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Entrainment and Impingement

of Organisms in Power
Plant Cooling
Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management
Boston, Massachusetts, United States

and a flume that conveys the fish back to the water body
1. Importance of Entrainment and Impingement from which they were removed.
impingement The entrapment of organisms on intake
2. Collecting Entrainment and Impingement Data
screens used to prevent debris from entering cooling
3. Sources of Mortality to Entrained and water intake structures.
Impinged Organisms once-through cooling The process of pumping water across
4. Quantifying Impacts to Local Populations of Organisms a heat exchanger to condense steam from electricity-
5. Reducing Impacts generating turbines; the heat-laden water is then
discharged back to the surface water source, and the
condensed steam is recycled to the facility’s boilers
Glossary (millions to billions of gallons of water/day are required).
traveling screen A mechanical device used to exclude
air cooling The process by which radiator-type coils con- organisms and debris from entering pump systems and
taining steam transfer heat to air passing over the coils; condensers; screens are hung in front of a cooling water
water is added to the cooling system only for periodic intake, partially above the water level, and are designed
maintenance and cleaning (B200,000 gallons/day). to rotate vertically to allow impinged organisms and
closed-cycle cooling The process by which cooling water debris to be removed when sprayed with pressurized
cycles through a generating facility, absorbs heat from wash water.
steam passing through a condenser, and then evaporates young-of-the-year A juvenile fish observed in the same
the heat to the atmosphere through cooling towers calendar year as its hatching.
before it recycles through the facility; water is added to
the cooling system to replace that lost by evaporation
(B8 million gallons/day at a large facility). Many electricity-generating facilities withdraw cool-
condenser An apparatus used to convert steam coming from ing water from surface waters to absorb and
electricity-generating turbines back to water before the transport waste heat. Incidental to the withdrawal
water is discharged from or recycled through a facility. of water is the concurrent uptake or entrapment of
cooling water intake system (CWIS) The combination of the organisms that live in those waters. Entrainment
intake cribs, screens, pressurized washes, debris and fish refers to the uptake of small organisms or life stages
return sluices, and circulating water pumps used to (e.g., eggs, larvae) during the process of water
withdraw cooling water.
withdrawal, whereas impingement is the entrapment
delta T The temperature change of water passing through
a cooling water system (delta T ¼ discharge tempera-
of larger organisms on screens used to prevent debris
tureintake temperature). from entering cooling water intake structures.
diurnal cycle A response to daily changes in light intensity
(e.g., the daily movement of aquatic organisms up and
down in the water).
entrainment The uptake of small organisms or life stages AND IMPINGEMENT
during the process of water withdrawal.
fish return system An apparatus consisting of a pressurized Entrainment and impingement susceptibility is con-
wash that removes impinged fish from traveling screens tingent on an organism’s size relative to the mesh

Encyclopedia of Energy, Volume 2. r 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 447
448 Entrainment and Impingement of Organisms in Power Plant Cooling

covering the intake (i.e., smaller organisms become nificantly less water; therefore, electricity-generating
entrained rather than impinged). The typical screen facilities using these technologies have less potential
mesh size of a cooling water intake structures (CWIS) for impacts to resident and migrating aquatic species.
is 0.375 inch; therefore, entrained organisms are In addition to intake flow rates, the siting of
usually smaller than this, whereas impinged organ- power plants and their CWIS affects the incidence of
isms are usually larger than 0.375 inch. entrainment and impingement (Fig. 1). Most CWIS
are located in nearshore areas of lakes, rivers,
estuaries, and marine coasts. Whether in fresh or
1.1 Factors Affecting Entrainment and
salt water, these areas have great ecological impor-
Impingement Rates
tance. Their shallow waters, submerged and emer-
Entrainment and impingement rates generally in- gent vegetation, and sheltered inlets provide feeding,
crease with increasing intake volumes and velocities resting, spawning, and nursery habitat for a wide
unless the CWIS is equipped with a barrier to prevent variety of vertebrate and invertebrate species. In
organisms from approaching the CWIS. Entrainment addition, when rock structures such as jetties are
rates are several orders of magnitude higher than used to protect cooling water intakes, fish with
impingement rates because smaller organisms and habitat preferences for these structures (e.g., cunner,
younger life stages (e.g., eggs, some larvae) are more tautog) experience high rates of entrainment. CWIS
abundant and have less capacity to overcome intake have also been known to impinge waterfowl, seals,
velocities compared with larger organisms. Ulti- turtles, and crustaceans. Not surprisingly, when
mately, entrainment and impingement rates are power plants that use once-through cooling with-
influenced by a combination of the facility’s intake draw their water directly from the shores of these
flow, the location of the CWIS relative to the water productive waters, entrainment and impingement
body’s physical characteristics, and the temporal and rates can be very high. On the other hand, offshore
spatial distribution of organisms in the water body waters are typically cooler, provide less vegetation
relative to intake rates. for shelter, and may be lower in dissolved oxygen,
Although entrainment and impingement can occur especially in deep, slow-moving freshwater systems.
with any type of water withdrawal, the potential for Although these offshore waters also harbor many
the largest effects is at electricity-generating facilities species, most of them seek shallow nearshore areas to
that use once-through cooling because they typically spawn. Consequently, offshore intakes may have
withdraw water in significantly larger volumes lower entrainment and impingement rates.
than do other industries. Other cooling technologies Annual schedules of cooling water withdrawal
(e.g., closed-cycle cooling, air cooling) require sig- also influence rates of entrainment. Egg and larvae

