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Journal of Critical Reviews

ISSN- 2394-5125 Vol 7, Issue 5, 2020

Review Article


B. Akila1, Dr.S.Vasantha2, Dr. P.G. Thirumagal3
Research Scholar Ph.D. (Part Time), School of Management Studies, Vels Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies
Corresponding AuthorProfessor, School of Management Studies, Vels Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies
(VISTAS), Chennai,
Associate Professor, School of Management Studies, Vels Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies (VISTAS),

Received: 05.01.2020 Revised: 24.02.2020 Accepted: 19.03.2020

Today’s the world is fully connected with internet. Right from small kids to till the elders all of them use internet for their daily
needs.Though there are many fields in the usage of internet, usage of internet in MNC’s is outstanding. Since them works according to shift
timing the usage of internet gives them hand. After the launch of IT infrastructure the working function of recruiters and other manager
level people’s work has doubted. So obviously they are in dilemma to usage internet. In other words they need the support of internet. The
role of HR department are linked with the help of IT for administrative process. Such by doing so, there is increase time consuming by
speed in transactions and decrease in information errors. Thus through the entry off.

Keywords: Recuriment, It Infrastructure, Administrative Process, E Recruitment, Job Portal, Effectiveness

© 2019 by Advance Scientific Research. This is an open-access article under the CC BY license (

INTRODUCTION: their education and qualification. By doing so, fraud

Internet is the biggest platform in recruiting the right candidate. advertisement and fake agencies are reduced. It is in the hands of
Either it can be online recruitment or E recruitment it undergoes the jobseekers to enquire once a twice before they could spend on
some technology and other web based resources which includes it. Companies reundertake their online portals during every new
designing, attuning and helps to their new man power. Separates opening. It will be easier for the jobseekers to get updated without
practices were given by the organizations to enhance the usage of any queries. It is the wish of the jobseekers whether they must be
technology in order to attract prospective people. This helps the a part of a firm or not. Thus the website of an organisation seems
job seekers to directly apply into the company website for new to be official and considered to be an essential element of e-
openings. This finally results in reduction of time, work pressure, recruitment.
cost and saves assets. The main aim of e-recruitment is to create
online job portals which lead to quality of the applicant, helps to
see the job openings of specific organization, to know the job
status and also to ease the sharing of resources.
Either e-recruitment or Online Recruitment, it is the
process/steps to hire a suitable candidate for the vacant position
using electronic devices and other social media companies make
use of internet to reach large number of job seekers in order to
hire the best talented person at less cost which is compered to
physical recruitment process. These process covers the entire
cycle of recruitment like screening, souring, interviewing and
hiring them as per the job requirement with more effectively and
efficiently. Job vacancies of an organisation will be posted in the
(WWW), where the jobseekers can easily find out job according to

E – Recruitment
➢ Web Technology ➢ Quality of Applicants ➢ Reduction in Timing ➢ Screening
➢ Company ➢ Wider choice of ➢ Reduction in cost
Websites candidate ➢ Reduction workload ➢ Interviewing
➢ Social ➢ View all job vacancy ➢ Reduced Recruitment
Networksites ➢ Search for job by title cycle ➢ Assessment
➢ Email ➢ view job status ➢ Consistent
➢ CV database ➢ Search for job by Recruitment Process ➢ Selection
➢ Online Job Portals vacancy number

Journal of critical reviews 306


Analysis of the Literature:-

➢ Cost per candidate is reduced when compared to physical
recruitment process.
➢ Worldwide coverage candidate can be recruited from any
part of the world.
➢ Advantage for both the jobseeker and the employee
candidate can find out an organisation through World Wide
Web. Same like employer can find out the candidate through
the CV uploaded.
➢ Need not spend much time to fill up the candidate.
➢ Suitable candidate for suitable opening can be selected and
recruited through E-recruitment by matching candidates CV
based on the job profile.
➢ Recruitment process has become more methodical/
systematic to record the details of the applicant. Thus
recorded details will be referred for later usage.
After the introduce of E-recruitment software, entire recruitment
process has become automated. Recruitment Management System
is a portal that involves each steps taken in the recruitment
process to be atomized.

Is Online Recruiting a Priority?

