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Permissions Form

This form has been designed to primarily safeguard your child whilst in my care and
too also avoid confusion on what you as the child’s parent/guardian will permit.
Each section is detailed with an explanation as what you are permitting, any section
that you DO NOT wish to give permission for needs to be clearly crossed through so
that when you sign the agreement at the end all parties are fully aware of the

Permission To Apply Sunscreen

I would like sunscreen to be applied to my child when he/she plays outside on warm
sunny days.
I will discuss with you when I feel it appropriate.

Please Tick which you consent to:

I am happy for Jolly Rascals to apply their own sunscreen

I will provide a sunscreen with a sunscreen factor adequate for my child.

I will mark my child’s name on his/her sunscreen container.

Permission To Play On Outdoor Play Equipment

I give permission for my child to play on large play equipment in gardens, parks or
playgrounds whilst in the care of my childminder.

Permission To Go On An Outing

I give my permission for my child to be taken on outings which have been planned
(farms, museums, beach etc), or spontaneous outings that have not been planned
(shops, ducks, parks etc). In the event of the outing being planned in advance I
understand I will be fully notified of the details of the outing in advance. I am aware
that on occasion planned outings may incur an additional charge but this will be
discussed and agreed upon prior to the outing taking place.

Permission To Be Transported In A Car/Public transport

Please indicate which of the following you give your consent to:
I give my permission for my child to be transported in:

Please tick which you consent to:

The identified vehicle

On public transport Bus/Train/Taxi

In a Pushchair/pushalong bike

I confirm I have read and understand the ‘Jolly Rascals Car Policy’ and I have seen all
relevant documentation.

Permission For Observations

I give permission for my childminder to carry out and record observations on my

child in order for her to respond to my child’s individual needs and plan activities to
support my child’s development.
I understand that these observations are confidential and will be shared with only
myself. However, I do give permission for these to be shown to professionals such as
CSSIW Inspectors, if requested.

Uncollected Child

I confirm that I have read and fully understand the ‘Dropping Off/Collections Policy’,
in particular the section named ‘Uncollected Children’. I understand that if my child is
not collected within 30 minutes my childminder will try contacting myself and/or
emergency contact numbers but after a responsible amount of time – 1 hour from
the original agreed collection time, she will then tell the local authority duty social


I agree that my child is able to be changed/washed when needed to be in the event

of them soiling or becoming wet.

In the event of the child not having a supply of spare clothes I give permission for
Jolly Rascals to supply a change of clothes which I will wash and return as soon as

I understand that any time my child is changed this will be recorded and the
Parent/Carer will be notified

Permission To Take Photograph

Whilst your child is in my care I will be taking photographs for a variety of different
purposes. I know that some parents are concerned about this and therefore I request
that you complete this form, in order that I may comply fully with your wishes. No
payments will be made for the taking/using of photographs of your child.

Please indicate which of the following you give your consent to:

Please tick which you consent to:

My Childminding Promotional Literature

My Course work for Qualifications

My personal photograph album

My Childminding Display Board/Portfolio

Child’s development records and Profile

other publications, such as the local newspaper /social media

to record the child(ren)’s development

to share with the child’s parents

My childminding Website

Child Protection Form

I give permission for my childminder to record any concerns regarding safeguarding

issues and if deemed necessary use this information when reporting to the relevant
I am aware all the information will be kept in confidence and only released if there is
a safeguarding issue. I understand the setting’s safeguarding policy.

Please see my Policies and procedures for further in depth information

Any additional notes –

I confirm that I have read and fully understand all the above mentioned permissions
and fully agree to those that are not crossed through.

Parents name(s):

Parent’s signature(s):

Date: ___________________

Parents name:

Jolly Rascals, 7 Heol Gwyndaf, Llanishen ,Cardiff,CF145QB, Tel:07506390600

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