Circulating water pump

Rotating screen box

Trash rack
may be
Fish may be entrained
impinged on with
rotating screens cooling
Intake flow

FIGURE 1 Schematic side view of a cooling water intake structure (CWIS). Circulating water pumps draw water into the
CWIS. The trash rack and rotating screens keep large objects (including fish) from entering the cooling water system.
Organisms that pass through the screens may be entrained into the plant’s cooling system. Modified from Coutant, C., and
Bevelheimer, M. (2003). Induced sweeping flows at CWIS for reducing fish impingement. In ‘‘Proceedings: Symposium on
Cooling Water Intake Technologies to Protect Aquatic Organisms.’’ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC.
Entrainment and Impingement of Organisms in Power Plant Cooling 449

abundances are greatest in the water column during regulatory requirements can assert that the invest-
the spring when most organisms spawn. Conse- ment is ‘‘wholly disproportionate’’ to the environ-
quently, facilities that withdraw large quantities of mental benefits to be gained from the modifications.
cooling water at this time are likely to have high rates Furthermore, some industry representatives contend
of entrainment during the spring. Some facility that significant upgrades will affect the availability
managers have scheduled their annual maintenance and price of energy across regional grid structures. It
outages (when cooling water withdrawal is minimal) is the responsibility of the EPA to evaluate the
in March or April to minimize entrainment during balance of information and to determine whether
this biologically active period. technological upgrades are warranted. Clearly,
managing entrainment and impingement impacts
has important consequences for natural resources
1.2 Importance of Measuring Entrainment
as well as for the energy industry.
and Impingement
Quantifying entrainment and impingement rates is an
important step in understanding the losses to biolo- 2. COLLECTING ENTRAINMENT
gical populations that can occur due to cooling water
withdrawal. Large power plants can entrain and
impinge a significant proportion of young organisms
With such important economic and resource protec-
or life stages that would otherwise recruit to local
tion decisions dependent on entrainment and im-
biological populations. Although predators, meteor-
pingement values, quantifying these parameters
ological events, fishing, and disease all contribute to
reliably is critical. However, there is no standard
mortality rates, the additional population reduction
methodology or procedure for collecting entrainment
caused by power plants may contribute to the
and impingement data. Methods for estimating
destabilization of natural oscillations in population
entrainment and impingement are determined on a
abundances, potentially resulting in significant long-
site-by-site basis by the characteristics of the facility’s
term reductions. Because entrainment and impinge-
CWIS, the flow rate through the facility, the life
ment rates are controllable variables, knowing the
history of the species at risk, the characteristics of the
magnitude of losses due to power plants can lead to a
water body, the priorities of the regulatory commu-
variety of management decisions aimed at minimizing
nity, and the costs of the various methodologies.
losses and maintaining biological populations.
In the United States, the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) and state regulatory bodies are
2.1 Entrainment Sampling
charged with protecting biological resources. The
Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1977 and its Because of the patchy distribution of larvae and eggs,
amendments (known collectively as the Clean Water achieving the sampling effort necessary to calculate a
Act) require that the location, design, construction, reliable estimate of abundances can be challenging.
and capacity of a CWIS reflect the best technology To quantify entrainment impacts, estimates of the
available for minimizing adverse environmental number of larvae and eggs going through the plant
impact. Because the law does not clearly define the must be compared with estimates of the number of
term ‘‘adverse environmental impact,’’ vigorous and larvae and eggs of each species in the source water
sometimes contentious debates have emerged as to body adjacent to the plant. These ratios will provide
the impact of cooling water withdrawal on local species-specific estimates of the cropping of biologi-
populations of aquatic organisms and how govern- cal populations by the power plant.
ment agencies should regulate these impacts. The Entrainment rates are highly dependent on the
implementation of the Clean Water Act and other spatial and temporal distribution of larvae and eggs.
regulations may require facility owners to upgrade to Water currents, diurnal cycles, time from hatching,
withdrawal technologies with lower impacts (e.g., and species type all can affect entrainment estimates
closed-cycle, air cooling). These technological up- by influencing densities of larvae and eggs adjacent to
grades or operational changes may cost tens or intakes. In addition, flow rate and CWIS configuration
hundreds of millions of dollars. In some cases, influence the proportion of larvae and eggs adjacent to
implementation costs may prevent the construction the intake that are drawn into a facility’s cooling
of new intakes altogether. Under Section 316(b) of system. For example, increasing flow rate usually
the Clean Water Act, a company faced with attaining increases entrainment rate; however, larvae may be
450 Entrainment and Impingement of Organisms in Power Plant Cooling

