02 Posters

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Did you know that you can help boost your business by having the right poster design?

No matter what your business is promoting or how well-known or big your business is,
advertisement posters are always a good idea.

This is because posters are visual representations of your business and are highly effective
in converting viewers. That is, of course, if you have a great poster design idea.

If your poster idea is the perfect combination of memorable and catchy, you’ll have people
talking about you everywhere.

There are lots of ways to advertise your business creatively, but one of my favorite and most
cost-effective ways to advertise a business is by using posters. Today we’re going to go over
quite a few strategies and poster making ideas so that you can have the best poster design
that will make everyone want to buy your products. We all run out of creativity sometimes.
That’s why I collected all of my favorite poster design ideas for you to be inspired by, in case
you ever have designer’s block. I got your back.

Let’s jump right into it.

20 Poster design ideas to follow that will help boost your creativity flow and break
designer’s block

When you start brainstorming for your poster design idea, you need to ask yourself why
you’re making this poster. Is it a poster for brand awareness or is it an advertising poster?
Once you’ve narrowed down your scope, you can take a look at these poster ideas and
implement the one that matches your style best.

1. Minimalist Design

As the saying goes, and how in many cases it stands true, “Less is more.”.

For the poster design idea, try using a simple background image and bold text, or vice-versa.

When you use a minimalist design, you will easily control where the attention of your viewers
will go. Do you want them to focus more on the text or your image? Scale up your image and
use a bold typeface in the negative space of your image to draw attention to the text.
Minimalist posters are all about using minimal design for a maximum result. Here are some
great examples of a minimalist poster design.

Mcdonald’s always has had great advertisement campaigns, and they were surely nothing
short than excellent in this advertisement poster. The minimalist poster design for this one
uses a single element and a bold background color. Because of their amazing brand
awareness, people immediately recognize the red background and yellow-tinted french fries
from McDonald’s. Try this minimalist approach for your next poster design project!


This is another great advertisement poster idea. The way they used alarm clocks to resemble
glasses, and the way the slogan is about “alarming sales”, it all simply goes. And it rocks. Try
a play on words and use minimal design elements to impress your viewers.

This poster is minimalist, yet awakening. This controversial poster idea really hits home. This
is what you want in an awareness poster. Simple to understand, and makes the viewer really
think about what you have to say. This kind of convicting poster will be in the minds and
hearts of viewers, quite possibly forever. Hats off to WWF for using simplistic, minimal poster
design, while still preaching such an important message in such a striking and impactful
2. Typography posters

You may have lots of things to say and convey to viewers, but you need to keep their attention
long enough for them to take it all in. This means that you need none other than a typography

This is where you truly let your inner design out and let the creative, innovative poster ideas
come out. Experiment with different bold colors and fonts. Go big, go small. Go bold, go thin.
It’s all up to you. If you need inspiration on what fonts to use and you want something unique,
we have 40 modern fonts that you need to use and can integrate into your new project.


For the example above, when they use typography, they have a lot to convey. They have an
event that they are trying to promote on this poster. So they need to deliver to the reader the
date, time, location, actors, singers, etc, in a short time frame because you can lose the
readers attention very quickly. Use bright complementary colors and an eye-catching design
for this advertisement poster technique.


This poster is intriguing because of the typography. When making a poster, really tap into
your creative side and experiment with all sorts of fonts, ideas, and typography. Just
remember to keep your tone of voice when choosing a font. You can convey an attitude
through your font. If you choose a bold font, you can convey seriousness. By using an italic
serif, you can show people elegance. By choosing a font, you’re choosing a tone of voice. So
choose wisely when creating your poster design!
3. Use lines to your advantage

Just like in photography you can use the rule of thirds to decide where to place and frame
your subject, you can use the same idea in creating a poster. By using invisible geometric
lines, you can manipulate and lead a reader’s eye anywhere you want. Take for example this
poster for animal feed.


Not only do they have a very clever combination of photo and message, but they also use a
line of text to lead you to the image, which conveys the message perfectly. Invisible lines in
typography can create the perfect visual harmony in poster design, and can also break up
the design and bring a little pizzaz to the table. Use lines to lead readers to certain elements
4. Experiment with different shapes
Another way you can lead and guide a reader’s eye is by using shapes. You can use a
background full of shapes to draw attention to your organized chaos, or you can actually
create shapes by using your text. The choice is yours when you create your own poster

A good poster can be seen and recognized from far away. I love the way that star wars used
shapes to showcase one of the main characters, while still giving clues as to what the new
movie will be about.

Here we have that chaotic yet organized, eye-catching poster design. The background is going
to draw the attention of any viewer. Then the bold text overlayed on an interesting
background will really make it pop. All of these techniques are great poster design ideas to
follow in order to integrate shapes into your next advertising campaign
5. Play with dimension

Bring your posters to life by playing with the dimensions. Layer the text, the background,
texts, shapes and more! Make your poster as interesting as possible by using this poster
design technique. Highlight the most important elements of your poster and make them stand
out so that they don’t get lost in the design. This is where using the line technique combined
with the 3D technique comes in handy. Just check out the design below!

In the post above, you can see that the most important text is overlayed on a rectangular
shape, bringing the text pop. This way, it doesn’t get lost. You’re still guiding the reader’s
attention to where you want it to be.
6. Go vintage

It’s no secret that vintage is a major trend right now. Between film photography and vintage
clothes, and there’s no exception for your new posters design idea.

