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 Serving as “high-liturgical” languages includes Syriac  Classical Armenian serves as the “high” literary  Cholitobhasha is the vernacular standard based on
language, Jewish Palestinian Aramaic, Jewish and liturgical language the elite speech of Kolkota
Babylonian Aramaic, Samaritan Aramaic language  Western and Eastern Armenian dialects are the  Shadhubhasha is the literary standard which employs
and Mandaic language more Sanskritized vocabulary and longer prefixes
vernacular language of the Armenian people.
 Neo-Aramaic languages serve as the vernacular and suffixes
language spoken by common people

 German differentiates between Standard German
 Literary Chinese used at the end of Han Dynasty
and everyday/vernacular language.
was replaced by written vernacular Chinese
 The difference is the regular use of the genitive
 In early 20th Century, written vernacular Chinese
have become a standard for Chinese writing
which is mostly aligned with a standardized
DIGLOSSIC LANGUAGES case or the simple past tense in written language
 In vernacular German, genitive phrases are
replaced with “von”
form of Mandarin Chinese.

 Katharevousa, a form of Greek, was used for
 During the revival of the Hebrew language,
literary purposes but in later years, it was used
spoken and literary Hebrew were revived
only for official and formal purposes
separately, causing a dispersion between
 Dimotiki, “demotic” or popular Greek, was the
the two.
daily language

 In 1861, Italian existed mainly as a literary  Bungo, the Classical Japanese language, was the
language. prominent literary language until the late 1940s
 Romance languages were spoken throughout  Bungo grammar and vocabulary are occasionally used
the Italian Peninsula due to political fragmentation. in modern Japanese for effect.
Now, it is the standard language of Italy.  Haiku and Tanka are still written in Bungo form

 Classical Latin was the literary register used in writing from 75 BC to the
3rd century AD, while Vulgar Latin was the common, spoken variety used  Was the basis of the Filipino language; both share the same vocabulary and
across the Roman Empire. grammatical system.
 The works of Plautus and Terence preserve some early basilectal Latin  Modern Tagalog is derived from Archaic Tagalog, which was spoken during the
features Classical period
 At the Third Council of Tours in 813, priests were ordered to preach in the  The 1987 Constitution maintains that Filipino is the country’s national language
vernacular language

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