able to avoid becoming entrained by avoiding the part larval mortality estimates, conical nets and pumps
of the water column from which a plant withdraws its are still commonly used due to cost or design issues
cooling water. Because of the multitude of influences associated with sampling in intakes and discharges.
on entrainment rates, data collections need to occur For example, only one of the nine entrainment
frequently enough so that they are representative of studies conducted for power plants along the coast
the various combinations of conditions present in the of Massachusetts between 1994 and 2003 reported
source water body. Moreover, interannual variability the use of a larval table, whereas all of the others
is often great enough to warrant replication across used conical net sampling.
years as well as within years.
Early efforts to quantify the mortality of larvae
within cooling water systems used conical nets 2.2 Impingement Sampling
suspended in both the intake structures and discharge Impingement is easier to measure than is entrainment
plumes of electricity-generating facilities. (It should because the presence or absence of larger organisms
be noted that larval sampling techniques also capture is more obvious and, therefore, easier to quantify.
floating eggs; thus, entrainment of eggs and larvae Impingement samples can be collected directly from
are often assessed simultaneously.) However, one of traveling screens or from collection pens built into a
the problems with this method is that the survival of fish return system. Often, impingement rates are
larvae is influenced by the velocity of water flowing assessed for only part of a 24-h period and long-term
through the net, with higher velocities leading to rates are extrapolated from the short-term assess-
increased mortality. Higher velocities also increase ment intervals. Impingement rates are usually re-
the risk of extrusion through the net and increase the ported as number of fish per year or number of fish
limitations of the net to catch larvae, resulting in an per volume of flow through the power plant.
incomplete sample. Furthermore, discharge plumes The most frequently impinged fish are usually
often have much greater velocities than do intakes. young-of-the-year fish, although older juveniles and
As a consequence, larvae collected in discharges may adults are also impinged. Schooling juvenile fish (e.g.,
have higher mortality due to the force of the menhaden) often follow shoreline margins and can
discharge water trapping them in collection nets. In become impinged in large numbers, especially during
short, traditional net sampling can add another the late summer and fall. Impingement rates for
source of mortality when only the mortality caused juvenile schooling fish can exceed 1000 fish per hour
by the cooling system is of interest. and tens of thousands weekly.
To reduce sampling-related mortality, some re-
searchers have used a flume-like sampling station,
floated in front of the intake or discharge, onto
which water can be pumped. Unlike net sampling, a
larval table equalizes sampling stresses for both TO ENTRAINED AND
intake and discharge samples by withdrawing water IMPINGED ORGANISMS
at a constant rate in both areas. However, the pump
used to bring larvae onto the sampling table can Entrained and impinged organisms can incur several
cause a significant amount of mortality to the larvae. types of mortality associated with a CWIS. The risks
To avoid pump-related mortality, samples may be of mortality arise due to physical, chemical, or
taken using a pump that is downstream of the thermal stresses within the cooling water system. In
sampling screen. In this way, water and entrained addition, there is the possibility of latent mortality
organisms are pulled rather than pushed onto the after an organism has been discharged from the
sampler and its screens; therefore, no organisms have cooling water system.
to go through the pump system. Other sampling
efforts have eliminated the pump altogether, using
3.1 Physical Stress
the velocity of water in the discharge to bring water
into the floating sampling station. However, this Physical stresses result in direct damage to the tissues
method does not work in intake structures where the of entrained organisms as they pass through the
velocity of water is not great enough to force water pumps and pipes of a cooling system. Within the
onto the floating sampling station. system, they are subject to abrasion, compression,
Although innovations in sampling techniques have and shear stress. Physical impacts to impinged
produced methods that increase the reliability of organisms may include suffocation while pressed
Entrainment and Impingement of Organisms in Power Plant Cooling 451

