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A. Abdkader,
Measurement Methods of Dynamic Yarn
A. Nocke,
R. Unger,
Tension in a Ring Spinning Process
F. Krzywinski,
M. M. B. Hasan,
Chokri Cherif DOI: 10.5604/12303666.1172098

Institute of Textile Machinery Abstract

and High Performance Material Technology (ITM), The most common measuring method to characterise the dynamic yarn path in the ring
TU Dresden, spinning process is to measure the yarn tension, where the yarn path is almost straight.
Germany However, it is much more complex to measure the yarn tension at the other positions, for
E-mail: example, between the yarn guide and traveller (balloon zone) and between the traveller and
winding point of the cop (winding zone), as the yarn rotates continuously around the spin-
dle axis. In this paper, two new methods of yarn tension measurement in the balloon zone
are proposed. In the first method, the balloon shape was first recorded with a high speed
camera. The balloon tension was then calculated by comparing the yarn strain (occurring
in the balloon zone) measured by a digital image analysis program with the stress-strain
curve of the yarn produced. In the second method, the radial forces of the rotating balloon
were measured by using modified measurement techniques for measurement of yarn ten-
sion. Moreover a customised sensor was developed to measure the winding tension between
the traveller and cop. The values measured were validated with a theoretical model and a
good correlation between the measured and theoretical values could be revealed.

Key words: balloon tension, ring spinning, winding tension, measurement method.

rotates on the ring and is dragged with path can be segmented into four regions:
n Introduction the spindle by means of the yarn that is region I - from the clamping point of de-
The ring spinning process is the most attached to it. Each cycle of rotation of livery rollers to the yarn guide, region
widely used spinning method for staple the traveller along the ring inserts one II - from the yarn guide to the traveller,
yarn production. According to the prin- turn of twist to the yarn. The rotation of region III - yarn passage through the trav-
ciple of the ring spinning process (Fig- the traveller lags somewhat behind that of eller and region IV - from the traveller to
ure 1), a roving is fed to the drafting the spindle due to the relatively high fric- the winding-point on the cop (Figure 1).
system in order to produce a yarn with tion of the traveller on the ring and the air
the count required. The drafted roving is drag of the traveller, as well as the thread The force generated by the motion of
supplied through the yarn guide, called balloon between the yarn guide and trav- the traveller and the pulling of the yarn
a lappet, to the ring-traveller system to eller. This difference in speed between through the traveller around the spindle
impart twist to the yarn, which is wound the spindle and traveller enables the axis as well as the winding of the yarn
up on the cop finally. The traveller itself winding of yarn onto the cop. The yarn onto the spinning cop causes yarn ten-
sions, which define the actual shape of
the spinning balloon. Work has to be done
against the frictional force of the ring
on the traveller and of the traveller on
I 1 the yarn, as well as against the air drag
T0 on the traveller and on the balloon length.
2 This work is additional to that required to
overcome the friction of the spindle bear-
ings and the air drag on the forming yarn
3 package [1].
II The tensions in the yarn during ring spin-
IV 4 ning can be considered with respect to
5 mainly three zones (Figure 1) such as:
III n Yarn formation zone (region I): from
Tw 6 the nip of the delivery rollers of
the drafting system to the yarn guide,
the yarn tension is termed as the spin-
w 7 ning tension (T0) and is governed
mainly due to the balloon tension at
the yarn guide
Figure 1. Principle of ring spinning and definition of different regions in the yarn path; T0) n Balloon zone (region II): from
spinning tension, Tb) balloon tension, Tw) winding tension, I) between delivery rollers and the yarn guide to the traveller, tension
yarn guide, II) between yarn guide and traveller, III) through traveller, IV) between travel-
ler and winding point of cops, w) angular velocity of spindle, 1) delivery rollers, 2) yarn occurs in the yarn length referred to
guide, 3) balloon control ring, 4) yarn balloon, 5) ring, 6) traveller, 7) spibdle. as the balloon tension (Tb) at a given

