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高压废锅与汽包高差计算 ( 自然循环 )
严伟丽 中国成达工程有限公司 成都 610041

摘要 对于汽水混合物的高压非闪蒸两相流计算,通过借鉴国外公司的工程计算经验,选用马蒂内里 - 纳
尔逊 ( Martinelli - Nelson) 关系式计算直管段压力降,Zuber 关联式计算静压头损失,Griffith 法计算两相流的管
关键词 两相流 压降 汽包 Martinelli - Nelson 关系式 Zuber 关联式 Griffith 法
废热锅炉与汽包之间可实现锅炉水的自然循 在化工设计中经常会遇到高压 ( 10 MPa 以上)
环,其依据是热虹吸原理: 利用下降管和上升管之 两相流压降的计算。高压两相流和中低压两相流的
间水会产生与汽水混合物的重度差作为推动力,自 计算方法有所不同,中低压两相流的计算主要基于
然循环的动力是汽水自然产生的,即回路中会产生 流型的选择,采用和流型判断相结合的方法进行计
一个流动压差 ( 也叫流动压头 ) 来克服水和汽水 算。高 压 下 由 于 表 面 张 力 较 小, 当 压 力 达 到 10
混合物在整个循环回路中流动时产生的全部阻力。 MPa 以上时,流型主要就是环状流或分散流,所以
废热锅炉水循环计算的目的是以此来确定汽包高 通常不用判断流型。高压下物性会有所不同,综合
度、上升管和下降管的尺寸,以保证水循环的正常 评估各种计算方法,并借鉴国外一些公司的工程计
进行,其核心是两相流的计算。掌握气 - 液两相流 算经验,确定选用马蒂内里 - 纳尔逊 ( Martinelli -
的计算方法和变化规律,可以使管线有良好的流体 Nelson) 关系式作为计算高压气 - 液两相流压力降
动力学特性,使设计更趋经济合理。设计不合理或 的方法,用 Zuber 关联式计算静压头损失, 用 Grif-
者错误,会造成汽包无法循环起来,而设计保守会 fith 法计算两相流的管件压力损失。
造成框架过高、管线过长、支撑过多等问题,造成 本文将某项目的烟气废锅的设计作为实例研
投资浪费。 究,说明和演示用 Zuber 关联式、Martinelli - Nel-
两相流的计算大都是半经验式,没有一个计算 son 关系式、Griffith 法计算高压气 - 液两相流压降
方法能够包含所有的影响因素,因为这些因素很难 的过程,对计算过程中的一些参数进行介绍和分
在经验关系中表示出来,这就导致两相流的计算方 析。
1 压力降计算
自的侧重点和擅长的领域,通常采用的有: 均相模
型法、Dukler 法、Griffith 法, 还有 Martinelli - Nel- 1. 1 两相流阻力降
son 关系式、Zuber 关联式。 均相模型法 ( Homoge- 1. 1. 1 液相百米阻力降
neous model) 是力图简单化,即将气 - 液混合物视 ( 1) 质量流量
为其物性介于液相与气相之间的均相。这种模型主 WT = WL + WG
要用于分散流,而不适于环状流,因为环状流的气 式中,W T 、W L 、W G 分别为总、 液、 气的质量流
相流速高于液相,其两相流在工程设计中应用较多 量,kg / h。
的是 Dukler 方法。 通常中低压废锅 - 汽包的两相 ( 2) 平均密度
流计算采用均相模型法和 Dukler 法来计算。 ρH = ( WL + WG ) / ( WL / ρL + WG / ρG )

* 严伟丽: 高级工程师。2000 年毕业于四川大学化学工程与工艺专业。主要从事化工工艺系统设计工作。联系电话: 13668158771,

E - mail: yanweili@ chengda. com。
31( 2) 严伟丽 高压废锅与汽包高差计算 ( 自然循环) 19

式中,ρ H 、 ρ L 、 ρ G 分 别 为 均 相、 液、 气 的 密 度, u TL = W T / ( 3600 × 0. 785 × d2 × ρ L ) 。

