Neuromuscular Junction Blocking Agents

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Non-depolarizing NMJs

Drug order Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Drug effects Nursing

action Responsibilities
Generic name: It antagonizes Indicated as • Systemic Side effects: Monitor the
Atracurium besylate the an addition mastocytosis ✓ Skin flushing or ✓ ECG
neurotransmitter to general • High amount redness ✓ HR
action of anesthesia of ✓ Injection site ✓ BP
Brand name: acetylcholine by to facilitate magnesium reactions throughout the
Tracrium binding endotracheal in the blood ✓ Hives administration.
competitively intubation • Low amount ✓ Itching
Classification: with cholinergic and provide of calcium in ✓ Wheezing Observe the
Benzylisoquinolinium receptor sites on skeletal the blood patient for
class the motor end- muscle • Low Adverse effects: residual muscle
plate. relaxation amount of ✓ Shortness of weakness and
Dose: 10 mg/mL during potassium in breath respiratory
surgery or the blood ✓ Allergic distress during
Route: Intravenous mechanical • Myasthenia reactions the recovery
injection ventilation. gravis, a ✓ Inadequate period.
skeletal musculoskeletal
Frequency: 0.1 to muscle block Monitor
0.2 mg/kg disorder ✓ Low BP infusion site
• Progressive ✓ Fast or slow HR frequently.
weakness If signs of tissue
with irritation or
carcinoma extravasation
• Low BP occur,
• Low Body discontinue and
temperature restart in
another vein.

Drug order Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Drug effects Nursing

action Responsibilities
Generic name: It acts as a Nimbex is • myasthenia Side effects: Monitor ECG,
Cisatracurium competitive indicated as gravis, a • slow heart heart rate, and
antagonist to an adjunct to skeletal rate BP throughout
Brand name: acetylcholine; general muscle administration.
• dizziness
Nimbex acetylcholinesterase anesthesia to disorder.
inhibitors such as facilitate • flushing Observe the
• a disease of
Classification: neostigmine tracheal (warmth, patient for
the lung.
Nondepolarizing antagonize this intubation in redness, or residual muscle
• a condition tingly feeling).
Neuromuscular action. The adults and in weakness and
with high
Blocker neuromuscular pediatric Adverse effects: respiratory
fevers and
blocking potency of patients 1
muscle • Bronchospasm distress during
Dose: 2mg/mL cisatracurium is • Bradycardia
roughly three times month to 12 called • Flushing the recovery
Route: IV Injection that of atracurium years of age. malignant • Pruritus period.
hyperthermia. • Myositis Monitor infusion
Frequency: To provide ossificans site frequently.
0.02 mg/kg skeletal • Hypotension If signs of tissue
muscle • Rash irritation or
relaxation in extravasation
adults during occur,
surgical discontinue and
procedures or restart in
during another vein.
ventilation in
the ICU

To provide
via infusion in
patients 2
years and
Drug order Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Drug effects Nursing
action Responsibilities
Generic name: It acts as a include Side effects: Assess
• low
Pancuronium competitive laryngeal • increased saliva cardiovascular
amount of
Bromide acetylcholine muscle • skeletal muscle and respiratory
antagonist on relaxation that magnesium weakness status
in the
Brand name: neuromuscular facilitates • drooling continuously.
Pavulon junctions, displacing endotracheal • rash
acetylcholine (hence intubation, • low Adverse effects Observe patient
Classification: competitive) from its skeletal amount of • bronchospasm closely for
Muscle relaxant post-synaptic muscle calcium in • flushing residual muscle
nicotinic relaxation to the blood • redness weakness and
Dose: 1 mg/mL acetylcholine support • low blood signs of
2 mg/mL receptors it is a optimal • acidosis, a pressure respiratory
muscle relaxant surgical high level • high blood distress during
Frequency: 60 similar to curare conditions and of acid in pressure recovery period.
micrograms/kg exposure, and the blood
• rapid heartbeat.
every 1 to 1/2 chest wall and Monitor BP and
hours diaphragmatic • low vital signs.
muscle amount of Peripheral
relaxation to potassium
improve in the stimulator may
thoracic blood be used to
compliance in • overweight assess the
mechanically effects of
ventilated • myasthenia pancuronium
patients. gravis, a and to monitor
skeletal restoration of
muscle neuromuscular
disorder function.
• decreased
ability of
heart to

