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St. Vincent’s Catholic School of Bayambang, Inc.

Bayambang, Pangasinan

Science 7 - Quarter 3

Force and Energy

What I Need to Know

When this material was designed, your best interest as a learner was given the highest attention. For this
specific module, you are expected to master the nature of electromagnetic waves. The scope of this module
permits it to be used in many different learning situations.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

 Describe the motion of an object in terms of distance or displacement, seed or velocity, and acceleration.
 Create and interpret visual representation of the motion of objects such as tape charts and motion graphs.
 Infer that waves carry energy.
 Describe the characteristics of sound using the concepts of wavelength, velocity, and amplitude.

Name: _________________________________________
Grade and section: _______________________________
LRN: ____________________

What is It
Lesson 1: Forces and Motion
A force may simply be defined as a push or pull. It is a quantitative description of how two physical bodies interact.
Others say that a force is defined in terms of what it can do. A force can move an object at rest. It can also slow down, speed
up, or stop a moving object. A force can also change a body’s direction or even its shape. If a force twists an object, it is
called torsion, which is applied by a physical therapist in twisting or kneading pressure on the muscles during a massage. The
force that stretches an object like a rope or rubber band is called tension.
Types of Forces
 Contact forces  Noncontact forces
 Frictional force or friction (f) is the force exerted by a  Gravitational force – the force exerted by earth on all
surface as an object moves across it. these activities is known as gravity.
 Applied force is directed to an object by a person or  Electromagnetic force – it combines electric and
another object. magnetic fields from the interaction of charged particles.
 Normal force is the support force exerted by surface that  Nuclear force – the force that holds the protons and
is in contact with another object. neutrons within the nucleus is called nuclear force.

25 Figure 1: Motion  Motion is a change in position of an object with respect to a reference point.
20 20  Figure 1 shows the motion of a car during a two-hour ride. From the point of origin, it
traveled 5 m in 30 min and 15 m in 90 min. Taking point B as the reference point, the car
15 15
also traveled 5 m in 30 min to reach point C.
10 10
55 Descriptors of Motion
0  Speed is the term used to describe the distance traveled per unit time. The word “per”
30 60 90 120
means “to divide by.”
Formula: v= ; where v = speed, d = distance & t = time
time (min) t
 Instantaneous speed – the reading at a particular time.
 Average speed ( v́) indicates the average rate of movement during the entire time of the travel (t) throughout the entire
distance traveled ( d ) .
Formula: v́= ; where v́ = average speed, d = total distance traveled & t = total travel time
Practice Exercise:
1. If Cathy, Myra and Eva all take 2.0 h to walk from their house to their school at a rate of 1.0 m/s, how far is their school
from the house?
2. in 1.8 s, a smart and swift dachshund caught his prey that was 8.5 m away. What was the dog’s speed?
3. Usain Bolt, a Jamaican sprinter, holds the Olympic and world records for the 100-m dash, which he achieved during the
2012 Summer Olympics in London. He finished the 100-m dash in 9.63 seconds. What was his speed?
4. If driver takes 30 min to get to the town market, which is 1.5 km away from his house, what is his average speed?

 Velocity ( v ¿ is similar to speed, except that it not only tells how Scalar Quantities VS. Vector Quantities
fast or how slow a motion is, but also indicates its direction.  Scalar quantities are  Vector quantities
d described only through described both
Formula: v= ; where v = velocity, d = displacement &
t their magnitude, or a magnitude and
t = total time travel number and unit of direction, like 80 km/h
Practice Exercise: measurement, like 40 towards Samar.
Solve for the missing variable. km/h, 50 kg or 3 h.  Velocity is a vector
v (m/s) d (m) t (s)  Speed is a scalar quantity.
40.0 40.0
140 50.0
23.6 830

 Acceleration is defined as the rate of change of velocity and measured in meters per second squared (m/s 2) or centimeters
per second squared (cm/s2), whichever is appropriate.
v f −v i
Formula: a= ; where a = acceleration, v f = final velocity, vi = initial velocity & t = total time travel
Practice Exercise:
1. A plane bound for Kuala Lumpur; Malaysia accelerates on a runway from rest to 3.22 m/s within 32.0 s until finally takes
off. Find the distance traveled before takeoff.
2. Michael Schumacher accelerates his race car uniformly from 18.2 m/s to 48.2 m/s in 2.45 s. determine the magnitude of
acceleration of his car and the distance traveled.
3. Find the magnitude of acceleration of a jeep that is initially moving at 18 m/s and comes to a complete stop in 4. 2 s.