kg / m3 。 式中, ( △P K /100 ) 为 两 相 流 百 米 局 部 压 力 降,
( 3) 汽相质量分率 MPa /100 m; ( △P TL /100) 为全液相百米局部压力
Y = WG / ( WL + WG ) 降,MPa /100 m; Re TL 为全液相雷诺数; u TL 为全液
( 4) 平均流速 相液体流速,m / s; C 为 Griffith 校正系数。
u H = W T / ( 3600 × 0. 785 × d × ρ H ) ( 2) 各 种 管 件 的 C 值 ( Griffith 校 正 系 数 ) ,
式中,u H 为气 - 液两相流平均流速 m / s; d 为管道 见表 1。
内直径,m。 表1 各管件 C 值表
( 5) 液体流速
管件名称 C值 管件名称 C值
u L = W L / ( 3600 × 0. 785 × d2 × ρ L )
长半径弯头 4. 0 折流三通 1. 6
( 6) 液体雷诺数
45°弯头( 假定) 4. 0 直流三通 1. 6
Re L = ( ρ H × μ H × d) / μ L
Y 形三通( 假定) 4. 0 闸阀 1. 5
( 7) 液相摩擦系数 λ L
5D 弯头 2. 2 突然收缩、突然扩大 1. 1
法查取 ε ( 管道绝对粗糙度) 和 ε / d ( 管壁相对粗 1. 3 静压头损失
糙度) ,然后根据 Re ( 雷诺数) 和 ε / d, 从相关资 若是气相和液相的流速不同,那么实际密度就
料上查取 λ L ( 液相摩擦系数) 。 和平均密度不一样。从进入管中已知的气、液流量
( 8) 液相百米阻力降 中,用 Zuber 关联式确定该管道中汽体和液体的体
( △P L /100) = ( λ L × ρ L × u L × 100) / ( d × 积分数,可算出实际密度。
2 × 10 ) 1. 3. 1 截面含气率 α
1. 1. 2 两相流直管段百米阻力降 截面含气率 α 又称为真实含气率, 指在两相
( △P f / 100) = ( MN) × ( △P L / 100) 任意流通截面中, 气相截面所占总流通面积的比
式中, ( △P f / 100 ) 为两相流百米摩擦压力降, 值。
MPa /100 m; ( △P L / 100) 为液相百米摩擦压力 α = u G / { 1. 2u H + 0. 35 × [gd ( ρ L– ρ G ) /
降,MPa /100 m。 1 /2
ρ L] } ,
对强 制 环 状 流 的 压 降, 马 蒂 内 里 - 纳 尔 逊 u G = W G / ( 3600 × π /4 × d2 × ρ G ) 。
( Martinelli - Nelson) 假定流态总是 “湍流 - 湍流 ” 式中,α 为截面含气率; u G 为蒸汽的折算引用流
状态,用液相折算系数 MN 组成摩擦压降关系式, 速,m / s。
即 1. 3. 2 实际密度
△P f = ( MN) △P L 此密度仅用于计算上升管的静压头损失,不作
式中,MN 为 Martinelli - Nelson 扩大系数, 可根据 为计算摩擦损失用,其计算公式如下:
循环倍率和两相流压力查图 2 获取。 ρ TP = αρ G + ( 1 - α) ρ L
1. 2 两相流管件压力损失 3
式中,ρ TP 为两相流实际密度,kg / m 。
( 1) 两相流管件摩擦损失采用 Griffith 法, 计 1. 3. 3 静压差
算公式如下: △P H = H × g × ρ TP
( △P K /100) = ( △P TL /100) × [1 +
式中,△P H 为两相流静压差,MPa。
C ( WG / WT ) × ( 1 / ρ G - 1 / ρ L ) / ( 1 / ρ L ) ],
( △P TL /100) = ( λ L × ρ L × u TL 2 × 100) / 2 计算举例
( d × 2 × 10 6 ) , 某项目中的烟气废锅与高压汽包高差的计算,
Re TL = ( ρ L × u TL × d) / μ L , 其废锅与汽包的示意见图 1。
31( 2)

× 4. 496 = 8. 99 m; ③ 直管长度: ( H + 34. 7) m; 总

长度: ∑ L = ( 128 + H) m。
△P 下 = 6. 74 × ( 128 + H) /100 =
( 0. 0674H + 8. 6) kPa
2. 1. 2 下降管静压头 ( △P 静下 )
△P 静下 = ρ L × g × H
= 680. 7 × 9. 81H /1000 = 6. 678H kPa
2. 2 上升管
2. 2. 1 上升管液相百米阻力降 ( △P L / 100)

图1 废锅与汽包示意图 W L = W T - W G = 309600 - 30960 = 278640kg / h,

给 定 参 数: 蒸 汽 等 级 为 10. 4 MPa ( A ) , u L = W L / ( 3600 × 0. 785 × d2 × ρ L )

