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ISSN 1819-7140, Russian Journal of Pacific Geology, 2007, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 144–152. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2007.

Original Russian Text © L.F. Simanenko, 2007, published in Tikhookeanskaya Geologiya, 2007, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 45–55.

Modes of Trace Element Occurrence in Galena

from the Partizansky Base Metal–Skarn Deposit, Primorye
L. F. Simanenko
Far East Geological Institute, Far East Division, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia
Received June 25, 2006

Abstract—The localization and chemical composition of the galena from the Partizansky base metal–skarn
deposit have been studied in the Second Contact ore body and Bol’nichnaya ore lode. The Partizansky deposit
was formed during two stages: base metal–skarn and silver–sulfosalt. Much of the galena was deposited with
the productive galena–sphalerite assemblage at the first stage. The galena of the productive stage of the Second
Contact body shows wide variations in trace element composition. The galena from the root zone of the ore-
bodies (the level of –135 m) is characterized by steady high contents of economically important isomorphic and
mechanical admixtures of bismuth and silver. The galena from the middle levels is almost devoid of isomorphic
admixtures and occasionally contains fine inclusions of Ag-tetrahedrite. The high silver (and stibium) contents in
the galena from the uppermost horizon (the level of +285 m) are mainly related to mineral inclusions of diverse
silver minerals of the late silver-bearing assemblage. The galena from the Bol’nichnaya lode over a large depth
interval has elevated contents of isomorphic silver and bismuth, with abundant inclusions of native bismuth.

Keywords: skarn, galena, impurities, silver, bismuth, stibium, Primorye.

DOI: 10.1134/S1819714007020042

INTRODUCTION studies showed that the nature of the inclusions and

methods of their study are not fully exhausted by the
Numerous publications indicate that galena has high aforementioned ones. For example, trace atoms in the
contents of many trace elements: Bi, Ag, Te, Se, Sb, As, mineral structure are successfully determined by EPR
Tl, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Hg. However, the composition and spectroscopy [17].
amount of the found admixtures widely vary depending
on the type of deposit and within orebody. Galena in It is known that one mineral sample can contain
base metal deposits is typically high in bismuth, silver, admixtures of different nature, but it is yet difficult to
and stibium [24]. The modes of economic Bi and Ag determine and quantify all the modes of trace element
occurrences in galena are of significant importance in occurrence in minerals.
studying complex ores. In addition, the trace element
composition of galena can serve as an additional crite- MODES OF SILVER, BISMUTH, AND STIBIUM
rion for estimating the formation conditions of the OCCURRENCE IN GALENA
deposit and predicting the down-dip extension of the
mineralization. Below, we give a brief review of the most interesting
Up to the middle 1960s, high-resolution apparatuses publications concerning modes of trace-element
were not widely available for mineralogical studies. occurrence in galena.
Therefore, publications reported either incomplete or Since galena contains more than 0.5 wt % structural
erroneous data on the modes of trace element occur- admixtures of different metals, Eugene Foord proposed
rence in galena. At present, the nature and content of the term galena solid solution [24]. One of the first stud-
trace elements in galena are reliably identified by elec- ies of natural galena solid solution is presented in the
tron microprobe measurements, scanning transmission work of Ontoev with coauthors [5]. Later microprobe
electron microscopy with selected area electron diffrac- study of galena from different deposits confirmed and
tion (SAED), XRD analysis, and determinations of dif- specified previously existing concepts concerning natu-
ferent physical properties. ral galena solid solutions [1, 4, 19, 22, 23, 25, 27–29, 31].
It is known that galena contains isomorphic and The most abundant type of natural galena solid solu-
mechanical or mineral admixtures. The latter comprises tions is matildite. The experimental study of the Pb–
all visible and submicroscopic (invisible by optical Ag–Bi–S system showed that the high Bi and Ag con-
microscope) mineral inclusions, including epitaxial tents in galena are related to the presence of high-tem-
intergrowths of galena with other minerals identified by perature cubic matildite, α-AgBiS3, which is isostruc-
scanning electron microscope [11]. However, recent tural with galena and forms a complete solid solution