against the intake screens and tissue damage from increasing amounts of time in a heated discharge or if
pressurized screen washes and the velocity of the they are reentrained into the power plant.
return sluice. Some sluices have been known to drop Increased temperatures may affect impinged or-
fish several vertical feet into the receiving water, ganisms if a facility is designed to clean its screens by
whereas others have sent fish to rocky areas that are backflushing, which involves using heated water to
dry at low water. Such poorly designed sluices may dislodge debris and fouling organisms attached to the
stun or injure fish, leaving them more susceptible to intake screens. This method can also physically
predation. For example, birds have been known to damage impinged fish while subjecting them to
frequent the outfalls of fish return systems, plucking excessive temperatures. In addition, impinged organ-
the returned fish from the water. Furthermore, some isms can be thermally stressed if the return sluice
sluices deliver fish directly to the discharge channel, deposits them in the plant’s thermal effluent.
where they experience turbulence as well as elevated
temperatures that may contribute to mortality. In
addition, sluices that return fish too close to intake
structures may contribute to reimpingement, espe- 3.4 Latent Mortality
cially if the fish are stunned by the physical stress of The combination of physical, chemical, and thermal
impingement, high-pressure spray, and a turbulent stresses experienced during entrainment or impinge-
return sluice. ment can make organisms more susceptible to
pathogens, infections, or predation after they are
returned to the water body. The mortality associated
3.2 Chemical Stress with these combined effects is called latent mortality.
Chemical mortality results from deleterious physio- Latent mortality is difficult to quantify because long-
logical effects induced by chemicals added to the term effects might not manifest themselves during the
cooling water as it flows through the facility. Biocides time frames of most studies. However, some
(typically chlorine) are used to keep the cooling researchers have attempted to quantify latent mor-
water system free of fouling organisms such as algae, tality by holding recently entrained larvae and
barnacles, and mussels. Biocides injected directly into impinged fish in tanks and monitoring their survivor-
cooling water will kill entrained larvae and eggs. ship. Still, in practice, most assessments conserva-
Ultimately, these biocides are discharged to the tively assume 100% through-plant mortality in the
receiving water body and, therefore, may also affect interest of expediency and cost savings, obviating the
the organisms in the vicinity of the outfall. If biocides need for a latent mortality estimate.
are used to keep traveling screens free of fouling
organisms, impinged fish can also be dosed with
toxic chemicals.
3.3 Thermal Stress
Thermal stress to entrained organisms occurs as the
water that surrounds them absorbs heat from con- The simplest method of evaluating cooling water
denser tubes. Excessive temperatures cause the break- withdrawal effects is to estimate the annual absolute
down of proteins and can result in developmental losses of all life stages of species entrained or
problems or death. The delta T of a plant directly impinged. The magnitude of the impact can then be
influences entrainment mortality. Minimizing delta T assessed relative to management criteria or historical
will increase the rate of survival because most trends in species abundances. Beyond calculating
organisms have the physiological ability to withstand absolute losses, there are a number of methods for
small increases in temperature. However, for all quantifying power plant impacts due to entrainment
organisms, there is a temperature threshold above and impingement. These include equivalent adult
which acclimation to higher temperatures will not analysis, calculating production forgone, calculating
occur and mortality will follow. The duration of indirect losses to predators due to mortality to forage
exposure to elevated temperatures also affects survival. species, calculating conditional mortality, comparing
Therefore, the risk of mortality to organisms that have equivalent adults or production forgone to commer-
survived being entrained will increase as they spend cial landings, and modeling populations.
452 Entrainment and Impingement of Organisms in Power Plant Cooling

