Iba College of Mindanao 3rd Nsed Activity Report 2021

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Title of Activity (3RD) Quarter CY- 2021 Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake Drill (NSED)

Date September 30, 2021


Overview Natural Disasters and Emergencies preparedness is the process of

turning awareness of the natural hazards and risks faced by a
community into actions that improve its capability to respond to and
recover from disasters and every educational institution must consider,
regardless of its size or location. It is not possible to plan every for
every eventuality that might occur; however, preparation is key in
saving lives if a disaster strikes. The Nationwide simultaneously
earthquake drill is quarterly done to ensure the capability of the faculty,
staff, students and parents in preparing for the occurrence of
Objectives 1. To ensure the safety of the faculty, students, parents, visitors during
and after a damaging earthquake
2. To help School Administrators and their Disaster action groups to
design a specific response during earthquake
3. To train faculty, students, and non- teaching personnel on how to
practice proper action and response during earthquake
4. To test various elements of the response plan designed by the
school Disaster Management Committee.
Participants IBA COLLEGE OF MINDANAO INC., Administrators, faculty, staff, and
Highlights A pre-arranged signal such as ringing of bell for five minutes indicates
shaking, While the bell was going on, everyone moved away from
windows, glass, and light fixtures. They executed the ‘’Duck, Cover
and Hold’’ and look under desks, tables or chairs, they remain in its
position until the bell/ shaking stops.
Teachers, students, staff slowly evacuated from the school building
Proceeded to identified evacuation areas which is in the main street.
At designated Evacuation area, faculty, staff and OJT students were
grouped according to their Department for the headcount headed by
Team Leader of the Disaster Management Committee, Reynante
Antonio, the School President.
Results and Earthquake Drill started at 2:25 o’clock in the afternoon. The alarm
Analysis system of the school was very loud to be heard until 4 th floor of the
building. Everybody executed the duck, cover and hold and look when
the bell started to ring for five (5) f minute and stayed away from
glasses, windows and fixtures and hide under the tables and chairs.
The participants moved to evacuation area but the buddy system was
not executed properly because of physical distancing. While vacating
the building participants walked faster than the normal and cover their
heads. They form single line and followed the evacuation routes going
to the evacuation area. Headcount was conducted by the team leader
at the evacuation area, Upon the command of the team leader, the
Damage control group/savage and site security team proceeded to the
school building to check if there is casualties, After checking they
reported that the school is free from danger. The head of the school
Reynante B. Antonio announced that the school is safe and may
proceed to their respective offices.
The Disaster Control Group of IBA COLLEGE OF MINDANAO INC.
composed of the Administrators, Faculty and staff, The incident
commander headed by Renante, Antonio established leadership
during the entire drill. The Security/ traffic facilitated immediately before
and after the drill. The Damage Control Group/Savage secured the
parameter and safety of the building as well as the participants.

Base from the evaluation report from the Public, the over all
performance rating of the Earthquake Drill was very satisfactory.

Ways Forward The over- all performance rating of the Earthquake Drill of IBA
COLLEGE OF MINDANAO done by the Safety officer from Disaster
Management Committee was Very Satisfactory.
Photo Insert action photos with captions.
Signatories Prepared by:


Noted by:


School President

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