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Ministry of Education

Kindergarten Communication of Learning

Date: February 11, 2021

Student: Syon Katikala ( 967019 ) OEN: 557-731-353 Days Absent: 1.0 Total Days Absent: 3.0
Year 1 X Year 2 French: Immersion Core Extended Times Late: 2.0 Total Times Late: 2.0
Teacher: Gupta, M ( HF1: 03 ) Early Childhood Educator:* Shah, B
Principal: Morgan, Dafydd Tel.: 905-568-1836 Board: Peel District School Board
School: Champlain Trail Public School Address: 5650 Hurontario Street
Address: 895 Ceremonial Drive Mississauga, ON
Mississauga L5R 1C6

Belonging and Contributing ESL IEP

Key Learning / Growth in Learning / Next Steps in Learning
This reporting period reflects learning that has occurred in a modified learning environment as required by the provincial public
health guidelines. Ongoing communication with your child’s educator will provide additional information pertaining to progress
throughout the term. Syon has shown some growth in contributing his own interests and preferences when expressing his
thoughts during synchronous learning conversations. When called upon during discussions about his weekend, he shared, "I
sing happy birthday to Sanju. He is my friend." Syon enjoyed making his own decisions during our Would You Rather Game. He
made a decision to choose wanting 10 tiny pumpkins instead of one giant pumpkin. He shared, "Draw their face. Because
more." Syon is beginning to listen and respond to others for a variety of purposes and in different contexts. During our virtual
Halloween party, Syon had fun listening to the clues given by his peers and guessing their dress up outfits before they turned on
their cameras to reveal their costumes. Syon enjoys exploring different elements of drama and visual arts. Syon constructed his
own pretend grocery store and said, "I have chocolates, kiwis, lemon, strawberries, yogurt, car and trucks parked outside the
store." He had fun cutting and dipping toilet paper rolls into paint to make Diwali fireworks. When learning about respecting
individual differences from the book, All Are Welcome, Syon traced and cut out his hands to paste into a circle to represent a
united world. We will continue to support Syon to further his social interaction skills by providing him with more opportunities for
free inquiry time in small group settings.

Self-Regulation and Well-Being ESL IEP

Key Learning / Growth in Learning / Next Steps in Learning

Syon demonstrates a greater stamina for online learning classes. He regularly attends morning and afternoon synchronous
learning sessions on time. He is often prompted to participate in activities along with his peers. He waits his turn to be called
before independently turning his microphone on and off. He is aware of our small group schedule and arrives on time. He
gathers his materials such as a whiteboard, markers, reading books, experiment materials, math manipulatives and free inquiry
play items to work along with his friends. Syon continues to develop his interest in creative movement and other daily physical
activities in class. He watches his peers participate dancing to the beat of songs and other movement activities. He enjoyed
drawing pictures of a bat, helmet, and a ball and shared, "Cricket. Favourite sport." He enjoys our various scavenger hunts
where he runs to find different items called out such as items starting with different sounds, different textures, and representing
different things such as two dimensional shapes. Syon explored different emotions and feelings during our If You're Happy and
You Know It song and game. He listened to the song and attempted to copy the actions when changing the words of the song
(e.g. If You're Sad, Angry, Excited and You Know it). He shared with his peers, "When I fall down, I feel sad." He also drew a
picture and said, "I feel happy when I watch TV." Syon investigated the benefits of nutritious foods through various videos and
books. He expanded his knowledge by cutting out pictures of different healthy foods from flyers. We will continue to provide
Syon with more small group opportunities to play games and have more interaction with his peers.

* Required in classes of 16 or more children

KRC075R v7.07 Kindergarten Page 1 of 4

Student: Syon Katikala ( 967019 ) OEN: 557-731-353 Year 1 X Year 2

Demonstrating Literacy and Mathematics Behaviours ESL IEP

Key Learning / Growth in Learning / Next Steps in Learning
Syon demonstrates a greater interest in reading. He now explores books on Epic during asynchronous learning time and is
working towards increasing his reading time stamina. During small group he shared with his peers, "I read outside in the park.
Fat Cat on a Mat favourite book. I like so many cars." Syon enjoyed our scavenger hunts where he participated in finding a few
pretend books and books with real information to display them on the screen with his peers. Syon demonstrates interest in
writing and writes more often in different contexts. He practices printing upper and lower case letters in both whole and small
groups and independently writes his name. He enjoys scavenger hunts where he sometimes finds items starting with different
sounds. Syon has memorized his letter sounds and now is working towards applying them when writing simple words. We will
support Syon with more writing opportunities in small groups. Syon created and translated math patterns with different
household items. He made a repeated pattern with forks and spoons and attempted to read a balloon pattern on a card box
saying, "Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, white pattern." Syon investigated measuring with non standard units and used
popsicle sticks to measure the length of a tablet and a lid. He said, "Tablet is 4 sticks. Lid is 5 sticks. Is taller." Syon enjoyed
playing our picture game of light and heavy. He smiled when he thought a picture was light and put on a tired face when he
thought a picture was heavy. When looking at objects in a video to compare weight, Syon shared that the book is light. We will
support Syon by providing opportunities to explore the properties of 2D and 3D shapes.

