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Activity #1

Definition of Health

A. Define the following

a. Health – In today's world, health is defined by more than just the absence of sickness. It
is a state of being able to function well physically, cognitively, socially, and spiritually to
express the full spectrum of one's potentialities within one's living environment.

b. Wellness – It is the active pursuit of activities, decisions, and lifestyles that contribute to
a condition of holistic health. Wellness encompasses more than physical health. At least
six dimensions are usually included in most wellness models (physical, mental,
emotional, spiritual, social, environmental, and others.)

c. Lifestyle – It is a way of life that mirrors an individual's values and attitudes.

d. Illness – It is an abnormal process in which a person's social, physical, emotional, or

cognitive condition and function are weakened or impaired in comparison to their
previous state.

e. Fitness – The ability to engage in prolonged exercise or physical activity without being
easily out of breath.

B. Why are they so important?

Health is important because it is the core of life itself. Having good health allows us
to function and serve our purpose in this world. Having good health also means that we
have enough energy to do things. We all have the same amount of time in the day, therefore
the only thing that differentiates us is the amount of energy we put into each element of our
Wellness is important because it entails having a positive attitude toward your
mind, body, and soul, and is something we frequently have more control over than our
physical health. Since wellness is something that an individual chooses to pursue, making a
set of positive choices can enable them to live their life fully. Furthermore, examining the
different dimensions of one’s wellness can help them to satisfy unmet needs and have a
happier life.
Lifestyle is important because it is a means of forming a sense of self and producing
cultural elements that are meaningful to one's identity. Having a healthy lifestyle, in
particular, has a lot of benefits. Immunization to chronic diseases is one of these benefits.
Another benefit of a healthy lifestyle is having a sound mind and a fit body. It helps lift an
individual’s mood and relieve stress and tension in the head so that they can focus fully on
all of their activities and do their tasks more accurately and creatively. Last but not the least,
replacing bad habits with good habits lead to an individual's life being extended.
Having enough or even a basic understanding of illnesses enables a person to know
what to do in case they or their loved ones become ill. The way on how people perceive
their illness is also important in behavioral variables including treatment response and
functional recovery. There are also circumstances when we become ill and recover from it,
our immunity system will improve, and will be familiar with how to deal with that certain
illness the next time we acquire it.
Fitness is significant for having better health in general and avoiding numerous
physical problems. Keeping one’s blood pressure under control is easier when you're
physically healthy. When you're in good shape, your heart is less prone to develop the
various heart illnesses that so many individuals suffer from today. Fitness activities help to
maintain or even enhance range of motion by strengthening muscles, joints, and ligaments.
Being fit also benefits our emotional health. For example, when we feel good about
ourselves or when we socially interact with other people while doing physical activities.
Furthermore, being fit decreases our chances of becoming overweight or obese which
causes different ailments and diseases.
We can observe that health, wellness, lifestyle, illness, and fitness are interrelated.
They can affect our lives in general. Thus, it is our responsibility to make the right choices
and give importance to every one of these factors if we want the quality of our life to be

The free dictionary by Farlex. (n.d.). Health. Retrieved from https://medical-

The free dictionary by Farlex. (n.d.). Lifestyle. Retrieved from

The free dictionary by Farlex. (n.d.). Fitness. Retrieved from https://medical-

Global wellness institute. (n.d.). What is wellness. Retrieved from

All Answers Ltd. (November 2018). Definitions of Health and Illness. Retrieved from

A Higher Branch. (n.d.). Why Is Health The Most Important Part Of Your Life?. Retrieved from

Corte, R. (December 2020). What Is Wellness and Why Is It Important?. Intro Wellness. Retrieved

Sim. (n.d.). What is Lifestyle?. Chivmen. Retrieved from


Keep Healthy Living. (n.d.). What is the importance of living a healthy lifestyle?. Retrieved from

Petrie, K. et al. (2007). The role of illness perceptions in patients with medical conditions. Current
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Union Lifestyle. (August 2015). 4 Reasons Why Fitness is Important. Retrieved from

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