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Quality Auto Repair Shop

General Journal
Jan. 31,2021

Jan-21 Particulars Folio Debit Credit
1 Cash 110 ₱ 22,500.00
Accounts Receivable 120 ₱ 12,600.00
Notes Receivable 130 ₱ 8,000.00
Unused Tools 140 ₱ 5,000.00
Furniture and Fixtures 170 ₱ 27,000.00
Shop Equipment 180 ₱ 150,000.00
Delivery Truck 190 ₱ 180,000.00
Accumulated Depreciation - Furniture and Fixture 175 ₱ 5,400.00
Accumulated Depreciation - Shop Equipment 185 ₱ 18,750.00
Accumulated Depreciation - Delivery Truck 195 ₱ 22,500.00
Accounts Payable 200 ₱ 14,000.00
Notes Payable 210 ₱ 10,000.00
Salary Payable 220 ₱ 1,670.00
Salang, Capital 310 ₱ 332,780.00
to record balances

1 Cash 110 ₱ 50,000.00

Salang, Capital 310 ₱ 50,000.00
to record investment of owner

1 Cash 110 ₱ 40,000.00

Loan Payable 240 ₱ 40,000.00
to record proceeds from loan

1 Unused Tools 140 ₱ 25,500.00

Cash 110 ₱ 25,500.00
to record bought tools

1 Furniture and Fixtures 170 ₱ 12,520.00

Accounts Payable 200 ₱ 12,520.00
to record purchased office tables and chairs on credit

2 Cash 110 ₱ 10,260.00

Unearned Repair Income 230 ₱ 10,260.00
to record cash received for service yet to be rendered

4 Unused Tools 140 ₱ 1,565.00

Salang, Capital 310 ₱ 1,565.00
to record investment of owner

5 Notes Receivable 130 ₱ 7,400.00

Repair Income 510 ₱ 7,400.00
to record note received from a customer

9 Advertising Expense 520 ₱ 1,800.00

Cash 110 ₱ 1,800.00
to record payment of advertisement

12 Salang, Drawing 320 ₱ 5,000.00

Cash 110 ₱ 5,000.00
to record withdrawal of owner

13 Salary Expense 570 ₱ 16,700.00

Cash 110 ₱ 16,700.00
to record payment of salaries

17 Rent Expense 560 ₱ 3,000.00

Cash 110 ₱ 3,000.00
to record payment of rent

18 Supplies Expense 580 ₱ 4,500.00

Cash 110 ₱ 4,500.00
to record bought supplies on cash

20 Cash 110 ₱ 31,000.00

Repair Income 510 ₱ 31,000.00
to record cash received for service rendered

21 Prepaid Insurance 540 ₱ 16,020.00

Cash 110 ₱ 16,020.00
to record payment for insurance

22 Utilities Expense 600 ₱ 6,140.00

Cash 110 ₱ 6,140.00
to record payment for telephone and electricity

25 Cash 110 ₱ 4,000.00

Notes Receivable 130 ₱ 4,000.00
to record collection from customers

25 Cash 110 ₱ 7,400.00

Notes Receivable 130 ₱ 7,400.00
to record collection of note in Jan. 5

26 Accounts Payable 200 ₱ 12,520.00

Notes Payable 210 ₱ 12,520.00
to record issued note
27 Salary Expense 570 ₱ 16,700.00
Cash 110 ₱ 16,700.00
to record payment of salaries

27 Land 160 ₱ 30,000.00

Notes Payable 210 ₱ 30,000.00
to record bought land with a note

31 Cash 110 ₱ 21,250.00

Repair Income 510 ₱ 21,250.00
to record cash received for service rendered
Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit
1 to record balances ₱ 22,500.00
1 to record investment of owner ₱ 50,000.00
1 to record proceeds from loan ₱ 40,000.00
1 to record bought tools ₱ 25,500.00
2 to record cash received for service yet to be rendered ₱ 10,260.00
9 to record payment of advertisement ₱ 1,800.00
12 to record withdrawal of owner ₱ 5,000.00
13 to record payment of salaries ₱ 16,700.00
17 to record payment of rent ₱ 3,000.00
18 to record bought supplies on cash ₱ 4,500.00
20 to record cash received for service rendered ₱ 31,000.00
21 to record payment for insurance ₱ 16,020.00
22 to record payment for telephone and electricity ₱ 6,140.00
25 to record collection from customers ₱ 4,000.00
25 to record collection of note in Jan. 5 ₱ 7,400.00
27 to record payment of salaries ₱ 16,700.00
31 to record cash received for service rendered ₱ 21,250.00

