Stuart Hall - No Light at The End of The Tunnel

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he election wheels have proportion of the marginal and long-

begun to turn. The govern- term unemployed can be squeezed off

ment has once again taken the register. But the underlying trends
the high ground in the stubbornly remain unacceptably high.
public opinion polls. The This is a real setback, politically.
Chancellor's give-away In the early days, Thatcherism suc-
bonanza has taken place. The press has ceeded in putting the fight against
greeted this as the long-awaited U-turn, inflation higher than unemployment in
but those with their political heads the national agenda. Inflation has come
screwed on know that it is only a down. And it remains in the back-
Z-turn: increase in public spending ground, as a sort of warning light.

No Light now, then the election, then back to the

old-style monetarism. On this tacit
understanding, the hard-liners have
swallowed hard. It is good for 'pre-
People are aware that certain kinds of
reflation lead to inflation rates which
erode their standards of living. Howev-
er, in popular consciousness, unem-

at the
sentation', good for pulling the rug ployment is now a make-or-break issue.
from under the feet of Labour and the It symbolises the human and social
government's critics. havoc which has become monetarism's
It is time to make an assessment. trade-mark.

End of
Where is Thatcherism now? How does
it stand as a political force? How much Thirdly, in the areas of public spending
have its recent troubles placed the and the cuts, we have witnessed
whole political project in jeopardy? perhaps the most dramatic turnabout

Thatcherism is certainly in difficul- of all. A majority favour more public
ties. It is a much less stable political spending even at the expense of lower
formation than at any time since the taxes. Some recent figures published in
period immediately before the Falk- the 1986 version of British Social

lands war, when its popularity was at a Attitudes (Jowell, Witherspoon and
very low ebb. Some of the reasons for Brook, Gower, 1986) suggest that this is
this are immediate, others stem from a long-term not an immediate trend. It
deeper trends and tendencies. It is has been in progress since at least 1984
clear, now, that Thatcherism has not and affects Conservative supporters
Thatcherism has not had things all succeeded in stemming or reversing almost as much as Labour and Alliance
Britain's long-term economic decline. voters. 'Only 8% of Conservative sup-
its own way since 1983. But it's still The manufacturing base remains in a porters opted for lower taxation if it
riding high. Stuart Hall argues the collapsed state.' The attempts at res- meant less being spent on health,
tructuring, while creating wholesale education and social security benefits.
nightmare is far from over regional dislocation and generating a Overall, only 6% favoured such cuts.'
few 'sunrise' industries (mostly funded This is a major reversal - and the
by imported capital), are extremely Chancellor's Z-turn on public spending
fitful. The cabinet continues to put a clearly acknowledges it. It is important
bold face on it - recovery is, as ever, to note the particular sectors where
just around the corner. Most people this turn has occurred - health, educa-
know they are whistling in the wind. tion, social security. The NHS has been,
The turnaround is not happening. from the very beginning of Thatcher-
Politically, the impact of this is not so ism's assault on the welfare state, Mrs
easy to assess. Thatcherism always told Thatcher's 'Maginot line' - the point
us that the road to recovery would be where the cutting had to stop. Remem-
long and stony. It made no easy ber how early it was that Mrs Thatcher
promises. Rather, appealing to well- had to assure the country that, contrary
founded British masochism (every to all appearances, the NHS was 'safe in
summer of affluence, pleasure and my hands' (sick)?
permissiveness must be paid for by 20 Of course, the cuts and privatisation
winters of discontent), it promised, in of services, where possible, continue
the short term, only economic 'blood, apace. The new, private London Hospit-
sweat, toil and tears'. However, the al shines forth like a glow-worm on the
message that even the long haul is not south bank of the Thames. Round the
paying off has begun to penetrate corner, operating theatres at Guy's
popular consciousness and taken the Hospital are being closed. The decep-
edge off Thatcherism's drive. Of tion that, because investment in the
course, part of the message - that this health service increases, it is keeping
is due, not to Thatcherite policies but to pace with either costs or needs, con-
long-term, structural weaknesses in the tinues to be advanced. Nevertheless,
British economy and world trends - has the principle of universal health provi-
also taken root. And since there is a sion - one of the corner-stones of the
small, rational core to this proposition, welfare state whose basic structure
it does not translate itself directly into Thatcherism set out to dismantle -
a swing to Labour. remains intact.
Secondly, in spite of the extensive Education now turns out to be another
manipulation of the figures (one of the area of major miscalculation. Sir Keith
government's undeniable successes) Joseph seemed determined that he
there is very little sign of a turnaround would pass into a well-deserved obli-
on unemployment. School-leavers can vion, fighting to the last drop of
be shunted sideways by Lord Young ideological blood to reverse post-war
into schemes with little prospect of trends in education. His aim was to
full-time employment at their end; decimate higher education, harass the
their entry to the dole can be delayed; a schools, reverse the 'permissive' re-