with it at temperatures of more than 220°C [33, 34]. cell parameters following the scheme of 2Pb2+ Ag+ +
This is described by heterovalent isomorphism of (Sb3+, Bi3+) [6]. The aramayoite-type galena solid solu-
2Pb2+ Ag+ + Bi3+. According to Godovikov [2], tion rarely occurs in nature, because aramayoite at low
galena containing isomorphic silver and bismuth in temperatures is transformed into a triclinic modification.
proportions corresponding to those in matildite is Silver-bearing galena solid solutions without Bi and
referred to as matildogalena. The existence of natural Sb are even more rare. Van Hook [33] experimentally
galena–matildite solid solution is reported in many showed that only limited amounts of silver are incorpo-
publications [5, 18, 20, 24]. Myrmekite-like galena– rated in the lattice of galena: the solubility of Ag2S in
matildite intergrowths are typically considered to be galena even at 700°C is only 0.4 mol %. Ramdor [8]
related to the exsolution of Ag, Bi-bearing galena solid proposed that at conditions close to those of hydrother-
solution at a temperature below 215°C [24]. Occasion- mal mineral formation, the solubility of Ag2S is no
ally, matildite is regarded as a mineral phase that crys- more than 0.1 mol % for high-temperature and
tallized almost simultaneously with galena [21]. 0.01 mol % for low-temperature ores. Later studies
The presence of a significant Bi content at the confirmed that the silver content in galena is related to
absence of Ag and Sb results in the formation of a mineral inclusions of silver and silver-bearing minerals
galena–beergite solid solution. The study of the PbS– in a galena matrix. For example, the predominance of a
Bi2S3 system showed the possibility of 3Pb2+ 2Bi3+ mechanical silver admixture in galena from some lead–
isomorphism in galena, with its charge compensated zinc deposits of the Dal’negorsk district was repeatedly
for by variations in the number of atoms. The imperfect emphasized by Sveshnikova [10, 11]. Phase analysis
isomorphism and the differences between the beergite was applied to determine the total silver content in
and galena crystalline lattice lead to exsolution of the galena and the amount of silver related to mineral inclu-
Bi-bearing galena solid solution into small beergite and sions and to calculate the content of isomorphic silver
galena lamellae with decreasing temperature. Similar [14]. This method showed that the isomorphic silver in
beergite microinclusions were noted by Ontoev [5] in all the studied galenas accounts for no more than 10%
galena of the Bukukin deposit. According to this author, of the total silver content.
the galena–beergite solid solution occurs either inde- It should be noted that the formation of a definite
pendently or simultaneously with galena–matildite type of galena solid solution is defined not only by the
solution, thus forming a complex binary solid solution. environmental temperature and contents of trace ele-
Ontoev believes [5] that the galenobismuthite lamel- ments, but also by the element assemblage in the sys-
lae found by Khetchikov [15] in galena from the Verkh- tem [24]. For example, if a system, in addition to Ag
nee base metal–skarn deposit are likely beergite. This and Sb, contains Cu, Zn, and other metals, the Sb and
assumption is supported by the following facts: galeno- Ag are more preferably incorporated into fahlores and
bismuthite and beergite are optically indistinguishable, different silver sulfostibnites [6]. Galena solid solutions
and beergite is most close to galena among the known with a sharp Bi predominance over Ag are typically
lead sulfobismuthites of the PbS–Bi2S3 system. associated with a wide spectrum of complex Bi–Pb–
Galena–miargyrite solid solution (AgSbS2) is less Ag(Cu) sulfosalts.
abundant in nature. According to experimental data
[16], the solvus top in the PbS–AgSbS2 system corre- METHODS
sponds to the composition (PbS)0.75(AgSbS2)0.25, with
AgSbS2 solubility in PbS of 10 mol % at 350°C, 4 mol % This paper reports on the chemical study of galena
at 300°C, and less than 2 mol % at 200°C. According to taken from different depth levels of the Partizansky
Nenasheva [4], the continuous solid solution series in deposit. Previous data on the vertical zoning of skarn
the system PbS–AgSbS2 at temperatures below 400°C orebodies [9, 12] allowed one to subdivide the orebod-
is exsolved into limited solid solutions and two inter- ies into three depth levels: the root zone (from –200 m
mediate phases of Ag3PbSb3S7 and AgPbSbS3 (freiesle- to +5m), the middle level (from +5 m to +250 m), and
benite). Experimental studies of the Ag2S–Sb2S3–PbS the upper level (+285 m). The trace element distribution
triple system within the temperature range of 420– in natural galena solid solutions was studied for two
390°C [16, 26] revealed the coexistence field of orebodies extending to a great depth: (1) the Second
freieslebenite (AgPbSbS3) and Ag–Sb-bearing galena Contact body with the most contrasting vertical miner-
solid solution. However, freieslebenite inclusions are alogical–geochemical zoning; (2) the Bol’nichnaya
very rare in galena [11]. Natural galenas more often lode, the largest orebody with the least contrasting ver-
contain microinclusions of diaphorite (Pb2Ag3Sb3S8) tical variations in its mineral and chemical composition
[19, 30, 32]. The presence of metastable diaphorite– (Fig. 1).
galena solvus and the energetically preferable forma- The galena composition was studied by quantitative
tion of diaphorite through exsolution of solid solution emission spectral and electron microprobe using “Cam-
are discussed in the work of Sharp and Buseck [32]. ebax” and “JXA-5A” microprobes. Monomineral frac-
Galena also can dissolve high-temperature tions of galena taken from coarse- and medium-grained
pseudocubic aramayoite Ag(Sb, Bi)S2 with close unit ore hand-specimens at the middle and upper levels of



