Part 3 A2b1 2

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Test 1



Complete the five conversations.

For questions 11-15, choose A, B, or C.

11. Have you finished? A. No, not today.

B. Not again.

C. Not yet.

12. It’s too late to go out. A. Let’s stay in.

B. OK, I’m ready.

C. Shall we go dancing.

13. I forgot my wallet! A. Don’t worry.

B. You can pay.

C. I hope so.

14. Would you like anything else? A. Yes, I liked the tomato sandwich.

B. Thanks. I’m having pasta tomorrow.

C. I’ll have a cup of coffee, please.

15. My sister is leaving tomorrow. A. She’s here.

B. For how long?

C. Did she arrive?


Complete the online conversation between two friends.

What does Robin say to Brian?

For questions 16-20, choose the correct letter A-H.

Brian: Hi, Robin. How was your holiday? A B C D E F G H
□ □ ■ □ □ □ □ □
Robin: 0 ……………………C………………… 0

Brian: It was all right but I’m glad to be home a. Where did you go?
b. Well, at least ( ít nhất )we’re having
Robin: 16………………G……………………..
good weather here at home.
Brian: Not really, but I got bored after a few
days. c. I had a great time, thanks. What
Robin: 17………………A………………………
about you?
Brian: Italy. I wanted to spend a few weeks
d. That was really amazing!
somewhere warm( ở đâu ấm áp ).
Robin: 18……………F……………………….. e. I don’t believe you!
Brian: Well, the weather was awful. It rained
f. That sounds lovely. What was the
every day and it was colder than
Robin: 19………………………E…………….. g. What happened? Did anything go
Brian: Ask my brother. He’ll tell you the same
wrong?( có gì sai không )
h. Who did you go with?
Robin: 20………………B…………………….
Yes. Unfortunately, school starts
tomorrow so I won’t be able to enjoy it.

Test 2



Complete the five conversations.

For questions 11-15, choose A, B, or C.

11. This is Class 8B, isn’t it? A. No, you aren’t.

B. I think so.

C. Where is it?

12. I really like your belt! A. I bought them in this shop.

B. Is it new?

C. Thanks. It’s my sister’s.

13. When did you get back? A. About an hour ago.

( quay lại ) B. For a very long time.

C. No, not yet.

14.have I shown you my new phone? A. No. Let me have a look!

B. Well done!

C. Good luck!

15. Can I have some more fish? A. With rice or vegetables.

B. There isn’t any left.

C. Yes, there is.


Complete the online conversation between Lisa and her brother Oliver.

What does Lisa say to Oliver?

For questions 16-20, choose the correct letter A-H.


Oliver: Here you are! Mum said you needed me. A B C D E F G H

□ □ □ □ ■ □ □ □
Lisa : 0 ……………………E………………… 0

Oliver What is it? Your Science project? A. Does it? I didn’t know that.
: 16…………D………
B. Don’t worry. I will.
Lisa: OK. So what are you doing now?
C. I don’t have a Maths exam
Oliver 17………H…………….
: My favourite subject! I love looking at maps. tomorrow.
Lisa: 18………F…………….
D. No. I’ve just finished it.
Oliver Let me see. It means there’s a forest here.
E. Yes. Can you help me with this?
: 19………A…………….
Lisa: Well, I have to finish my homework. Call me F. Mee too. But what’s this little picture
Oliver if you need me.
: 20………B……………
G. Wait. Where are you going?
Lisa: Good! Talk to you later, then.
Oliver H. I’m trying to do my Geography


Test 3


Questions 11-15

Complete the five conversations.

For questions 11-15, choose A, B, or C.

11. That’s Ron over there. A. He’s at home.

B. I don’t know.

C. I remember him!

12. I got my diploma

.( bằng khen) A. That would be lovely.

B. Congratulations!

C. You can’t be happy.

13. Could I speak to the doctor, please? A. I can’t call you back.

B. Just a minute.

C. As soon as possible.

14. The Andes are in Australia, aren’t they? A. I’m not sure.

B. Yes, they must.

C. Where are they?

15. We had a picnic last weekend. A. What time shall we meet?

B. What are you going to eat?

C. Who went with you?

Questions 16-20

Complete the online conversation between Steve and a radio presenter.( phát thanh viên )

What does Steve say to the presenter?