A recent survey indicates that even though online recruitment is
being practiced widely, it hasn't assumed great importance. The
respondents of the survey are divided in their opinions as to why
online recruitment hasn't gathered full momentum. The survey
reveals that close to 35% of respondents consider it be a viable “Parry and Wilson states that recruitment includes those practices
alternative to direct recruitment. On the other hand, 26% of and activities carried out by the organization with the primary
participants think it otherwise. Another 10 % emphasized the purpose of identifying and attracting potential employees”.
need to assess the effectiveness of only online recruitment and a
small group of respondents ( about 5 %) feel that online REVIEWS ON LITERATURE:-
recruitment should be given less importance. AVINASH S.KAPSE (2012)(1)has given a detailed study on e-
recruitment with an issue that had been faced for the past ten
years. The authors found that considering the help of internet is
the latest tool in hiring a candidate. Author has divided the
recruitment in two types, 1. Corporate web site for recruitment
and 2. Commercial job brands for posting job advertisement. The
set of rules followed in recruitment is connected with traditional
methods which the work will be faster and universal. Author
criticize Dr. sayal by saying that when a company receives 2000
application for two vacant deep – screening process of
methodology is not possible. While they source candidate through
other methods like placement, internal search(reference) has a
personal touch. While undergoing this process, they come across
huge application and these won’t be enough time to go through all
those things. On the other hand, it helps the HR team to
communication with the candidate and easier for them to screen
the talented candidate through both physically and mentally. Job
portals are the most impressive and easiest tool used by MNC’s to
smoother work balance in recruitment towards competitive
world. Finally the author concludes by saying that this system
helps for the betterment of traditional recruitment with cheapest
cost. The juxtapose between these two platforms helps both the
job seeker and employee to construct very good platform.

AAKASH GOPALIA (2012)(2)given an overall view of advantage

of using internet to select people with reference to tesco. These
online recruitment and selection process reaches many industries
and students who does internship project. Tesco method of
recruitment helps to reduce admin cost, reduces time in hiring,
increases market image inorder to attract right candidate.
Organizations have taken steps to make their HR team to accept of
Features of Your Recruiting or Jobs Web Page act in recruitment, selection, personality development etc. Online
recruitment helps to share speedy information, expose company
The survey takers on their jobs webpage 89% of Job Descriptions, reputation, and improve the quality of candidate. Finally
63% of Resume delivery and 62 % of Application form. Aakshgopalia concludes by saying that Tesco recruitment has
helped to find and build a theory for further approach. It has been
clearly drafted that internet recruitment is effective and saves the
cost and reduces time and also helps at critical circumstances.

