnowing
rejoice over you with gladness, everything, by prayer and fan is in his hand to clear his
and renew you in his love. He petition, with thanksgiving, threshing floor and to gather
will sing joyfully because of make your requests known to the wheat into his barn, but
you, as one sings at festivals.” God. Then the peace of God the chaff he will burn with un-
The Word of the Lord! that surpasses all understand- quenchable fire.”
All – Thanks be to God! ing will guard your hearts and Exhorting them in many
minds in Christ Jesus. other ways, he preached good
Responsorial Psalm Is 12 news to the people.
The Word of the Lord!
R – Cry out with joy and glad- All – Thanks be to God! The Gospel of the Lord!
ness: for among you is the All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus
Great and Holy One of Israel! Gospel Acclamation Is 61:1 Christ!

R. M. Velez All – Alleluia! Alleluia! Homily

The Spirit of the Lord is
  D A/C# Bm
      
upon me, because he has Profession of Faith
anointed me to bring glad (Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed)
Cry out with joy and glad-
tidings to the poor.
Alleluia! Alleluia! All –I believe in one God, the Fa-
 Bm/A G D

ther almighty, maker of heaven

 
Gospel Lk 3:10-18 and earth, of all things visible
In today’s Gospel passage, and invisible.
ness: for a---mong you is the Great we hear for the first time John the I believe in one Lord Jesus
 G A D Christ, the Only Begotten Son

Baptist himself. His preaching
       
includes the concrete demands of God, born of the Father be-
of a sincere conversion, which fore all ages. God from God,
and Ho--ly One of Is--ra--el! today are addressed to all of us. Light from Light, true God from
true God, begotten, not made,
P –The Lord be with you! consubstantial with the Father;
* God indeed is my savior; I All – And with your spirit!
am confident and unafraid. My through him all things were
P – A proclamation from the made. For us men and for our
strength and my courage is the holy Gospel according to
Lord. He has been my savior. salvation he came down from
Luke heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy
With joy you will draw water All – Glory to you, O Lord!
at the fountain of salvation. R. Spirit was incarnate of the Vir-
The crowds asked John gin Mary, and became man.*
* Give thanks to the Lord, the Baptist, “What should we For our sake he was crucified
acclaim his name; among the do?” He said to them in re- under Pontius Pilate, he suf-
nations make known his deeds, ply, “Whoever has two cloaks fered death and was buried, and
proclaim how exalted is his should share with the person rose again on the third day in
name. R. who has none. And whoever accordance with the Scriptures.
* Sing praise to the Lord for has food should do likewise.” He ascended into heaven and is
his glorious achievement; let Even tax collectors came seated at the right hand of the
this be known throughout all to be baptized and they said to Father. He will come again in
the earth. Shout with exulta- him, “Teacher, what should we glory to judge the living and the
tion, O city of Zion, for great do?” He answered them, “Stop dead and his kingdom will have
in your midst is the Holy One collecting more than what is no end.
of Israel! R. prescribed.” I believe in the Holy Spirit,

12 December 2021
the Lord, the giver of life, who P –Pray, brethren . . . P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
proceeds from the Father and All – May the Lord accept the All –For the kingdom, the
the Son, who with the Father sacrifice at your hands, for the power, and the glory are
and the Son is adored and glori- praise and glory of his name, yours, now and for ever.
fied, who has spoken through for our good and the good of all
the prophets. his holy Church. Sign of Peace
I believe in one, holy, cath- Breaking of the Bread
olic and apostolic Church. I Prayer over the Offerings
confess one Baptism for the P –May the sacrifice of our wor- All – Lamb of God, you take
forgiveness of sins and I look ship, Lord, we pray, be offered away the sins of the world: have
forward to the resurrection of to you unceasingly, to complete mercy on us. (2x)
the dead and the life of the world what was begun in sacred mys- Lamb of God, you take
to come. Amen! tery and powerfully accomplish away the sins of the world:
for us your saving work. grant us peace.
Prayer of the Faithful Through Christ our Lord.
All – Amen! Communion
P –Guided by the preaching of
John the Baptist, we realize ever P –Behold the Lamb of God,
Preface of Advent II
more clearly the need for conver- behold him who takes away the
P –The Lord be with you! sins of the world. Blessed are
sion and our weakness in bring- All –And with your spirit!
ing it about. Let us ask God’s those called to the Supper of the
P –Lift up your hearts! Lamb.
help, praying with confidence: All –We lift them up to the All – Lord, I am not worthy
All – Lord, give us a new heart! Lord! that you should enter under my
C –For the Universal Church, P –Let us give thanks to the roof, but only say the word and
the Holy Father and the other Lord our God! my soul shall be healed.
leaders: May they passionately All –It is right and just!
pursue in our time the mission of P –It is truly right and just, our Communion Antiphon
John to call people to conversion. duty and our salvation, always (To be recited only when
Let us pray! R. and everywhere to give you no Communion Hymn is sung.)