For questions 16-20, choose the correct letter A-H.

Presenter: Hi Steve. Thank you for talking to us A B C D E F G H

on Music Today.
□ □ ■ □ □ □ □ □
Steve: 0…………………C………………. 0
Presenter I’ve got your new album here. It’s great! A. That’s right. Carlos does that one.
: 16………D…………… B. We practise our songs every day.
Steve: You sing all the songs on the album, except C. Thank you for inviting me.
Presenter the last one. D. Thanks. We worked very hard to
: 17………A………………. make it.
Is it difficult to write music? E. Yes. I love classical music and
Steve: 18………H………………. reggae.
Presenter That’s amazing! Do you listen to different F. Nobody is coming next week.
: types of music? G. Probably this summer, but we
Steve 19…………E…………… aren’t sure yet.
Presenter And when is your next concert? H. I don’t think so. I write about two
: 20…………G…………… songs a week.
Interesting! Thank you very much, Steve.

Test 4


Complete the five conservations.

For questions 11-15, choose A, B or C.

11. My head hurts. A. Let’s go to the chemist.( hiệu thuốc )

B. I saw the doctor.

C. I took my medicine.

12. Can I use your mobile phone? A. Sure, it’s over there.

B. All right. I’ll buy one.

C. Sorry, I can’t finish it.

13. Turn the heating on, please. A. OK, it’s off.

Lò sưởi B. Yes, it’s hot.

C. Are you cold?

14. Where’s the police station? A. Turn left at the bank.

B. We’re walking straight on.

C. The police officer turned right.

15. Would you like some pizza? A. I like pizza with peppers.

B. Just a small piece, please.

C. Of course I like pizza!( do you like )

Questions 16-20

Complete the conversation in a bookshop.

What does Tina say to the shop assistant?( NHÂN VIÊN BÁN HÀNG )

For questions 16-20, choose the correct letter A-H.


Assisstant: Good morning. Can I help you? A B C D E F G H

□ □ □ □ □ ■ □ □
Tina: 0…………….F…………. 0

Assistant: The new book by Garry Fox? We haven’t A. Thanks. Shall I read it?
got it yet. B. Oh no! I want to get it for
my dad’s birthday.
Tina: C. No, not that one. Is it good?
Well, has he read Fox’s other book? D. My mum doesn’t like him.
Crowded Mountain? E. I will. How much is it?
Tina: F. Yes, please. I’m looking for
Dangerous Games.
It’s very funny. The story is brilliant! G. Here you are. Thanks.

Tina: H. It sounds nice. I’ll get it.

Great! You should read it too.
Assistant: That’s £9.99, please.

Tina: 20……G………

Assistant: Enjoy the book. Bye!

Test 5


Questions 11-15

Complete the five conversations.

For questions 11-15, choose A, B, or C.

11. Can I phone you back later? A. I hope so.

B. It’s not fine.

C. That’s fine

12. Let’s have a coffee break. A. I do too.

( nghỉ giải lao ) B. That’s a good idea.

C. I’m afraid so.

13. Thank you for your help! A. It doesn’t matter.( XIN LỖI )

B. That’s alright.

C. Never mind.( XIN LỖI )

14. How are you? A. Fine thanks.

B. How do you do?

C. Don’t mention it.

15. Have a nice weekend! A. Very well, thanks.( HOW)

B. And you.

C. Yes, it is.

Questions 16-20

Complete the online conversation between two friends.

What does Tina say to Adrian?

For questions 16-20, choose the correct letter A-H.

