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The Mountain King

by Paul Warmerdam

Version 1.0 (first published)

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Introduction • This wealth originates in a ruin higher in the
The Mountain King is intended as an introductory mountains.
adventure for Dungeons & Dragons for a handful of 1st • This is where the old pass ends at the foot of what was
level characters. For the ease of new Dungeon Masters, the once a great kingdom.
story flows linearly, with succinct descriptions of scenes
and some flexibility to skip some of them entirely in the
middle of the adventure. This way it can be played in a Kobold
single evening with minimal preparation. The Dungeon master is encouraged to customize the
The encounters can easily be scaled to accommodate kobolds per tribe and encounter. Here is a starting point:
higher-level characters. The location of the adventure can Armor Class 12, Hit Points 7 (2d6 - 2), Speed 30 ft.
be adapted to anywhere near a mountain range. In this Spear +4 to hit, 1d6+2 piercing damage
mountain range, there once stood a kingdom that is now Dagger +4 to hit, 1d4+2 piercing damage
long-forgotten... Sling +4 to hit, 1d4+2 bludgeoning damage

Story Ambushed
The road leads the characters to a narrow passage
Magister’s Bounty carved through the rock. A DC 15 Wisdom (Perception)
As ambitious adventurers, the characters are sure to check can make the characters pause and see the trap that
heed a call for aid from a nearby town. A bounty has been awaits them. A band of kobolds awaits them at the top with
posted on kobolds, the little mountain devils that have slings and piles of rocks of all sizes. Should the characters
been harassing shepherds and their flocks. The local pass underneath unawares, a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw
magister can be found in the market at noon each day, allows them to dive away from the boulders pushed off the
where he counts the ears presented as proof and offers a edge above them. Anyone caught below the rubble is dealt
silver piece for each one. 1d4 damage. It is a 30 ft. climb through difficult terrain to
The magister is diligent but far from friendly. His hands get to either ledge. Two kobolds occupy each ledge.
tend to be stained with ink and his robes are threadbare. A These raiders each wear a necklace of chipped and faded
few days ago, he was forced to call on guards when coins. Each is stamped with the face of a bearded king
someone tried to pass off the ears of a few pets that had none of the characters recognize. It’s an unusual wealth for
gone missing. His opinion of adventurers has not such creatures. They may be worth more than the bounty
recovered since. To him, the characters are a necessary on their ears.
evil. Still, whenever they return to him with kobold ears,
he pays them as promised. If they take the time to speak Hunting Party
with the magister beforehand, they may learn that the A group of kobolds is making raucous noise not far from
kobolds have been seen all over the nearby peaks and the characters, down in a thick wood growing along the
valleys and some have even come down the old pass, a mountain's slope. The pack is giving chase to a boar, trying
disused road into the mountains. to surround it. This time the characters have a chance to
surprise the kobolds. These are armed with spears that
The Old Pass were once too large for them. Each haft is broken in half to
The road into the mountains is neglected and suit their height. All of this clan’s wealth is worn by their
overgrown. It has markers of stacked stone at regular leader. His many bracelets and necklaces rattle at every
intervals, though its markings have faded. After the first movement. The characters can’t help but wonder where
climb, there are more signs of the people who once used they stole them from.
the old pass. Crumbling walls and broken towers dot the If the characters wait long enough, the kobolds may have
mountain range. the boar surrounded, then skewered. If they take care in
As the characters move along the trail, they have many their approach, the boar may have a role to play in
opportunities for encounters. Which ones to use is left up overcoming the kobolds.
to the Dungeon Master, depending on play style and time
constraints. Along the way, the characters should come to Competition
realize that: The characters are not the only adventurers hunting in
• The kobolds carry an inexplicable wealth around with the mountains. They may come across a ranger in the act
them. of claiming her prize. The dead kobolds at her feet each