Safety Along Roads

 Speed limits  Proper gear  Vehicle check  Drugs  Fatigue
 Seat belt  Improve your skills  Alcohol  Cellphone use  Pedestrian

Lesson 2: Making Waves
A wave is a disturbance that travels through a medium or a
vacuum and carries energy. A single, unrepeated disturbance is
called a pulse wave(a). A succession of periodic disturbances is called b a
wave train (b). a
Properties of Waves
o Frequency (f) of a wave is the number of waves produced per unit time. It also refers to how often the
particles of the medium vibrate when a wave passes through it. its SI unit is hertz, abbreviated as Hz. 1Hz = 1
o Period (T) of a wave is the time taken for one complete cycle of the wave to pass a reference point. It is the reciprocal of
frequency. Period, being a measure of time, is expressed in units of time, usually in seconds. T =
o Wavelength (λ) is the distance between any two successive points in a wave that are in phase with each other.
o Amplitude (A) of a wave refers to the maximum amount of displacement of a particle on the medium from its resting
Classification of Waves
According to nature
 Mechanical waves require a medium to propagate.
 Electromagnetic waves can travel in a vacuum and in any medium.


he regions in the electromagnetic spectrum have various uses and applications as follows:
EM waves Applications/Uses
 Radio waves Radio and television communication
 Microwaves Satellite communication, terrestrial communications, RADAR, microwave oven
 Infrared Remote control, infrared scanner, night-vision google, autofocus camera, thermogram
 Visible light Photosynthesis, artificial lighting, optical fibers in medical uses, screen of electronic devices
 Ultraviolet Rays Sterilization of water from drinking fountain, check signatures on a passbook, used to identify fake
 X-rays Medical use, engineering applications
 Gamma rays Medical treatment, radiotherapy, nuclear reactions
According to direction of vibrations
 Transverse wave is one in which the particles of the medium are vibrating perpendicularly to the direction of wave
 A longitudinal wave is one in which the particles of the medium vibrate parallel to the direction of the wave propagation.
Longitudinal waves are composed of compressions (crest), where particles of the medium are closer together, and
rarefactions (trough), where they are apart.
Energy Transmission by Wave
E1 A 21
 = where E1 and E2 are the energies in Joules (J) corresponding to amplitudes A1 and A2 respectively.
E2 A 22

E1 f 21
 = where E1 and E2 are the energies in Joules (J) corresponding to frequencies f1 and f2 respectively.
E2 f 22
 The energy of an electromagnetic wave depends on its frequency, and is given by the equation E=¿ hf where h is the
Planck’s constant, which is equal to 6.63 x 10-34 J.s (Joule-second).

Practice Exercise:
1. The amplitude of one wave is three times the amplitude of another. How does the energy of the first wave compare with
the energy of the second?
2. Two mechanical waves travelling at the same speed with equal amplitudes have frequencies 60 Hz and 40 Hz,
respectively. Which wave has more energy and by how much?
3. The energy of an electromagnetic wave in the air is about 5.25 x 10 -19 J. Determine its frequency and wavelength.