Adrian: Hello Tina. How are you? A B C D E F G H
□ □ □ ■ □ □ □ □
Tina: 0 ……………………D………………… 0

Adrian I’m fine. Did you have a good holiday in A. Yes, that’s right. But the other things are
: Florida? good too.
16……………E……………………….. B. Yes, that’s true. But I enjoyed at anyway.
Tina: Really? Perhaps I should go there. Was it C. Well, I paid a quite lot for the flight, but
Adrian very expensive? the food was very cheap.
: 17…………C…………………………… D. Adrian! I’m very well thanks. What about
I heard that they have very good fish you?
Tina: there. E. I had a wonderful time. I’m going back
Adrian 18……………A……………………….. again next year.
: And did you visit any cities? F. I did. But the meat is very good too.
19……………G……………………….. G. Not many. I spent most of the time on the
Tina: Are they? I don’t like swimming very beach because the water sports are
Adrian much. Didn’t you go to Disneyland? excellent.
: 20………………H……………………. H. Oh yes. It’s wonderful. But there are lots
Tina: Yes, you’re right. of other places to visit in Florida too.


Test 6


Questions 11-15

Complete the five conversations.

For questions 11-15, choose A, B, or C.

11. How is your mother? A. Fine thanks.

B. With my father.

C. Forty- four.

12. Tom, this is my wife, Penny. A. Who are you?

B. Pleased to meet you!

C. Don’t mention it.

13. When can we go shopping? A. I’m afraid not.

B. Any time you like.

C. That will be nice.

14. Let’s have a cup of coffee. A. I do too.

B. I hope so.

C. That’s a good idea.

15. Do you like jazz music? A. Not very much.

B. It doesn’t matter.

C. Oh good!

Questions 16-20

Complete the online conversation between two friends.

What does Jason say to Miranda?

For questions 16-20, choose the correct letter A-H.


Miranda: Hello Jason. How are you? A B C D E F G H

□ □ □ ■ □ □ □ □
Jason: 0 ……………………D………………… 0

Miranda Did you enjoy the pop concert? a. I didn’t miss much because there was a
: 16…………B………………………….. large video screen too.
Jason: Did you have a good seat? b. It was brilliant, thanks. The best one I’ve
Miranda 17……………F………………………… ever been to.
: But could you see everything? c. Yes, it was great because everyone in the
Jason: 18……………A……………………….. concert hall was singing.
Miranda And did the band play your favourite d. I’m very well, thank you.
: song? e. Yes, they played most of them.
Jason: 19…………C………………………….. f. Not bad. I wasn’t near the front. But
Miranda I like it when people do that. everyone was standing up, so it didn’t
: 20………H……………………………. matter.
Oh, it sounds wonderful. g. I think so because there were no empty
Jason: seats. ( ghế trồng )
Miranda h. So do I. Everyone enjoyed it, so they
: sang that song again at the end.

Test 7


Questions 11-15

Complete the five conversations.

For questions 11-15, choose A, B, or C.

11. I’m sorry I’m late. A. That’s a problem.

B. I do too.

C. It doesn’t matter.( xin lỗi )

12. Will the plane arrive soon? A. It lasts two hours. ( how long )

B. In about ten minutes.

C. An hour ago.

13. That’s really kind of you. A. You did too.

( thank you ) B. Very well thanks.

C. You’re welcome.

14. What does that mean? A. No idea.

B. No, not much.

C. I don’t think so.

15. I can’t lend you any money. A. I’m afraid so.

B. Sorry about that.

C. That’s alright.( OK)

Questions 16-20

Complete the online conversation between two friends.

What does Mark say to Anna?

For questions 16-20, choose the correct letter A-H.


Anna: Where are you going on holiday this year, Mark? 0 A B C D E F G H

Mark: 0 …………H………………… □ □ □ □ □ □ □ ■

Anna: I spent two weeks at the beach last year. AI’ve got a video about them. Do you want to
It was sunny every day. watch it?
Mark: 16…………………E………………….. B No. We stayed in the mountains. It was
Anna: But you’ve been to Hawaii. Wasn’t it much cooler.
really warm there? C I want to go.
Mark: 17………………B……………………… D I didn’t know that. Was that this year.
Anna: I see. I don’t know where to go this year. E Oh, I don’t like hot places very much.
Do you think I would like it there? F It’s too expensive to go there.
Mark: 18……………G……………………….. GYes, probably. The mountain birds and
Anna: That sounds interesting. I’d love to see flowers are beautiful.
them. H I don’t know yet.
Mark: 19……………A…………………..…..
Anna: OK, thanks. Well, if you like colder
places, you could go to Canada. My
brother went there.
Mark: 20…………D………………………….
Anna: Yes, last month. He went there for his
job. And he did some skiing too.
Test 8


Questions 11-15

Complete the five conversations.

