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The content of the Filipino basic personality is made up of Filipino

beliefs and knowledge while the structure is formed by the Filipino
initiation and various rituals and formal and informal education. The
Filipino basic social unit is the family which contributes to and
maintains the Filipino values.

This lesson allows you to begin your journey into
Thus, this opportunity will
not only give me the
capability of representing
understanding yourself as an individual which will hopefully my country but also assist
lead you to mastering yourself, through the help of my individuals to climb steps
nation's traits and characteristics, the Philippines. and be able to shine and be
the best of themselves.


Resilience is how a child can cope with the good and the bad things in their Unity is the spirit
life and the ability to succeed and prosper even after facing set and of cooperation of
hardships and is based on self-esteem. The more resilience a child is the Filipinos. It is also
better they are able to cope with real life situations in their life right up to about giving
adult hood and have a more positive attitude. In a paper by Action for without expecting
Children, it states that resilience concerns the ability to ‘bounce back’. The something in
recovery of Filipinos can prove their resiliency without any doubt, when Taal return. Filipinos
Volcano erupted. Mud slides are so powerful they can push rocks over or are always ready
even the strong wall to collapse. Volcanoes can be very dangerous in many to share and help
ways. Thus it can even affect our health, due to the emission of Volcanic their friends and
loved ones who are in need. It may not always be in monetary form, but
Sulfur Dioxide Gas. However, Filipinos remained strong and positive, most
the time and effort they give also count as a form of help for them. This
importantly they became safe by following the safety protocols.
trait is particularly manifested in how Filipinos rally themselves to send aid
to those who are severely affected by natural calamities. Staying united is
good for our growth as well as the nation’s development. This is also good
Indeed, most Filipinos
for the family in particular and all-round development of children.
are perceived to be
religious, especially if
they belong to the Filipinos have this uncanny ability to make something out of nothing, especially
the most random of nothings. Give a Filipino a screw driver, plastic bags, and
Catholic community.
some tape - someway, somehow he will build you a bird tree, given that you
It is evident though, allow him to scrap some other surrounding material. I don't know exactly how,
by the way churches but he will, especially if it's for the sake of survival. One example of it is selling
always fill up on alternative face mask with the use of old clothes, online selling with the help of
Sundays, how streets technology, and entering home based businesses.An open mind fuels
and plazas are filled resourcefulness, which allows you to see and experience an abundance of options
up by devout crowds during fiestas of some saint, or by the number of on your way to achieving your career goals. An open mind is the source of
saints that are displayed on their altars. So we say that we Filipinos are in innovative thought and resourcefulness supports your ability to turn thoughts
fact religious. Even studies have said that 86% of our population believe into actions.
in God. In this case how can this improve us? With the words of God, it
enables us to do good in anything. At the same time, God also wants you
Filipinos proved
to get the fact that everything is under control whatever your problem is, themselves to other
In his every action, it precludes us from every negativity and that may nation that not all heroes
help us have a peace of mind, as a result we can function properly wear capes. Many
Filipinos have protected
our countries starting
We, Filipinos, are considered hospitable and merry. It has been an attitude from our ancestors for
the majority enriches or embraces. For instance, looking into our how many centuries.
hospitality, when a guest is present in our home, a treatment of respect Perhaps one of the most
and comfort will be provided for the person as if the guest is a member of recent names that comes to mind when thinking of a “modern hero” is Private
First Class Dhan Ryan Bayot, a young Philippine Army soldier who died in the 2017
the family. Hospitality matters because it feeds the most basic human need
siege in Marawi City. “Just bomb my location, Sir!” These were the last words of
that we all have, to feel loved and accepted. It is the foundation why our 24-year old Private First Class Dhan Ryan Bayot when he called his commanding
nation has good relationship with others. officer before he succumbed to death in the hands of the Maute-ISIS terrorists.

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