4.1 Entrainment Impact Assessments individual species with population abundances ad-
jacent to the intake. In the absence of genetic and
The equivalent adult method of assessing entrain- behavioral information that could truly bound a
ment and impingement effects provides managers population of interbreeding organisms, impact assess-
with the number of individuals (eggs, larvae, or ments rely on subjective semi-arbitrary boundaries
juveniles) that would have survived to reproductive defined by geographical features, hydrodynamics, and
age if they had incurred only those mortality policy decisions by resource agencies. Increasing
pressures independent of the generating facility. population boundaries, and thus a population’s size,
Equivalent adult losses can be calculated for those decreases the magnitude of impacts. Given that the
species whose life stage-specific mortality rates are magnitude of impacts can lead to expensive plant
known. Typically, these values are known for only a upgrades, spirited discussions can surround the
select few commercially or recreationally important definition of population boundaries.
fish species. A similar approach has been used to determine the
A second means of calculating impacts is called percentage of larvae flowing past a plant that is
the production forgone method. Production forgone entrained. In this assessment, the rate of larvae
is similar to calculating equivalent adults except that flowing through a plant (i.e., the density in the
it is used to determine the biomass (measured in discharge multiplied by the plant’s flow rate) is
pounds or kilograms) that would have been pro- divided by the flux of larvae flowing past the intake
duced if the entrained and impinged organisms had structure (i.e., the density in the water body multi-
experienced sources of mortality only in the absence plied by the net current flow). This method provides
of the plant. Equivalent adult analysis is usually an estimate of the plant’s ability to affect the pool of
applied to species that are part of a commercial or larvae in its source water. The reliability of this
recreational fishery, whereas production forgone is estimate of impact is dependent on empirical data
usually used to measure impacts to nonfished species. and accurate measurements of flow rate and larval
Another impact assessment method takes into density. In addition, because ocean currents and
account the indirect losses caused by the mortality of some rivers can flow in opposite directions depend-
species that are prey to species that are part of a ing on the tide, the opportunity for larvae to be
managed fishery. This assessment occurs in three entrained is dependent on how many times they flow
steps. First, production forgone is calculated for the back and forth in front of a CWIS.
prey species. Next, for each predator species in the Some impact assessments have compared entrain-
fishery, production forgone of their prey is multiplied ment and impingement losses with annual commer-
by a food conversion efficiency factor that accounts cial landings of affected fish species. However, this
for the biomass of prey consumed by the predators estimate of impact can be misleading if the commer-
that results in an increase in predator biomass. cial landings data are from an area that is larger than
Finally, the loss of predator biomass due to entrain- the area of interest immediately adjacent to an intake
ment of young life stages of their prey is calculated structure. Another reason why commercial landings
by apportioning the biomass of prey to individual are not a good point of comparison is that they are
predator species based on the specific proportions of influenced by fishing effort, management policies
each prey species in a predator’s diet and the relative restricting effort, and the market price of various fish
biomass of each predator in the area of interest. In species. Because of the variability in these factors,
effect, this method converts biomass of prey species commercial landings are not a reliable measure of
to biomass of predator species that have known species abundance.
commercial or recreational value. After bounding the populations of interest and
Yet another assessment method, and perhaps the estimating current impacts, further analysis may
most controversial because it is the most subjective, is involve predicting future impacts to populations
to determine conditional mortality rates. Conditional using mathematical models. Models may be used to
mortality is the fractional reduction of a population project how a population will respond to various
of organisms due only to entrainment and impinge- operating or mitigation scenarios.
ment. To estimate conditional mortality, one must (1) In models, the distribution of larvae and eggs is
define the boundaries of the local populations of often represented as uniform, with their densities
organisms entrained and impinged, (2) estimate the averaged across a section of water column. This
abundance of organisms in these populations, and (3) simplification keeps model projections manageable
compare entrainment and impingement data for while decreasing run time and financial costs.
Entrainment and Impingement of Organisms in Power Plant Cooling 453

However, in reality, the distribution of larvae and offset reductions in entrainment achieved by flow
eggs is heterogeneous and the risk of higher density reductions. However, when through-plant mortality
patches of organisms becoming entrained will vary is assumed to be 100%, flow rate becomes the most
over time. To take advantage of the simplicity of important factor because delta T has no effect on
projection models and account for the real-world impact assessment. A further consideration is that
patchiness of eggs and larvae, cross-sectional there is also a trade-off between flow and thermal
averages of organism densities determined by models output to the receiving waters. Increasing flow
can be converted to more realistic densities by through the plant can decrease delta T and reduce
multiplying by a ratio called the withdrawal factor thermal impacts within the cooling system and in the
(W). W is the ratio of the density of entrained receiving water.
organisms in the intake structure to the density
of entrainable organisms found in the adjacent
4.2 Impingement Impact Assessments
water body.
Some models include a recirculation factor to Impacts due to impingement are relatively easier to
account for the proportion of entrained organisms quantify than are entrainment impacts. Representa-
that reenter the CWIS because the discharge is close tive samples of impinged organisms can be collected
enough to the intake to reentrain discharge water. directly from traveling screens by special sampling
Recirculation can be determined through modeling trays or can be sampled from the return sluiceway.
or dye studies of the movement of the discharge Although fish are usually the most frequently
plume. The amount of recirculation is site specific collected organisms, crustaceans, turtles, birds, and
and may be as great as 25%. Incorporating seals can also be impinged. However, in practice,
recirculation of flow into a model tends to decrease most impact assessments focus on the number of fish
estimates of impacts because a portion of the impinged. In the overall assessment of a plant’s
organisms in the cooling water is assumed to have impact, losses due to impingement are added to
already been killed by the plant’s cooling system. equivalent adult, production forgone, and condi-
When the goal of an impact assessment is to tional mortality estimates.
quantify the specific sources of mortality to entrained
organisms, also known as the entrainment mortality
factor (f), the individual mortality rates due to the 5. REDUCING IMPACTS
physical, chemical, or thermal stresses associated
with passing through the cooling water system are The most effective way of reducing impacts caused
estimated. Estimating f entails separating out mor- by cooling water withdrawal is to avoid the use of
tality incurred through the sampling process (i.e., cooling water altogether by initially designing or
physical stresses due to pumps, nets, and handling upgrading a facility to utilize air cooling. However,
time) from the mortality caused solely by the cooling in many cases, this is cost-prohibitive. Alternatively,
water system. Because there are so many potential closed-cycle cooling costs significantly less than does
sources of mortality once eggs and larvae are in a air-cooling and requires substantially less water than
cooling system, and because quantifying them re- do once-through cooling systems; therefore, it has
liably to the satisfaction of regulatory agencies can be lower entrainment and impingement impacts. When
an onerous and costly task, many impact assessments air cooling or closed-cycle cooling systems are not an
will conservatively estimate that 100% of all option due to design, siting, or cost constraints,
entrained eggs and larvae suffer mortality. power plant owners can reduce entrainment and
When the 100% entrainment mortality assump- impingement impacts through low-impact siting of a
tion is not used, through-plant mortality (f) is new CWIS, operational changes, technological up-
important to modeling operational procedures grades, and/or biological mitigation. The efficacy of
needed to reduce entrainment mortality because each of these methods has been debated within the
trade-offs exist between delta T and flow rate. When CWIS permitting process and has been shown to be
the flow of water passing through a cooling water dependent on the site-specific characteristics of an
system decreases, the relative amount of heat per individual facility and the distribution of organisms
volume of cooling water increases, thereby increasing around its intake structure(s). Finally, the implemen-
delta T. Under certain operational scenarios, the tation of new and existing regulations can potentially
potential increase in mortality to entrained larvae reduce entrainment and impingement impacts on a
and eggs associated with an increased delta T can regional scale.
454 Entrainment and Impingement of Organisms in Power Plant Cooling

