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MARCH 21,2019


Cryotherapy literally means cold therapy, it is commonly used as a procedure to

relieve pain symptoms, particularly in inflammatory diseases, injuries and overuse symptoms.
It is a way where the body is exposed to extremely cold temperatures for several minutes.
There is a form of therapy or stimulation for treating diseases and it is called the Whole Body
Cryotherapy (WBC). It is capable for providing treatment to the users. WBC is an alternative
to cold water or ice packs. Cryotherapy is used worldwide by athletes and others to maintain
fitness and increase energy. This therapy has a lot of benefits that can get and it is effective
when use regularly.

WBC is improving the metabolic and inflammatory response as well enhancing

recovery from exercise and injury. It provides efficient transfer of heat from a coolant
material to dry air for performing the cryotherapy operation. It is also applied in human or
animal for providing health benefits.

This study was intended for clinical settings for treating people with conditions or any
diseases. It has many benefits but it can also harm or injure our skin when over exposed. Wbc
benefits remains unproven and according to FDA there has no cleared or approved that it is
safe or effective to treat any medical condition. This cryotherapy isn’t safe for everyone. The
whole body cryotherapy system isn’t that strong enough to dictate how long, how fast or what
temperature it may work best. In some cases, WBC treats conditions or effective in reducing
muscle pain especially to the athletes. It helps a lot on fast recovery when using this

Whole body cryotherapy is used as a preventive strategy against inflammations and

soreness. The combination of cold and physical exercise was beneficial for clinical outcomes
of treatments to various diseases. Cooling efficiency and possibly treatment effectiveness can
be influenced by body composition. Whole body cryotherapy system generally provides
treatments to the users using cold dry environmental air. This helps a person or the user to
receive health benefits, treatment for many diseases and for fast recovery and pain relief.
Cryotherapy helps to boost the immune system, improving overall health and stamina. When
a body is exposed to cold temperatures, it releases endorphins, which are the body’s natural
painkillers. Exposure to low temperatures also reduces the metabolism of cells, which gives
more time to heal and recover from strain or injury. Other benefits of cryotherapy also
include relief from chronic pain, weight loss management, and increased active performance.

In sports medicine, WBC has gained wider acceptance as a method to improve

recovery from muscle injury. The enhancing effects of WBC are anecdotally widely used for
recovering from traumas and for preventing overtraining symptoms.

The study of WBC effects can have a practical value not only for many physiological
and clinical purposes, but also for determining clinical significance in the context of
antidoping testing, since techniques that accelerate recovery may be classified as prohibited.
Furthermore, post-WBC treatment changes in biochemical and haematological parameters
could lie outside the threshold range imposed by sports federations and official control
agencies for athletes classified as being doped, or they could be interpreted as an attempt to
mask changes caused by illicit treatment.

At present, the use of very cold air in special, controlled chambers may be proposed
for treating symptoms of various diseases (Bouzigon et al., 2016). Beside its clinical
applications, a brief full body exposure to dry air at cryogenic temperatures lower than
−110°C has become widely popular in sports medicine, often used to enhance recovery after
injuries and to counteract inflammatory symptoms resulting from overuse or pathology
(Furmanek et al., 2014). The number of studies about the use of whole-body cryotherapy
(WBC) in sports medicine is growing; however, it is still lower than the topic's potential if the
wide range of application of this methodology is considered. Studies published on athletes
had mainly focused on post-training or competitive season recovery.

The application of ice or other cooling pack devices without compression is the most
commonly used method, likely because it is the most economical and user-friendly
cryotherapy option. Compressive cryotherapy is the application of ice or an ice pack secured
to the site with a bandage or other device in a manner that also applies pressure to the site of
injury. Finally, continuous flow cryotherapy systems are typically connected to a
refrigeration control unit and apply compressive cooling through the uninterrupted flow of
cold water or gas through a wrap around the injured site.
This study aims to clarify the importance, positive and bad effects of cryotherapy in
our whole body. It aims to evaluate the general purpose of WBC when used and aims to
know how it really helps in treating the health conditions or diseases in our body. This study
wants to know the benefits and its uses in our body on how it works properly and to know if
it is safe or can harm a human’s body.