2 The Mountain King

wore a headdress of black feathers. As soon as she sees the DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 1d4 acid damage.
characters, the ranger takes a defensive stance. If the There are rafts scattered on this side of the lake with taut
characters are friendly, she may share what she has lines of rope to tow them to the other side. The characters
learned of the kobolds and their origin. On the other hand, may see the bones of more than one kobold drift by, the
the characters may have the wicked notion of claiming the flesh melted away, still clutching various riches.
ranger's prize for their own. A nearby sack contains a The chemical stench of the lake gets stronger as the
dozen more ears and the jeweled daggers the kobolds characters near the far shore, where the foul liquid trickles
wielded. She won't part with them without a fight, but down from a ledge into a deeper cavern. No skill in
neither will she give her life over them. tracking is required to conclude that this is where the
kobolds and their treasure came from.
Word spreads among the kobolds of the adventurers in Dragon’s Will
the mountains. When the characters next spy a clan of A few shafts of light from natural chimneys in the far
them, they turn around and drop their weapons. They are shore’s cavern walls illuminate a terrible sight before the
wounded from fighting their own kind. Their share of the characters. The trickling acid rivers originate from the
stolen treasure in the area was taken from them. They mouth of an enormous dying dragon. The side of its jaw is
approach the characters and gesture strangely. At first, the burned away from leaking glands near its throat. Its chest
kobolds try to bargain for their lives by betraying the still moves, but every breath carries the stench of death.
location of the treasure hoard, their former home. By One enormous wing occasionally twitches uncontrollably,
drawing on the ground, they try show the road into the showing a few scattered coins and jewels that are all that
castle ruins and the caves below the mountain. remains of its hoard.
If they cannot convey this information, or if the Before long, the dragon will rouse, flaring its nostrils
characters still intend to attack them, the kobolds make and opening its blind eyes. It makes no attempt to rise
one more desperate plea. It may take the characters a from its awkward curled position. Instead, it seems eager
while to realize they are offering to cut off their own ears to speak with the characters.
and give them to the characters, so long as they let them The ancient red dragon’s name is Eltrexis. It asks the
live. characters what has become of its servants, the kobolds
who made away with his treasures. It asks if the villages at
Ruins of a Mountain Keep the foot of the mountain even remember its dreaded
Following either the ranger’s advice or the kobolds’ presence here, or the mountain kingdom that it melted
directions the character can follow a trickling stream to down at its arrival. It has been nearly a century since
the ruins of a great castle in the mountains. It has Eltrexis last set foot outside the cavern, relying entirely on
crumbled nearly to its foundations. Some of its walls still the kobolds to do its bidding. It knows that it’s dying and
hint at the tall towers and vast halls that once stood here, really only wants one thing: its final audience. It may
but very little remains to recognize the long-gone explain the tradition to the characters, emphasizing its
mountain kingdom. The area has seen activity recently,
however, with the great migration of kobolds seemingly Roleplaying Eltrexis
originating here. A DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check The characters should find the dragon Eltrexis to be
reveals evidence that the keep once suffered a surprisingly repentant. After all, its kind is known for cruelty
conflagration that melted the very stone. In the center of and wrath, not guilt. When did a red dragon ever offer mercy,
the keep, where it meets the mountanside, there is an and why should this one expect to receive it?
opening into an enormous cellar. At the crux of the adventure, the Dungeon Master should
be able to have some fun with Eltrexis. This story starts and
Flooded Cellars ends with the decisions the dragon has made. Maybe Eltrexis
The cellar shows signs of masonry, but also of an older is simply manipulating the characters to satisfy its vanity for
natural cave below it. It has flooded sometime since the one last time. Perhaps a wild rage comes over the dragon as
mountain kingdom fell, and now holds a deep often as its pleas do, and it all stems from nothing short of
underground lake that the characters must cross. There is madness. It isn’t impossible for the dragon to truly rue what it
a foul, sharp odor that gets stronger the deeper the did while it was strong, now that it feels what it means to be
characters go into the cave. weak. Here, the Dungeon Master may decide the beast’s true
The waters are poisoned by a corrosive, flammable film nature.
that covers it. Any character who touches it must make a

The Mountain King 3

importance among its species. Normally an affair of smaller packs with it, and to wage war on the men in the
worship by peers and servants alike, this dragon will settle valley.
for these adventurers listening to what it has to say. In If the characters defeat the king of the kobolds, the
exchange, Eltrexis offers the characters the single most remaining tribes will scatter. The magister back in town
treasured relic it managed to keep from the kobolds’ will double the characters’ pay, but eyes their treasures
hands. With great pain, it retrieves it from where it lay greedily before he turns his gaze to the mountain pass.
protected beneath its weight: an ornate crown of steel and
rubies that once belonged to the dynasty of the mountain
kings. The more intelligent dragons will usually not let
If the characters agree, Eltrexis will recount the deeds of themselves suffer the indignities of aging, preferring to “go
its life. Most of it consists of vicious crimes against out in style.” […] While creatures like reds frequently stage
humanity, for which it hardly apologizes. The tale winds one last kamikaze attack against an old enemy […] This
down to Eltrexis being spurned by its mate, leaving it with tradition—the “final audience,” as dragons term it—is a
no offspring in this world. highly dignified ritual, filled with respect […] One of the
While Eltrexis has become humble enough not to expect things that makes proscription such a harsh penalty for
the characters to venerate it or its deeds, it will not stand these dragons is the knowledge that no one will attend the
by should the characters truly offer insult. It can still ignite final audience of a proscribed dragon.
a spark that will set fire to the seeping rivers all the way Draconomicon,
down to the underground lake. The dragon may decide to Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd edition,
remind the characters of this before it does so. 1990
If the characters hear Eltrexis out to its satisfaction, it
will thank them and grant them the crown of the mountain Your very first D&D adventure should contain both a
kings. Eltrexis asks the characters to leave it to its rest, dungeon and a dragon.
though by the time they leave the cavern, it will have Yours truly
stopped breathing.

The Mountain King

As the characters descend back down the mountain
from the castle ruins, a DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check
will reveal that they are being watched. Several small
bands of kobolds dare not come near but chatter among
themselves as they stare at the characters. Eventually, their
path is blocked by a lone figure who challenges them. The
kobold stands far taller than any the characters have seen,
taller even than most men. It has clearly had the choicest
selection of their master’s hoard when they left, bearing a
great gleaming sword and armor studded with a familiar
pattern of rubies. It barks and snarls, speaking a few words
the characters can understand. It says the crown of the
mountain king does not belong to them. The king of the
kobolds lays claim to it instead, promising to unite all the

King of the Kobolds

The kobold warrior is wearing the raiment of the ancient
mountain king, the equivalent of half plate, and wields the
accompanying greatsword.
Armor Class 15 (Armor of the Mountain King)
Hit Points 14, Speed 30 ft.
Sword of the Mountain King +5 to hit, 2d6+3 slashing

4 The Mountain King

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