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Semester I

Analog Electronics Circuit II (NMJ20904) Laboratory Module

Op-Amp (Inverting and Non-Inverting)

1.1 To demonstrate an inverting operational amplifier circuit
1.2 To demonstrate a non-inverting operational amplifier circuit
1.3 To investigate the operational amplifier voltage follower


The name operational amplifier was originally intended to describe an amplifier

capable of performing various mathematical operations in an analogue computer.
Such a device had to be capable of handling a wide range of input signal frequencies
right down to DC. The first operational amplifiers were constructed from discrete
components: transistors, resistor etc. However, these were large and cumbersome
and the development of integrated circuit technology meant that very high
performance operational amplifiers could be produced in small sized packages.

Analogue computing is dead, replaced by digital computing, though operational

amplifiers still find widespread used in electronics. Their main application is in the
construction of high performance AC and DC amplifiers. They have the advantage
that the gain and frequency response of the amplifier is completely determined by a
number of external components according to simple formulae; there is no need to
worry about the variation of the gain of the transistors with temperature and voltage
supply. Furthermore, using operational amplifier (OP AMPS) it is straightforward to
build a simple amplifier for use as part of an experiment, for example, a DC amplifier
with a gain of 1000 to boost the output of a thermocouple to levels suitable for driving
a digital meter.

The OP AMP is a differential amplifier that is the output is proportional to the

difference between two inputs, i.e.
Vout  A V  V (2.1)

where V+ is the voltage at the so-called non-inverting input, V- is the voltage at the
so-called inverting input and A is the gain which is normally very high, typically
100,000 or more. Such an amplifier would appear to be useless because the output
would saturate at the smallest value at the input. In fact operational amplifiers are
used with large amounts of negative feedback to produce practical amplifiers. We will
consider the effect of feedback later, for now we will consider the properties of an
ideal and a typical operational amplifier.

The operational amplifier used in this experiment is a type 741, which is a very widely
used general purpose amplifier. It requires balanced  power supplies around zero
volts. The zero volt level is referred to as a ground (GND). The input and output
connections are made with respect to the power supply ground. The circuit symbol of
an operational amplifier and the pin connections of the type 741 are shown in Figure

Figure 2.1 741 OP AMP pin out and schematic symbol

2.1 Ideal Op Amp:

In this lab, we will generally assume that our op amps are truly perfect; i.e. Ideal op
amp. Ideal op amp can be designed following two simple rules.
i. No current flows into or out of the positive or negative input terminals.
ii. The voltage across the op amp input terminals remains at zero.

2.2 Inverting and Non-inverting Amplifier:

There are two basic configurations for operational amplifier circuits: the inverting
amplifier, and the non-inverting amplifier. Operational amplifiers ideally have infinite
open-loop gain and infinite open-loop input resistance. Open-loop characteristics
refer to those of an amplifier having no feedback resistance between output and
input. Closed-loop characteristics are those of an amplifier having an external
feedback resistor. The resistor provides negative feedback, whereby a portion of the
output voltage is subtracted from the input. Both the inverting and non-inverting
amplifier use the principle of negative feedback to control the overall (closed-loop)
voltage gain.

2.2.1 Inverting amplifier: RF

Vin + Vout
Figure 2.2 Inverting Amplifier

Figure 2.2 shows a typical inverting amplifier configuration. The input signal (Vin) is
connected to the inverting input and so an increase in the input voltage will result in a
proportionate decrease in the output voltage. So an input of 1V DC with a gain of 10
would result in an output voltage of -10V. The voltage gain of an inverting amplifier is
calculated as follows.
Owing to the very large open loop gain (A) of the op amp we can say that, under
normal operating conditions (linear amplifier), V  V . This is because the smallest
difference between V  and V  would cause the output to saturate. Since V  V ,
the current flowing into the inverting input terminal is virtually zero. So, applying
Kirchhoff’s current law at the node between R1 and RF gives;
Vin V Vou t V
 (2.2)

which leads:


Remember the – (minus) sign is an expression of the phase inversion.

2.2.2 Non-inverting amplifier:

Figure 2.3 shows a typical non-inverting amplifier configuration.


