Revision Test 12

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REVISION TEST 1 - CLASS 12D1 2021-2022

I/ Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from
that of the other words.
1. A. order B. horse C. sword D. worse
2. A. together B. gesture C. marriage D. village
3. A. wicked B. hatred C. sacred D. looked
4. A. carriage B. voyage C. massage D. dosage
5. A. laugh B. enough C. plough D. cough

II/ Choose one word whose stress pattern is different from the rest of the same
1. A. vacancy B. discussion C. argument D. maximum
2. A. accompany B. comfortable C. interview D. penalty
3. A. effective B. satisfaction C. accountant D. appropriate
4. A. presentation B. characteristic C. technological D. possibility
5. A. enterprise B. prevention C. fertilize D. implement
6. A. committee B. referee C. employee D. refugee
7. A. alcohol B. comment C. chemical D. proceed
8. A. appetite B. architect C. appreciate D. arable
9. A. deliberate B. subsequent C. frequently D. consequent
10. A. insight B. chemist C. dependent D. substance


I/ Choose the best answer from the four options to complete each of the
1. She’s so……in doing her research that she never has time to relax.
A. involved B. included C. complicated D. approved
2. Don’t tell me you’ve read War and Peace…….!
A. yet B. still C. already D. just
3. The ministry refused to …….the figures to the press.
A. release B. leak C. show D. add
4. Steve…….his chances of passing by spending too much time on the first
A. threw on B. threw off C. threw away D. threw in
5. James had, ……., saved the manuscript of his first novel from the burning
A. lastly B. at last C. lately D. at least
6. In the early years of the twentieth century, several rebellions ……. in the
northern parts of the country.
A. rose up B. turned out C. came off D. broke out
7. ……. what he says, observe what he does.
A. although B. In contrast C. Contrary D. Never mind
8. He ……. his life to the skill of the surgeon.
A. owes B. keeps C. perseveres D. maintains
9. I don’t think that this fashion will …….
A. catch on B. catch up C. catch out D. catch over
10. If you don’t repay the money, we will, as a last …….., take you to court.
A. measure B. attempt C. act D. resort

II/ Put the verbs in brackets into their appropriate tense or form.

Last week I (1) ……….. (walk) home after playing tennis when it (2)
……….. (start) raining heavily. “Oh, no, I (3)…………..(get) soaked before I (4)
………..(reach) home,” I thought, “I wish I (5)…………(remember) to bring my
raincoat.” But unfortunately I (6)………(leave) it at home. “How stupid of me!” I
always (7) ………..(get) to bring it with me. “Luckily just then a friend of mine
passed in her car and offered me a lift. “(8)…………(go) you home?” She asked
me, “or (9)……….(want) you to go for a drink?” “I think I’d rather you (10)
………(take) me home”, I said.
Your answers:
1. was walking 2. Started 3. Will get
4. reach 5. Had remembered 6. Had left
7. got was always getting 8. Are you going 9. Do you want
10. take
III/ Fill in each of the blanks a suitable preposition.
1. “Who destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem?”
“I don’t know, sir, but I expect that they will blame it on me.”
2. When the offer of a free trip to Holland was made, John was very quick off the
mark, and managed to get the first ticket.
3. Most people would jump at the chance to spend a year in America, all expenses
4. When Robin told me about his quarrel with Batman, I asked him not to involve
me in his personal affairs.
5. Was the Clifton Suspension Bridge named after a man called Clifton
6. If trains always leave behind schedule, why do so many of them arrive late at
the other end?
7. The survivors of the Titanic were at sea for several days before being rescued.
8. My husband brought me some flowers today. He must be after something!
9. We were all very excited about the prospect of a free trip to Paris.
10. Does it matter what a national politician does in private as long as he performs
well in his job?
Your answers:
1. ………… 2. ………… 3. ………… 4. ………… 5. …………
6. ………… 7. ………… 8. ………… 9. ………… 10. ………..
IV/ Read the passage and fill in each blank with the correct form of the word
Modern advertisements contain hidden messages. (1) ………… (IMPLY)
in the advertisements showing the pretty girl in the new car or the smiling children
round the packet of washing powder is the message that if we buy the (2)
………… (PRODUCE), we also achieve success and happiness. It is a subtle
approach since it seeks to exploit our secret teams, and it is (3) …………
(ESCAPE) since advertising is ubiquitous, giant street hoardings and (4)
………… (CATCH) jingles on TV bombard us form all sides. They brainwash us
into believing that we can realize our ambition quickly and (5) ………… (EASE).
On the other hand, defenders of advertising say that it is (6) …………
(BENEFIT). Advertising is (7) ………… (INFORM). Advertisements tell us
about useful new products. They (8) ………… (BRIGHT) our lives with color and
music. They increase demand, stimulate industry and so keep prices down.
Whether for or against advertising, most people would agree that some kind of
watch-dog body, (9) ………… (APPOINTMENT) by government or by the
advertising industry itself, necessary to maintain standards or honesty and to
discourage the more blatant types of (10) ………… (LEAD) advertisements.
Your answers:
1. implication 2. Product(s) 3. inescapable
4. catchy 5. Easily 6. beneficial
7. informative 8. Brighten 9. appointed
10. misleading

