Formative Test Basic Competency 3.3: Expressing Intention

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Formative Test

Basic Competency 3.3: Expressing Intention

Maula Belva Islamay Putri

X MIPA 4/22

A. Essay
Please give your appropriate response to the following condition!
1. Riding your motorbike home unfortunately you found an accident.
2. While you are charging your smart phone, a thunderstorm happens.
3. 23 – 28 November 2021 is the time when Indonesia Open is to happen.
4. It is scheduled to have semester test at the beginning of December 2021.

B. Writing
Pease write down your motivational plan in your future in six paragraphs.
The text structure is
1. Background (related to the present condition of your plan)
2. Planning statement
3. Argument (why you want to do that)
4. Strategy to do
5. State your position (in the recent time)
6. Tell your commitment to meet it


A. Essay
1. If I will ever be in the condition of me riding my motorbike home and unfortunately
find an accident, I will be helping the victim of the accident by calm the victim and
call for help to be taken to the nearest hospital.
2. If the thunderstorm happens whilst I am charging my smartphone, I am going tu
plug it off and wait for the rain to stop before I continue charging my smartphone.
3. When Indonesia Open is happens on 23-28 November 2021, I will be supporting
my favorite badminton athlete in the game and watch the competition with my
family or my close person.
4. For the semester test that happening in the beginning of December 2021, I am
going to study as hard, do all of the question in a lesson books, so I can for the test
in order to get a good score

B. Writing
As I am currently sitting in Senior High School, I have goals that I will have to achieve in the
future. The path that I have to take in order to achieve those goals is surely going to be filled with
lots of obstacles, it is surely not easy to reach the position that I am hoping to be at. Therefore,
plans and strategies should be made and taken to reach those goals.
I have been having a dream of studying abroad for college ever since I was sitting in
Elementary School. Hearing stories from people that went abroad for their studies and also
succeeded in life have given me a big motivation to follow their path and find my own version of
success. Therefore, although this may sound impossible and challenging, after lots of research
about universities in other countries, I have decided that Nanyang Technological University or
commonly called NTU is the university that I am going to take in the future. NTU is one of the best
universities in ASEAN, so I have a big dream to accepted there. I am going to aim to be accepted
into the university with a scholarship. Because I know at out there are many scholarships that
I want to take major in business at NTU because I think that take majoring in business fits
my passion, and I also want to learn things related to business and management. But my mother
told me to take a major in communication because she thinks that majoring in communication
has great benefits for me in the future, and I think that's also true. Pupils in communication
studies are learning about the media, including mass media, advertising, movies & television, and
also technical communication. This type of education correlates with the passion that I have
always had about the media. At this time I still haven't thought about what major to choose there,
but I focus on honing myself and studying hard so that I will be accepted at NTU.
Of course, I can't enter the university without having a scholarship. The fact that entering
the university itself is already hard, and my having to seek a scholarship has led me to make a
strategy on how I can aim for that goal of mine. I will be focusing on my current study level, Senior
High School, where I will study as hard as I can to have good and stable grades in every semester
so that I can pass through the first phase of the selection process, which is where documents of
the participants will be looked at by the university. I will also participate in lots of competitions
so that I can have a lot of winning certificates whilst also participating in organizations in order
to have an interesting track record. The subjects that are going to be tested in the university are
Math and English. Therefore, I am going to work hard in studying those two subjects by looking
at Singapore’s curriculum is surely different from the one that Indonesia has. Singapore's
curriculum uses a Cambridge curriculum.
I am just in the early stages of working hard to achieve this goal of mine, I am just getting
started, however, that doesn’t take away the big spirit that I have of trying so hard to reach my
goal. I am currently trying so hard to keep focusing on my path and trying to not get distracted by
anything that can keep me away from working as hard as I can and reach my goals.
I have made a commitment to work hard in achieving this goal, but I will also take it easy,
I won’t push myself way too hard about trying to reach my goals. I believe that in life, you either
get what you have always expected or even better things than what you have expected. In
conclusion, to wrap this up, I am going to work hard in order to get into my dream university and
reach all of my goals and become a successful women in the future

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