5.1 CWIS Siting thereby increasing the probability of survival if there

is an adequate return sluice.
When the use of once-through cooling is the only
option, one way of minimizing impacts is through the
careful siting of new intake structures after con-
sideration of the temporal and spatial distribution of 5.3 Technological Upgrades
organisms in the source water body. Identification In addition to carefully planned CWIS siting and
and avoidance of spawning runs, egg-laying sites, operational protocols, technological modifications and
hydrodynamically low-energy or sheltered areas additions provide an opportunity for reducing impacts.
where larvae may collect, juvenile nurseries, feeding The upgrade to modified traveling screens with a
areas, and overwintering refuges can greatly reduce well-designed fish return system can enhance survi-
potential impacts. To achieve this, some intakes may vorship of many impinged organisms. Improvements
be resited to offshore locations to remove them from to traveling screens and fish return systems to
the most biologically productive habitats. minimize the physical stress on fish before they
Intake structures raised slightly above the bottom return to the receiving water body include modified
will aid in keeping bottom-dwelling organisms from fish buckets on the screens and low-pressure spray
entering the intakes (but it will do little to deter washes, variable speed drives for rotating the screens
planktonic or swimming organisms). Although the (3–30 feet/min), and separate fish and debris return
careful siting of intakes outside the most productive troughs (Fig. 2). Furthermore, designing return
habitats will reduce impacts, there will always be sluices so that they deliver fish back into the receiving
some level of impacts due to CWIS unless some water body at all water levels (i.e., not allowing
physical characteristic of the water (e.g., consistently returned fish to drop on the shore at low water
low dissolved oxygen) prevents organisms from levels), and far enough away from the intake so as
living there. not to be reimpinged, may also increase survival rates
of returned fish.
When biocides are necessary to reduce biofouling
on intake screens, the location of biocide injection
5.2 Operational Changes
Changes to operational procedures at the facility can
also reduce impacts. For example, flow reductions
may reduce impacts because entrainment and im-
pingement rates are often directly correlated with Target
flow rates. One way of reducing flow is to use wheel
variable-speed pumps (instead of on/off pumps) to
reduce water intake during months when biological
activity is highest. Another method is to operate in High-pressure
what is called ‘‘piggyback’’ mode, where the dis- Debris
spray wash
charge from one unit is used to cool another unit. Low-pressure lip
spray wash
This cooling water recycling measure increases the
risks to organisms that are initially entrained trough
(because they may go through the cooling system
several times) but decreases the overall amount of Fish
lip Fish pan
new cooling water needed, thereby decreasing
impacts. Another operational procedure that can Fish return
reduce impingement impacts is the continuous trough
rotation of screens in front of the intake. Typically, screen
screens are rotated only when excessive blockage of
the screens (by vegetation, debris, or organisms) FIGURE 2 Schematic side view of a modified traveling screen
decreases intake rates beyond the threshold of with separate fish and debris troughs and a low-pressure spray to
condenser efficiency. Continuous rotation of screens remove impinged fish. From Johnson, I. C. (2003). Fish return
system efficacy and monitoring studies for JEA’s Northside
during months when impingement is known or Generating Station. In ‘‘Proceedings: Symposium on Cooling
expected to be highest can reduce the amount of Water Intake Technologies to Protect Aquatic Organisms.’’ U.S.
time that impinged organisms spend on the screens, Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC.
Entrainment and Impingement of Organisms in Power Plant Cooling 455