Accounts Receivable
Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit
1 to record balances ₱ 12,600.00

Notes Receivable
Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit
1 to record balances ₱ 8,000.00
5 to record note received from a customer ₱ 7,400.00
25 to record collection from customers ₱ 4,000.00
25 to record collection of note in Jan. 5 ₱ 7,400.00

Unused Tools
Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit
1 to record balances ₱ 5,000.00
1 to record bought tools ₱ 25,500.00
4 to record investment of owner ₱ 1,565.00

Prepaid Insurance
Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit
21 to record payment for insurance ₱ 16,020.00

Particulars Debit Credit
Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit
27 to record bought land with a note ₱ 30,000.00

Furniture and Fixtures

Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit
1 to record balances ₱ 27,000.00
1 to record purchased office tables and chairs on credit ₱ 12,520.00

Accumulated Depreciation - Furniture and Fixture

Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit
1 to record balances ₱ 5,400.00

Shop Equipment
Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit
1 to record balances ₱150,000.00

Accumulated Depreciation - Shop Equipment

Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit
1 to record balances ₱ 18,750.00

Delivery Truck
Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit
1 to record balances ₱180,000.00

Accumulated Depreciation - Delivery Truck

Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit
1 to record balances ₱ 22,500.00
110 Accounts Payable
Balance Jan-21 Particulars
₱ 22,500.00 1 to record balances
₱ 72,500.00 1 to record purchased office tables and chairs on credit
₱ 112,500.00 26 to record issued note
₱ 87,000.00
₱ 97,260.00 Notes Payable
₱ 95,460.00 Date
₱ 90,460.00 Jan-21 Particulars
₱ 73,760.00 1 to record balances
₱ 70,760.00 27 to record bought land with a note
₱ 66,260.00 26 to record issued note
₱ 97,260.00
₱ 81,240.00 Salary Payable
₱ 75,100.00 Date
₱ 79,100.00 Jan-21 Particulars
₱ 86,500.00 1 to record balances
₱ 69,800.00
₱ 91,050.00 Unearned Repair Income
120 Jan-21 Particulars
2 to record cash received for service yet to be rendered
₱ 12,600.00 Loan Payable
₱ 130.00 Jan-21 Particulars
1 to record proceeds from loan
₱ 8,000.00 Interest Payable
₱ 15,400.00 Date
₱ 11,400.00 Jan-21 Particulars
₱ 4,000.00
Salang, Capital
140 Date
Jan-21 Particulars
Balance 1 to record balances
₱ 5,000.00 1 to record investment of owner
₱ 30,500.00 4 to record investment of owner
₱ 32,065.00
Salang, Drawing
150 Date
Jan-21 Particulars
Balance 12 to record withdrawal of owner
₱ 16,020.00
Income Summary
Balance Particulars
Balance Jan-21 Particulars
₱ 30,000.00
Repair Income
170 Date
Jan-21 Particulars
Balance 5 to record note received from a customer
₱ 27,000.00 20 to record cash received for service rendered
₱ 39,520.00 31 to record cash received for service rendered


₱ 5,400.00


₱ 150,000.00


₱ 18,750.00




₱ 22,500.00
₱ 200.00 Advertising Expense
Debit Credit Balance Jan-21
₱ 14,000.00 ₱ 14,000.00 9
₱ 12,520.00 ₱ 26,520.00
₱ 12,520.00 ₱ 14,000.00 Depreciation Expense
210 Jan-21

Debit Credit Balance Insurance Expense

₱ 10,000.00 ₱ 10,000.00 Date
₱ 30,000.00 ₱ 40,000.00 Jan-21
₱ 12,520.00 ₱ 52,520.00 21

220 Interest Expense

Debit Credit Balance Jan-21
₱ 1,670.00 ₱ 1,670.00
Rent Expense
230 Date
Debit Credit Balance 17
₱ 10,260.00 ₱ 10,260.00
Salary Expense
Debit Credit Balance 13
₱ 40,000.00 ₱ 40,000.00 27