36 M Hossain M, Abdkader A, Nocke A, Unger R, Krzywinski F, Hasan MMB, Cherif C. Measurement Methods of Dynamic Yarn Tension in a Ring Spinning Process.
FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2016, Vol. 24, 1(115): 36-43. DOI: 10.5604/12303666.1172098
point on the balloon length, vary-
ing with amplitude (i.e. the radius of
the point) measured from the spindle
axis. The yarn in region II gives rise
to dynamic forces, which determine
the level of tension in the yarn and
its distribution along the yarn path.
The forces acting on the yarn element
in this region are the yarn tension in
both directions of the element, air re-
sistance against the rotation of the bal-
loon, the weight of the yarn, inertial
forces of the relative motion, the cen-
trifugal force, and finally the Coriolis
n Winding zone (region IV): in the yarn
length from the traveller to the wind-
ing point onto the cop, the yarn tension
is termed as the winding tension (Tw).
This yarn part is rotated according to
the spindle axis on the ring-traveller-

The levels of yarn tension in each zone Figure 2. Definition of coordinate systems and yarn path.
of the path are a function of spinning ge-
ometry for a definite number of spindle sion in the balloon zone during the spin- The well-known equation of motion for
rotations and a definite traveller mass. ning process. Moreover in order to meas- the yarn element at M can be written as
The yarn tension changes continuously ure the winding tension between the trav- Equation 1 [31] where, m is the linear
in all regions of its path due to the change eller and cop, a customised sensor was yarn density, w - the spindle’s angular
in the parameters of spinning geometry. developed based on the measurement velocity, 𝕯2𝑹 - the yarn’s acceleration,
Therefore to track the ring spinning pro- method described in [17] using non- 2wez × 𝕯𝑹 - the Coriolis acceleration,
cess and further conception for develop- magnetic elements, which can be further w2ez ×(ez × R) - the yarn’s centripetal
ment regarding productivity, it is neces- applied e.g. in the ring spinning process acceleration, T(s, t) the yarn tension at
sary to analyse yarn tension dynamically with a superconducting magnetic bearing the material point; M relates to the rotat-
as a function of the main parameters of (SMB) twisting system.
spinning geometry [2]. ing reference frame and F is the air drag
force per yarn length
The dynamics as well as analysis of n Yarn tension prediction
the yarn tension, balloon form, interac- Equation 1 was solved with the bounda-
tions of spinning tension and the balloon The yarn path in the yarn formation zone ry conditions (2) - (4) by the Runge-Kut-
form in ring spinning have been report- is nearly straight, where no dynamic ta method using the boundary conditions
ed by many researchers e.g. in [3 - 23]. force occurs. The dynamical movement with Matlab Software [32]. The model
Compared to the number of papers on of yarn in the balloon zone is influenced presented describes the yarn tension
the theoretical analysis of yarn dynamics, by the centrifugal force of the yarn, and balloon shapes in a non-normalised
few experimental papers on yarn tension The  Coriolis force and air drag force form considering the effect of the Corio-
have been reported. The reason for this is thus determine the yarn tension distri- lis force in comparison to the modelling
partly due to the complexity of the spin- bution and related balloon shape. It is described by Fraser el at. [31]. Finally
ning geometry [24]. The measurement of assumed that the yarn is perfectly flex- the model was validated by measur-
yarn tension of a running yarn moving in ible, inextensible and uniform. A rotating ing the yarn tension with the measuring
the length direction (e.g. in region I) is co-ordinate system r(s), θ(s), z(s) with method developed. The boundary condi-
not complex and was reported in [7, 25 unit vectors er, eθ, ez, was considered tions for the guide eye are:
- 28]. The measurement of yarn winding for the mathematical formulations of
tension in region IV was reported in [26 an equation for yarn path, which rotates r(0) = 10-3m, θ(0) = 0, z(0) = 0 (2)
- 29]. In [30], the breaking force, tenacity simultaneously with the spindle axis, as
and elongation of ballooning staple yarn The boundary condition at the traveller,
shown in Figure 2. R(s, t) = rer + zez
were measured using a yarn ballooning N (Figure 2), is:
describes the position vector of the yarn
rig at various rotating speeds. However, element at point M. r(sl) = a, z(sl) = h (3)
with this method the actual balloon ten-
sion occurring in the ring spinning ma-
chine cannot be compared. ∂ ∂
𝑚 𝕯2𝑹 + 2𝜔𝒆𝒛 × 𝕯𝑹 + 𝜔2𝒆𝒛 × 𝒆𝒛 × 𝑹 = 𝑇 𝑹 + 𝑭. (1)
∂𝑠 ∂𝑠
In this paper, two novel methods are pro-
posed for the measurement of yarn ten- Equation 1.

FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2016, Vol. 24, 1(115) 37

Table 1. Values of yarn tension calculated at different spindle speeds; T0 - yarn tension loon height is considered as 180 mm.
between clamping point of delivery rollers and yarn guide (spinning tension-region I), in the assumptions of the mathematical
Tb - yarn tension between yarn guide and traveller (balloon tension- region II), Tw - yarn
tension between traveller and winding point in cop (winding tension- region IV), h - balloon model; the effect of ring rail movement
height from yarn guide to ring rail, rmax - max. balloon diameter, hmax - balloon height is neglected. For the modelling, we con-
from yarn guide at rmax. sidered a constant balloon height such as
180 mm. For the validation, a measure-
Spindle Tb, cN
parameter, mm ment was also made at the same height.
speed, T0, cN Tw, cN
r.p.m. h=5 h = 100 h = 180 In any case both modelling and measure-
at rmax hmax, mm rmax, mm
mm mm mm ment can be done at any balloon height
1 5000 7.71 7.71 7.55 7.51 7.48 145.7 23.80 13.11 applicable for the existing ring spinning
3 10000 23.22 23.69 22.59 22.39 21.96 126.3 27.40 39.48 process. The maximal balloon diameter
5 15000 46.70 46.77 43.40 44.82 43.21 116.9 31.00 79.38
rmax and its position hmax are also calcu-
lated with this model, which is important
for the machine construction. The maxi-
mum yarn tension occurs at region IV be-
(4) tween the traveller and cop. This tension
is higher than that of other regions due to
(5) the friction between the ring and traveller
and between the yarn and traveller.
Equations 4 and 5.

sl describes the length of the yarn be- θ’(sl) and z’(sl) are the geometrical quan- n Experimental details
tween the guide eye and traveller. tities of the balloon shape. Parameters of yarn tension
The other boundary condition can be The winding tension Tw (Figure 2) is es- For the measurement of yarn tension,
derived from the equation of motion for timated by the Euler equation as follows the parameters used during spinning
the traveller, which can be described as Tw = Tb . emya (6) are detailed in Table 2. The experiments
Equation 4 [19] where, - were done at a constant balloon height
where, my denotes the friction between of 180 mm. An ML 55B from HBM,
angle between the traveller and lay point, the ring and traveller, my the coefficient
Germany was used as the amplifier, the
sl - length of yarn in the balloon, - of friction between the yarn and traveller,
signal recorded continuously with an
and α is the wrap angle (Figure 2).
unit tangent vector to the yarn in the bal- NI Instruments LabView SignalExpress
The yarn tension in different regions of (SignalExpress (National Instruments
loon at the traveler, N - the force the ring
the yarn path in regions II and IV was GmbH, Germany), and evaluated by a
exerts on the traveler in the direction
calculated by the numerical model de- DIAdem program (National Instruments
normal to the ring. GmbH, Germany) later on.
veloped, shown in Table 1. The yarn
The boundary condition can be obtained
tension in region II was calculated at
by the elimination of N from Equation 4 Measurement of yarn tension between
three different locations (such as at bal-
as Equation 5 [19]: m is the coefficient loon heights of 5, 100 and 180 mm from the yarn guide and traveller (balloon
of friction between the ring and traveller, the yarn guide to the ring rail), so that the zone)
Tb the yarn tension at the bottom of yarn tension F(II) close to the yarn guide, Approach-I (from balloon shape)
the balloon, mT the traveller mass, balloon control ring and traveller can be The balloon tension is measured through
the wind angle (Figure 2), and r’(sl), predicted. For the calculation, the bal- the deformation behaviour of the yarn at a

Figure 3. Measurement of yarn strain from the balloon shape at a spindle speed of 10,000 r.p.m.