volution in the classroom and exploit In terms of this broader question, the everyone in sight with her Finchley-
the anxieties and worries of parents as most significant feature to my mind is spun homilies. It relates to the whole
a weapon to break the teaching unions the growing unpopularity of the whole form of politics which has come to be
and face down the teachers, as Mrs authoritarian form of politics. This part and parcel of Thatcherism's poli-
Thatcher had faced down the miners. constitutes an important turning-point tical project: the politics which we have
What he forgot is that the majority of because, in the early days, strong learned to describe as 'authoritarian
parents who were expected to provide leadership and conviction politics oper- populism'.

the cutting-edge of this populist ated in Thatcherism's favour. Here was uthoritarian populism was
strategy have nowhere else to send an end to the shilly-shallying of the old a way of characterising
their children except into the hard- consensus politics: a regime with a the new form of hegemo-
pressed, crumbling, under-resourced clear political purpose, driven by a nic politics which
'Every schools in the public sector. In the end, clear and alternative set of ideological emerged on the British scene with the
summer of their alliance with the teachers - a goals towards a clearly-perceived - and formation of the 'new Right' in the
affluence, fragile one, which the teachers did not radically different - end. This spoke to mid-1970s. It described a shift in the
effectively consolidate on a long-term something deep in the political culture balance of social and political forces
pleasure basis and which they would be ill- - a sense that only a radical rupture and in the forms of political authority
and per- advised to regard as automatic - with the past and an authoritative and social regulation institutionalised
missiveness nevertheless held for just long enough leadership in a new direction was equal in society through the state. It involved
must be paid to float Mr Baker, one of the new 'third to the profound sense of unstoppable an attempt to shift the centre of gravity
force' Thatcherites (monetarism with a national decline. in society and the state closer to the
for by twenty human face) to power. 'Authoritarianism' no longer holds 'authoritarian' pole of regulation. It
winters of In spite of all that, the situation with this position in the popular imagery. attempted to impose a new regime of
discontent' respect to local authority spending is The image of 'conviction' has been social discipline and leadership 'from
not quite so clear-cut. The erosion of replaced by that of 'intransigence'. The above' in a society increasingly experi-
the social fabric of the urban environ- government is seen as increasingly enced as rudderless and out of control.
ment is now so widely acknowledged isolated, insensitive to the changing However, the 'populist' part of the
that local authorities are to get an winds of public opinion, cavalier in strategy required that this move to new
additional £3.8 billion this year. Never- relation to the trail of dislocation which forms of social authority and regula-
theless, it would be wrong to assume follows in its wake, determined to tion 'above' should be rooted in popular
that the drive against local authorities 'press on regardless', so long as the fears and anxieties 'below'. Central to
and local democracy (and, incidentally, parliamentary majorities hold up. An this movement - of which the drift into
Labour's strongholds in the large urban 'elective dictatorship' with a a law-and-order type of society was one
constituencies) is over. Mr Ridley, a vengeance. clear index - was that the shift to
greater social discipline should be