can be important to the survival of impinged

Fish recovery
organisms. Positioning the biocide injectors so that system Pumps
they do not dose impinged organisms (i.e., aiming
injectors toward the descending portion of the
traveling screen) may help to increase survival rates.
Furthermore, using targeted biocides (i.e., those that
kill only biofouling organisms and not fish) will also
increase the survival of impinged organisms.
Other technological upgrades include physical and
behavioral barriers. Filter fabric curtains, fixed panel
screens, or wedge wire screens placed in front of the
CWIS create a physical barrier between organisms in
the water body and the intake structure (Fig. 3)
Fish bypass
These barriers, if installed and maintained properly,
reduce intake velocity and can prevent impingement
and reduce entrainment (although the smallest eggs Angled
and larvae may still pass through the barrier and into screens
an intake). Other systems that use angled screens or
vertical panels placed at 90 degrees to the flow of
water create flows that divert fish to a bypass on the
outside of the screens that prevents them from
entering the cooling system (Fig. 4). These systems
have been shown to reduce impingement but not Trash rack
entrainment. In a similar way, localized turbulent
flows generated at points near an intake can ‘‘sweep’’ FIGURE 4 Schematic of angled screens located upstream from
fish away from intakes (Fig. 5). This method has been a cooling water intake to redirect fish toward a bypass around the
intake structure. From U.S. Environmental Agency. (1994).
shown to be successful in preventing impingement of ‘‘Preliminary Regulatory Development Section 316(b) of the Clean
certain species of fish. Water Act Background Paper Number 3: Cooling Water Intake
Placing the intake structure under gravel or behind Technologies.’’ EPA, Washington, DC.
a porous cobble dike is another upgrade that can
potentially reduce entrainment and impingement if the
intake velocity across the gravel or cobble is less than it
would be across an unprotected intake. However, the
River flow Generated


p ho Corrugated
um steel
kep retaining

M line)

Bottom 1.27 chain
minimum depth (lead line)
3.0 m 90-kg 2250-kg
anchor anchor
FIGURE 5 Diagram of how induced turbulent flows can sweep
FIGURE 3 Schematic of a barrier net for reducing impingement fish away from an intake structure. From Coutant, C., and
at Bowline power plant in New York. From U.S. Environmental Bevelheimer, M. (2003). Induced sweeping flows at CWIS for
Protection Agency. (1994). ‘‘Preliminary Regulatory Development reducing fish impingement. In ‘‘Proceedings: Symposium on
Section 316(b) of the Clean Water Act Background Paper Number Cooling Water Intake Technologies to Protect Aquatic Organ-
3: Cooling Water Intake Technologies.’’ EPA, Washington, DC. isms.’’ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC.
456 Entrainment and Impingement of Organisms in Power Plant Cooling

Uncapped intake Capped intake

attracts fish discourages fish

FIGURE 6 Schematic of the difference in intake velocity between capped and uncapped cooling water intakes. From U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency. (1994). ‘‘Preliminary Regulatory Development Section 316(b) of the Clean Water Act
Background Paper Number 3: Cooling Water Intake Technologies.’’ EPA, Washington, DC.

