Recommendation Form: To The Recommender

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Applicant’s name (in print):


Family name First name   Middle name
To the Recommender:
This p erson
n a amed
i a f bove
“ Ss pplying W w or
a Ajinomoto
i y g cho
us your opinion of the applicant’s academic abilities, together with some com
character a p ndt h otential
w b l hat t fe/she A a ouldc t et f eading he
b e t w e e n h i s / h e r c o u n t r y a n d J a p a n . P l e a s e f i l l i n t h
recommendation i E o i J n nglish
I o t er nc apanese. p p n t rder
i a o
e n v e l o p e , s i g n t h e s e a l a n d r e t u r n tWo et hwe e al c
pop lmi cea e
nat .r l y s u b m i s s i o n t o
candidate . Thank you for your cooperation and would like to assure you that your comments wil
carefully be considered.

How long have you known the applicant? From  To            

In what capacity? 

Please identify the group to which you are comparing the applicant:
   Undergraduate students     Master’s level students
   Others (Please identify the specific group):

How many years, approximately, have you evaluated people in this group?

H o w m a n y p e o p l e a r e i n t h e g r o u p , i n r o u n d n

Please rate the applicant relative to others in the group:

Exceptional Excellent Very Good Good Average Poor N/A
 Top 2% Top 5% Top 10% Top 25% 50% Below 50%
Academic Performances

Intellectual Potential

Interpersonal skills

Creativity and Originality

M o t i v a t i o n f o r G r a d u a t e

Reasons for Recommendation

Please give us your contact information:

Name of Recommender:

Post or Position


E-mail: TEL:

Date:    Signature

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