flint-faced Thatcherite of the first t is difficult to date precisely
phase if ever there was one, continues when this 'turn' occurred. Some made while retaining intact the formal
to exploit the rich vein of town hall pinpoint the brutal assault on the paraphernalia of the liberal-democratic
unpopularity. unions at GCHQ (which, after all, state.
The rates campaign - 'spending your is staffed by thoroughly loyal, endless- The growing unpopularity of the more
money' - continues, ideologically, to ly-vetted, 'sound' intelligence officers). superficial forms of an authoritarian
mobilise the 'ratepayer' in us all. The Some cite the abolition of the GLC and style of government, then, probably has
attempt to bring to a halt the rising the other large metropolitan author- at least two deeper meanings. The first
needs and expectations of the inner ities. Within its own lights, Thatcher- is to remind us how deeply rooted
urban constituencies (the welfare- ism was perfectly correct to perceive democracy, in a broad sense, still is in
dependent poor, especially women, that it was necessary to blow away the British political culture and the limit
blacks, the unemployed and the margi- GLC as soon as it was convenient to do this sets to any political force which
nally employed, single-parent families, so. It always understood - as Mr attempts to push the long, historic,
the low-paid unskilled) and redistribute Kinnock and the Labour leadership democratic gains of the British people
power and wealth to the suburbs and never have - the innovative character back too far. The second is the evidence
the shires is part of a long-term of the 'new politics' of municipal it offers of the problems which are
reversal of the dispositions of welfare socialism and its 'demonstration effect' beginning to beset 'authoritarian popul-
social democracy to which Thatcher- on the morale of the Left. ism' itself. This is of the utmost
ism remains committed. Nevertheless, abolition was a deeply importance, if it is true, and merits
To complete this assessment, on the unpopular move - unpopular with the further exploration.
negative side, so to speak, of Thatcher- majority of Londoners, with young
ism's current troubles, we must add the people and the new social movements The engine of this 'authoritarianism' has
more immediate succession of errors, whom the new cultural politics had been, in narrow terms, the cabinet (or
mistakes and other little local difficul- begun to address, with old-style Tories the Thatcherite caucus within the
ties in which the prime minister has and their commitment to the balance leadership). But in broader terms, it is
been ensnared in recent months (back- between central and local government really a question of the state and the
ing off on the sale of British Leyland, as a keystone of the unwritten constitu- role which it now plays in Thatcher-
the Libya bombing, Westland, the loss tion. It was even, for once, unpopular ism's project. The Left sometimes finds
of two ministers, etc). These have with the Alliance, which left the the role of the state in the current
shaken public confidence in her 'mas- government, on this issue at least, period of Thatcherism hard to under-
tery' of the political scene and totally isolated. In short, the abolition stand since it continues to represent
weakened her political credibility. of the GLC looked what, indeed, it was: itself, ideologically, as unremittingly
In considering Thatcherism's troubles a naked exercise in political assassina- 'anti-statist'.
so far, we have been looking at tion. Thatcherism's 'anti-statism' is no
important areas of policy where either mere ideological fig-leaf. In relation to
it has failed to deliver or been obliged We have been talking about the growing the economy, the state sector, econo-
to change emphasis or even shift unpopularity of a political style. But mic regulation, the 'swollen' welfare
direction. But now we have to dig a this is no mere matter of style. Or state (swollen by so-called 'unrealistic'
little deeper. Thatcherism was never, rather, style is a more important issue popular aspirations), it signified some-
after all, only a set of policies. It was than the Left believes. Thatcherism's thing real and profound - the project to
always a whole political project, and 'authoritarian style' does not simply reverse the postwar, Keynesian wel-
radically novel political formation. refer to the bossy, governess style of fare-corporatist consensus: and the
How do we assess Thatcherism at this the prime minister, or the self- undiminished thrust towards privatisa-
level, now? righteous way in which she lectures tion and deregulation are there to prove