250 Supplies Expense

Debit Credit Balance Jan-21
Tools Used
Debit Credit Balance Date
₱ 332,780.00 ₱ 332,780.00 Jan-21
₱ 50,000.00 ₱ 382,780.00
₱ 1,565.00 ₱ 384,345.00 Utilities Expense
320 Jan-21
Debit Credit Balance
₱ 5,000.00 ₱ 5,000.00


Debit Credit Balance

Debit Credit Balance


Debit Credit Balance

₱ 7,400.00 ₱ 7,400.00
₱ 31,000.00 ₱ 38,400.00
₱ 21,250.00 ₱ 59,650.00
Advertising Expense 520

Particulars Debit Credit Balance

to record payment of advertisement ₱ 1,800.00 ₱ 1,800.00

Depreciation Expense 530

Particulars Debit Credit Balance

Insurance Expense 540

Particulars Debit Credit Balance

to record payment for insurance ₱ 16,020.00 ₱ 16,020.00

Interest Expense 550

Particulars Debit Credit Balance

Rent Expense 560

Particulars Debit Credit Balance

to record payment of rent ₱ 3,000.00 ₱3,000.00

Salary Expense 570

Particulars Debit Credit Balance

to record payment of salaries ₱ 16,700.00 ₱ 16,700.00
to record payment of salaries ₱ 16,700.00 ₱ 33,400.00

Supplies Expense 580

Particulars Debit Credit Balance

to record bought supplies on cash ₱ 4,500.00 ₱ 4,500.00

Tools Used 590

Particulars Debit Credit Balance

Utilities Expense 600

Particulars Debit Credit Balance

to record payment for telephone and electricity ₱ 6,140.00 ₱ 6,140.00
Jan-21 Account Title Folio Debit Credit
31 Interest Expense 550 ₱ 400.00
Interest Payable 250 ₱ 400.00
to record accrued interest

31 Tools Used 590 ₱ 28,265.00

Unused Tools 140 ₱ 28,265.00
to adjust for tools used

31 Unearned Repair Income 230 ₱ 6,669.00

Repair Income 510 ₱ 6,669.00
to record earned income ₱ 3.00

31 Insurance Expense 540 ₱ 2,670.00

Prepaid Insurance 150 ₱ 2,670.00
to record expired portion

31 Salary Expense 570 ₱ 3,340.00

Salary Payable 220 ₱ 3,340.00
to record accrued salaries

31 Depreciation Expense 530 ₱ 3,887.00

Accumulated Depreciation - Furniture and Fixture 175 ₱ 450.00
Accumulated Depreciation - Shop Equipment 185 ₱ 1,562.00
Accumulated Depreciation - Delivery Truck 195 ₱ 1,875.00
to record depreciation

31 Accounts Receivable 120 ₱ 5,600.00

Repair Income 510 ₱ 5,600.00
to correct erroneous entry

31 Cash 110 ₱ 270.00

Repair Income 510 ₱ 270.00
to correct erroneous entry
Cash 110
Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit Balance
1 to record balances ₱ 22,500.00 ₱ 22,500.00
1 to record investment of owner ₱ 50,000.00 ₱ 72,500.00
1 to record proceeds from loan ₱ 40,000.00 ₱ 112,500.00
1 to record bought tools ₱ 25,500.00 ₱ 87,000.00
2 to record cash received for service yet to be rende ₱ 10,260.00 ₱ 97,260.00
9 to record payment of advertisement ₱ 1,800.00 ₱ 95,460.00
12 to record withdrawal of owner ₱ 5,000.00 ₱ 90,460.00
13 to record payment of salaries ₱ 16,700.00 ₱ 73,760.00
17 to record payment of rent ₱ 3,000.00 ₱ 70,760.00
18 to record bought supplies on cash ₱ 4,500.00 ₱ 66,260.00
20 to record cash received for service rendered ₱ 31,000.00 ₱ 97,260.00
21 to record payment for insurance ₱ 16,020.00 ₱ 81,240.00
22 to record payment for telephone and electricity ₱ 6,140.00 ₱ 75,100.00
25 to record collection from customers ₱ 4,000.00 ₱ 79,100.00
25 to record collection of note in Jan. 5 ₱ 7,400.00 ₱ 86,500.00
27 to record payment of salaries ₱ 16,700.00 ₱ 69,800.00
31 to record cash received for service rendered ₱ 21,250.00 ₱ 91,050.00
31 to correct erroneous entry ₱ 270.00 ₱ 91,320.00
Accounts Receivable 120
Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit Balance
1 to record balances ₱ 12,600.00 ₱ 12,600.00
31 to correct erroneous entry ₱ 5,600.00 ₱ 18,200.00