R1 +V

Vin -V
Figure 2.3 Non-inverting Amplifier

In this circuit the output is connected back to the inverting input via a potential divider
network consisting of R1 and RF to provide negative feedback. This means that the
amplifier will try to oppose any change in the voltage between its input terminals. We
can easily calculate the so-called closed loop gain under such conditions, starting
from the basic equation describing an operational amplifier (remember that in this
case Vin is connected at + terminal).
Vout  AV  V (2.4)

Now, V  is derived from Vout via the potential divider and is given by ,


Therefore, combining (2.4) and (2.5) gives:

For an ideal op amp A = , this reduces to
R1 RF RF
Gv  1 (2.7)
R1  R1

The non-inverting amplifier is so called because the input signal is fed to the non-
inverting input pin and so an increase in the input voltage will give rise to an increase
in the output voltage (i.e. the input and output signals are in phase).

2.3 Unity gain amplifier:

Vin -V

Figure 2.4 Voltage Follower

The circuit sketched in Figure 2.4 is called a voltage follower or unity gain buffer. The
feedback line with no load gives Vout  V
Moreover, because of the condition Vin  V we will have V  V ; which implies
Vout  Vin (2.8)

The output follows the input voltage with unitary gain. Considering that the high
impedance input and the low impedance output values of Op-Amps are close to the
state of the art in the electronic design, the voltage follower can be used as an
isolation stage (buffer) between two circuits.

(Note: All Experiments will use Electronic Circuit Simulator)


3.1 Resistors:
3.1.1 1M 
3.1.2 100k 
3.1.3 47k 
3.1.4 10k  (2)
3.2 LM 741 OP-AMP
3.3 DC Power Supply
3.4 Function Generator
3.5 Oscilloscope

Formula :

V(r.m.s) =

4.1 To investigate an op-amp used as an inverting amplifier, connect the circuit in

Figure 4.1. The small numbers in the diagram correspond to the integrated
circuit’s (chip’s) pin numbers.

Figure 4.1 Inverting Amplifier circuit

4.1.1 Connect a dual-trace oscilloscope to observe both the input Vin and
the output Vout. With VS = 0.5V pp sine wave at 1 KHz, measure
and record in TABLE 1 the output voltage Vout for each value of RF
listed in TABLE 1. Also, note the phase angle of the output Vout with
respect to the input Vin.

4.1.2 Now replace RF with a 1 M resistor and simulate the output

waveform Vout as well as the input waveform , Vin. Fill in Table 1.

4.2 To investigate an operational amplifier used as a non-inverting amplifier,

connect the following circuit as in Figure 4.2.

Figure 4.2 Non-Inverting Amplifier Circuit

4.2.1 Connect a dual-trace oscilloscope to observe both the input and the
output. Repeat procedure step 4.1.1 for the non-inverting amplifier
using the values of RF in TABLE 2.

4.2.2 Replace RF with 1 M resistor and simulate the output waveform,

Vout as well as the input waveform, Vin. Fill in Table 2.

4.3 To investigate the operational-amplifier voltage follower, connect the circuit in

Figure 4.3.

_ 7
+ 4
Vin -15V


Figure 4.3 Unity Gain Amplifier

4.3.1 With VS = 2 V pp sine wave at I kHz, measure the output voltage,

Vout .Record the result in TABLE 3. Note the phase angle of the output
with respect to the input.

Note: Simulate all circuits by using Electronic Circuit Simulator and

paste all results in the report.
Semester I (2021/2022)

Name and Matric No:

Name and Matric No:

Name and Matric No:

Name and Matric No:


Vou t RF
Av  Av   Phase shift,
RF (ohms) Vout (volts) Vin R1 θ
10k 

47k 

100k 

1 MΩ

(20 marks)

Vou t RF
Av  Av  1  Phase shift,
RF (ohms) Vout (volts) Vin R1
10k 

47k 

100k 

1 MΩ

(20 marks)


Vou t
Vout (volts) Av  Phase shift, θ

(6 marks)
B) DISCUSSION: (5 marks)

1) From the experiment, for inverting amplifier circuit, sketch the output waveform if
R1=10kΩ and Rf=10kΩ.

2) What will happen if sine wave is connected to the op-amp (-) terminal?

3) What will happen if sine wave is connected to the op-amp (+) terminal?

C) CONCLUSION: (6 marks)

Based on your experiment, make an overall conclusion by observation to the input

and output of each circuit.

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