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Parth Vaza LLB,2nd semester

Ans 2.
Glory Of Twilight' is a a story  about Satyajit,an honest,hardworking
man.Born in a village home self educated,struggle had been his life
breath.He is leading happy life,he is happy with his wife and new
born baby .The life that he has so carefully built,lying in shreds
around him,but wants to taste glory one last time and decides to go
to his village where he is still regarded as a millionaire,to attend a
wedding.But his attempt to taste glory for one last time proves more
disastrous than anything he could have ever imagined.After his
economic downfall,he goes to the village to attend marriage of
daughter of uncleSrinath,a neighbour at a village where uncle
demanded a huge amount of money so that he could give dowry in
his daughter's marriage.Unknowingly that his business was at
downfall.But when uncle Srinath did not get any money Satyajit,went
to moneylender where he mortgages the only property left with
him,his house in village,which was the only thing he could gift to his
wife and newly born child.The story shows how Satyajit gives away
even his last property left to help his uncle.The author has beautifully
depicted the glory Satyajit used to cherish earlier and his situation
after his economic recession.

In keats’ ‘To Autumn’, Autumn is personified in various human

shapes. Keats has used a number of imageries to give the autumn a
concrete shape of a person.
T he poem opens with the poet’s addressing to autumn. He
addresses the season autumn in a way as if it were a living person.
Then he considers it as the most intimate friend of the maturing sun.
Autumn has made a conspiracy or agreement with the sun ‘to load
and bless’ the vines and frees with ‘grapes and apples’, and also to
ripen all fruits to the ‘core’. So, in the first stanza autumn is seen to
be an active person who is dutiful and enjoys his work very much.
In the second stanza, autumn is however given a totally different
personality. Here autumn is in the form of a rural peasant woman,
who is busy during the harvest. Autumn, at first is seen as a woman
doing the work of winnowing that is separating the chaff from the
grain. But she has become tired and is sitting carelessly which
indicates her inactivity. She is careless because she is not afraid of
the future as she has harvested abundant crops this year. She knows
that much corn has already been gathered, threshed and winnowed.
Secondly autumn is personified as a solitary reaper, who in course of
her work is so overcome by the sleep inducing smell of poppies and
falls asleep next to corn row.
Third stanza, autumn is personified as a gleaner. A gleaner is a
woman who collects grains from the field when the crops have been
removed. A gleaner may be seen walking along steadily with the
weight of grains upon her head, crossing a stream. Giving the
personality of a gleaner to autumn indicates that the harvest is
almost over. Finally, autumn is given the personality of a cider
presser, who sits by the cider press and watches patiently the apple
juice flowing out of the press drop by drop.

Ans 4.
The scene of the movie is very much like in Sambu’s home. In the
movie, Kumari,the 14-year-old daughter does not want to marry, but
instead wants to study. The father asks the girl questions about her
school work, and is pleased when she gets them right. The girl was
with a slate on her knee and he started dictating to her. He asked her
a little arithmetic to which she accurately answered. Then his father
was delighted. Sambu remembered how he once committed mistake
in solving a puzzle. Seeing his father praising some other girl the he
wanted to please him makes him hate kumari

Ans 5.
According to Shakespeare’s  men go through seven stages in their
Stage 1, Infancy:
A helpless baby, just crying and puking.

Stage 2, Schoolboy going boy:

This is where his formal education starts but he is not entirely happy
with school. His mother is ambitious for him and has washed his face
thoroughly before sending him off to school but he goes very slowly
and reluctantly.

Stage 3, Teenager:
He’s grown into his late teens and his main interest is girls. He’s likely
to make a bit of a fool of himself with them. He is sentimental,
sighing and writing poems to girls, making himself a bit ridiculous.
Stage 4, Young man and lover:
He’s a bold and fearless soldier – passionate in the causes he’s
prepared to fight for and quickly springs into action. He works on
developing his reputation and takes risks to that end.

Stage 5, Middle aged:

He regards himself as wise and experienced and doesn’t mind

sharing his views and ideas with anyone and likes making speeches.
He’s made a name for himself and is prosperous and respected. As a
result of his success he’s become vain.

Stage 6, Old man:

He is old and nothing like his former self – physically or mentally. He
looks and behaves like an old man, dresses like one and he has a thin
piping voice now. His influence slips away.

Stage 7,death:
He loses his mind in senility. His hair and teeth fall out and his sight
goes. Then he loses everything as he sinks into the oblivion of death

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