it. But on social questions, Thatcherism decks for this development, far from 'social need'.
in power has been the most 'interven- advancing the interests of the capitalist Another important area concerns the
tionist' government of the whole post- class as a whole, Thatcherism is driven attempt to root its political strategy in
war period. This is not a paradox. to displace some of the older echelons the growing fragmentation and the
It is possible to use the state, strategi- in order to bring itself into line with the individualisation which increasingly
cally, to divest the state. The idea that new social forces aligning themselves characterises British society under the
'neo-liberalism' meant the abolition, with these new developments. The double impact of recession and restruc-
rather than the recomposition, of the political 'unity' of capital is neither turing. One tiny clue to this may be
state was always an illusion. given nor guaranteed. It has, continual- found in Thatcherism's use of differen-
The growing unpopularity of the ly and with difficulty, to be produced, tial incentives and selectivity to seg-
authoritarian style finds its reverse politically. That is the basis of Thatch- ment the older political constituences
side in the open manipulation of public 'Who cares if erism's 'relative autonomy' of class and to disorganise the opposition. This
opinion. Where a populist consensus the Big Bang interests, narrowly conceived. relates to Thatcherism's growing fluen-
cannot be won, it must be bludgeoned dislodges the cy in building directly on the crucial
into place. The massaging of the Hence the phenomenon of Thatcherism dividing line which now separates
unemployment figures by Lord grey-suited often moving hard against certain old, those in from those out of work.
Young's department is remorseless. Mr brigade of vested social interests, which it is One can find evidence of this at both
Tebbit is in charge of intimidating the the City, if it obliged to dismantle if it is to harness to the tactical and strategic level. Incen-
media into line. Whatever is the truth of licenses the itself some of the new social forces. tives for head and senior teachers have
the Westland affair, nobody believes The big battalions of the CBI are succeeded in 'buying off the upper
Mrs Thatcher has been speaking it. Not new answer- reluctant allies. They are still attached echelons from the mass of teachers.
to put too fine a point on it, lying and phone young to the project because of its political 'Selectivity in welfare' arguments are
double-dealing has become part and men of thrust in restoring the 'right to manage' making deep inroads into the principle
parcel of the politics of Thatcherism, as Merrill and the primacy of profitability and of universalism. Selective tax cuts buy
it has long been the hallmark of efficiency. But they continue to hope off, in rotation, one minority after
Reaganism. Lynch' for a little controlled reflation. They another. This may not look like a
prosper in an 'enterprise culture'. But successful exercise in hegemony, but it
Does all this mean, then, that Thatcher- they have noticeably not availed them- is evidence of something else which
ism has finally been blown off course? selves of the opportunity provided by may be almost as important: Thatcher-
Before we jump to this conclusion, we the anti-trade union legislation to rush ism's capacity to constantly compose
must consider what is still on-going, into court. The same is true of the and recompose - to permanently rotate
still 'in place' in the Thatcherite 'older professions' - the solicitors, the -the required social 'minorities'.
project, despite its many little local estate agents, the old stockbrokers of
difficulties. What, indeed, are Thatch- the City, even the BMA, all blown away However, this is certainly not simply
erism's long-term prospects? Here, it in a riot of deregulation. a matter of tactics. The strategy is
will not do to remain solely on the These things open a path for what rooted in deeper social and material
ground of the immediate, electoral, Thatcherism regards as the new, vital realities. Fragmentation and segmenta-
tactical and conjunctural questions. We forces of capitalism: the small tion are now deep features of the
must try to understand how these businessmen, the do-it-yourself con- British society. The breaking down of
conjunctural twists and turns relate to, veyancers, the department stores will- traditional skills, the introduction of
in fact are rooted in, deeper trends and ing to under-sell the NHS to provide more part-time and flexible working,
tendencies in the society. optical wares, on the one hand; on the the decentralisation in the sphere of
Against Thatcherism's failure to turn other hand, the new, young, managers employment, the new 'home working',
round the economy, we have to set its and city-men, the paid-up subscribers the penetration of new technologies, all
success in reconstructing Britain as an of the yuppie international. Who cares drive individualisation ahead, break
'open economy'. The move to flexible if the 'Big Bang' dislodges the grey- down social milieus and fragment the
exchange rates, the free flows of suited brigade of the City, if it licenses communities of skill and work typical
capital, the leading place Britain now the new answer-phone young men of of the older forms of industrialisation
occupies in the internationalisation of Merrill Lynch? and the social identities and political
capital tell an important story. Many of Alongside that, and closely linked with solidarities typical of that phase.
us still imagine that Thatcherism is it, we must acknowledge the relative This is what Peter Glotz has recently
aiming to restore Britain as a first-rank effectiveness and continuing energy of called 'the dark side of individualisa-
manufacturing capitalist power. We the thrust towards privatisation and tion' ('Forward To Europe', in Dissent,
are waiting for the chimneys to sprout, deregulation. The continuing elan of summer 1986). 'An immense process of
the factory gates to open once more in this part of the project cannot be liberation has fragmented social
the declining regions. The only prob- attributed to any one cause. It gener- milieus, put class solidarity in question,
lem is its inability to deliver. ates short-fall money which can be and forced politicians to toil at merging
The 'open economy' reminds us that turned back in the form of tax cuts just discrete groups into temporary "ma-
Thatcherism is pursuing an alternative before the next election. It returns jorities".'

