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AP09 Formato brief-campaña publicitaria en ingles


● Meriyeis Nuñez Sandoval

● Alexandra Palomino Tenorio

● Wilmar Alexander Cortes Siabato

● Carin Rosmery Diaz Gordillo

Nombre del grupo

● Escuadron G.M

Nombre del proyecto,

● Nutrisalud
¿Cuál es el procedimiento?

Estudie el material “Creative Brief”.

De manera grupal y teniendo en cuenta su producto o servicio, complete el Formato Brief.

Envíe el formato al instructor.

A continuación, encontrarán el espacio donde deben redactar las respuestas:

● Diligencie cada una de las casillas de acuerdo con su producto o servicio.

1. Product or service
description Our service consists of personalized assistance
in healthy nutrition , the goal we are going to
want to improve users' lives.

they wonder how we are going to do it?

We are not going to achieve it alone, since our

clients are the basis of this project.
2. Slogan

Nutrisalud a lifestyle
3. Advertising Objective

We are going to create a message and

an idea that reaches the consumer and
creates awareness about eating well
and eating healthy.

4. Target (target audience for the

advertising) We are going to attract the attention
of the young public in particular, but
the idea is to reach each of the
interested people.

We are going to teach them every day

to take care of their way of eating.

5. Define the type of

We will use social media as our ally. In
advertising to use
TV addition to the small commercials that
Radio spot
Billboard will be played in some applications, we
P.O.P material will not use television or radio
messages for now. We will give
everything to attract those interested
in this new way of eating in a healthy
and different way
6. What is the message you are
going to transmit?
The person who is going to look for
something unique, a different way of
eating, of course, without punishment,
we want to tell you that this is the
right place.

7. Deliverable

ch the advertisement
type you chose in
point 5

8. Duration of the campaign ( 2

months or how much time) We are going to make this ad last
approximately 10 to 15 seconds on
social networks.

We are going to advertise our service

for 1 month and in this way we hope to
see good results.

● revista relacionada con marketing en la biblioteca sena:

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