Lesson 3: Living with Light and Sound

Sound is longitudinal wave that is created by vibrating objects. It is a mechanical wave that requires a medium to
propagate. It cannot travel in a vacuum.
Sound is also called pressure wave because it consists of a series of high- and low-pressure regions.
Characteristics of sound
 Pitch refers to the highness or lowness of a sound. It depends on the frequency of the sound produced by an object.
 Loudness of sound is closely associated with intensity. Intensity refers to the energy delivered to a unit area of a surface
per unit time. The SI unit of intensity is watts/m2.
 Quality or timbre is the property of a tone that distinguishes it from another tone of the same pitch and intensity.
The Human Ear
o The ear is the organ for hearing.
Parts of the Ear
o Outer Ear
 Pinna or auricle is the funnel-like shaped that receives sound waves.
o Middle Ear
 Eardrum or tympanic membrane is a very sensitive cone shaped piece of skin that separates the outer ear from the
middle ear.
 Bridge of ossicles - Ossicles are the smallest bones in the body, namely; the malleus (or hammer), incus (or anvil) and
stapes (or stirrup).
o Inner ear
 Cochlea is a coiled fluid filled tube.
 Basilar membrane is suspended at the middle of the cochlea.
o Vestibule and semicircular canal are parts not directly involved in the hearing process but responsible for maintaining
The Nature Light
The Bible gives a vivid account of the origin of light. In the beginning, there was darkness. But the Creator
commanded. “Let there be light!” and there was light. But what is light?
 Light has a dual nature: that of a particle and a wave.
 The speed of light in a vacuum is 299 792 458 m/s, represented by a small letter c, and is usually rounded to 3 x 108
m/s for calculation purposes.
 Light travels in a straight line as evidenced by shadows and eclipses.
Theories About Light
1. Wave Theory
2. Corpuscle or Particle Theory
3. Electromagnetic Theory
4. Quantum Theory
Colors of Light
 Light is a small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.
 Red has the longest wavelength but lowest frequency
 Violet has the shortest wavelength but highest frequency.
Lesson 4: Heat and Electricity
Heat and Temperature
 The particle theory of matter states that matter consists of many very small particles, which are in constant motion and are
held together by attractive forces.
 Heat is thermal energy that flows between bodies or regions due to temperature difference, hence, it is considered energy
in transit.
 Heat flows from the hotter to cooler bodies, heat transfer continues until all bodies affected reach the same temperature or
thermal equilibrium.
 Temperature refers to the degree of “hotness” or “coldness” of a substance and is measured using a temperature scale,
namely; Fahrenheit, Celsius and Kelvin.
Modes of Heat Transfer
 Conduction is the transfer of heat from one substance to another by direct contact.
 Conductors are materials through which heat can be transferred.
 Insulators are materials that do not allow heat to pass through.
 Convection is the vertical heat transfer of a moving liquid or gas. It involves the movement of the heated substance itself.
The cycle of a heated fluid that rises and sinks is called convection current.
 Radiation is the mode of heat transfer that does not require physical contact between the heated object and the heat
 Electricity comes from the Greek word electron, which means “amber.”
 There are two types of charges: positive charge and negative charge. Like charges repel; unlike charges attract.
 The modern theory of charges is based on the structure of an atom. Charges are brought about by the transfer of electron.
An object becomes positively charged if it loses electrons and negatively charged if it gains electrons. Charge is quantized
and conserved.
 There are three ways by which a neutral body may be charges; conduction, induction and friction. When a body is charged
by conduction, it acquires a charge similar to the kind of charge of the charging body. A body charged by induction
acquires a charge opposite to the kind of charge of the charging body.
 An electroscope determines the kind of charge of a material.
 An insulator is a material that does not allow the flow of charges through it.
 A conductor is a material where charges can flow easily.
 A semiconductor is an insulator in its pure form but a conductor when atoms of a different element are added to it in very
small amount.

 A superconductor practically offers no resistance to the flow of charges.
 Grounding is essential to preventing electric shock.
 A ground is an object that serves as a seemingly infinite reservoir or electrons. It can transfer electrons to or receive
electrons from a charged object.

NOTE: Please submit the worksheet ONLY
Name: ___________________________________ Grade & Section: _____________________ Score: ______
What I Have Learned
Directions: Identify the mode of heat transfer involved in the following situations. Write conduction,
convention, or radiation on the line before each number.
_________ 1.Cool wind blows.
_________ 2.Water boils in a kettle
_________ 3.Hot pizza hurts the tongue.
_________ 4.Butter melts in your mouth.
_________ 5.A light bulb warms up a room.
_________ 6.Wood is used as flooring material.
_________ 7.Steam makes the cover of cooking pan rise.
_________ 8.Bi chunks of rocks move on Earth’s surface.
_________ 9.Sweat evaporates from your skin and you fell cooler.
_________ 10. Cold air from the air conditioner is felt in the entire room.
Directions: Write the word true if the statement is correct and false if it is incorrect.
_________ 1.Fluids expand when heated.
_________ 2.Rubber is a poor conductor of heat.
_________ 3.In convection currents, less dense liquids rise.
_________ 4.Particles of gases bump against each other when heated.
_________ 5.The ice transfers some of its heat to the beverage.
_________ 6.A good conductor allows energy to flow or pass through it.
_________ 7.Tiles used in a house are better heat conductors and radiation in solids.
_________ 8.Heat can be transferred by convection and radiation in solids.
_________ 9.Particles in solids acquire or gain energy when the solids are heated.
_________ 10. Fluids do not conduct heat very well because the particles are not close to each other.