Notes Receivable 130

Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit Balance
1 to record balances ₱ 8,000.00 ₱ 8,000.00
5 to record note received from a customer ₱ 7,400.00 ₱ 15,400.00
25 to record collection from customers ₱ 4,000.00 ₱ 11,400.00
25 to record collection of note in Jan. 5 ₱ 7,400.00 ₱ 4,000.00

Unused Tools 140

Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit Balance
1 to record balances ₱ 5,000.00 ₱ 5,000.00
1 to record bought tools ₱ 25,500.00 ₱ 30,500.00
4 to record investment of owner ₱ 1,565.00 ₱ 32,065.00
31 to record used portion ₱ 28,265.00 ₱ 3,800.00

Prepaid Insurance 150

Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit Balance
21 to record payment for insurance ₱ 16,020.00 ₱ 16,020.00
31 to record expired portion ₱ 2,670.00 ₱ 13,350.00

Land 160
Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit Balance
27 to record bought land with a note ₱ 30,000.00 ₱ 30,000.00

Furniture and Fixtures 170

Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit Balance
1 to record balances ₱ 27,000.00 ₱ 27,000.00
1 to record purchased office tables and chairs on cred₱ 12,520.00 ₱ 39,520.00

Accumulated Depreciation - Furniture and Fixture 175

Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit Balance
1 to record balances ₱ 5,400.00 ₱ 5,400.00
31 to record depreciation ₱ 450.00 ₱ 5,850.00

Shop Equipment 180

Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit Balance
1 to record balances ₱ 150,000.00 ₱ 150,000.00

Accumulated Depreciation - Shop Equipment 185

Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit Balance
1 to record balances ₱ 18,750.00 ₱ 18,750.00
31 to record depreciation ₱ 1,562.00 ₱ 20,312.00

Delivery Truck 190

Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit Balance
1 to record balances ₱ 180,000.00 ₱ 180,000.00

Accumulated Depreciation - Delivery Truck 195

Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit Balance
1 to record balances ₱ 22,500.00 ₱ 22,500.00
31 to record depreciation ₱ 1,875.00 ₱ 24,375.00
Accounts Payable
Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit
1 to record balances ₱14,000.00
1 to record purchased office tables and chairs on credit ₱12,520.00
26 to record issued note 12,520.00

Notes Payable
Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit
1 to record balances ₱10,000.00
27 to record bought land with a note ₱30,000.00
26 to record issued note ₱12,520.00

Salary Payable
Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit
1 to record balances ₱1,670.00
31 to record accrued salaries ₱3,340.00

Unearned Repair Income

Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit
2 to record cash received for service yet to be rendered ₱10,260.00
31 to record earned income 6,669.00

Loan Payable
Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit
1 to record proceeds from loan ₱40,000.00

Interest Payable
Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit
31 to record accrued interest ₱ 400.00

Salang, Capital
Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit
1 to record balances ₱332,780.00
1 to record investment of owner ₱50,000.00
4 to record investment of owner ₱1,565.00

Salang, Drawing
Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit
12 to record withdrawal of owner 5,000.00
Income Summary
Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit

Repair Income
Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit
5 to record note received from a customer ₱7,400.00
20 to record cash received for service rendered ₱31,000.00
31 to record cash received for service rendered ₱21,250.00
31 to record earned income 6,669.00
31 to correct erroneous entry ₱ 5,600.00
31 to correct erroneous entry ₱270.00
200 Advertising Expense
Balance Jan-21 Particulars Debit
₱14,000.00 9 to record payment of advertisement ₱ 1,800.00
₱14,000.00 Depreciation Expense
210 Jan-21 Particulars Debit
31 to record depreciation ₱ 3,887.00
₱10,000.00 Insurance Expense
₱40,000.00 Date
₱52,520.00 Jan-21 Particulars Debit
31 to record expired portion ₱ 2,670.00
Interest Expense
Balance Date
₱1,670.00 Jan-21 Particulars Debit
₱5,010.00 31 to record accrued interest ₱ 400.00