314℃ ; 循环倍 率 为 10 ∶ 1; 产 汽 量 为 W G = 30960 = 278640 / ( 3600 × 0. 785 × 0. 281 2 × 680. 7)
kg / h; 锅炉给水量为 W T = 30960 × 10 = 309600 kg / = 1. 834 m / s,
h; 水的密度为 ρ L = 680. 7 kg / h; 汽的密度为 ρ G = Re L = ( ρ L × u L × d ) / μ L = 680. 7 × 1. 834 ×
58. 8 kg / h; 水的粘度为 μ L = 0. 0817 cP; 汽的粘度 0. 281 / ( 0. 0817 × 10 - 3 ) = 3. 865 × 10 6 。
为 μ G = 0. 0217 cP; 烟 气 废 锅 的 阻 力 损 失 为 0. 01 由 《化工装置工艺系统工程设计规定 》 ( 二 )
MPa; 下降管尺寸为 12″, 内径 d 下 = 0. 281 m = 281 图 1. 2. 4 - 2 查得 ε = 0. 046, 则 ε / d = 0. 046 /281 =
mm; 上升管尺寸为 12″, 内径 d 上 = 0. 281 m = 281 0. 000164,根据 ε / d 和 Re L 由图 1. 2. 4 - 1 查得 λ L
mm。 = 0. 0133,上升管液相百米阻力降为:
2. 1 下降管 ( △P L /100) = ( λ L × ρ L × u L 2 × 100) / ( d × 2 ×
2. 1. 1 下降管阻力降 ( ΔP 下 ) 10 6 ) = ( 0. 0133 × 680. 7 × 1. 834 × 100) / ( 0. 281 × 2

u TL = W T / ( 3600 × 0. 785 × d2 × ρ L ) × 10 6 ) = 0. 00542 MPa /100 m = 5. 42 kPa /100 m。

= 309600 / ( 3600 × 0. 785 × 0. 281 2 × 680. 7) 2. 2. 2 上升管直管段百米阻力降 ( △P f上 )

= 2. 038 m / s, 查 图 2, 当 循 环 倍 率 为 10, 蒸 汽 压 力 为

Re TL = ( ρ L × u TL × d ) / μ L = 680. 7 × 2. 038 × 10. 5MPa 时,MN = 4. 1。

0. 281 / ( 0. 0817 × 10 - 3 ) = 4. 295 × 10 6 。

由 《化工装置工艺系统工程设计规定 》 ( 二 )
图 1. 2. 4 - 2 查得 ε = 0. 046, 则 ε / d = 0. 046 /281 =
0. 000164。
根据 ε / d 和 Re TL 由 图 1. 2. 4 - 1 查 得 λ L =
0. 0134,下降管阻力降为:
( △PTL /100) 下 = ( λL × ρL × uTL 2 × 100 ) / ( d × 2 ×
106 ) = ( 0. 0134 × 680. 7 × 2. 0382 × 100) / ( 0. 281 × 2 ×
10 6 ) = 0. 00674 MPa /100 m = 6. 74 kPa /100 m
下降管长度 ( 1 根,DN300 ) : ① 弯 头 ( 90°)
10 个,当量长度: L1 = 10 × 30D = 10 × 8. 43 = 84. 3 图2 MN - 扩大系数图
m; ② 弯头( 45°) 2 个,当量长度: L2 = 2 × 16D = 2 ( △P f / 100) = ( MN) × ( △P L /100)
31( 2) 严伟丽 高压废锅与汽包高差计算 ( 自然循环) 21

2 3
= 4. 1 × 5. 42 = 22. 222 kPa / 100 m △P K接 = 1. 5 × ρ H × u H / ( 2 × 10 )
上升管直管段长度为: = 1. 5 × 330. 8 × 4. 194 2 / ( 2 × 10 3 ) = 4. 364
H + 0. 5 + 25. 6 = ( H + 26. 1) m, kPa。
△P f上 = 22. 222 × ( H + 26. 1) /100 = ( 0. 222H + 2. 3. 2 烟气废锅静压头 ( △P 静废 )
5. 80) kPa。 △P 静废 = ρ L × g × H 废锅
2. 2. 3 上升管管件压力损失 ( △P K上 ) = 680. 7 × 9. 81 × 1. 1 /1000 = 7. 345 kPa。
由于上升管下降管管径、根数一致,所以下降 2. 3. 3 烟气废锅压力降 ( △P 废锅 )
管百米阻力降和上升管按全液相的百米阻力降是一 查 “烟 气 废 锅 设 备 数 据 表 ”, 得: △P 废锅 =
样的,即 ( △P TL /100) 下 = ( △P TL /100) 上 。 10 kPa。
( △P K /100 ) 上 = ( △P TL /100 ) 上 × [1 + C × 2. 4 烟气废锅与汽包高差 H 的计算
( W G / W T ) × ( 1 / ρ G - 1 / ρ L ) / ( 1 / ρ L) ]= 6. 74 × [1 + 4 总摩擦损失 = 液体静压头 - 上升管静压头损
× ( 30960 /309600 ) × ( 1 /58. 8 - 1 /680. 7 ) / ( 1 / 失,即
680. 7) ]= 35. 254 kPa /100 m。 △P 下 + △P f上 + △P K上 + △P K接 + △P 废锅 =