(a) B
d e
N lo

' nic
eb od

ter m ed
p o f Ii n

e bo
c to
o nta

G r o up
0 200 400 m



A +145 B
4 3 2 1 5


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Fig. 1. (a) Schematic geological plan of the +145 m level at the Partizansky deposit; (b) scheme of zoning of the Contact orebodies
in the plane of vertical contact of the body of Triassic limestones and host Early Cretaceous terrigenous rocks (according to Kolesni-
kov). (1) Triassic limestones; (2) Early Cretaceous siltstones and sandstones; (3) sedimentary breccia with fragments of limestones
and siliceous rocks; (4) Late Cretaceous felsic tuffs; (5–7) orebodies: (5) essentially zinc ores (Pb/Zn < 0.5) in the ilvaite–garnet–
hedenbergite skarn; (6) lead–zinc ores (Pb/Zn ≈ 0.8) in the hedenbergite skarn; (7) lead–zinc ores (Pb/Zn > 1) in a quartz–calcite
rock with superimposed Ag-bearing mineralization; (8) low-amplitude normal fault.
Orebodies: (1) Main, (2) Second, (3) Third; (4) Tenth, (5) Bol’nichnaya lode

the Second Contact body were analyzed by spectral Mineral Assemblages and Characteristic Features
analysis. The wide spectrum of trace elements (Cd, Sb, of Vertical Zoning of Ore Bodies
Bi, Sn, Mo, Ag, Cu, As, Fe, Zn) found by quantitative
The geological structure of the Partizansky deposit
spectral analysis in galena embraces all the modes of has been reported in numerous publications and is not
trace element occurrence. To determine the composi- considered in this paper [3, 7, 9].
tion and amount of the isomorphic admixtures with the
microprobes, areas free from microscopic intergrowths The great bulk of the ores were formed during the
early base metal– skarn stage, which is subdivided into
of any other minerals were taken from galena at a great four subsequent mineral assemblages: silicate–skarn,
magnification under an ore microscope. The chemically quartz–arsenopyrite, productive galena–sphalerite, and
heterogeneous areas were excluded using the compo pyrrhotite–pyrite–chalcopyrite. The silver-bearing assem-
mode on a microprobe prior to the analysis. blages of the late stage occur in subordinate amounts in