efficacy of an under-gravel or porous dike barrier may biological resources lost to entrainment and impinge-
decrease due to clogging by debris and sediment or ment. This valuation system identifies the costs of
fouling by colonizing aquatic organisms. habitat restoration required to replace biological
Other methods of impact reduction are behavioral resources lost to entrainment and impingement. One
barrier systems. One behavioral system that works of the strengths of this method is that it recognizes that
on the premise that fish avoid rapid changes in all organisms, and not just those that are recreationally
horizontal flow is called a velocity cap. A velocity cap or commercially important, are valuable to an aquatic
is placed on an offshore vertical intake and converts ecosystem. An intensive search for habitat restoration
vertical flow into horizontal flow (Fig. 6). Like the opportunities for each affected species and a system of
panel and angled screen systems, this device has only prioritizing the options based on their expected
been shown to reduce impingement but not entrain- benefits to the affected species is required. Once
ment impacts, and it is more effective for some implemented, only intensive, long-term, and carefully
species than for others. Acoustical or optical (strobe controlled studies can determine whether habitat
light or air bubble) deterrents have also been used as remediation has led to increases in the abundance of
behavioral barriers to keep fish from approaching species life stages affected by power plants.
CWIS, but the efficacy of these techniques has been Another form of biological mitigation is restock-
shown to be limited and species specific. ing. In restocking plans, the sum total of equivalent
adult fish entrained plus the number of adult fish that
have been impinged is replaced by hatchery-raised
5.4 Biological Mitigation
fish of the same species. One of the challenges with
An innovative but still unproven method for reducing this method is to ensure that the hatchery-raised fish
impacts is biological mitigation. The theory behind have the same genetic makeup and ecologically
biological mitigation is to accept that a certain important behavioral responses (e.g., habitat selec-
number of losses will occur at a given facility and tion, prey capture, predator avoidance) as do the fish
that these losses can be balanced by adding more they are meant to replace. An additional considera-
individuals to the affected biological populations. tion is that restocking often occurs without respect to
Some biological mitigation strategies propose to restocking the same life stages that are experiencing
conserve or restore habitat so as to increase the the greatest impacts. For example, juvenile fish
abundance of certain life stages of affected popula- grown in a hatchery and released as mitigation for
tions. To facilitate this process, the EPA created a entrainment impacts will not have the same ecolo-
‘‘habitat-based replacement cost’’ method of valuing gical role as will the larvae they are meant to replace.
Entrainment and Impingement of Organisms in Power Plant Cooling 457

Biological mitigation is a field that requires more commensurate with closed-cycle cooling, and intake
research before its efficacy can be ascertained. velocity does not need to be less than 0.5 feet
per second; however, the other withdrawal con-
straints are the same. In addition, facility operators
5.5 New Regulations to Reduce Impacts
choosing track II need to undertake a comprehensive
At the regulatory level, the EPA has established biological evaluation demonstrating that the chosen
requirements to reduce entrainment and impingement technologies and operations have an adverse environ-
impacts at new facilities using once-through cooling. mental impact level commensurate with that achiev-
On December 18, 2001, it issued its ‘‘final rule’’ able under track I. The EPA has been evaluating
implementing Section 316(b) of the Clean Water Act requirements to reduce entrainment and impingement
for new facilities. The national requirements for new effects at existing facilities that use cooling water in
facilities establish a two-track system. Under track I, order to meet the goals of track II.
facilities using more than 10 million gallons of intake
water per day must meet capacity, velocity, and
capacity- and location-based proportional flow re-
quirements. Facilities using more than 2 million but SEE ALSO THE
less than 10 million gallons of intake water per day FOLLOWING ARTICLES
do not have to meet the capacity limitation but must
use technologies to reduce entrainment. More speci- Aquaculture and Energy Use  Electricity, Environ-
fically, the track I standards require the following: mental Impacts of  Fisheries and Energy Use 
 Intake flow must be commensurate with that of Hydropower, Environmental Impact of  Thermal
a closed-cycle system (although facilities with 2–10 Pollution  Wetlands: Impacts of Energy Develop-
million gallons/day intake flow are exempt). ment in the Mississippi Delta
 The maximum through-screen intake velocity is
0.5 feet per second.
 If an intake is sited in a freshwater river or Further Reading
stream, flow must be less than 5% of the annual Barnthouse, L. W., Klauda, R. J., Vaughan, D. S., and Kendall, R. L.
mean flow. (eds.). (1988). ‘‘Science, Law, and Hudson River Power Plants: A
 If an intake is sited in a lake or reservoir, case study in environmental impact assessment monograph 4.’’
American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD.
withdrawal from a cooling water intake must not
Boreman, J., Goodyear, C. P., and Christensen, S. W. (1981). An
disrupt the natural thermal stratification of the empirical methodology for estimating entrainment losses at
source water body. power plants sited on estuaries. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 110,
 If an intake is sited in a tidal river or an estuary, 255–262.
withdrawal can be no greater than 1% of the volume Environmental Protection Agency. (2001a). Efficacy of cooling
of the water column within the area centered around water intake structure technologies.
the intake, with the diameter defined by the distance Environmental Protection Agency. (2001b). Proposed Section
of one tidal excursion at mean low water. 316(b) phase II existing facilities rule case study analysis.
Under track II, a facility has the option to
demonstrate that alternative technologies or opera- Van Winkle, W., Christensen, S. W., and Suffern, J. S. (1979).
tions chosen by the manager of the facility will reduce ‘‘Incorporation of Sublethal Effects and Indirect Mortality in
Modeling Population-Level Impacts of a Stress, with an
entrainment and impingement mortality to a level Example Involving Power-Plant Entrainment and Striped Bass,’’
comparable to that required under track I. Also under ORNL/NUREG/TM-288. Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
track II, flow levels are not limited to those Oak Ridge, TN.

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