image of 'prosperity': Britain as an crucial sectors of the economy to the his begins to explain the
open playground or permanent 'green private sector, divesting the state. paradox, which otherwise is
site' for international capital. This It appears to widen share ownership, unintelligible and the Left
multi-nationalisation and inter- securing the commitment to what finds hard to understand. The
nationalisation of capital, to which Thatcherism now calls 'popular capital- fact that, despite the depth of the
Thatcherism has hitched its star, for ism'. (It is estimated that the sell-off of recession and scale of unemployment, a
good or ill, is the most significant British Gas will bring the number of large number of people have been
process going on globally just now. It is individual shareholders in privatised doing very well out of the recession.
based on the opening up of the new companies to at least 6-10m or 'an 'Despite the abysmal performance of
financial markets, harnessed to the average of 10,000 to 15,000 voters in manufacturing industry in the UK',
new information technologies. It is this every constituency in the country with Grahl and Rowthorn argued in the last
which is lending the world capitalist a financial stake in a Tory victory', as issue of Marxism Today, 'real wages for
system so much of its dynamic thrust, Adam Raphael recently calculated in those fortunate enough to keep their
despite all its problems (like high, the Observer). Privatisation continues jobs have risen faster in the UK since
competitive interest rates and growing to valorise the free market as the only 1979 than in any other major Western
indebtedness). source of energy, drive, goodies. It country' (my italics). This is 'prosperity
This has some consequences, socially outpaces and makes obsolescent out- for some, purchased at the price of
and politically. In order to clear the moded notions of the 'public good' and poverty for others'.


We are only just now beginning to ness', evidenced in the thinly-disguised whole. And, in doing so, it understood
glimpse the outlines of what Thatcher- scenes of barbarism over Asian visitors that it must organise on a variety of
ite Britain' might be like as a stable and visas. Thatcherism's 'tight little social and cultural sites at once, both in
formation. Therborn described it (in island' - culturally, sexually - is back in society and in the state, on moral and
the June 1985 issue of Marxism Today) business with a vengeance. cultural, as well as economic and
as 'Brazilianisation': mass unemploy- This, too, may seem surprising, for it political terrain, using them all to
ment as a permanent feature; at the is highly contradictory terrain. There initiate the deep reformation of society.
bottom, the permanently unemployed is no clear evidence that ordinary It has not achieved the goal of securing
and the marginals, dependent on falling Conservative folk - let alone Conserva- a period of social and moral ascendan-
welfare entitlements; in the middle, the tive Party chairman - are actually cy over British society, whose prob-
regularly employed, increasingly di- giving up the so-called permissive lems remain as yet too deep and
vided by enterprise, sector and hierar- society. It seems, from the scanty intractable for such an enterprise. But
chy; at the top, the increasing wealth evidence we have, that this is even less it remains, by dint of a more 'directive'
and incomes of capitalists and top the case with the younger generation. form of authoritarian populist politics,
managers. How, then, can we explain the discre- the leading force in British political
Glotz speaks of the 'two-thirds socie- pancy between what Thatcherite chil- life.
ty'. The social decline of the weakest dren are actually doing with and to one This is not the place to make a parallel
third becomes a permanent feature - another, and what Thatcherite parents assessment of Labour's alternative, but
'the unemployed, the odd-jobbers, the are represented as wanting or not it must be said that, in comparison, the
elderly of the lower classes, the mig- wanting their children to be taught in gains which the non-Thatcherite forces
rant workers, the physically and men- schools? This is a continuing contradic- have made out of Thatcherism's trou-
tally handicapped, the teenagers who tion inside the Thatcherite sexual bles are extremely shallow. Presenta-
cannot find their way into the job- psyche. tion of Labour's case has improved. The
market'. The rest, divided from the owever, Thatcherism does Kinnock leadership has taken a firm,
marginals by full-time work, the com- not need to organise the managerial grip on the party machine.
petitive society and economy with its heart if it can organise the The realigned Left has failed to estab-
privatised rewards. Ralph Dahrendorf ideological terrain. The lish an alternative agenda or to provide
has recently argued (in the Haldane moral discourses of Thatcherism re- a powerful political alternative to the
Lectures) that, in such societies, the main important, whatever the discre- fundamentalist Left or the Centre-
question of social discipline or the pancy between them and actual social Right.
politics of law-and-order (which, in behaviour, because into it a whole But politically, the so-called recovery
'The end of
British society, is also a politics of range of other languages have been has no depth to it. It still lacks an the night-
race) becomes the characteristic form condensed. It is the site for the alternative popular politics or a con- mare is still
of political conflict. mobilisation of social identities and, by vincing alternative economic strategy nowhere in
appropriating it, Thatcherism has put or a cultural politics capable of mobilis-
Finally, we come to the crucial terrain down deep roots in the traditional, ing alternative social identities. It has sight'
of the ideological offensive. Here we conventional social culture of English become technically, more adept at
have to address the recharged nature society. telling the electorate what is 'wrong'
of what we might call Thatcherism's Its capacity to do so, and thus to with Thatcherism. But it is not yet
'moral agenda'. The baton in relation to capture and bend to its political project capable of convincing significant num-
the moral agenda has passed from the some of the profound cultural forma- bers of the unconverted or the disillu-
front bench to the moral entrepreneurs tions of English society, represents the sioned about what, in the last decade of
and range-riders of the far Right. Mr truly hegemonic character of its histor- the twentieth century, might be 'right'
Bruinvels and his cohort, inside the ical project. Nevertheless, this does not about socialism. In part this is because,
House, coupled to Mrs Gillick and her mean that it can continue to hegemo- though it has some plausible answers to
cohort outside represent a powerful, nise the moral discourse of the society the tactical and more superficial ques-
new, grassroots 'moral majority' press- unchallenged. As contemporary cultu- tions where Thatcherism has run into
ing the ail-too willing but rather more ral attitudes among young people in- difficulties, it has no long-term,
circumspect sympathisers inside Mrs creasingly move, in the aftermath of strategic stake in the deeper, and
Thatcher's inner circle. feminism, sexual politics and the cultu- rapidly shifting, contours of British
economic, cultural and social life into