the uppermost part of the orebodies or at the flanks of intergrowths of Ag–Pb–Bi sulfosalts with each other or
the deposit [12]. with Ag–Bi-bearing galena can be the exsolution prod-
The Partizansky deposit exhibits vertical zoning ucts of early Bi phases (protominerals) [13].
defined by a subsequent updip change from essentially In terms of the abundance of the major isomorphic
zinc ores with silver–bismuth specialization to typical admixtures (silver and bismuth) and the morphology,
lead–zinc and silver–stibium–lead–zinc ores. The zon- the galena from the productive assemblage of the root
ing is telescopic (related to the formation of the late sil- zone of the Second Contact body is distinctly subdi-
ver–sulfosalt mineralization) and facies (typical of the vided into two groups. Galena I forms thin stringer–
early stage) [12]. reticulate dissemination in a sphalerite matrix. It con-
The pattern of the zoning pattern is similar in all the tains 0.6–1.3 wt % Ag and 0.9–2.6 wt % Bi (Table 1).
ore bodies of the deposit, being reduced in small (short A Bi/Ag ratio within 1.5–2.0 indicates the isomorphic
by the vertical) bodies of the Contact group and incorporation of these elements in the galena lattice in
extended in the large bodies (Fig. 1). The extended zon- the form of matildite (α-AgBiS2).
ing can be illustrated by the Bol’nichnaya lode. Owing Galena II closely intergrown with Ag–Pb–Bi–S sul-
to the low temperature gradient, essentially zinc ores fosalts and native bismuth forms polyphase pocketlike
typical of the root zone of the Contact ore bodies were aggregates in a sphalerite matrix. It comprises 2.27–
recovered in this lode within a depth range from +145 m 4.86 wt % Bi and 0.29–1.20 wt % Ag (Table 1). The
to –200 m (Fig. 1). Bi/Ag ratio widely varies from 2.2 to 14.86, attesting to
the occurrence of Bi and Ag not only in the form of
α-matildite, but also as other complex compounds
Distribution and Chemical Composition of Galena and/or submicroscopic inclusions of bismuth sulfos-
Galena is the most abundant mineral in the early- alts. The compositions of the galena solid solutions of
stage productive galena–sphalerite assemblage and less both groups are shown in the triangle diagram (Fig. 3).
common in the assemblages of the late silver–sulfosalt It is seen that the matildite solid solutions are plotted on
stage. or around the tie-line of the galena–matildite series. By
contrast, galena II associated with Pb–Bi–Ag sulfosalts
The productive galena–sphalerite assemblage and native bismuth and characterizing by significant
within the vertical section of the Contact orebodies var- bismuth predominance over silver is plotted to the right
ies in mineral composition, the proportions of sphaler- of the galena–matildite tie line.
ite and galena (from the root to the upper parts of the
orebodies, the Pb/Zn ratio varies from 0.1 to 1), and the In addition, galena II typically contains isomorphic
chemical composition of the ore-forming and subordi- Zn, thus testifying to a complex composition of high-
nate minerals. Depending on the depth, two facies vari- temperature solid solutions. The Zn presence might
eties of galena–sphalerite assemblages can be distin- affect the galena stability and provide multistage break-
guished within the Second Contact body: the produc- down into more ordered phases. Occasionally, galena II
tive assemblage of the root zone and the productive contains trace Se substituting S.
assemblage of the middle and upper zones. As was The mineragraphic studies showed that the high Ag
mentioned above, the productive assemblage of the and Bi contents in the galena from the root zone of the
Bol’nichnaya lode over the entire vertical extension is Second Contact body (as well as from the Bol’nichnaya
similar in mineral and chemical composition to that of lode) are related not only to the elevated contents of iso-
the root zone of the Second Contact body, though morphic bismuth and silver but also with the abundance
exhibits some geochemical specifics. of fine inclusions of the minerals of these elements.
Unfortunately, we failed to determine the bulk content
The Second Contact ore body. The predominant
of the admixtures with the spectral analysis, because
mineral of the galena–sphalerite assemblage in the root
this galena occurs in a sharply subordinate (relative to
zone is sphalerite, which forms massive aggregates in
sphalerite) amount and cannot be hand-picked.
hedenbergite and hedenbergite–garnet–ilvaite skarn.
Subordinate amounts of other ore minerals are scat- The middle and upper zones of the Second Contact
tered over a sphalerite matrix. Galena occurs as small body show different proportions of the major ore-form-
stringer–reticulate aggregates, separate disseminations ing minerals. In the middle levels, sphalerite only insig-
up to 5 mm in size, pockets up to few cm across in nificantly predominates over galena. The intergrowths
sphalerite, and, more rarely, among intergrowths of of these major sulfides attest to almost simultaneous
skarn silicates. It forms tight intergrowths with bismuth crystallization. In the upper parts of the orebodies,
minerals (lillianite–gustavite sulfosalts, cosalite, gale- galena is superior to sphalerite and formed later.
nobismuthite, mummeite, Ag-bearing heyrovskyite, Besides ore-forming minerals, the galena–sphalerite
wittite, selenic joseite A, hedleyite, and Bi-bearing assemblage in the middle and upper parts of the ore
fahlore) (Fig. 2). The aforementioned Bi minerals are bodies contains subordinate chalcopyrite and Ag tetra-
observed as both monomineral aggregates, and simple hedrite.
and complex polymineral intergrowths spatially related The quantitative spectral analysis showed that the
to galena. The wide development of thin myrmekite galena of the productive assemblage from the middle