38 FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2016, Vol. 24, 1(115)

spindle rotation of 10,000 r.p.m. based on position of the sensor. The sensor meas- Table 2. Parameters used for the measure-
an optical approach. Therefore yarn be- ures the radial force of the correspond- ment of yarn tension.
tween the delivery rollers and yarn guide ing weight. The force in the longitudinal Parameter Value Unit
is marked in two positions with a dis- direction can be thus measured through 100%
tance of 5 mm. This length is considered this radial force in a way that the respec- Material -
as the original length l0. The deformation tive signal in the data acquisition soft- Fiber count 1.14 dtex (g/10 km)
behaviour of this length in the balloon ware - Labview SignalExpress is scaled Staple length 38 mm
zone during spinning is recorded with a as 10 and 20 g, respectively. The sensor Roving count 657 tex (g/km)
high speed camera (Photron Fastcam Ul- is positioned at the point of maximum Yarn count (m) 30 tex (g/km)
tima SA-3 Photron, USA) at 15,000 fps balloon diameter derived from the theo- 5,000;
continuously and measured at different retical modelling, where the yarn during Spindle speed (ns) 10,000; r.p.m.
positions between the yarn guide and balloon formation touches all the three
traveller (Figure 3). The balloon shapes positions of the sensors. Delivery speed (v) 14.30, m/min
are taken while the traveller is situated at 21.43
the position of 90° or, 270° with respect Measurement of winding tension Total draft 21.9 -
to the front view at 0°. between the traveller and cop Twist 700 t.p.m.
(region IV) Balloon height (h) 180 mm
From the analysis of the digital image us- Yarn tension between the traveller and
Traveller weight mT 63 mg
ing the software Image J [21], the strain Ring radius (a) 22.5 mm
winding point on the bobbin is deter-
of the yarn (e) during spinning in the bal- mined with a developed measuring sys-
Cops radius (b) 14 mm

loon zone is measured using Equation 6: tem. For this purpose, a measuring ring
was mounted concentrically between the the ring-traveller system. The yarn path
ring and cop. The measuring ring was in the winding zone slides over the meas-
positioned 1 mm higher compared to uring ring in the direction to the cop
where, l1 is the length in the balloon
shape measured.

On the other hand, the spun yarn was

tested on a Tensile testing machine Z2.5
from Zwick GmbH & Co.KG, Germany
to get the stress-strain behaviour of the
spun yarn. Yarn tension i measured n the
balloon zone is now determined compar-
ing the yarn extension measured in bal-
loon zone with the help of a strain-stress
diagram, which provides the approximate
values of balloon tension.

In this method the yarn tension in the bal-
a) b) c)
loon zone is measured using a modified
sensor - Tensometric-STAK 1321 (Tenso-
Figure 4. a) Modified sensor Tensometric-STAK 1321 used for measurement of the balloon
metric GmbH, Germany), which consists tension, b) schematic diagram of the principle of balloon tension measurement from the
of a sensor to measure the radial force deflection angle, c) calibration of the sensor using a defined weight.
acting on it as well as two yarn guid-
ing elements to keep the deflection of
the yarn constant (Figure 4.a).
From the differential angle dj and longi-
tudinal forceof the yarn acting as a nor-
mal force FN on the middle measuring
position of the sensor, FN is measured
according to Equation 7. The resultant
radial force is measured with the help of 5)
wrap angle (dj) (Figure 4.b). 6)
In order to measure the yarn tension, first
of all the sensor is calibrated statically
(Figure 4.c). This is done by hanging Figure 5. a) Set-up for the measurement of yarn tension in region-IV, b) forces acting
on the measuring ring and traveller by the yarn in the winding zone; 1) cops, 2) yarn, 3)
a yarn of 30 tex with 10 and 20 g weights supporting ring, 4) measuring ring, 5) leaf spring with strain gage, 6) traveler, 7) spinning
which press on the middle measuring ring, 8) ringrail.

FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2016, Vol. 24, 1(115) 39

Force, N

Force, N
Elongation, %
Elongation, %

Figure 6. a) Stress-strain curves of spun yarn measured by a Zwick tensile strength instrument and b) the balloon tension calculated from
the yarn strain measured at a spindle speed of 10,000 r.p.m.

b) c)

Maximum force, cN/tex

Twist, t.p.m.

Balloon height fromyarn guide to the traveller, mm Twist, t.p.m.

Figure 7. a) Measurement of yarn twist in the balloon with an HS-camera, b) amount of twist at different positions of the balloon, and c)
yarn strength at different amounts of twist.

(Figure 5.a). The normal force (TR) of ing tension. However, the measurement the help of a testXpert® II program from
yarn deflects the spring leaves mounted was made for a constant length of the bal- Zwick GmbH & Co. KG (Germany), as
on the supporting ring. The reacting loon, so that the angle α remains un- illustrated in Figure 6.b, and finally the
force deforms the strain-gauges fixed on changed. During the calibration, the dead corresponding value of force is taken as
the leaves, which are connected so that weights of 10 and 20 g were taken, hung the balloon tension. As shown in Fig-
the same signal can be produced at each over the measuring ring and scaled in ure 6.b, the balloon tension lies within
point of the measuring ring. The deflec- LabView SignalExpress accordingly. the range of 22 ±2 cN at a spindle speed
tion of the strain gauges causes a change of 10,000 r.p.m. Similarly the balloon
in the electrical resistance. The reso- tension measured at a spindle speed of
nance frequency of the measuring ring is
n Results and discussion 5,000 and 15,000 r.p.m. is found to be
300 Hz. During the mounting of the sup- Yarn tension (Region II) 6 and 45 cN with 4% variation, respec-
porting and measuring rings, a centering Approach-I tively. The variation in balloon ten-
device was used. The output signal is A stress-strain diagram of the manufac- sion at a lower spindle speed is more,
converted by a LabView data acquisition tured yarn measured by Zwick is illus- as the strain of yarn is too small to be
program and evaluated with a DIAdem trated in Figure 6.a. measured. However, the yarn tension
system. varies to a small degree within different
The strain % measured using digi- positions of the balloon height. Moreo-
The yarn segment between the traveller tal analyses are compared with the ver the amount of twist was measured at
and cop presses onto the measuring ring same strain value obtained from the different positions of the balloon during
and results in a restoring force, Twsina stress-strain diagram. As an exam- spinning with the help of an HS-camera,
(Figure 5.b). The force between ple, the strain % at different positions as shown in Figure 7.a. For this pur-
the measuring ring and traveller in of the balloon lies between 0.14 and pose, a  contrast fibre was inserted be-
the tangential direction of the yarn path 0.16 after analysing the correspond- fore the delivery roller during the nor-
is Tw, where the force between the meas- ing balloon shape at a spindle speed of mal spinning process and recorded with
uring ring and winding point of the cop is 10,000 r.p.m. This range of strain % was the HS-camera at different positions of
Twcosa, which is considered as the wind- focused on in the stress-strain curve with the balloon. Then the twist is measured

40 FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2016, Vol. 24, 1(115)

5,000 r.p.m.



10,000 r.p.m.
Yarn tension, cN




15,000 r.p.m.



0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35

Time, s

Figure 8. Course of balloon tension over time measured by a Tensometric-STAK 1321 at different spindle speeds (approach-II).

5,000 r.p.m.



10,000 r.p.m.
Yarn tension, cN

15,000 r.p.m.




16.4 16.5 16.6 16.7 16.8

Time, s

Figure 9. Winding tension at a spindle speed of 5,000, 10,000 and 15,000 r.p.m. measured at region IV.

FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2016, Vol. 24, 1(115) 41

a) b)
Balloon tension, cN

Winding tension, cN
5,000 10,000 15,000 5,000 10,000 15,000

Spiondle spped, r.p.m. Spiondle spped, r.p.m.

