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English Learning Guide

Competency 2
Unit 3: ICT
Workshop 3
Centro de Servicios Financieros-
Name: Jennifer Cardozo Cruz Cohort: Date:

2184074-1 12/06/2021
Training program: Tecnólogo en Gestión Empresarial Instructor: Shirley Viviana Leaño


This workshop attempts to help you enhance about new vocabulary and English structures
related to the interaction with websites and advertising process according to your
professional profile. It will also advice you about the planning process of website design and

Objective: From the development of the following activities, you will be able to talk
about Technology, Internet and website design using the studied structures and
1. Work in groups and discuss the following questions:

- What do you understand for advertising?

- What do you know about website design?
- How can you make more interesting advertisements?

2. Skills practice: Do the following activities to practice the learnt vocabulary and English

2.1. Speaking practice

At this time, you will practice in pairs your oral skills from two activities:

● Design a poster offering your business project or professional profile.

Be creative and take into account examples like this:

English Learning Guide
Competency 2
Unit 3: ICT
Workshop 3
Centro de Servicios Financieros-

● Promote your product through a short oral presentation in pairs. Answer the
questions to your

1 Image taken as example from: Used by SENA for

academic purposes, exclusively.
English Learning Guide
Competency 2
Unit 3: ICT
Workshop 3
Centro de Servicios Financieros-

2.2. Listening practice

Before watching the video, discuss:

- What do you know about Web design?

Web design is the union of different skills on the creation and production of websites.

- How can a website be useful in a business? Give some examples.

Web sites helps a business to improve in the online market and taking the business
to all around the world thanks to the internet.

Watch the video in the link:, make

notes, and answer or complete the following statements:

- What is .WIX?

WIX is a free to use web designer, it is made to provide to the user the way to make
his own website.

- Mention 3 uses of .WIX

1. This can be used to make a business website to sell things (e-commerce)

2. Also it works to make a blog, something for personal spaces.

3. it can be used to a photography portfolio website

- How can people advertise using this digital tools? Explain your answer

This free tool works on advertising the people’s interests, because it helps to make a
good design website, in an easy way, also it provides you your own way to see your
website, with different templates and functions.

- What has been the impact of advertising on the consumerism habits? Give your opinion.

The main impact nowadays on the consumerism habits are the use of social media,
because every people is on his cellphones everytime.
English Learning Guide
Competency 2
Unit 3: ICT
Workshop 3
Centro de Servicios Financieros-

- The main impact nowadays on the consumerism habits are the use of social media,
because every people is on his cellphones everytime.

Everyone is on the mobile phone because advertising, marketing moves through

social networks, managing these media allows much more interaction with many
people and in many places, this means that people have to be always connected and
always in the mobile.

- According to the video, what are the main media elements added in a website in .WIX?

In this design tool the main elements added in a website are images, buttons, tabs,
and some other media that wix can support.

2.3. Reading practice

Before Reading the text, discuss the following questions:

- Have you seen evidence of success in a business through advertising and web

There are many companies that have achieved success thanks to advertising
and the management they give to social networks, we know of a jewelry
designer businesswoman who is very well known in the United States and her
designs are sold in several countries, her name is Paula Mendoza and has
managed through advertising and social networks to become known and
expose his jewels

- What can you say about formal and informal communication? Describe

It can be said that formal communication can be both written and oral, it is more
reliable, it ensures the originality of the messages and informal communication
handles the exchange of information in a non-informal way and has the advantage
that it is a fast communication and it can be used of social networks.
English Learning Guide
Competency 2
Unit 3: ICT
Workshop 3
Centro de Servicios Financieros-
Identify the key words from the text. Look for their definition, pronunciation in English.