• a disease
of the lung

• liver

• complete
blockage of
a bile duct

• kidney

• decreased

• visible

• decreased
oxygen in
the tissues
or blood

• weakened

• multiple
at the
same time
Drug order Mechanism Indication Contraindication Drug effects Nursing
of action Responsibilities
Generic name: It is indicated for Side effects: Monitor ECG,
• low amount
Rocuronium inpatients and • hives, heart rate, and
bromide outpatients as an of BP throughout
adjunct to magnesium • difficulty administration.
Brand name: general anesthesia to in the blood
Zemuron facilitate both rapid • low amount • swelling of Observe the
sequence and of calcium in your face, lips, patient for
Classification: routine the blood tongue, or residual muscle
Neuromuscular tracheal intubation, throat, weakness and
Blocker, and to provide • acidosis, a • severe respiratory
Nondepolarizing skeletal muscle high level of dizziness, distress during
relaxation during acid in the • ongoing muscle the recovery
Dose: surgery blood weakness, and period.
10mg/mL or mechanical • loss of
ventilation. • respiratory Monitor infusion
movement in
acidosis, an any part of site frequently. If
Route: acid-base your body signs of tissue
Intravenous disorder irritation or
Injection • alkalosis Adverse effects: extravasation
Frequency: • respiratory • Transient discontinue and
0.6 mg/kg alkalosis, an hypotension restart in another
acid-base • Hypertension vein.
imbalance of • Dose-related
the blood tachycardia
• low amount • Apnea
of potassium • Abnormal ECG
in the blood • Injection site
• myasthenia • Hiccups
gravis, a • Pruritus
skeletal • Nausea
muscle • Wheezing
disorder • Residual
• progressive muscle
muscle weakness
weakness • Allergic or
with idiosyncratic
carcinoma hypersensitivity
• pulmonary

• liver
• decreased

• a condition
with high
fevers and
Drug order Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Drug effects Nursing
action Responsibilities
Generic name: Vecuronium is a It is indicated Side effects: Monitor:
Vecuronium nondepolarizing as an adjunct • low amount ✓ hourly
of • Bronchospasm
agent that achieves to general heart rate
Brand name: its skeletal muscle anesthesia, to magnesium ✓ blood
• Hypotension
Norcuron paralysis by facilitate in the blood pressure
competing with endotracheal • Edema ✓ oxygenation
• low amount
Classification: acetylcholine for intubation and saturation
of calcium in • Sinus
Neuromuscular cholinergic receptor to provide the blood during
Blockers, sites and binding skeletal muscle muscle
Nondepolarizing with the nicotinic relaxation • low amount Adverse effects: relaxation.
cholinergic receptor during surgery of potassium Ensure adequate
Dose: at the or mechanical in the blood • Erythema analgesia and/or
10mg postjunctional ventilation. • Urticaria sedation. Remain by
20mg membrane. • myasthenia the bedside until
gravis, a • Flushing effects of IV bolus
Route: skeletal Vecuronium are
muscle • Pruritus
Intravenous complete or the IV
injection disorder infusion has been
• Skin rash
• progressive running for at least
Frequency: 0.1 muscle 30 minutes.
mg/kg to 0.2 weakness
mg/kg in less than with
2 to 3 minutes carcinoma

• disease
muscles and

• hardening of
the liver

• blockage of
normal bile

• morbid
Depolarizing NMJ
Drug order Mechanism Indication Contraindication Drug effects Nursing
of action Responsibilities
Generic name: It adheres It is • Hyperkalemia Side effects: Monitor symptoms
Succinylcholine with post- indicated • Bedridden patients ✓ jaw rigidity of:
chloride synaptic as an • Rhabdomyolysis ✓ hypotension ✓ hyperkalemia
cholinergic adjunct to • Muscle trauma ✓ muscle ✓ bradycardia
Brand name: receptors of general • Burns fasciculation ✓ fatigue
Anectine and the motor anesthesia, • Infusion of which may ✓ weakness
Suxamenthonium endplate to neuromuscular result in ✓ numbness
inducing facilitate blocking agents postoperative ✓ tingling
continuous tracheal • Acute renal failure pain
Classification: disruption intubation • Chronic renal failure ✓ apnea Notify physician
Neorumuscular that results and to • Intraocular ✓ respiratory immediately if severe
Blockers, in provide hypertension, depression cases occur as it may
Depolarizing involuntary skeletal ✓ salivary gland lead to life-
• intracranial
muscle and enlargement threatening
contractions muscle arrythmias and
• statin use
Dose: and relaxation Adverse effects: paralysis.
• malignant
• 20 subsequent during ✓ bradycardia
mg/mL skeletal surgery or ✓ cardiac
• neuromuscular
• 100 muscle mechanical arrythmias
mg/mL paralysis. ventilation. ✓ sinus
• spinal cord sectioning tachycardia
• bradycardia ✓ increased IOP
< 50 bpm ✓ excessive
Intravenous/ • succinylcholine salivation
Intramascular allergy ✓ rash
injection • pseudocholinesterase ✓ hypersensitivity
deficiency reaction
✓ myoglobinuria/
Frequency: 2.5 myoglobinemia
and 4.3 mg/min (rare)

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