4 3

(‡) (b) 3


(c) (d)


(e) (f)

Fig. 2. Typical morphology of galena in the base-metal ores of the Partizansky deposit. (a–d) Second Contact orebody, (e, f)
Bol’nichnaya lode. (a) Disseminated and pocket aggregates of galena (1) in sphalerite (2) associated with Bi minerals ((3) native
bismuth, (4) sulfosalt of lillianite–gustavite series, (5) bismuthinite). Polished section 571/15, magn. 100. (b) Galenobismuthite
lamellae (2) in galena (1); (3) sphalerite. Polished section 571/3, magn. 200. (c) Intergrowths of major ore minerals in the productive
galena–sphalerite assemblage at the level of +145 m, (1) galena, (2) sphalerite. Polished section 539/2, magn. 100. (d) Dissemina-
tion of freibergite (2) in galena II (1) (sulfosalt–galena–chalcopyrite assemblage of stage II). Polished section 536/4, magn. 300.
(e) Stringer–reticulate dissemination of galena (1) and dissemination of native bismuth (2) in sphalerite (3). Polished section 563/7,
magn. 200. (f) Dissemination of galena (1) in a silicate skarn gangue; (2) native bismuth. Polished section 563/67, magn. 200.

interval is low in admixtures: 0.023–0.033 wt % Ag, predominance of galena of the sulfosalt–galena–chal-

0.048–0.060 wt % Sb, and 0.0036–0.075 wt % Bi copyrite assemblage of the late silver–sulfosalt stage.
(Table 2). No admixtures above the detection limit According to the atomic absorption, the galena from the
were found in the galena using a JXA-5A microprobe productive assemblage in the upper part of the Second
at the Far East Geological Institute, Far East Division, Contact body contains only thousandths of a percent of
Russian Academy of Sciences. Ag and Sb and ten thousandths of a percent of Bi.
We cannot extract galena of the early productive The characteristic feature of the sulfosalt–galena–
assemblage from the uppermost part of the Second chalcopyrite assemblage of the late stage is the pres-
Contact body (the level of +285 m), because two min- ence of abundant dissemination of silver minerals (pyr-
eralization stages are superposed at this level, with the argyrite, stephanite, acanthite, freibergite) among the