For questions 11-15, choose A, B, or C.

11. Did you enjoy the film? A. It’s too nice.

B. Not really.

C. Thanks for asking.

12. Nice to see you again. A. I don’t remember.

B. You too.

C. Don’t mention it.

13. Hurry up or we’ll be late. A. It’s not early.

B. There’s no time.

C. Let’s go now then.( đi ngay bây giờ )

14. Dinner is ready. A. Oh good!

B. I’ll cook tonight.

C. Not yet.

15. I’ve lost my wallet. A. Not again! ( đừng làm mất nữa )

B. I’m afraid so.

C. It doesn’t matter.

Questions 16-20

Complete the online conversation between two friends.

What does Sam say to Harry?

For questions 16-20, choose the correct letter A-H.


Harry: Hello Sam. Nice to meet you! A B C D E F G H

■ □ □ □ □ □ □ □
Sam: 0 …………A ………………… 0

Harry: Fine thanks. I started a new job this week. A. You too! How are you?
Sam: 16……………F……………………….. B. I haven’t bought anything in
Harry: I’m working at the clothes shop in Weldon Road. that shop for ages.( KO MUA
17………………H……………………… LÂU LẮM RỒI )
Sam: I think so. They’re still training me at the moment. C. Yes, you’re right. It’s very
Harry: 18………………D…………………….. interesting.
Only a week. Then I’ll be ready to work in the D. How long does that last?
Sam: shop, helping customers. E. I don’t know what that is.
Harry: 19………………B………………..….. F. What are you doing?
Well, you should come in and see me one day G. Thanks for telling me. I will do.
Sam: soon. There’s a sale on next week. H. Oh yes, I know which place you
Harry: 20…………………F…………………. mean. Do you like it there?
Anyway, I’ve got to go now. My lunch break has
Sam: nearly finished.

Test 9


Questions 11-15

Complete the five conversations.

For questions 11-15, choose A, B, or C.

11. Where are the coffee mugs? A. In the cupboard.(

B. At breakfast.

C. They’ve gone next door.

12. How much is it? A. It’s great.

B. It’s £6.60.

C. That’s quite expensive.

13. It’s warm today, isn’t it? A. Take your umbrella.

B. Yes. It’s a lovely day.

C. No. He’s going tomorrow.

14. I’ve got a bad headache. A. You should take an aspirin.

B. My dentist is on holiday.

C. How are you?

15. When are you coming back? A. Last week.

B. Every morning.

C. Tonight.

Questions 16-20

Complete the online conversation between two friends.

What does Malcolm say to the shop asssistant?

For questions 16-20, choose the correct letter A-H.


Assistant:Good afternoon, sir. Can I help you? A B C D E F G H

□ □ □ □ □ ■ □ □
Sam: 0 …………F ………………… 0

Assistant Is there a problem with it, sir. A. I’ll take the blue one, please.
: 16…………C………………………….. B. Large, please.
Malcolm: Have you got the receipt( hóa đơn ), sir. C. Yes. It’s too small for me.
Assistant 17………………H……………………… D. Not today. I’m afraid.
: What size would you like, sir? E. Do you have it in other colors?
Malcolm: 18……………B……………………….. F. Yes. I’d like to change this
Assistant Let me see. Yes, we still have some large ones. jumper.
: Here’s a black one. G. No. I’m sorry, but we’ve sold
Malcolm: 19……………E…………………..….. out.
Assistant Yes, sir. In blue, dark green and red. H. Yes, here it is.
: 20…………A………………………….
Very good, sir. Here you are.

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