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What is tourism?

(du lịch là gì)

From the perspective of an economic sector, tourism is an integrated business

that brings high efficiency in many aspects: improving understanding of nature,
historical traditions, and national culture, thereby contributing to the growth of
tourism. more love for the country. Besides, tourism is also considered a form of
export of goods and services on the spot, bringing great economic efficiency.

The advantage of tourism(lợi thế của du lịch)

The role of the tourism industry in contributing to the gross national economic
product.One of the benefits of the tourism industry is the large contribution of
tourism to the gross national economic product in many countries. In the case of
Vietnam in particular, the tourism industry is now considered as one of the three
major economic sectors that are focused on investment, constantly developing
and making positive contributions to the national economy.

1.Local economy:
Thu nhập +) People's income is improved: Developing tourism activities, creating
budget sources for localities from budget deductions from tourism
establishments under direct local management and from taxes payable by
tourism businesses. business in the area. In localities with traditional craft villages,
they take advantage of their strengths to develop the economy by introducing
and selling handmade products. Not only selling to tourists, but this is also an
opportunity to increase local income in the form of export.

+) Increase the source of income for the state: Tourists are also obliged to pay
taxes. It can be a direct tax such as departure tax payable at the airport or room
rental in addition to the bill of payment for the stay at the hotel. It can also be an
indirect tax such as an aircraft grounding tax, a fuel tax or a value-added tax on
goods and services. However, the benefits from this source of income are
weighed against the increased responsibilities and costs of the state. In some
cases the government of a country is forced to reduce taxes to encourage
investment. In other cases, incomes may be reduced due to increased tourism
development costs. It is investment in the country's infrastructure such as roads,
public transport, airports, railway stations, docks, electricity and water, and
communications. Building these amenities up to standards is essential and
requires huge investments.
- Nơi làm việc: The tourism industry has contributed to creating jobs in Vietnam. -
Create job opportunities so no one is left behind. - Trade unions propose to
reduce overtime on public holidays - Tourism brings millions of jobs, promotes
economic development at both local and national levels - It gives women and
young people and rural individuals the opportunity to support themselves and
their families and integrate more deeply into society. Since tourism developed,
thousands of workers have stable jobs. Like other boatmen, in order to do this
job, they have been trained by the landscape management board to have three
certificates: boating, rescue and English training to communicate with tourists.
Besides, the translation industry also creates jobs for people such as: Tourism
manager with a different starting salary of 10-15 million. Travel management 6-
10 million . Tourism marketing staff 4-6 million .Accounting travel 5-7 million .
Tour guide, receptionist ..... Thereby we can see the great benefits of tourism.
- Cơ sở hạ tầng: Infrastructure is an integral part of the tourism industry. Much of
the improvement of the infrastructure to which tourism is expanded. The
transport network is the lifeblood of the economy - society, therefore, building
transport infrastructure is a top priority. Traffic is the "string" connecting all
tourism activities. In addition, tourism and urban infrastructure also needs to be
developed, when tourism develops, world-class resorts and hotels are formed to
leave visitors with more unique experiences. Along with that, the construction of
agro-forestry infrastructure contributes to improving production capacity,
preventing floods and natural disasters, and many projects promote multi-
purpose efficiency. Information and communication infrastructure develops
rapidly, and service quality is improved. Therefore, tourism has a positive
influence on many aspects of the infrastructure, helping the infrastructure to
develop more and more modern

2.The environment:
- Rác thải: The development of tourism also often leads to an increase in
waste: Tourists often release a large amount of waste into the environment.
Meanwhile, the collection, classification and treatment of waste in most
tourist areas has not been done well. Therefore, in many places, waste
destroys the beauty of the landscape and pollutes the environment. Garbage
is also a place of many diseases for humans and animals, a place for the
residence and development of rats, bugs, and many other insects. Tourism
also pollutes the air field. Tourism activities often involve a lot of motorized
vehicles, diesel engines, boat engines, etc. These mechanical vehicles, when
operating, often emit a large amount of emissions into space. Especially, the
concentration of exhaust gases from the engines and machinery.
- Bảo tồn thiên nhiên: Earth’s natural resources include air, minerals, plants, soil,
water, and wildlife. Conservation is the care and protection of these resources so
that they can persist for future generations. It includes maintaining diversity of
species, genes, and ecosystems, as well as functions of the environment, such as
nutrient cycling. Conservation is similar to preservation, but while both relate to the
protection of nature, they strive to accomplish this task in different ways.
Conservation seeks the sustainable use of nature by humans, for activities such as
hunting, logging, or mining, while preservation means protecting nature from
human use. This difference is illustrated by how the United States manages its public
lands. The goal of National Parks, for instance, is preservation with an emphasis on
causing minimal change to the landscape or environment, meanwhile National
Forests can be used for cattle grazing, lumber, hunting, and recreation. Continued
human population growth has led to unsustainable rates of consumption of our
natural resources, resulting in a loss of Earth’s biodiversity. The main factors driving
biodiversity loss include habitat destruction, climate change, invasive species,
overexploitation, and pollution. Conservation practices and policies—ranging from
the removal of invasive species, to setting aside protected land for wildlife and
plants, to establishing the U.S. Endangered Species Act (ESA)—have been put in
place to combat these extinction pressures. Currently, more than 26,500 species are
estimated to be at risk of extinction, though the exact number is difficult to
calculate. The actions we take this decade will define the planet's path over the next
century. We are taking on the dual threats of accelerated climate change and
unprecedented biodiversity loss; and maximizing resilience and benefits for our
most precious ecosystems and vulnerable communities. By letting science guide our
focus and equity guide our execution, we can shape a better 2030 for people and
our planet.
- Phí tham gia: The development of tourism leads to additional costs for essential
services in terms of enhancing and protecting the environment The first building
and improving technical infrastructure such as toilets for the disabled, synchronously
equipped with electricity and water saving systems, using renewable energy ... costs
a lot and greatly affects the environment. environment Secondly, the application of
high-tech technologies from Japan or Singapore in the treatment of waste water,
waste and sanitation workers will reduce the impact on the environment, but the
cost for this is very high. Third, to form a model of environmental protection: state
management agencies, local authorities, communities, tourists... And recreating and
protecting natural resources and minerals inherent in nature also takes a lot of time
and cost.
Environment is the nature and surroundings in which all plants, animals, humans
and other living beings live and operate. Every living and non-living thing is
related to environment. Environment plays a major role in giving birth to a new
life, in the growth of a life, survival of the life and the over-all well-being of any
life. It provides us with fresh air that we breathe, water that we drink, food that we
eat and almost all the resources for our survival. Environment also provides us
with several other natural resources that are very important. Natural resources are
the resources that environment gives us naturally without we creating it. It
includes sunlight, atmosphere, land, water, plants, animals, sea life, minerals,
different species and everything that occurs naturally on earth. It provides us with
the resources such as fuels, metals, and most forms of energy to use. Yet we are
exploiting environment with the activities that harm environment and are
overusing the resources. Human activities transform the natural environment in to
human environment by constructing buildings, industries, firms and using the
landscapes for the purpose of development. It is vital to use the natural resources
carefully and avoid harming the nature for the healthy and naturally wealthy life.

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