Figure 10. Comparison of (a) balloon tension and (b) winding tension measured with values calculated at different spindle speeds.

with the help of digital imaging software the balloon is introduced, which, in turn, From Figure 10, it can be seen that
- Image J [21]. The twist measured at influence the normal rotational behaviour the values measured have a good correla-
different positons of the balloon length of the balloon and causes the variation in tion with the values calculated. However,
is illustrated in Figure 7.b. According balloon tension. the values measured are generally found
to Figure 7.b, it can be clearly seen that to be smaller than that the one calculated.
the twist varies along the balloon and Yarn tension (Region IV) The reason lies in the case of approach-
decreases from the traveller to the yarn Results of the winding tension at spindle I in the variation of strain measurement
guide along the balloon length. speeds of 5,000, 10,000 and 15,000 r.p.m. using digital image analysis. The force
are presented in Figure 9 (see page 41). distribution along the balloon length and
In this case, the signal of one of the four along the straight line within the tensile
In order to find the effect of twist on the testing machine is different due to the in-
yarn strength, yarns (of 30 tex) were spun strain gauges is illustrated as an exam-
ple. The peaks shown in Figure 9 are fluence of different amounts of twist. Ac-
with different amounts of twist rang- cording to the model presented, yarn ten-
ing from 500 to 700 t.p.m. and a tensile caused by the rotation of the yarn over
the measuring ring. The resultant high- sion along the balloon length varied by
strength test was conducted according to
est peaks occur when the yarn presses 2%. The measurement method provides
DIN EN ISO 2062. The maximum break-
right onto the spring leaves, thereby an approx. value of tension measured on
ing force in dependence on different lev-
causingthe highest deformation of the basis of the yarn extension principle.
els of twist can be seen from Figure 7.c.
For more precision, further investiga-
However, yarn strength with different the spring leaves as well as strain gauges
tions will be made considering the level
amounts of twist is found to be statisti- mounted on them. The  winding tension
of twist at different positions of the bal-
cally insignificant for this range of twist was measured as 13, 36.6 & 77 cN with
loon. On the other hand, the difference
variation. a variation of 5% for 5,000, 10,000 and
between calculated and measured values
15,000 r.p.m, respectively. The variation
in the case of approach-II is the result of
Therefore the method of measuring bal- in yarn tension during the measurements
the dynamic friction occurring between
loon tension using the force-elongation can be attributed to the dynamic friction the rotating balloon and measuring sen-
curve of the spun yarn gives a good ap- between the rotating yarn and measuring sor, which is not considered for theoreti-
proximation of the actual balloon tension ring, as well as to the tilting movement cal yarn tension prediction.
during the spinning process. of the traveller and the eccentricity of
the measuring ring. In approach-I, the measurement method
The course of balloon tension measured can also generally be applied for higher
at different spindle speeds is illustrated n Conclusions and outlook spindle speeds. However, the movement
in Figure 8 (see page 41). The tension of the ring rail causes a variation in yarn
was measured at the maximum balloon In this research work different approach- tension in the case of approach-II. More-
diameter. From Figure 8, it can be seen es to measuring yarn tension in the bal- over the lower resonance frequency of
that the balloon tension increases with an loon and winding zones were developed. the modified sensor used in approach-II
increase in the spindle speed, as expect- Measurements were performed at differ- can cause limitations to measurements
ed. The mean yarn tension at a spindle ent spindle speeds such as 5,000, 10,000 at higher spindle speeds. It should be
speed of 5,000, 10,000 and 15,000 r.p.m. and 15,000 r.p.m. Furthermore the values mentioned that a friction free supercon-
is found to be 7, 25 and 42 cN with 4% measured were validated with values ducting magnetic bearing (SMB) is being
variation, respectively. It is observed that calculated from a model developed for implemented in a ring spinning machine
the shape of the balloon deforms just af- the prediction of yarn tension at different at the Institute of Textile Machinery and
ter touching the sensor and a vibration in zones [32] (cf. Figure 10). High Performance Material Technology

42 FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2016, Vol. 24, 1(115)

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FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2016, Vol. 24, 1(115) 43

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