C –For those who are tempted thanks, Lord, holy Father, al- Say to the faint of heart: Be
to seek happiness away from the mighty and eternal God, through strong and do not fear. Behold,
Lord: May they remember that Christ our Lord. our God will come, and he will
only in doing God’s will is there For all the oracles of the save us.
prophets foretold him, the Vir-
lasting joy and freedom. Let us
gin Mother longed for him with Prayer after Communion
pray! R.
love beyond all telling, John the P –We implore your mercy,
C –For Christians who are per- Baptist sang of his coming and
secuted for their faith: May they Lord, that this divine sustenance
proclaimed his presence when he
stand firm and not lose heart, may cleanse us of our faults and
strengthened by God’s grace and It is by his gift that already prepare us for the coming feasts.
the prayers and support of all na- we rejoice at the mystery of his Through Christ our Lord.
tions. Let us pray! R. Nativity, so that he may find us All – Amen!
C –For the dying: May they watchful in prayer and exultant
prepare to face the Divine Judge in his praise.
with sincere sorrow for their past And so, with Angels and
sins and humble trust in his mer- Archangels, with Thrones and
cy. Let us pray! Dominions, and with all the
hosts and Powers of heaven, we P –The Lord be with you!
C – Let us pray in silence for our sing the hymn of your glory, as All – And with your spirit!
personal intentions. (Pause) without end we acclaim: P –Bow your heads and pray for
Let us pray! R. All – Holy, holy, holy . . . God’s blessing. (Pause)
P –God of light, grant that our – You rejoice at the approach-
behavior be always in accor-
Memorial Acclamation ing commemoration of
dance with the Gospel of life we P –The mystery of faith! Christ’s birth. When he
profess, and a witness to Jesus, All –When we eat this Bread comes again in glory, may
the source of our joy, who lives and drink this Cup, we he reward you with endless
and reigns for ever and ever. proclaim your Death, life.
All – Amen! O Lord, until you come All – Amen!
P –May God make you stead-
fast in faith, joyful in hope,
and untiring in love all the
days of your life.
Preparation of the Gifts All – Our Father . . . All – Amen!

3rd Sunday of Advent (C)

P –May the coming of God’s Son bring you the the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
light of his holiness and the power of his All – Amen!
All – Amen! P –Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life!
P – May almighty God bless you: the Father, and All – Thanks be to God!


• Jess P. Balon

he times of John the Baptist were bad, char- sion. “Radical” here means that it should not stop
acterized, as they were, by selfishness, at the individual actions, but has to affect our at-
greed, pride, aggressiveness, oppression titudes and set of values, i.e., the very root of our
of the weak . . . . This can be gathered from the actions. There shouldn’t be the least doubt: society
answers he gave to those who had been struck by will start changing for the better the very moment
his preaching and asked, “What ought we to do?” we begin to improve.
John’s strongly worded call to conversion was am- Advent is also an invaluable opportunity for us
ply justified. All needed to undergo a “metanoia,” to start or resume moving in the right direction.
a change of mind and attitude, in order to enter the “What are we to do?” we should ask, like those
Reign of God. who approached John. The answers may be as
The situation does not seem to have changed many as there are personal moral situations; but
much since the time of John the Baptist. We live in a “common denominator” easily applies to all. Our
a society plagued with the same moral defects and fundamental attitude has got to be one of open-
vices. People are still greedy, selfish, aggressive, ness, availability, and goodwill. In practice, this
. . . and, of course, the temptation is always to means readiness to generously share our goods
see these moral failures in others. with the less fortunate (see Lk 3:11); to be fair to
In many cases, it may be true that there is so everybody and be absolutely honest with all. (See
much evil around us. But it is equally true that we, Lk 3:13-14.) All this is “openness to people.” It is
too, are not perfect. There is evil in us, too. We fail love of neighbor in its most elementary form, and
morally almost every day and in various ways. We, no one can claim to be exempted or to have done
too, need to undergo a “metanoia,” a radical conver- enough.

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• Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, J. Domingo, V. David, R. Molomog, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Circulation: R. Saldua

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