Table 1. Chemical composition of galena from the productive assemblage of the root zone of the Second Contact body (level
of –135 m) based on electron probe microanalysis of polished sections, wt %
Ordinal Sample
Morphological type of galena Ag Bi Zn Pb S Se Total Bi/Ag
No. No.
1 571/15 Small pockets of galena 0.49 2.64 1.16 81.55 13.10 – 98.94 5.4
in a sphalerite matrix,
2 which are closely associated 0.42 2.77 1.08 82.27 12.89 – 99.43 6.6
3 with native bismuth and Ag–Bi–Pb 1.20 4.86 0.18 80.57 13.46 – 100.27 4.0
4 1.03 2.29 0.17 83.40 13.27 – 100.16 2.2
5 0.67 2.31 0.69 81.49 13.06 0.18 98.22 3.4
6 0.39 2.27 0.82 81.87 13.19 0.10 98.64 5.8
7 571/11 0.41 4.68 0.87 80.24 12.92 – 99.12 11.4
8 0.29 4.28 0.28 80.84 12.76 – 98.45 14.8
9 571/13 0.88 3.46 0.30 81.97 13.04 – 99.65 3.9
10 0.80 3.20 0.24 82.13 13.11 – 99.48 4.0
11 1.16 3.20 n.a. 83.87 13.50 – 101.73 2.8
12 571/3 0.96 2.68 n.a. 82.71 13.66 – 100.01 2.8
13 1.07 3.43 n.a. 83.08 13.42 – 101.0 3.2
14 571/4 Stringer–reticulate dissemination 0.6 0.9 – 83.80 13.60 – 98.90 1.5
of galena in a sphalerite matrix
15 0.6 1.1 – 83.80 13.40 – 98.90 1.8
16 0.9 1.5 – 82.80 13.60 – 98.80 1.7
17 571/10 1.3 2.5 – 80.20 13.60 – 97.60 1.9
18 1.3 2.6 – 81.80 13.60 – 99.30 2.0
Note: the analyses were performed using a JXA-5A (Far East Geological Institute, Far East Division, Russian Academy of Sciences,
an. 1–10, 14–18; analyst V. I. Sapin) and a Camebax microprobe (Institute of Volcanology, Far East Division, Russian Academy
of Sciences; an. 11–13, analyst V.M. Chubarov). (–) Not detected, (n.a.) not analyzed. Copper, stibium, and tellurium were not found.

Table 2. Contents of trace elements in galena from the upper and middle levels of the Second Contact body based on quan-
titative spectral analysis, wt %

Hor. (m) Assemblage Cd Sb Bi Sn Mo Ag Cu As Fe Zn

536/2 +285 Predominant sulfosalt– 0.0048 0.14 0.0008 0.0003 0.0003 0.077 0.01 0.03 0.1 0.005
assemblage of the II
stage + productive
assemblage of the I stage
539/5 +145 Productive galena– 0.0056 0.048 0.075 0.0003 0.0003 0.033 0.003 – 0.05 0.003
sphalerite assemblage
549/1 +75 of stage I 0.0030 0.048 0.0036 0.0003 0.0002 0.023 0.01 0.03 0.1 0.01
566/2 +5 0.0046 0.060 0.0061 0.0001 0.0002 0.031 0.001 – 0.05 0.005
Note: (–) not found. Analyst T.V. Lankova.

major sulfides, galena II, and chalcopyrite (Fig. 2d). Sb (at an extremely low Bi content of 0.0008%) (Table 2).
Galena II typically occurs as pockets and stringers cut- The mineragraphic study showed that the elevated Ag
ting across early sulfide aggregates. and Sb contents in the galena II are related mainly to
The quantitative spectral analysis showed that numerous microinclusions of diverse Ag sulfosalts,
galena II contains no less than 0.077% Ag and 0.14% acanthite, and native silver. The microprobe analysis of