I/ Read the passage and choose the word or phrase that best fits each
numbered space.
The number and length of flights has increased sharply in the past few years
and the number of passengers on long distance flights is also higher. As the human
body was not designed for flying, people can (1) ........... if they are on an aeroplane
for a long time. Therefore, it is important to (2) ............ certain measures to
increase your comfort. In the air, your body is more (3) ........... to the effects of
alcohol, coffee, tea and rich or fatty foods, so it is best to (4) .......... these the day
before you leave as well as during the flight. A long-distance journey often
(5) ........... travellers feeling stiff, because they have been sitting in one (6) ...........
for several hours. In order to reduce the (7) .......... of this happening to you, there
are some exercises you can do while you are flying. (8) ......... this, a hot shower (9)
......... after the flight can be an effective way of minimising stiffness. If you wear
loose clothing made from natural materials, such as cotton, you will feel more
comfortable as your skin will be able to breathe more easily. Your skin suffers in
other ways too, becoming drier once you have left the (10) .......... . This can be
avoided, however, if you take some skin cream with you.
1. A. realize B. endure C. suffer D. tolerate
2. A. have B. take C. make D. do
3. A. fragile B. sensitive C. delicate D. weak
4. A. ignore B. delete C. prevent D. avoid
5. A. results B. makes C. causes D. leaves
6. A. position B. point C. space D. situation
7. A. accidents B. chances C. opportunities D. fortunes
8. A. Apart B. Besides C. Except D. Despite
9. A. taken B. taking C. to take D. takes
10. A. soil B. land C. ground D. earth
Your answers:
1. ………… 2. ………… 3. ………… 4. ………… 5.
6. ………… 7. ………… 8. ………… 9. ………… 10.
II/ Read the passage and fill in each blank with ONE suitable word.
Dreams have always fascinated human beings. The ideas that dreams provide
us with useful information about our lives goes (1)……….thousands of years. For
the greater (2)……….of human history, (3)……….was taken for granted that the
sleeping mind was in touch with the supernatural world and dreams were to be
interpreted as messages with prophetic or healing functions. In the nineteenth
century, (4)……….was a widespread reaction (5)………..this way of thinking and
dreams were widely dismissed as being very little more than jumbles of fantasy (6)
………..about by memories of the previous day.
It was not until the end of the nineteenth century that an Australian
neurologist, Sigmund Freud, pointed (7)……….. that people who have similar
experiences during the day, and who are then subjected (8)………...the same
stimuli when they are asleep, produce different dreams. Freud (9)………on to
develop a theory of the dream process which would enable him to interpret dream
as clues to the conflicts taking place within the personality. It is by no (10)
……….an exaggeration to say that (11)……… any other theories have had (12)
………..great an influence on subsequent thought.
Your answers:
1. back 2. part 3. it 4. there 5. against
6. brought 7. out 8. to 9. moved 10. means
11. hardly 12. so

