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Analysis Of Motivation based on a Documentary Video

Siti Nurkhodijah Binte Amir

Certificate in Psychology and Counselling, The School Of Positive Psychology

PSY 01: Foundation Psychology

Dr. Lam Chee Kum

October 9, 2020


A group of people consists of men and a woman are challenged to do a mountain

climbing expedition for 14 days. They are required to strike the Summit as a group despite

the extreme pressures they faced. From this expedition, the writer observed and researched

the different aspects of human behaviors in achieving certain goals in life.

The purpose of this literature review is to examine the research based on what

drives the mountain climbers to make certain choices and develop certain behaviors as well

as how it affects the team members.

The writer summarizes the video’s content, followed by what impacted her the

most. Throughout the review, she highlights different theories observed in the research and

then made an analysis and comparisons between them. Finally, she ends with a conclusion

based on backing evidences.


Most Impacted Point

From the video, what impacted the writer is: Their motivation to endure everything

despite the obstacles they encountered. To have the will of going to the expedition is great

enough. The reason being, the writer has an extreme low self-esteem, she is self-loathing

and self-humiliating. For the writer, to have the will to do something outside of her comfort

zone, is close to impossible. For that reason, she would like to give the mountain climbers

a standing ovation.

The mountain climbers faced so many challenges such as high altitude, dispute

between members, gender discrimination, exhaustion, shortage of supplies and longing of

loved ones. While some of the participants decided to end their expedition with the advice

of the group leader due to the few of the mentioned above, there is a group of them wanted

to pursue it. In this case, we call the pursuing group as Group 1 and the Returning group

as Group 2. In the following paragraphs, the writer will present to you the different theories

of motivation that links to this video.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Abraham Maslow’s was famous for his posited six classes of needs listed in order

of priority. The higher needs exert their influence on behavior only when the more basic

needs are satisfied: 1) Biological needs, 2) Safety needs, 3) Love, attachment and affiliation

needs, 4) Esteem needs, 5) Self Actualization; “Highest needs”. Maslow based his theory

of human motivation on the idea: Individuals have certain needs that influence their

behaviour, only unsatisfied needs can influence behaviour, satisfied needs do not act as

motivators. Secondly, needs are arranged in an order of importance or hierarchy from the

basic physiological to the complex self-actualization needs. Lastly, an individual’s need at

any level on the hierarchy emerges only when the lower needs are reasonably satisfied.

McClelland’s Theory

Looking into David McClelland’s Human Motivation Theory, it states that every

person has one of three main driving motivators: the need for achievement, affiliation, or

power. McClelland stated that we all have these three types of motivation regardless of

age, gender, race or culture. The type of motivation that each individual is driven by is

changed by life experiences and culture. He also pointed out that those in top level

management positions should have a high need for power and a low need for affiliation.

People with a high need for achievement will succeed best when given projects with

attainable goals and although individuals with a need for achievement can make good

managers, they are not suitable for top management positions.


Based on the video and the theories presented, the writer finds McClelland’s theory

is the closest to reality of the mountain climbers. The fact that he believes human needs

change by their life experiences and culture makes it more natural than the others. The

writer criticizes Maslow’s theory in which he assumes that only one level of need is

operational at any point in time one is challenged and his views that human needs as being

static whereas in reality these needs are dynamic. The theory also indicates that a satisfied

need is not a motivator, but in truth an individual’s needs are never fully or permanently



In conclusion, although there are a number of theories on motivation, one doesn’t

triumph over the rest. It is with a combination of these theories that motivates an individual

to react in different situations. Proven true, a new theory combining Maslow’s hierarchy

with evolutionary psychology solves some long-standing problems by suggesting that

functional, proximal, and developmental factors set our motivational priorities. With that,

the idea that motivation stamps from one source only is flawed.


Enyia, D.C (2017, May 9). A Critical Review and Comparism Between Maslow, Herzberg And

McClelland’s Theory Of Needs.



Phillip, G.Z., Robert, L.J., & Vivian, M.C. (2014). Psychology h (7th Ed). USA: Pearson

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