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EAP Ch 3: Informal letter (part 1)

7 Questions

NAME : Ainur Rifqi Azizi

NIM : 210301130
CLASS : C Pagi Management
DATE : 23 November 2021

1. To whom do we write an informal letter?

a. University Rector
b. Head master
c. Family members
d. Boss

2. Why do we write an informal letter?

a. seeing someone
b. Asking for an extra score to lecturer
c. Launching a new product
d. Accepting or declining an invitation

3. The format of an informal letter is..

a. The recipient address, Greeting, Body, Closing and Signature
b. Heading, Greeting, Body, Closing and photograph.
c. Heading, Greeting, Body, Closing and Signature
d. Heading, Greeting, Body and Signature

4. How can you start the informal letter?

a. Dear little sissy,
b. I hope you will reply to me soon
c. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon
d. I hope you and your family are in the best of health

5. How to reply an informal letter?

a. How are you? I hope you are fine
b. I am so sorry for the late reply
c. I am writing this letter si t tell you about..
d. That is all for now. Bye

6. How to state the purpose of an informal letter?

a. I hope you will consider my advice. Take care
b. I'm glad to hear that you're doing fine
c. Long time no see, how are you bro?
d. The reason I'm writing this letter is to tell you about...

7. How to end an informal letter?

a. Sorry for the late reply
b. How are you, dear? I hope you're always fine
c. I hope you will consider my suggestion. Take care
d. I really in a good health, how's yours?

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