Bi One point in the galena II yielded a high silver con-

tent (0.37 wt %) with no stibium and bismuth within the
Bi detection limit. According to Van Hook [33], the solu-
bility of Ag2S in galena even at high temperatures
(700°C) is as low as 0.4 mol %. Hence, the high Ag
content can be explained by the presence of the finest
Ag Pb microinclusions of native silver or acanthite, which are
invisible under an optical microscope.
The Bol’nichnaya ore lode. The galena from the
Bol’nichnaya lode is more diverse in its morphology. It
forms unevenly scattered and stringer–reticulate dissemi-
nation in a matrix of predominant sphalerite (Fig. 2e), dis-
semination and pockets in a skarn gangue (Fig. 2f), and
thin rims around polygranular sphalerite aggregates.
90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 Pb The two former galena types exhibit a similar wide
Ag 1 2 3 scatter in their Bi (0.50–3.90 wt %) and Ag (0.50–
2.90 wt %) contents. A Bi/Ag ratio within 1.0–3.8
Fig. 3. Compositions of galena from the productive galena– (Table 3) indicates that these elements occur in the
sphalerite assemblage in the Pb–Bi–Ag diagram (at %).
(1, 2) near-root zone of the Second Contact body: (1) galena galena lattice as α-matildite and as a complex binary
of the first group (Bi/Ag = 1.5–2.2); (2) galena of the second solid solution of the matildite–beergite type.
group (Bi/Ag = 2.3–14.9); (3) Bol’nichnay lode.
The galena represented by the rims around sphaler-
ite pockets is the latest generation, which differs in its
significantly lower contents of both silver (0.2 wt %)
two areas free of visible inclusions showed 0.02–0.07% and Bi (1.0 wt %) with a significant Bi predominance
Ag and 0.02–0.04% Sb. It is known that miargyrite over Ag (Bi/Ag = 5.0).
solid solutions have a subordinate role and occur in lim- The compositions of all the distinguished galena
ited amounts in the AgSbS2–PbS system. types from the Bol’nichnaya lode are also plotted in the

Table 3. Chemical composition of galena from the ores of the Bol'nichnaya lode based on electron probe microanalysis, wt %
Ordinal Sample
Level (m) Morphological type of galena Ag Bi Pb S Se Total Bi/Ag
No. No.
1 1106/1 +150 Fine dissemination 1.27 3.34 82.09 13.44 n.a. 100.14 2.6
of galena in sphalerite
2 1106/2 ″ 1.03 2.99 83.47 13.37 n.a. 100.86 2.9
3 1075 +145 0.59 1.60 84.88 13.02 n.a. 100.09 2.7
4 5B +75 0.61 2.29 83.24 13.43 n.a. 99.57 3.8
5 3 ″ 0.80 1.85 83.85 13.82 n.a. 99.32 2.3
6 563/6 ″ Stringer–reticulate dissemina- 1.10 2.00 82.60 13.40 – 99.10 1.8
tion of galena in sphalerite
7 563/7 ″ Galena dissemination 2.90 3.90 79.70 13.30 – 99.80 1.3
in a silicate skarn gangue
8 ″ ″ 0.70 1.20 83.10 13.70 0.30 99.00 1.7
9 ″ ″ 1.10 1.50 83.70 13.30 0.10 99.70 1.4
10 529/6 ″ Galena rims around granular 0.20 1.00 85.20 13.50 – 100.00 5.0
aggregates of sphalerite
11 529/7 ″ 0.20 1.00 85.70 13.40 – 100.30 5.0
12 535 +5 Fine spotty dissemination 0.67 2.00 83.00 13.33 n.a. 99.00 3.0
of galena in sphalerite
13 978 –160 0.63 1.63 84.61 13.32 n.a. 100.19 2.6
14 511/87 –210 0.50 0.50 84.90 13.30 – 99.20 1.0
Note: the analyses were performed using a JXA-5A electron microprobe (Far East Geological Institute, Far East Division, Russian Acad-
emy of Sciences, an. 1–5, 12, 13; analyst V. I. Sapin) and a Camebax microprobe (Institute of Volcanology, Far East Division, Rus-
sian Academy of Sciences; an. 6–11, 14; analyst V.M. Chubarov). (–) Not detected, (n.a.) not analyzed. Copper, stibium, and tellu-
rium were not found.



triangle Pb–Bi–Ag diagram (Fig. 3). The galena from the Deposits of the Dal’negorsk Region,” in Proceedings of
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matildite and more complex compounds in galena II. and Mineralogy (Vladivostok, 1997).
The elevated silver content in the galena at the upper- 13. L. F. Simanenko, “Bismuth and Bismuth-Bearing Miner-
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stage on the early mineral assemblages, being mainly Russian].
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16. O. Amcoff “The Solubility of Silver and Antimony in
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CANMET Mineral Sciences Laboratories Division
Report MSL No. 86-138, 1–13 (1986). Reviewer S. M. Rodionov


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