Journal of critical reviews 307


Kamalasaravan (2019)(3) has made an study on the effectiveness performance based on the dynamic capability’s perspective and
of job portal & networking sites recruitment. In this study he the view of a hierarchy of capabilities. Peoples have been steadily
shares a real images or real work life balance of the employees in tuning to the web to improve their knowledge and skills as well as
an organization. In another word you can also say as the for career development. Job seekers are increasingly using web
problems/ issues faced by the employees who works in a 2.0 services. System recommended to the candidates job positions
recruitment team.In many MNC’s they conduct a telephonic that better fit his profile and available job positions .technologies
interview to filter the candidates through communication. But on main aim of recognizing attracting, and choosing potential
the other hand this process should not be encouraged. Instead employees. Researches have built on Penrose’s insights and the
theycan directly move for face to face interview to build a good RBT evolved. HR system focus should be customer oriented cost
candidates. Dr.S. Kamalasaravan says that recruiters sources efficient, innovative and flexible to identify priorities and
candidates from job portals and also through some reference. adapt to the organization need.
While referring such candidates they gets an incentives but if the
candidate relieves from that organization, the person who SAYEL (2018)(8)made a study on online recruitment which was
referred the candidate must make a replacement. Such by doing adopted by many organizations. That adopted process brought
this employees are pushed to pressure. To avoid this kind of trend in present recruitment process. The case study made by him
situation, job portals & networking sites gives hand. Finally in this helps to analyze the usage and practice of recruitment methods.
study, he gives some suggestion which the MNC’s must undertake Benefit of the problems and challenges faced by the recruitment
to development the recruiting team or working employees. He was solved and it increased the scope in the recruitment process
agrees that while the technology is growing in high speed, usage of a company. He says that e-recruitment process using
of job portals and networking has a separate value. To develop technology and web-based resources leads to interview and select
mone sites, separate training has to be given to the recruiters. the potential candidate. The biggest advantage of e-recruitment
according to Dr. Sayal is that it will be costlier, communicates
NATIA SULTANA (2018)(4)now a days more countries launches without error, vide range of search, candidate from deeper pool
in India and such MNC’s depends more on Internet with the help will be reached in shorter time. So that the it reduces the work
of human resources team. As the days goes faster and better, pressure of the employee.
MNC’s prefer online recruitment through social media which
reaches multiple of people at a time. Through that selected profiles When we focus on the traditional method, it talks about the in-
get attracted and work is made easier to choose the candidates depth screening process of a candidate. ie, in present scenario
from a deeper pool. The usage of technologies knowledge, web there are many more youngsters who are in search of new jobs.
based sources for souring, screening, filtering cross examining With reference to that there are 2000 applications to fill up the
helps to choose the best candidate with lower cost and reduces two vacant position in a company. To give hands in this type of
work load. This kind of selection attracts more passive job seekers situation, job portals helps the employees to maintain a record.
and also increases preference of an organization. Recruitment has This helps to choose a person when there is another opening. This
grown in screening process. So an organization must look keenly process consume time without the usage of internet. Dr.Sayal also
about the growth of an organization to make a work easier, steps feels that, modern way of e-recruitment builds a bridge with the
to solve and faced problems interlink of job portal. He also says that e-recruitment should not
be replaced by old traditional style. Because it mixes with physical
NAVDEEP KUMAR(2010)(5)says that internet allows every boundaries and looks for a talented work force platform which
organization to reach number of mobs very easily end effectively. stay there for long time.
The author has identified about positive applicant who brings
awareness of individual interest in their career, usage of time and July 2018 P.SIVASANKARI(9) made a study on E-recruitment
also by refreshing their friends. Finding while communicating which is similar to online recruitment with reference to web based
with possible applicants. The advantage of internet are as follows. technology. In present scenario, MNC’s make use of internet
inorder to grab the attention of the youngster. Through job
➢ Att.raction of an organization posting reaches many mobs through messages in social media. As
➢ Searching for organization a result of it, once the candidate is selected he/she must undergo
➢ Following traditional method in recruitment gives various critical situation. Based on the experience some gets
more benefit to the organization. These kind of benefits suits for transfer and moves to another place. Thus E-recruitment goes
corporate recruiting where they recruit bulk number of mobs. So ahead by achieving its goal through its behavior and cultural
by using their own company website, they post vacant position change.
with cheaper cost than traditional and communication.
In this year 2013, Ms D.shahila(10) has recruit the process in
PIANA MONSUE MINDIA & KAGIMUL HOQUE (2018)(6)has highly competitive in labour market. E-recruitment is the latest
made a study on the effects of E-recruitment and internet. The trend in the recruitment process and it has been adopted in many
case what they have analyzed gives the information on the life of organization. Challenges and issues of e-recruitment is increasing
youngsters who are in search of new job and their usage of job scope in the recruitment process of a company. The pedagogical
portals in internet and also the improvement in technology. When objectives are to understand the trends and practices, to compare
there is a development intech obviously there is a share in E- the traditional recruitment process, to analyse the potential of e-
recruitment which is a center for MNC’s to fill the candidate’s recruitment interchangeably. These study ensure to improve
accordance with position. As a result the usage of online sites are corporate image and profile, reduce costs and administrative
impressively increased. The author has differentiated the burden.IES survey reported that out of the 50 organizations
advantage and disadvantage of e-recruitment. Where he says that surveyed a large proportion were using online application forms.
it is a kind of an attraction for external candidates. So by the Hiring pipeline, screening, interviewing is often fairly unreliable
introduce of e-recruitment and internet, youngsters has shown at separating the good candidates from the bad mismatch between
some interest which helps them to save time and update their job occur that is good candidates are available , job vacancies aren’t.
as per their qualification and experience. They can edit or update Finding the recruitment covers the activityof employers,
their information whenever they needed. recruitment agencies and perspectives employees such as
companies and individuals using social networks.
In this year 2019 Sulaiman Saleh Alateyah(7), researches
regarding e-recruitment as a competitive tool. The current The structural model was examined to evaluates the
knowledge of e-recruitment mechanisms that affects firm hypothesized relationships among the research. Screening the

Journal of critical reviews 308


study results, discussion and managerial implications have been Value-added services
explained demonstrating the future research. Recruitment access Increase in number of products
casualty between two variables. Finding the e-recruitment plays Modular, cost-effective, customized solutions
an important role of improving firm performance and to attract Relationship management programme with HR
new job seekers and effects of firm performance throw HR managers
capability. Focus on brand building.

The employers and the aspirants to be recruiters are flocking to

job-sites is due to success factors-

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