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Nama: Ditha dwiastuti

NIM asal: N1D219047

Asal universitas: Universitas Haluoleo


Buatlah resume dari modul 6 kegiatan belajar 1 dan bahan tayang 6. Minimal 4 paragraf,
maksimal 6 paragraf.

Experimental research is a research in which the researcher does some actions directly to the
research subjects. The actions aim to manipulate the research subject to prove hypotheses.
Independent variables must be something that cannot be tested or quantified, such as teaching
method and teaching media. While dependent variables are something that can be measured
by test or formed as quantitative data, such as students’ score and students’ performance.
There are three main designs of experimental research, namely pre-experimental research
(one single subject), quasi experimental research (two subjects without randomization), and
true experimental research (two subjects with randomization).

a. Pre-experimental designs
Pre-experimental designs also called one single subject research are some designs in
which only one subject will be treated and tested for proving hypotheses. They do not
have a control group and do not choose research subject randomly. There are three
sub-designs for pre-experimental designs, involving one-shot design or one-shot case
study design or after-only design is a design with only one group and one test, one-
group pretest-posttest design is a design with only one group for treatment but there
are two tests (pretest and posttest) and no control group, and static group design also
known as after-only design with control group. It involves at least two nonrandomly
formed groups, one that receives a new or unusual treatment (experimental group) and
another that receives a traditional treatment (control group).

b. Quasi-experimental designs

They have a control group, but they are still unable to randomize in choosing research
subject. Besides, researchers also lack full control over the scheduling of experimental
treatments. There are three sub-designs for quasi-experimental designs, namely non-
equivalent control group design in this design, two (or more) treatment groups are
pretested, administered a treatment, and posttested. but at the same time there is a
nonequivalent control group that is given a pretest, does not receive the treatment, and
then is given a posttest, Time series design/ Multiple time series design In the time-
series design, one group is repeatedly pretested until pretest scores are stable. The
group is then exposed to a treatment and, after treatment implementation, repeatedly
posttested. Counterbalanced design, is a design to measure two or more groups at
the same time. The group is just administrated to treatments and posttest and all
groups receive all treatments but in a different order, and groups are posttested after
each treatment.
c. True experimental research design

True experimental designs are some designs that has three important aspects of
experimental research, namely manipulation of independent variables (treatment),
randomization (sample), and comparison (control group). The treatment that used in this
research design were includes the presence or absence of technique, Randomization
techniques are used to place research participants into groups, such as experimental or
control groups. While control groups can be one, two or more equivalent groups with
different conditions for the purpose of comparison and this design does not have random
assignment of participant. There are three sub-designs for pre-experimental designs,
consisting of posttest-only control group design, also known as after-only with control
is a design with administrating posttest only for both experimental and control groups.
There is no pretest for both of groups. The posttest is administrated for experimental
group after treatment exposure. pretest-posttest control group design, also known as
before-after with control is a complete design: both experimental and control groups are
chosen randomly, both are assigned to pretest, they are also administrated treatment
(different treatment), and they also assigned to posttest and this design requires at least
two groups. And the last sub-design were solomon four-group design, Solomon four-
group design involves random assignment of participants to one of four groups, then two
groups are pretested and two are not; one of the pretested groups and one of the groups
not pretested receive the experimental treatment; and all four groups are posttested.

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