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Chapter 2 – Capacitors

1. Define capacitance of a capacitor

The capacitance of a capacitor is the ratio of the charge on a plate of the capacitor to the
potential difference between the plates.


Ch arg e on either plate of capacitor

Capacitance = Potential difference between the plates

Capacitance C 
Where Q is the charge on either plate
V is the potential difference between the plates

2. Define the capacitance of a conductor

The capacitance of a conductor is the ratio of the charge on the conductor to the electric
potential of the conductor.


Ch arg e on the conductor

Capacitance of a conductor = Electric potential of the conductor
Capacitance C 
Where Q is the charge on the conductor
V is the electric potential of the conductor.

3. Explain what is meant by farad ?

The farad is the capacitance of a capacitor that has a charge of one coulomb on each plate
when the potential difference between the plates is one volt.

4. What is meant by the dielectric constant of a capacitor?

The dielectric constant  r  C

Where C is the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor with medium as dielectric

And Co is the capacitance of the same capacitor with air (vacuum) as dielectric.
5. Explain why the capacitance of a capacitor increases when a dielectric is used
instead of air.

C   r C 0 where r is the dielectric constant

Since r > 1
C increases

6. Explain the mechanism how a dielectric can increase the capacitance of a

capacitor that is connected to a battery?
(a) The molecules of the dielectric are polarized by the electric field in between the
(b) This results in the surface of the dielectric facing the positive on plate having a
negative charge and positive the opposite surface
(c) A reverse electric field is set up. The resultant electric field between the plates is
(d) Since E  , when E decreases, the potential difference V between the plates
(e) If the capacitor is still connected to the battery, charges continue to flow into the
capacitor until the potential difference across the capacitor equals the emf of the
(f) Since the capacitor is able to store more charges for the same potential difference,
its capacitance increases.

7. A air filled parallel plate capacitor is charged and disconnected from a battery. A
dielectric is then inserted between the plates.
What happen to the capacitance of the capacitor? Explain why.

The capacitance increases.

When the dielectric is inserted between the plates

(a) it reduces the electric field
(b) E  , the potential difference between the plates is also reduced
(c) Since C  , when V decreases but with the same charge Q on either plates, the
capacitance increases

8. Explain why the concept of capacitance is not applicable for an insulator which is

The concept of capacitance is not applicable to a charged insulator because charge cannot
flow into or onto an insulator. Hence charged cannot be channeled into an insulator to be
9. Discuss how the capacitance of a metal plate is affected by the presence of a
earthed metal plate that is parallel to it.

When an earthed metal plate is arranged parallel to the charged plate, the electric
potential V of the charged plate decreases.
When V decreases and Q constant, the capacitance C increases.

10. Define time constant of a discharge circuit for a capacitor.

The time constant of a discharge circuit for a capacitor is the time taken for the charge (or
potential difference or current) in the capacitor to decrease to of the initial charge.

11. Define time constant of a charging circuit for a capacitor.

The time constant of a charging circuit is the time taken for the potential difference V
 1
across the capacitor ( or charge in the capacitor) to increase to 1   of its final value
 e

The time constant of a charging circuit is the time taken for the current in the circuit to
decrease to of its initial value.

12. Explain why the maximum voltage is marked on the capacitor?

When the maximum voltage is exceeded, the insulation of dielectric would break down.
Charges would flow between the plates across the dielectric and are lost.

13. A potential difference is applied across an air-filled parallel plate capacitor.

State the physical properties of the capacitor that determine the maximum charge

Area of the plate

Plate separation

Note : Q = CV. Even though V influences Q, but V is not a physical property.

C also influences Q but it is too general as it refers to all capacitors.
You need to state the physical properties of a parallel plate capacitor as required in the
question. So C = A / d
The question also specity air-filled parallel plate capacitor. Using a dielectric in the
capacitor is not accepted as an answer even though it is a physical property.
Had the question did not specify air-filled, then adding or using a dielectric with a higher
dielectric constant would be accepted as an answer.

21. Derive an expression for the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor in terms of the
overlapping area A, the separation distance d, the permittivity of vacuum o and the
relative permittivity r of the material filling up the gap between the plates.

From the definition of capacitance, C 
The electric field strength between the plates E 
Therefore C 
 Q
For a parallel plate E  
 A

QA QA r  o  r  o A
Therefore C   
Qd Qd d
22. Explain briefly, in microscopic view, how the presence of a dielectric material
between a parallel plate capacitor can increase its capacitance?

i) Dielectric contains dipoles which responds to the electric field E of the capacitors. This
field set up the surface charges on the dielectric, causing polarisation

ii) The surface charges creates another electric field Ed inside the dielectric, so that the
total field is reduced. Etotal = E – Ed.

iii) Since V = Ed, the potential difference across the plates is also reduced.
From C  , the capacitance of the capacitor is increased.

23. Derive the capacitance for a parallel plate capacitor in terms of its physical

For a parallel plate capacitor with plates of area A, filled with air with permittivity o ,
and plate separation d. When each plate is filled with charge Q

+ + + + + +
- - - - - - -

Electric Field Strength, E   , where  is the charge density of the plates

But  
E where V is the potential difference across the plates

Therefore, E  A  d

Q  A
The capacitance, C   0
V d

24. Derive an expression of an effective capacitance for two capacitors which are
connected in series.

C1 C2
+Q -Q +Q -Q

V1 V2

Where C1 and C2 are the capacitance of the two capacitors respectively.
Q is the charge on each plate
C is the effective capacitance
V1 and V2 are the potential difference across the capacitors respectively
V is the e.m.f of the battery.

V  V1  V2
V  
C1 C 2
V 1 1
 
Q C1 C 2
1 1 1
 
C C1 C 2

25. When a capacitor is charged by a battery with emf V until a charge Q is stored on
each plate, state what is the energy stored in the capacitor and energy supplied by the
battery. Explain your answers.

Energy stored in the capacitor = QV
Energy supplied by the capacitor = QV
Half of the energy supplied is loss in the resistance of the wires that are used.

26. An air filled parallel plate capacitor is connected to an electric supply until it is fully
charged. A dielectric is then inserted into the air space between the plates of the
What happen to the electric potential energy stored in the capacitor? Explain the your

The electric potential energy increases.

When the capacitor is fully charged, energy stored = C 0V 2
Where C0 is the capacitance of the air filled capacitor.

When the dielectric is inserted, the capacitance of the capacitor increases to C = rC0

1 1
Therefore the energy stored now = CV 2   r C 0V
2 2
Since er > 1, the energy stored increases.

27. An air filled parallel plate capacitor is connected to an electric supply until it is fully
charged. A dielectric is then inserted into the air space between the plates of the
It is found that the electric potential energy stored in the capacitor increases? Explain the
microscopic mechanism for the increase.

When the dielectric is inserted into the capacitor, the dielectric molecules will be
polarised and becomes electric dipoles.

These dipoles align themselves along the electric field. This results in the surface of the
dielectric facing the positive on plate having a negative charge and positive the opposite

A reverse electric field is set up. The resultant electric field between the plates is reduced.

Since E  , when E decreases, the potential difference V between the plates decreases.

Since the capacitor is still connected to the battery, charges continue to flow into the
capacitor until the potential difference across the capacitor equals the emf of the battery.

(g) Since the capacitor is able to store more charges for the same potential difference,
its electric potential energy increases.

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