hese discourses about crime, ral coming-of-age of young urban
law-and-order, abortion and blacks, in one direction, and the public which, in its own contradictory way,
sexuality, the position of morality of Thatcherism moves the Thatcherism has inserted itself.
women, sex education, opposite way, this is likely increasingly
homosexuality and social and moral to become a key arena of social From a more short-term perspective, it
respectability have always been key contestation. will not do to argue that it is the
bastions of Thatcherite ideology. They electoral split between Labour and the
have been 'manned' [sic] with renewed Thatcherism, then, has been obliged to Alliance which is allowing Thatcherism
energy and vigour in recent months. change and adapt to a changing and to survive on a minority basis. It is now
We have had Mr Tebbit's sweeping difficult terrain. It has encountered clear that, in the event of a close
attack on the 'permissive society' and - some areas of genuine resistance and election, the Alliance would deliver as
taking their cue from that - the difficulty. It has had to some extent to many votes to Thatcherism as it would
massive 'moral panics' about homosex- recompose itself. But its long-term, against it. So far as public opinion in
uality (fuelled by the AIDS scare) and fundamental political project is still, relation to immediate electoral pros-
drugs; then the mobilisation around substantially, in place. Thatcherism pects is concerned, on the question of
school libraries and sex education; and, has never been 'hegemonic' if by that Thatcherism (not Mrs Thatcher), the
always, as a continuous subterranean we mean that it succeeded in unifying a country seems split down the middle.
theme, the restoration of the family, major social bloc, 'winning the consent' Those who are not 'for' it are not very
the bulwark of respectable society and of the great majority of the subordinate convincingly 'for' anything else. It is a
conventional sexualities with its ful- classes of society and other key social sobering thought that, despite Thatch-
crum in the traditional roles for forces to a major task of social erism's many difficulties and the wave
women. reconstruction. Especially if we con- of revulsion against its narrow utilitar-
Parallel with this, in another part of ceive 'hegemony' as a permanent, ianism, the safest bet one could cur-
the moral agenda, we have had the steady state of affairs. rently place is still on a third innings
crude revival of cultural racism, which What we have always argued is that it for Thatcherism, on a reduced but
is now so powerfully organised around had a 'hegemonic project'. It was operational majority. The end of the
beleagured conceptions of 'English- designed to renovate society as a nightmare is still nowhere in sight. •


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