III/ Read the following passage and choose the correct answer.
I left school at fifteen. I was an academically bright lad who was urged by
some of his teachers not to leave, but I wanted out, to see life, and I didn’t want to
reach beyond the expectation of the friends who left school with me. I worked for a
year in a laundry, as a van-boy delivering dry cleaning.
On turning sixteen I applied to be, and eventually began working as, a
trainee heating engineer with a medium-sized company in East Belfast. The first
months were boring. The work was not demanding but I found the environment of
the factory annoying. I remember my first week .I left the factory to meet up with a
friend and I realized that I had forgotten to collect my wages. My friend thought I
was an idiot. After many months working in the factory, I was sent off to college to
study for my Certificate in Heating Engineering. I found the classroom routine
unpleasant and I remember feeling a sense of limitation. Five years of this- to end
up as a heating engineer and continue with that for the foreseeable future was not
an exciting thought.
Although I had left school against the advice of my teachers I had, without
telling anyone, tried to continue my studies in literature at evening classes. It was a
boring walk from one end of the city to another and to sit amongst adults was
confusing. I was the youngest in the class, so the companionship I knew at school
was absent. I put up with it for a short period. It was too long a walk on cold
winter’s nights and it was hard to concentrate on Shakespeare with wet shoes and
soaking trousers. So I carried on reading books and started writing poetry at home.
By chance, I won some prizes and literary awards in national competitions.
A young woman from a TV company came to the college one day. She told me in
the quiet of the corridor that I had won a national poetry award. I stared at her in
astonishment and disbelief. She wanted to make a short film about me, to which I
said: ‘ No, I couldn’t do that.’ Not that I had any real excuse. I was just frightened.
She eventually persuaded me that I should do it the following day.
Off I went to Shaws Bridge, on the outskirts of Belfast. They made a short
film of me reading one of my poems and I was forever after occupied with a
fascination for words. I wondered what I should do after this, and decided some
weeks later that I could not stand the idea of spending the rest of my days dealing
with pipes. So one evening, I hesitatingly told my parents that I wanted to return to
school. They were shocked and, I think, a little afraid but they did not try to
persuade me not to. They wanted to know if I was sure, if I knew what it meant
and whether I was aware that if I gave up my training it would be very difficult to
get a good job. But nothing could put me off, and they pursued the matter no
1. One reason why the writer left school at the age of fifteen was that he ………..
A. thought he would get a good job.
B. had no other choice.
C. didn’t get on well with his teachers.
D. didn’t want to be different from his friends.
2. What did the writer feel while he was training to be a heating engineer?
A. He didn’t receive enough money.
B. He preferred the college to the factory.
C. He was capable of doing something better.
D. He might fail to qualify as a heating engineer.
3. What did the writer find when he attended the evening classes?
A. The behaviour of the other students annoyed him.
B. He learned more when he studied at home.
C. He was out of place among the other students.
D. The studies were less interesting than he expected.
4. What does “it” in “I put up with it for a short period” refer to?
A. companionship B. the walk C. literature D. the
evening class
5. Why at first did the writer refuse to appear in the film?
A. He felt he didn’t deserve it.
B. He was taken by surprise.
C. He thought someone else should be in it.
D. He wanted more time to think about it.
6. Why didn’t he go on with his poetry writing at home?
A. He was too busy with his studying at college.
B. He couldn’t earn enough for his life.
C. He didn’t want to spend all his life sitting at one place thinking and
D. His parents wanted him to return to the college.
7. How did the writer’s parents react to his decision to return to school?
A. They argued with him.
B. They pointed out how it would affect his future.
C. They told him he was making a mistake.
D. They hid their real thoughts from him.
8. What would be the most suitable title for this extract?
A. A change of direction B. Great expectations
C. An unlucky beginning D. Pressures of fame
Your answers:
1. ……………….…… 2. ……………….…… 3. ……………….……
4. ……………….… 5. ……………….…… 6. ……………….……
7. ……………….…… 8. ……………….…
I/ Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly
the same as the sentence printed before it.
1. He tried his best but he couldn’t succeed.
2. After seeing the film for himself, my father stopped criticising it.
Since ……………………………………………………………………………….
3. It was more of an argument than a discussion.
It was not so………………………………………………………………………..
4. I never intended to go to the meeting.
I never had…………………………………………………………………………
5. One runner was too exhausted to complete the last lap of the race.
So ………………………………………………………………………………….
6. My brother works better when he’s pressed for time.
The less time ………………………………………………………………………
7. My parents think I should go to university rather than start a job immediately.
My parents would prefer…………………………………………………………..
8. You brought the umbrella but it didn’t rain.
You needn’t ……………………………………………………………………….
9. She became interested in wildlife conservation, so she joined Greenpeace.
But for …………………………………………………………………………….
10. The government have been reviewing their immigration policy for sometime.
The government’s ………………………………………………………………...
II/ For each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as similar as possible
in meaning to the original one, but using the word given. This word must not
be altered in any way.
Example: There was no conclusion at the end of the workshop.
ð They did not conclude anything at the end of the workshop.

1. Our environment is polluted seriously. POLLUTION

2. They speak English in a high proficiency. PROFICIENTLY
3. If the factory is opened, everyone will have a job. UNEMPLOYED
4. Jane is likely to be promoted STANDS
5. I’m sure he bought them a lovely present for their wedding. BOUND
…He’s bound to buy them a lovely
III/ Write an essay of at least 200 words about the advantages and
disadvantages of private tutoring.

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