Problem Solving and Innovating ESL IEP

Key Learning / Growth in Learning / Next Steps in Learning
Syon now enjoys making predictions and observations before and during various investigations. He had fun playing our Name
the Zoom game and What is Missing game. He investigated zoomed in images of various items and guessed what they could
be by looking at clues. He said, "That's donut. Round circle." He guessed correctly that the lollipop was missing in the other
game when comparing pictures. Syon collects and gathers materials to carry out his own explorations. He gathered a nature
collection on his walk to conduct a sink and float experiment. He collected pinecones, leaves, sticks and pebbles. After testing
out his inquiry, he displayed and shared his observations onto two labelled plates. Similarly, he conducted another sink and float
investigation using treats from home. He used wafers, crackers, and small chocolates and attempted to share which one
floated or sank as he put them in the water one by one. After watching a Sesame Street pumpkin video, Syon created his own
pumpkin soup in small group with his peers. He made his imaginary soup using oranges, paper clips, crayons, lentils, popsicle
sticks and beans. Syon demonstrated problem solving skills during his winter inquiry where he enjoyed collecting snow in two
containers. He sent a photo of his investigation to his portfolio and in his recording he shared, "Snow inside is melting and
outside is still snow." We will support Syon in providing him with more opportunities to engage in the process of creating and
designing in small group.

ESL - English as a Second Language

IEP - Individual Education Plan

To Parents/Guardians: This copy of the Kindergarten Communication of Learning should be retained for reference. The original
or an exact copy has been placed in the student's Ontario Student Record (OSR) folder and will be retained for five years after the
student leaves school.

Teacher's Signature Principal's Signature

Gupta, M Morgan, Dafydd

Shah, B
Where applicable: Early Childhood Educator(s) ______________________________________________ contributed to
the observation, monitoring, and assessment of your child's learning that is reflected in this Kindergarten Communication of
Kindergarten Page 2 of 4
Student: Syon Katikala ( 967019 ) OEN: 557-731-353 Year 1 X Year 2

The Four Frames

In Kindergarten, the learning expectations are connected with four "frames": Belonging and Contributing, Self-Regulation
and Well-Being, Demonstrating Literacy and Mathematics Behaviours, and Problem Solving and Innovating. Children's
learning in these four areas is evaluated and described in this report.

Belonging and Contributing focuses on children's:

- sense of connectedness to others;
- ability to form relationships and make contributions as part of a group, a community, and the natural world;
- developing understanding of how people relate to one another and to the world around them.

What children learn in connection with this frame provides them with a sense of being personally connected to various
groups and communities, and lays the foundation for developing the traits and attitudes required for responsible

Self-Regulation and Well-Being focuses on children's:

- ability to understand their own thoughts and feelings, to see that others may have different thoughts and feelings,
and to respect those differences;
- ability to understand and manage their emotions and impulses, find ways to deal with distractions, and be aware that
their actions have consequences;
- awareness of their physical and mental health and wellness.

What children learn in connection with this frame allows them to focus, to learn, to respect themselves and others, and to
promote well-being in themselves and others.

(continued on page 4)

Kindergarten Communication of Learning (Please complete, sign, and detach the form below, and return it to your school.)

Student:Syon Katikala ( 967019 ) Year 1 X OEN: 557-731-353 Teacher: Gupta, M ( HF1: 03 )

Year 2 Early Childhood Educator(s) (where applicable):

Shah, B

Parent's/Guardian's Comments
I notice that my child has shown growth in the following areas:

I will help my child to:

I have received this Communication. I would like to discuss this Communication. Please contact me.
Parent's/Guardian's name (please print) Signature Date
Telephone Number (day): Telephone Number (evening):
Kindergarten Page 3 of 4
Student: Syon Katikala ( 967019 ) OEN: 557-731-353 Year 1 X Year 2

Demonstrating Literacy and Mathematics Behaviours focuses on children's:

- ability to communicate their thoughts and feelings in various ways, using their bodies, words, symbols, images,
constructions, and/or other forms of expression;
- "literacy behaviours" - the various ways in which children use language, images, and materials to express ideas and
emotions as they respond to words and stories, begin to think critically, and begin to read and write;
- "mathematics behaviours" - the various ways in which children use concepts of number and pattern during play and
inquiry; process various kinds of information; and begin to grasp mathematical relationships, concepts, skills, and
- curiosity about literacy and mathematics and love of learning in general, as they develop the habit of learning for life.

What children learn in connection with this frame develops their capacity to think critically, to understand and respect
many different perspectives, and to process various kinds of information.

Problem Solving and Innovating focuses on children's:

- desire to explore the world out of natural curiosity, which develops their minds, their senses, and their bodies;
- desire to make meaning of their world by asking questions, testing theories, solving problems, and using creative
and analytical thinking;
- confidence to explore the innovative thoughts and activities that naturally arise with an active curiosity, and to apply
those ideas as they interact with others and with the world.

What children learn in connection with this frame will help them develop the habit of applying creative, analytical, and
critical-thinking skills in all aspects of their lives.

What children learn in connection with all four frames lays the foundation for developing traits and attitudes they will need to
become active, contributing, responsible citizens and healthy, engaged individuals who take responsibility for their own and
others' well-being.

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