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Pavement Management System

By: Bishnu Prasad

Course Contents
1. Introduction to Pavement Management (2hrs)
2. Pavement Management Methods (2hrs)
3. Management Information & Data Management (2hrs)
4. Pavement Defects in Flexible & Rigid Pavement (4hrs)
5. Pavement Evaluation (12hrs)
6. Pavement Condition Prediction Models (3hrs)
7. Defects and Remedy Measures (2hrs)
8. Treatment Selection (2hrs)
9. Importance of Maintenance (2hrs)
10. Financing of Roads for Maintenance(2hrs)
11. Prioritization(2hrs)
12. Road Investment Model (The HDM-IV) (2hrs)
13. Airport Pavement Management System(2hrs)
14. Network-Level PMS - M&R Work Planning(2hrs)
15. Project-Level Management (2hrs)
16. Ride Quality and Safety and Case Studies(2hrs)
Ch-14, Network-Level PMS - M&R
Work Planning and
Ch-15 Project Level Management

By: Bishnu Prasad

Lecture Outlines

 Network Level Pavement Management (M & R

Work Planning)
– Introduction
– One Year M & R Assignment
– Multi Year M & R Assignment
 Project Level Management


 This chapter presents

– Different methods for maintenance & rehabilitation
(M&R) assignment to pavement sections,
– Budget optimization, and
– Project formulation and prioritization.

 Typical condition factors used in the assignment and planning

process include pavement distress and other pavement condition
indicators such as structural, roughness, and skid.

M&R Categories

 M&R types are grouped into four categories:

1. Localized safety (stop-gap),
2. Localized preventive,
3. Global preventive, and
4. Major M&R.

(we have already discussed in Lec-12, Chapter-7)

M&R Categories

1. Localized Safety
– Localized safety M&R is defined as the localized
distress repair needed to keep the pavement
operational in a safe condition.
2. Localized preventive
– Localized preventive M&R is defined as distress
maintenance activities performed with the primary
objective of slowing the rate of deterioration.
– These activities include crack sealing and patching.

M&R Categories

3. Global preventive
– Global preventive M&R is defined as activities
applied to entire pavement sections with the primary
objective of slowing the rate of deterioration.
– These activities are primarily for asphalt surfaced
pavements, e.g. surface treatments.

M&R Categories

4. Major M&R
– Major M&R is defined as activities applied to the
entire pavement section to correct or improve
existing structural or functional requirements.
– Major M&R includes recon-struction and structural
– The PCI value after major M&R is assumed to be

One Year M&R Assignment
One Year M&R Assignment

 Assignment of Localized Repair

– Localized repair is assigned based on existing
distress types and severities.
– Distress repair maintenance policies are therefore
developed that assign specific localized M&R types,
e.g. crack sealing, to specific distress type/ severity
– It is recommended that the agency develop at least
two policies-
1. One for pavements in good condition and
11 2. One for pavements in bad condition.
One Year M&R Assignment
 Assignment of Localized Repair

1. Policy for pavements in good condition:

– This policy for pavements in good condition will be
referred to as "localized preventive policy“
– The objective is to slow the rate of deterioration.
– Therefore, the policy will include recommendations
for the repair of all distresses including
 those that may not cause user discomfort at present but
may lead to a faster rate of deterioration
 (e.g. crack sealing of medium severity longitudinal and
transverse cracks).
One Year M&R Assignment
 Assignment of Localized Repair :

2. One for pavements in bad condition.

– This policy for pavements in bad condition will be
referred to as "localized safety policy".
– The localized safety policy is a stop-gap measure
until major M&R can be performed.
– Therefore, the policy is limited to repairing those
distresses that could be a safety hazard or severely
affect the intended function of the pavement.
 It should be noted that applying localized preventive policies to
16 pavements in bad condition is expensive and not cost-effective
One Year M&R Assignment
 Assignment of Localized Repair :

2. One for pavements in bad condition.

– Figure 10-5 shows shows a significant increase in
unit cost of repair at a PCI value of approximately
– The economic approach would be to apply the
localized preventive policy to pavement sections
with a PCI above 60.

One Year M&R Assignment

 Assignment of Global Preventive (Surface Treatments)

– As word preventive, global preventive M&R should
be applied to pavements in good condition.
– Applying global preventive to asphalt pavements in
bad condition is not cost-effective
 since these treatments correct neither the structural
capacity nor the roughness of the pavement.
– The primary objective is to increase the life of the
pavement by slowing its rate of deterioration.
– The assignment type are optimized using distress
21 types..
One Year M&R Assignment

 Assignment of Global Preventive (Surface Treatments)

– Three types of global preventive M&R (AC)
 Type-1, Fog seal
 Type-2, Rejuvenation
 Type-3, Thin overlay
– Figure 10-6 shows an assignment methodology.
 Type 3 is assigned to pavements with skid-causing
distresses such as bleeding.
 Type 2 is assigned to pavements with climate-related
distresses such as block cracking.
 Type 1 is assigned to pavements with little or no distress.
One Year M&R Assignment

 Assignment of M&R Types Based on Condition

Matrix Approach
– The PCI by itself is not sufficient to identify the
needed specific M&R type; however, it is a good
indicator of the needed M&R category.
– Figure 10-7 shows a correlation between the PCI
and collective judgment of experienced engineers
recommending localized preventive and/or global
preventive M&R.
 The study (Shahin et al 1977) was conducted on 37 airfield
pavement sections,18 of which were asphalt &19 concrete.
One Year M&R Assignment

 Assignment of M&R Types Based on Condition

Matrix Approach
– Figure 10-8 is an example M&R assignment by
condition matrix for city roads.
– The condition indices used are structural distress,
climatic distress, and ride.

