Abad CE412 Quiz#1

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Biliran Province

State University
School of

Quiz No.1 in CE 412 – Hydrology

Jake Nathaniel R. Abad

1-5. What is Hydrology? (5 Points)

6-10. Explain the hydrologic cycle (5 points)
11. __________ is the general term for all forms of moisture originating from clouds and
falling to the ground.
12. __________ is condensation on the ground of atmospheric vapor caused by radiational
cooling of the lower layers of atmosphere, usually at night.
13-15. What are the 3 types of precipitation?
16. __________ results from the lifting or upward movement of air that is warmer and lighter
than its colder denser surroundings
17. __________is a bunch of small droplets of water which are in the air. This occurs with
cold air when it is above a warm surface, for example water.
18. __________ is a thin coating of ice that forms when supercooled liquid precipitation,
such as freezing rain or drizzle, fall onto exposed objects whose temperature is below or
slightly above freezing.
19-22. What are the 4 rainfall characteristics?
23. __________ refers to the length of time rainfall occurs.
24. __________ is a graphical representation of the distribution of rainfall intensity over
25. __________ of rainfall refers to the time of year when various rainfall amounts occur.
26-31. A network of precipitation measurements can be converted to Areal estimates using any
of a number of techniques. What are these techniques?
32. __________ It is typically used as part of a weather station to measure current and
determine future weather conditions, as well as monitoring the water cycle.
33-37. What are the methods commonly used for estimating missing rainfall data?
38. __________ Is a commonly used data analysis approach for investigating the behavior
of records made of hydrological or meteorological data at a number of locations.
39. __________ is the velocity or speed at which water (rainfall, irrigation) enters into the
40. __________ is the maximum rate at which it is capable of absorbing water and is
denoted by f.
41. __________ Accumulated depth of water infiltrated during given time period.
42. Who is the father of modern Hydrology?
43. __________ Infiltration model developed from an approximate theory to an exact
44. __________ Is the unwanted pooling off water, typically on a flat roof or roadway.
Ponding water accelerates the deterioration of many materials, including seam
adhesives in single-ply roof systems, steel equipment supports, and particularly roofing
45. __________ is the period from the beginning of rainfall until the occurrence of ponding.

1-5.) Hydrology

- is a diverse field that plays a vital role in society and the work of civil engineers in
developing water resources infrastructure. It is the scientific study of movement,
distribution and water quality on Earth and other planets, including the water cycle,
water resources, and environmental watershed sustainability and is an important
field where the people who study hydrology use their knowledge and expertise to
combat water pollution, protect the earth’s water resources, and provide engineering
hydrology, which is an engineering specialty focusing on water resources.
- Hydrologists (those who specialized in hydrology) work in conjunction with civil
engineers to ensure the quality, integrity, and sustainability of infrastructure
construction projects. Civil engineers use the knowledge, information, observation,
and data that have been collected by hydrologists to design, build and operate dams
and reservoirs. Without considering the hydrological equations in our engineering
projects, all our reservoirs, spillways and dams will be plagued with water-related
problems that have great potential to cause destruction of properties and even loss
of lives. Other than that, the quality of our hydraulic structures, water drainage
systems and city water supply systems will also suffer greatly.

6-10.) Hydrologic Cycle

- Water is the basic element of nature. It covers 70% of the earth’s surface. It provides
life, eases out heat, drains harmful substances and mediates many day-to-day
works. Water needs to be replenished, purified, and circulated again and again so
that it can perform its functions. Nature does this job through a process called the
water cycle. Also known as hydrologic cycle, the water cycle is a phenomenon
where water moves through the three phases (which are gas, liquid and solid) over
the four spheres (those are atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere)
and completes a full cycle. The water cycle has many effects: it regulates the
temperature of the surroundings. It changes weather and creates rain. It helps in
conversion of rocks to soil. It circulates important minerals through the spheres. It
also creates the many geographical features present on earth like the ice caps of
mountains, icebergs, the rivers and the valleys, lakes, and more. Hence it is quite
important to understand and learn the processes of the water cycle. The full cycle
forms an endless loop, but let's start the whole process at the ocean. Since that is
where about 96% of total water exists on Earth.
- The cycle goes through these processes which starts with evaporation followed by
condensation and then sublimation, afterwards it goes through precipitation process
where transpiration occurs. It will then lead to runoff, and the infiltration begins.

11.) Precipitation

12.) Dew/Frost
13-15.) Hail, Snow, and Rain

16.) Convective Precipitation

17.) Clouds/Fogs

18.) Glaze

19-22.) The amount of rainfall, the duration of rainfall, the frequency of rainfall, and
seasonal distribution of rainfall

23.) The Duration

24.) Hyetograph

25.) Seasonal Distribution

26-31.) The Arithmetic/Station Average Method, the Thiessen Polygon Method, and

the Isohyetal Method.

32.) Rain Gauge

33-37.) The Simple Arithmetic Method, The Normal Ratio Method, The Modified Normal
Ratio Method, The Inverse Distance Method, The Linear Programming Method

38.) Double Mass Analysis

39.) Infiltration Rate

40.) Infiltration Capacity

41.) Cumulative Infiltration

42.) Robert Elmer Horton

43.) Green-Ampt

44.) Ponding

45.) Ponding Time

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