Check out some of these poster design ideas and be inspired by them!
7. Make complimentary posters

To really stand out of the crowd, make a poster and split it in half. Let’s say you have an
event that has multiple dates. Create a series of posters that complement each other. Split
the poster down the middle and you will now have two different posters where you can
showcase two different dates. Let me show you exactly what I mean.


By following this design idea, you can create some serious brand awareness. People will begin
to recognize your design and when they see the second poster, they’re more likely to
remember what you had to say.
8. Contrast, contrast, contrast

You can make your poster stand out by using contrasting colors. Pair complementary colors
or use two completely opposing colors. Use some really bright colors, combine black, white,
and bright colors, or just go classic black and white! There are endless color combination
choices and there is no right or wrong. Experiment around with this poster design idea and
see what works best with your advertising poster.
9. Take advantage of negative space

Where there’s negative space, there’s an opportunity. Negative space, as you probably know,
is an empty space in an image or design. Whenever there’s negative space, that’s typically a
good place to consider placing text. This is because the text will be clear and easy to read,
and the eye will be naturally drawn there. We have an entire guide on how you can add text
to images and the same concept can be applied to poster design ideas. Check out some of
these awesome designers who did awesome at taking advantage of the negative space on their
poster designs!
10. Focus more on the graphics

Sometimes you can convey a message clearly without using words. That’s why sometimes if
you don’t know what to say, you should just focus on your design. You can promote product
minimally, or you can make a powerful message.
11. Embrace bright colors

We talked a lot about the whole “less is more”, but you can totally go for the “more is more”
effect. Take a chance with colors and start mixing bright colors together. Stand out of the
crowd and mix unexpected colors together. Bright colors will definitely draw attention to your
poster, so try out this technique.
12. Use images and portraits

A simple poster design that is easy to achieve is the image-centric one. You can add an image
that describes your campaign to your poster, add some text, and call it a day. This poster
design idea is truly easy to accomplish but can look effortlessly elegant. Again, you can use
images to spread a powerful message, or you can make a simple poster design. The choice is
yours. This is definitely a technique I’d recommend trying when you have no inspiration.
13. Use colors to give off a certain vibe

You might know that colors are associated with feelings and emotions in our brains. Use this
information to your advantage and use corresponding colors to match the mood you’re trying
to portray. Red makes you start to have an appetite, and blue gives a sense of safety. Research
some color and emotions correlations and use the right colors for your poster campaign!
14. Place things in order of importance

You need to create a sense of visual hierarchy. Place your most vital elements of the poster
and things you want people to know at the very top, and work your way down with elements
and information that are secondary. The results can also be very visually pleasing if you play
your cards right.
15. Be clever

Everyone loves a good pun or play on words. Or at least, I tend to think so. Try to use an
illustration that matches your message or even a pun in your graphic design.

Here are some examples of what I mean

16. Break the rules

The last thing you wanna do is make a mainstream design. As a creator, you need to break
the mold and break the rules. Combine reality and graphic design. Do something strange.
Someone will see the value in your design. Don’t just conform to mainstream design. Be
uniquely you when you create your poster to draw the right crowd.
17. Remember your audience

Who are you designing for? What kind of crowd are you trying to attract? You need to make
a design that your audience will understand. You might not just want anyone to understand
your design. Come up with a design that your target audience will appreciate and enjoy.
18. Coordinate colors

If you’re going to be using an image or one of your designs, match the font color with the
main element of your image. To find the best matching color, use the color picker from
whatever editor you’re using to create your design. This color combination technique will
definitely get the full attention of any viewer.
19. Use asymmetry

Everyone loves a visually pleasing and aesthetic design. Use lines and the ruler in your editor
to create a design that is irresistible to look at. Make sure your focal point still stands out. I
recommend that you put your main element in the center of your poster design, as the
example below shows.
20. Integrate your product into your poster

And finally, we have reached our final advertisement poster design idea.

It’s time you combine your product images with graphic design. Everyone loves a flat poster
design combined with a 3d product image. If combined flawlessly, this poster design will
surely be hit. Make sure the image of your product is very high quality. You should also try
to make your product stand out and be the focal point of the poster design.
Reasons Why Posters Can Help Boost Your Business

When you have the right poster, you can use your brand to inspire someone. When you put
your message out there and have hundreds and thousands of people seeing your poster, you
can leave them with an inspiring CTA. When you have a great, converting poster, you can
boost interest in your brand and build authority for your brand.

When someone sees your advertisement poster hanging somewhere, whether on the street or
on the side of a grand building, you have to opportunity to connect with them. When you
successfully connect with a potential client, you immediately boost their interest in whatever
you have to offer; whether that be a concert, your business, your services, or whatever else.

Another great thing about advertising poster is that you can make a unique and interesting
poster series that people can recognize anywhere. By creating a series of similar and relating
posters, if you use unique brand and poster design elements, people will start to recognize
your brand. It’s a great brand awareness strategy that is really worth a try.

Advertisement posters can also be very cost-effective for big and small businesses alike. If
you get to post your posters in a busy and prime location, you could have thousands of people
see your poster ad. People have developed a type of ad-blindness online, and it’s refreshing
for people to see an interesting, eye-catching advertisement in real life.


Because people want a break from online advertising, spend extra time in creating an
amazing poster design to give people a refreshing sense of advertisement that they actually

You don’t need to be a professional graphic designer in order to benefit from a professional
poster design.

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