Multi Year M&R Assignment
Based on Minimum PCI Method

 Based on Minimum PCI

– The minimum condition approach is basically a
worst first approach which does not optimize budget
spending and thus return on investment.
 The specified level is varied by pavement use and rank.
 The specified minimum values is also be changed by year.
– If a high minimum PCI value is specified in the first
year, the required major M&R budget is likely to be
high and unaffordable.
 Instead, the minimum PCI can be gradually increased over
several years until the desirable value is reached, thus
30 avoiding the need for a high budget in the first year.
Based on Minimum PCI Method

 Based on Minimum PCI

– Figure 10-10 can be used as a guide in developing
the PCI vs. cost relationship for major M&R.
 At a PCI value of 75 or higher, assume that a 2-inch
overlay can be performed.
 At a PCI of 30 or below, assume that reconstruction will be

Based on Critical PCI

 Based on Critical PCI

– The critical PCI procedure (Shahin and Walther
1990) is based on the concept that it is more
economical to maintain pavements above rather
than below the critical PCI.
– It was developed by studying results from the
 dynamic programming network optimization analysis
(presented in Fig-10.5, slide number -19), and
 by performing many life-cycle cost analyses on many

Based on Critical PCI

 Critical PCI
– A critical PCI is defined as the PCI value at which
the rate of PCI loss increases with time or the cost
of applying localized preventive maintenance
increases significantly.
– Figure 10-12 depicts an example deterioration curve
of the usual range of the critical PCI, which is 55 to

Based on Critical PCI

 Effect of Global Preventive M&R: Two Ways

1. Either increasing the PCI at the time of application
and calculating the increase in life
 This is not recommended since increasing the PCI by
few points can lead to an increase in life from one year to
over 10 years.
2. Specifying the increase in life and calculating the
increase in the PCI
 This approach is preferred, that is to specify the increase
in pavement life (ΔT) for each type of global preventive
M&R and calculate the effective increase in PCI (ΔPCI),
37 as shown in Figure 10-13.
Based on Critical PCI

 Considering the Effect of Localized Preventive

M&R in Work Planning
– The recommended approach is shown in Fig10-14.
– The application of localized preventive M&R is not
likely to start until several years after the last
construction or major M&R date.

– To credit the performance of the pavement section,

one has to specify the expected total increase in life
Based on Critical PCI

 M&R Assignment to Pavement Sections

– Assigning an M&R category is a function of whether
the section PCI is above or below the critical PCI as
shown in Figure 10-15.
 If the section PCI is above critical, localized preventive
and/or global preventive M&R are applied.
 If the section PCI is below critical, localized safety or major
M&R is applied. No preventive M&R is applied.

Based on Critical PCI

 M&R Assignment for Sections ≥ Critical PCI

– The first step, Figure 10-16 is to check for the
structural deficiency of the pavement section.
– If the pavement is structurally deficient, then major
M&R should be applied.
– The existing pavement distress can be used to
indicate structural deficiency.
– Figure 10-17 provides a list of distresses used in the
Micro PAVER Work Plan to identify pavement
sections above the critical PCI that are structurally
43 deficient.
Based on Critical PCI

 M&R Assignment for Sections < Critical PCI

– The first step (Figure 10-18) is to check on funding
availability based on budget & major M&R priorities
 If funds are available  major M&R is applied and the PCI
value is set to 100.
 If funds are not availablelocalized safety M&R is applied
and fund availability is checked in the following years.

Based on Critical PCI

 M&R Budget Prioritization/Optimization

– The primary objective of the Critical PCI method is
to keep all pavements above the critical PCI value,
thus minimizing M&R spending.
– When pavements reach the critical PCI, they should
receive major M&R as soon as funds are available,
which will bring the PCI value back to 100.
– Use : low (apron), medium (taxiway) and high
– Rank: low (primary), medium (secondary) and high
48 (tertiary).
Primary Secondary Tertiary

 Runways

 Taxiways

 apron

Based on Critical PCI

 Unlimited vs. Limited Budget

– In a scenario where the available M&R budget is
"unlimited", there is no need for prioritization.
– When the M&R budget is limited (i.e., less than that
needed to perform all optimum M&R), then
optimization and prioritization are necessary to
achieve maximum return on investment.

Based on Critical PCI

 Prioritization Scheme
– The prioritization scheme emphasizes budget
– This is achieved by giving the highest priority to
preventive M&R.
– The exception is localized safety, which should be
performed only when the PCI is below critical and
there are no funds available to perform major M&R.

Based on Critical PCI

– The order in which M&R categories are prioritized:

1. Localized safety
2. Localized preventive
3. Global preventive
4. Major above critical PCI
5. Major below critical PCI

 Figure 10-20 shows a summary of the overall

prioritization/optimization procedure used in the
critical PCI method.
Dynamic Programming Procedure

 For example: Markovian Method

Project Level Management
Project Level Management

– Project Level Management gives the guidelines for

conducting project-level investigations and selecting
the best Maintenance and Rehabilitation (M&R)
alternative for a project.
– Pavement design procedures are not included.
– Project-level evaluations should be performed
before preparing plans and specifications for a given
M&R project.
– The data obtained from the project-level evaluation
will be used in the design process.
Model Questions

47. What are the categories of M&R types? Explain

their suitability for maintaining the pavement.
48. How one year M&R assignment for localized repair
is different from one year M&R assignment for
global preventive works? Explain.
49. DoR in Nepal has been practicing periodic
maintenance on scheduled basis. Do you
recommend the condition responsive? Explain
50. Explain Multi Year M&R Assignment based on
Critical PCI Method.

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