Directions: Choose the letter of the BEST ANSWER. Write the chosen letter on the space before each number.
____ 1. Acceleration is the change in velocity per unit of __________.
a. Distance b. Mass c. Speed d. Time
____ 2. The distance traveled in a particular direction is called_________.
a. Displacement b. Length c. Mass d. Volume
____ 3. One car travel 40 meters east in 5 seconds and the other car goes 64 meters east in 8 seconds. During
their periods of travel, the two cars had the same ____________.
a. Acceleration b. Displacement c. Distance d. Speed
____ 4. Which is a unit for speed?
a. m b. km c. km/h d. s/m
____ 5. If a total distance of 800 m is covered in 40 seconds, the average speed is ___________.
a. 5 m/s b. 10 m/s c. 15 m/s d. 20 m/s
____ 6. If a truck moves at 40 km/hr within its 6-hour travel, how do you describe its acceleration?
a. Decelerating b. Negative c. Positive d. Zero
____ 7. Which is not a scalar quantity?
a. Acceleration b. Distance c. Speed d. Time
____ 8. A twisting or kneading force is also called ____________.
a. Normal force b. Perpendicular force c. Tension d. Torsion
____ 9. Which does not belong to the group?
a. Electromagnetic force c. Gravitational force
b. Frictional force d. Nuclear force
____ 10. Which group represents a uniformly and positively accelerated motion?
a. c.

time t

b. d.

Name: ___________________________________ Grade & Section: _____________________ SCIENCE 7

For 11-15, complete the analogy.
____ 11. Contact force: applied force; ____________: nuclear force.
a. Friction b. Noncontact force c. Normal force d. Sun
____ 12. Speed: velocity; _______________: _______________.
a. Acceleration: vector c. Speed: acceleration
b. Distance: displacement d. Time: scalar
____ 13. Acceleration: velocity; velocity: __________.
a. Displacement b. Distance c. Speed d. Vector
____ 14. Positive acceleration: __________; zero acceleration: constant velocity.
a. Contact speed b. Decreasing velocity c. Increasing velocity d. Zero velocity
____ 15. Twist: ___________; stretch: ___________.
a. Elongation, force b. Tension, torsion c. Torsion, expansion d. Torsion, tension
____ 16. What kind of wave is a sound wave?
a. Transverse, mechanical c. Transverse, electromagnetic
b. Longitudinal, mechanical d. Longitudinal, electromagnetic
____ 17. Sounds with frequency higher than 20 000 Hz are called ___________.
a. Infrasonic b. Subsonic c. Supersonic d. Ultrasonic
____ 18. The pitch of sound is determined by its ____________.
a. Frequency b. Intensity c. Harmonics d. Ultrasonic
____ 19. Which part of the human ear is responsible for maintaining balance?
a. Eardrum b. Ossicles c. Pinna d. Semicircular canal
____ 20. The lowest frequency that a musical device can produce is called _______________.
a. Audible frequency c. Harmonic frequency
b. Fundamental frequency d. Musical frequency
____ 21. Which is the most probable reason why a male’s voice is lower in pitch compared to a female’s voice?
a. Male’s vocal cords are longer and less massive than females.
b. Male’s vocal cords are shorter and less massive than females.
c. Male’s vocal cords are longer and more massive than females.
d. Male’s vocal cords are shorter and more massive than females.
____ 22. The human voice is produced by the vibrations of the _______________.
a. Larynx b. Trachea c. Vocal cord d. Voice box
____ 23. Who among these health professionals directly deals with speech problems?
a. Audiologist c. Physiotherapist
b. Occupational therapist d. Speech language therapist
____ 24. The letter S in LASER stands for _________.
a. Simulated b. Simultaneous c. Spontaneous d. Stimulated
____ 25. The threshold of hearing is ___________.
a. 1 x 10-12 watt/m2 b. 0 watt/m2 c. 1.0 watt/m2 d. 120 watt/m2
____ 26. Who introduced the term “photon” to represent a packet of light energy?
a. Einstein b. Maxwell c. Newton d. Planck
____ 27. If the distance from a light source were increased to twice its original value, the illumination would be
a. Doubled c. Reduced to ¼ its original value
b. Halved d. Increased to 4 times its original value
____ 28. Light is _____________.
a. A wave only c. A particle and a wave
b. A particle only d. Neither a particle nor a wave
____ 29. Which component of white light has the greatest energy?
a. Blue b. Green c. Red d. Violet
____ 30. The SI unit for luminous intensity is ___________.
a. Candela b. Lumen c. Lux d. watt/m2

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