entrepreneur An entrepreneur is that person or group of people who,
individually or collectively, sets the objectives and makes
strategic decisions about the goals, means, administration
and control of the companies and assumes both
commercial and legal responsibility against to third parties.
e-commerce Electronic commerce, also known as Internet commerce or
online commerce, consists of the purchase and sale of
products or services through the Internet, such as social
networks and other web pages.
Online The concept is used in the field of computing to name
something that is connected or someone who is using a
network (generally, the Internet).
The information is said to be online or online, therefore,
when it is available through the Internet.
A person who is online, on the other hand, is one who can
be contacted through the Web or who is developing a
virtual task.
Readymade Do something, usually complex or made up of parts or
elements, make a list.
Make certain material things, especially made up, such as
Template A template or interface device usually provides a
separation between the form or structure and the content.
It is a means or device or system that allows to guide,
carry, or build, a predefined desing or scheme.
The workforce is the number of people who occupy a
position in a given company.
load Set of things that are transported together, especially
goods and merchandise.
It is related to that thing that generates weight or pressure
with respect to another or to the structure that is being
transported (either on the back or shoulders of an
individual, on the back of an animal or in a vehicle).
Site builder Is an application that provides templates for websites that
can be used to provide an attractive desing without using
other types of programs that are more complicated and
require more dedication.
private Private is an adjective that refers to everything that is
outside the public domain, that is, that can be kept in a
relatively small circle of people.
English Learning Guide
Competency 2
Unit 3: ICT
Workshop 3
Centro de Servicios Financieros-
CSF The private is that which does not belong to the public
sphere. In this way, it is handled in a personal or family
eye contact In humans, eye contact is a form of non-verbal
communication and is believed to have a great influence
on social behavior.
Eye contact is understood as the situation in which the
gazes of two people are fixed on the eyes of the other.
publish Make known or patent, by television, radio, newspapers or
by other means, something that you want to make the
news of all.
Disseminate by means of the printing press or any other
procedure a writing a stamp.
Edges An edge is the limit of a thing, whether tangible or
intangible. The term can therefore be used in countless
situations, as long as you want to refer to this type of
Utility Utility is the interest, profit or fruit that is obtained from
Capacity of a thing to serve or to be used for a specific

Advantages of Using Wix Website Builder

Posted on October 23,

2014 by editor

Wix is a low cost web site builder that’s been making a real splash amongst entrepreneurs
who want to promote their online business by creating a promotion website.
There are about 200 readymade templates accessible to pick from while those with a more
artistic mindset can start from scratch and construct their personal masterpiece. The
templates change and may be classified into Company, e-commerce, Real Estate, Music,
Private and a lot more markets furthermore. First load takes just a couple of seconds and it’s
likely to make a web site in minutes. We look at the various edges of Wix to enable you to
realize its utility. You can also learn how to publish your website through wix-reviews.

The numerous advantages Of Wix Website Builder

1. Cost Effective: It’s possible for you to try before you buy and even though the free
version has numerous limits, you do get to view the reasons why Wix is the right site
builder for your company.

2. Ease of Use: As we have already mentioned, there are more than 200 templates
English Learning Guide
Competency 2
Unit 3: ICT
Workshop 3
Centro de Servicios Financieros-
CSF accessible and this could help remove any confusion you might have over what you
would like your site to look like. Editing your Wix site is very simple as it’s really
instinctive and no coding knowledge is needed.

3. Simple Integration: Wix lets you add several third party tools like Google Analytics
without compromising usability.

According to the text write using your own words to express the main idea of the text in a
short paragraph

We can see that Wix is a very innovative website that has managed to captivate entrepreneurs
who want to promote their business online and it is also low cost, which would be very useful.
Among its advantages we find that it is profitable, easy to use and simple to integrate.
Advertising is no longer a business and today it has become an option for any business and is
now essential to share in the market, it is important to understand that every small or medium
company needs a good strategy in the advertising part that allows you to have a position in the
market. It is important that the business create these strategies to sell the products or services,
if it wants to be successful in the company it depends not only on the time but on the capital that
is available, on the products that are offered but on the sales that are generated and the best
way to achieve these sales is for people to find out what is being sold.

Advertising is a long-range communication that seeks to increase the consumption of a product

or service, its purpose is to inform people of the existence of this, the image that is projected is
important since it allows the buyer to believe in what is buying and continue to do so in the
future. It is important to create a good slogan, a good logo, have a lot of creativity to attract the
attention of the public we want to reach, you can use different social networks which are very
popular and will allow better advertising access. It is very important to understand that the
success of the company depends a lot on the publicity that is made to the article or product to
be sold, you have to keep up with innovations, with technology and with the reality of the current
English Learning Guide
Competency 2
Unit 3: ICT
Workshop 3
Centro de Servicios Financieros-

2.4. Writing Practice

Let’s work on your website design, this time you will present a website sketch with the possible
future appearance of it. Remember, it can be handmade or made using a different app to draw
and try to use as much vocabulary as you have learnt during the previous lessons.

Be attentive to the following example for this activity:

3. Extension activities:
The extension activities will help you improve your performance in the topics. You need
to reach at least five hours of practice on your own.
- For further information, vocabulary practice, pronunciation, and more about this,
check the links below to the websites:

- Based on your instructor’s orientation, explore the following website and practice the
English structures. Do all the exercises and deliver them to your

1. Text adapted from: by

SENA for pedagogical purpose, exclusively.
English Learning Guide
Competency 2
Unit 3: ICT
Workshop 3
Centro de Servicios Financieros-
CSF 2. Image taken as example from:

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