The whole body cryotherapy system includes a storage tank for storing a coolant
material capable of providing cryogenic lower temperatures. The cooling material used is
liquid nitrogen, which is kept at very low temperatures and stored inside the storage tank. The
present whole body cryotherapy system further includes a cooling chamber in fluid
communication with the storage tank for generating cold dry air at cryogenic temperatures
inside the cooling chamber.

A heat exchanger unit of the present whole body cryotherapy system helps to lower
the temperature of the air inside the cryogenic sauna chamber to a particular level near the
cryogenic temperatures. The operations of the present whole body cryotherapy system are
automatically controlled using an electronic control system. The present whole body
cryotherapy system can be used to automatically generate cool dry air at cryogenic
temperatures and maintain the temperature of the cool dry air at a preset temperature. A
person or user can stand inside the cryogenic sauna chamber to subject to the cold dry air at
extreme low temperatures for a short period of time. This helps the person or the user to
receive health benefits and can be used as a treatment to many diseases.

The present invention relates to a whole body cryotherapy system that can be applied
to one or more human or animal subjects for providing health benefits and for treating many
diseases. Further the cryotherapy can be applied to human or animal subjects for ailment
from chronic conditions.


For what I have read, whole body cryotherapy system has a lot of benefits we can get
and it can treat various diseases. It has different effects on our body when used but it provides
safe cryotherapy treatment to the users. According to the available literature, WBC is not
harmful or detrimental in healthy subjects. The treatment does not enhance bone marrow
production and could reduce the sport-induced haemolysis. WBC induces oxidative stress,
but at a low level. In this statement, it said that it is not harmful especially to the athletes.
They need to use this therapy because when they got injured during the game they need to be
treated. Our body, when it is moving, it releases heat and it energizes the body so when it get
injured, the body needs a lower temperature which is cold water to relieve the pain and for
faster recovery. WBC is not harmful and does not induce general or specific negative effects
in athletes. In some cases, cryotherapy system helps a lot to boost our metabolism and treats
some chronic conditions.

WBC treatment included reduction of systemic inflammation and lower

concentrations of markers for muscle cell damage. These results suggest that WBC may
improve recovery from muscle damage, with multiple exposures more consistently exhibiting
improvements in recovery from pain, loss of muscle function, and markers of inflammation
and damage. So all in all WBC is good in our health and body and also it is very helpful to
our medical conditions. This will benefits to the society and world because human can less
suffer in their diseases and health problems.

In some opinion, WBC is not that proven or strong enough that it really helps to treat
and heal the pain or diseases. It is also expensive and not that affordable. Cryotherapy can
cause redness and irritation of the skin. But, these effects are generally temporary. Whole
body cryotherapy should not exceed five minutes (typical treatment sessions are two to three
minutes). Whole body cryotherapy causes decreased heart rate, increased blood pressure, and
lowered respiration. However, despite its widespread use, little is known regarding the
effectiveness of different cryotherapy modalities to reduce skin temperature. Too much
cooling can harm the skin and also the cells in our body. It will not act normally because of
the temperature change.

In the summary of evaluation, cryotherapy is helpful and can also harm in some cases
on our body. It suggests that people should consult first the doctor before getting through it or
will use it. WBC is good for athletes because it is more useful to them. It can treat them fast
and used for pain relief and etc.

WBC was invent for a purpose and easily used for treatment in medical
conditions/symptoms. It is an easier way to heal. This invention was get from the traditional
way of treating pain, the ice packs that was used for pain relief. This cryotherapy was build
for good purpose and makes our life and health be easily treated but it was that expensive.
Before you attained it you must have some money for the treatment but it assures safe and
good medications.

Cool therapy is needed a lot in our body because it improve our immune response and
reduces inflammation. Exposure to cold as a means to speed up recovery after physical
exercise and when you are in pain it can also help. This study gives a lot of information and it
contributes a way on how to treat a person who suffers from a muscle damage or pain. This
therapy has a lot of benefits and effects in our body. It awakens my perception and
knowledge about cold therapy or cryotherapy in our body that it is very helpful and useful.

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L. E. Piana, MS, BA K. D. Garvey, MA, BA H. Burns, BS E. G. Matzkin, MD (2018). The

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C. Bleakley, F. Bieuzen, G. Davison, and J. Costello (2014). Whole-body cryotherapy:

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