上升 管 管 件 长 度 ( 1 根, DN300 ) : ① 弯 头 △P 静下 –△P 静上 –△P 静废 ,

( 90°) 4 个,当量长度: L1 = 4 × 30D = 4 × 8. 43 = ( 0. 0674H + 8. 6 ) + ( 0. 222H + 5. 80 ) + 19. 81

33. 72 m; ② 弯头 ( 45°) 5 个,当量长度: L2 = 5 × + 4. 364 + 10 = 6. 678H - ( 4. 1H + 2. 05) - 7. 345,

16D = 5 × 4. 496 = 22. 48 m; 总长: ∑ L = 56. 2 m。 2. 289H = 57. 969,所以 H = 25. 3 m。

现烟气废锅与汽包装置之间高差设计为 27m,
所以, 上 升 管 压 力 损 失 △P K上 = 35. 254 ×
56. 2 /100 = 19. 81 kPa。
2. 2. 4 上升管静压头损失 ( △P 静止 ) 3 结语
u G = W G / ( 3600 × π /4 × d × ρ G ) = 30960 / ( 3600
× 0. 785 × 0. 281 2 × 58. 8) = 2. 36 m / s,
ρ H = ( W L + W G ) / ( W L / ρ L + W G / ρ G ) = 309600 /
( 278640 /680. 7 + 30960 /58. 8) = 330. 8 kg / m3 ,
车成功。经过该实际工程检验证明,此高压气 - 液
u H = W T / ( 3600 × 0. 785 × d2 × ρ H ) = 309600 / 两相流 ( 非闪蒸) 计算方法可用于工程设计计算。
( 3600 × 0. 785 × 0. 281 2 × 330. 8) = 4. 194 m / s,
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Height Difference Calculation between High Pressure Waste

