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Daet, Camarines Norte


Instruction. Prepare a summary of updates in Financial Reporting standards using tabular format.


The IASB issued Covid-19- The practical expedient was
Related Rent Concessions initially confined to rent
Amendment to IFRS 16,
in May 2020. (Amendment discounts, with any
‘Leases’ – Covid-19
to IFRS 16). The statement reduction in lease payments
related rent concessions
changed IFRS 16 Leases to only affecting payments
exempt lessees from due on or before June 30,
determining if a COVID- 2021.
19-related rent concession
is a lease modification.
Because lessees continue to
get COVID-19-related rent
discounts from lessors, and
because the COVID-19
pandemic's impacts are still
being felt, the IASB
decided to investigate
whether the practical
expedient should be

Amendments to The Board has been The following are the most The IFRS 17 modifications
monitoring the significant changes brought apply to year periods
IFRS 17 and IFRS 4,
implementation of IFRS 17 about by Amendments to starting on or after January
'Insurance contracts' Insurance Contracts since it IFRS 17 and the Extension 1, 2023. It is possible to
deferral of IFRS 9 was published in May 2017 of the Temporary apply earlier. They are used
and has learnt about Exemption from Applying after the fact.
concerns and IFRS 9 (Amendments to
implementation issues. The IFRS 4):
Board has previously stated The Temporary Exemption
•Change the fixed expiry
that it would consider from Applying IFRS 9
date for the temporary
taking extra measures to (Amendments to IFRS 4) is
exemption in IFRS 4
address issues that arose extended to year periods
Insurance Contracts from
during implementation. At beginning on or after
applying IFRS 9 Financial
the Board's October 2018 January 1, 2023, deferring
Instruments, so that entities
meeting, a list of 25 the amendment's stated
would be required to apply
prospective standard expiry date.
IFRS 9 for annual periods
modifications was
beginning on or after 1
developed, as well as the
January 2023. Deferral of
criteria against which any
the date of initial
potential amendment will
application of IFRS 17 by
be evaluated. On June 26,
two years to annual periods
2019, an exposure draft of
beginning on or after 1
proposed revisions was
January 2023.
published, with comments
due by September 25, 2019. •Optional scope exclusion
for loan contracts that
transfer major insurance
Following the completion risk, as well as additional
of the consultation period, scope exclusion for credit
the IASB modified its card and similar contracts
suggestions and took that give insurance
additional feedback from coverage.
stakeholders into account,
•Clarification of the
resulting in the final
implementation of IFRS 17
changes presented today.
in interim financial
statements, allowing
reporting entities to choose
their own accounting
approach. Changes to the
applicable disclosure
requirements and
clarification of the
application of contractual
service margin (CSM)
attributable to investment-
return service and
investment-related service.
The risk mitigation option
has been expanded to cover
owned reinsurance
contracts as well as non-
financial derivatives.
Amendments to compel an
entity that recognizes losses
on onerous insurance
contracts issued at the time
of initial recognition to
additionally recognize a
gain on reinsurance
contracts held. Entities
would report insurance
contract assets and
liabilities in the statement
of financial position
determined using portfolios
of insurance contracts
rather than groups of
insurance contracts, which
would simplify the
presentation of insurance
contracts in the statement of
financial position.

Amendments to IAS The Board released its The revisions to IAS 1: The changes will take effect
ideas in the Exposure Draft Classification of Liabilities for annual reporting periods
1, Presentation of
ED/2015/1 Classification of as Current or Non-current beginning on or after
financial Liabilities in February alter solely how liabilities January 1, 2022, and will
statements’ on 2015. (Proposed are presented in the be retroactively applied. It
classification of amendments to IAS 1). statement of financial is possible to apply earlier.
liabilities From December 2015 to position, not the amount or
September 2019, the Board timing of asset recognition,
considered comments on liability income or
the ED, halting the project expenses, or the
between 2016 and 2018 to information that businesses
finalize amendments to the declare about those items.
Conceptual Framework's They:
definition of a liability. The
Board made no •clarify that the
fundamental changes to the classification of liabilities
proposed revisions as a as current or non-current
result of these should be based on rights in
deliberations, but opted to place at the end of the
clarify some parts of them. reporting period, and align
the wording in all affected
paragraphs to refer to the
"right" to defer settlement
by at least twelve months,
and make explicit that only
rights in place "at the end
of the reporting period"
should affect liability
•clear that predictions about
whether an entity will
exercise its right to defer
settlement of a liability
have no bearing on
categorization; and
•make it clear that
settlement refers to the
transfer of cash, stock
instruments, other assets, or
services to the counterparty.

IFRS 17, 'Insurance The International The Board issued IFRS 17 IFRS 17 is effective for
Accounting Standards Amendments in June 2020. annual reporting periods
Board (Board) published The modifications' goal is beginning on or after
IFRS 4 Insurance Contracts to make it easier for January 1, 2023, however it
in March 2004. IFRS 4 was organizations to implement can be used earlier if IFRS
intended to serve as a the Standard while without 9 is also used.
stopgap measure until the causing undue disruption or
Board finished its initiative reducing the value of the
on insurance contracts. information supplied by
IFRS 4 allowed companies applying IFRS 17.
to adopt a wide range of
accounting procedures for
insurance contracts, Other Standards, such as
reflecting national Amendments to References
accounting rules and to the Conceptual
variations of those Framework in IFRS
requirements, with some Standards (released March
limitations and disclosures. 2018) and Definition of
Material (Amendments to
With the publication of
IAS 1 and IAS 8) have
IFRS 17 Insurance
made minor consequential
Contracts in May 2017, the
amendments to IFRS 17.
Board finished its project
(issued October 2018).
on insurance contracts.
Within the scope of IFRS
17, IFRS 17 supersedes
IFRS 4 and establishes
criteria for the recognition,
measurement, presentation,
and disclosure of insurance
Amendments to PAS 16- The issue was first brought Property, Plant, and The adjustments announced
Property, Plant and up by the IFRS Equipment — Proceeds today apply to annual
Equipment Interpretations Committee, before Intended Use periods beginning on or
which had planned to (Amendments to IAS 16) after January 1, 2022. It is
establish an interpretation modifies the standard to possible to apply early.
of IAS 16 Property, Plant, prohibit deducting from the
and Equipment to address cost of an item of property,
it. However, the Committee plant, and equipment any
decided that a narrow-scope proceeds from the sale of
adjustment to IAS 16 items produced while
would be a better approach bringing the asset to the
during their talks. The location and condition
IASB created an exposure required for it to operate in
draft in June 2017 and has the manner intended by
already completed the management. Instead, an
revisions. entity records the profit or
loss from the sale of such
products, as well as the cost
of creating those items.

Note: Indicate sources/references

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