Heat Boiler and Steam Drum ( Natural Circulation)
Yan Weili
ABSTRACTS ( China Chengda Engineering Co.,Ltd. ,Chengdu 610041)
For the calculation of high pressure non-flash two-phase flow of the steam-
water mixture,by drawing on the engineering calculation experience of
Analysis of Research Knowledge Graph of Urea Industry in China foreign companies,the Martinelli-Nelson relationship is used to calculate
Guo Hegang the pressure drop in the straight pipe section,and the Zuber correlation
( China Chengda Engineering Co.,Ltd. ,Chengdu 610041) equation is used to calculate the static head loss. The Griffith method is
This paper uses CNKI 2010 - 2020 urea industry related literature as the used to calculate the pressure loss of the pipe fittings for two-phase flow,
data source and adopts citespace software to conduct a visual analysis of and these methods are used to design and calculate the numbers of risers
technical fields and research hotspots. It is found that in the past ten and downcomers and the height difference between the flue gas waste heat
years,the urea industry research in China has formed two key technical boiler and the high pressure steam drum of a certain project.
fields of urea process and urea plant ( equipment) . In the technical field, Key words two-phase flow pressure drop steam drum Martinelli-
the research hotspots in the field of urea process technology are carbon Nelson relationship Zuber correlation Griffith method
dioxide stripping process,aqueous solution total recycle process and urea Reliability Analysis and Design Optimization of Heat
value-added technology; the research hotspots in the technical field of Tracing System of Dinitrotoluene Storage Tank
urea plant ( equipment) are urea synthesis reactor and urea hydrolysis Zhang Dezhi,et al
desorption system. At present,the urea industry in China is in a critical ( CNOOC Petrochemical Engineering Co.,Ltd. ,Jinan 250101)
period of innovation,development,transformation and upgrading,and it This paper analyzes the reliability of the heat tracing system of
is necessary to improve the overall technical level and environmental dinitrotoluene ( DNT) storage tanks. After analyzing the occurrence and
protection level as well as to optimize product structure of the industry. possible consequences of abnormal conditions such as power failure,
Key words urea process plant knowledge graph steam interruption etc. , the process design optimization scheme is
proposed to effectively improve the reliability of heat tracing system of
Analysis and Calculation Method of Heat Leakage dinitrotoluene ( DNT ) storage tank and the safety of dinitrotoluene
of Large Cryogenic Storage Tank storage.
Du Lishun,et al Key words dinitrotoluene heat tracing system of storage tank
( Hualu Engineering & Technology Co.,Ltd. ,Xi’an 710065) reliability analysis design optimization
This paper analyzes the cold insulation structure of large cryogenic storage
tank,starts from the principle of heat leakage in each part of the storage Research on Prevention and Control of Sulfur
tank,and provides a method to verify the reliability of the cold insulation Corrosion in Petroleum Refinery
Wang Lei
design of large double-wall cryogenic storage tanks through formula
( Hualu Engineering & Technology Co.,ltd. ,Xi’an 710065)
derivation and calculation. In addition,considering the effect of the
This paper aims at the discovery of potential sulfur corrosion hazards and
higher surface temperature of the storage tank caused by the summer solar
management risk factors in existing petroleum refinery, in order to
radiation on the heat leakage of the storage tank. It also provides the
determine the reasonable and effective protection measures to reduce
calculation method of the daily evaporation rate of the large cryogenic
potential corrosion damage. To conduct a comprehensive analysis on
storage tank,which is verified by examples. corrosion prevention and corrosion control for the safe operation of the
Key words large cryogenic storage tank cold insulation design heat refinery,through the study of process characteristics of typical refinery
leakage calculation solar radiation daily evaporation rate and the operating characteristics of each plant, this paper
comprehensively elaborates the measures to prevent and control sulfur
Process Calculation of Gas Restriction Orifice corrosion,which provides technical references for sulfur corrosion control
Kong Lingwei in petroleum refining and chemical enterprises.
( China Huanqiu Constructing & Engineering Co.,Ltd. ,Beijing 100012) Key words refining plant corrosion hidden danger corrosion
As a commonly used flow-limiting and pressure-reducing facility in the prevention and control safe operation
petrochemical industry,restriction orifice is widely used in engineering
design. For gases,there are many ways to calculate the size of the Calculation and Selection of Control Valve
restriction orifice. This paper introduces three commonly used methods for under Cavitation Conditions
Sun Wenwen
calculating the diameter of subcritical gas flow restriction orifices and five
( Lianyungang WorleyParsons Ltd. , Shanghai Branch, Shanghai
calculation methods for critical gas flow restriction orifices. Through
comparative analysis,it points out the characteristics and usability of each
This paper analyzes the causes of cavitation in control valve,points out
calculation method, and gives suggestions for its use. Through
the judgment conditions of cavitation,and proposes several methods to
calculations of two examples,it is found that for critical flowing gas,the
eliminate or isolate the damage of cavitation to prolong the service life of
calculation results of several methods have large deviations. In view of control valve. At the same time, this paper analyzes the pressure
this situation,this paper proposes the solution. reduction principle of the multistage pressure reduction control valve,and
Key words orifice plate restriction flow depressurization gas introduces the calculation method of the flow coefficient and the number of
sub-critical flow critical flow pressure reduction stages of the multistage pressure reduction control valve
Discussion on Equipment Layout of Rectisol Unit under cavitation conditions, which is calculated and verified with
Cao Yunchang,et al
Key words cavitation Cv value calculation multistage pressure
( China Wuhuan Engineering Co.,Ltd. ,Wuhan 430223)
reduction control valve blocked flow
Combining the examples of equipment layout of the Rectisol unit and the
problems encountered during the layout design,this paper focuses on the Thin-Walled Design and Stress Analysis Method
key factors affecting the equipment layout of the Rectisol unit. By of Large Diameter Pipeline
comparing the advantages and disadvantages of two typical layouts,the Peng Liguo,et al
key points,difficulties and optimization directions of the layout of Rectisol ( China Chengda Engineering Co.,Ltd. ,Chengdu 610041)
unit is clarified. It is hoped that it can play a certain reference role in the With the increasing scale of petrochemical projects,the advantages and
future improvement of equipment layout. importance of thin-walled design of large diameter pipelines are becoming
Key words Rectisol unit equipment layout affecting factors CWHE more and more prominent in saving project investment. In this paper,
through engineering design examples,SW6,CAESAR II and ANSYS

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