230 Rent Expense

Balance Jan-21 Particulars Debit
₱10,260.00 17 to record payment of rent ₱ 3,000.00
Salary Expense
240 Date
Jan-21 Particulars Debit
Balance 13 to record payment of salaries ₱ 16,700.00
₱40,000.00 27 to record payment of salaries ₱ 16,700.00
31 to record accrued salaries ₱3,340.00
Supplies Expense
Balance Date
₱ 400.00 Jan-21 Particulars Debit
18 to record bought supplies on cash ₱ 4,500.00
Tools Used
Balance Date
₱332,780.00 Jan-21 Particulars Debit
₱382,780.00 31 to record used portion ₱ 28,265.00
Utilities Expense
320 Date
Jan-21 Particulars Debit
Balance 22 to record payment for telephone and electricity ₱ 6,140.00




Credit Balance
₱ 1,800.00


Credit Balance
₱ 3,887.00


Credit Balance
₱ 2,670.00


Credit Balance
₱ 400.00


Credit Balance


Credit Balance
₱ 16,700.00
₱ 33,400.00


Credit Balance
₱ 4,500.00


Credit Balance
₱ 28,265.00


Credit Balance
₱ 6,140.00
Quality Auto Repair Shop
Income Statement
For Month Ending Jan. 31, 2021

Repair Income ₱ 72,189.00
Operating Expenses:
Advertising Expense ₱ 1,800.00
Depreciation Expense ₱ 3,887.00
Insurance Expense ₱ 2,670.00
Rent Expense ₱ 3,000.00
Salary Expense ₱ 36,740.00
Suppies Expense ₱ 4,500.00
Tools Used ₱ 28,265.00
Utilities Expense ₱ 6,140.00 ₱ 87,002.00
Operating Loss -₱ 14,813.00
Interest Expense ₱ 400.00
Net Loss -₱ 15,213.00

Quality Auto Repair Shop

Statement of Changes in Equity
For Month Ending Jan. 31, 2021

Salang, Capital (December 31) ₱ 332,780.00

Add: Investment ₱ 51,565.00
Less: Net Loss -₱ 15,213.00
Withdrawal -₱ 5,000.00 -₱ 20,213.00
Salang, Capital (January 31) ₱ 364,132.00
Quality Auto Repair Shop
Balance Sheet
As of Jan. 31, 2021

Cash ₱ 91,320.00
Accounts Receivable ₱ 18,200.00
Notes Receivable ₱ 4,000.00
Unused Tools ₱ 3,800.00
Prepaid Insurance ₱ 13,350.00
Land ₱ 30,000.00
Furnitures and Fixture ₱ 39,520.00
Accumulated Depreciation - Furniture and Fixture ₱ 5,850.00 ₱ 33,670.00
Shop Equipment ₱ 150,000.00
Accumulated Depreciation - Shop Equipment ₱ 20,312.00 ₱ 129,688.00
Delivery Truck ₱ 180,000.00
Accumulated Depreciation - Delivery Truck ₱ 24,375.00 ₱ 155,625.00
Total Assets ₱ 479,653.00

Accounts Payable ₱ 14,000.00
Notes Payable ₱ 52,520.00
Salary Payable ₱ 5,010.00
Unearned Repair Income ₱ 3,591.00
Loan Payable ₱ 40,000.00
Interest Payable ₱ 400.00
Total Liabilities ₱ 115,521.00

Salang, Capital ₱ 364,132.00
Total Liabilities and Equity ₱ 479,653.00
Quality Auto Repair Shop
Statement of Cash Flow
For Month Ending Jan. 31, 2021

Cash Flows from Operating Activities

Collection from customers ₱ 74,180.00
Payment of insurance -₱ 16,020.00
Payment of various expenses -₱ 74,340.00
Net cash provided by (used) in operating activities -₱ 16,180.00
Cash Flows from Investing Activities
Purchase of property and equipment ₱ -
Net cash provided by (used) in investing activities ₱ -
Cash Flows from Financing Activities
Investment of owner ₱ 50,000.00
Withdrawal of owner -₱ 5,000.00
Proceeds from loan ₱ 40,000.00
Net cash provided by (used) in financing activities ₱ 85,000.00
Net increase (decrease) in Cash ₱ 68,820.00
Add: Cash Balance at the beginning of the period ₱ 22,500.00
Cash balance at the end of the period ₱ 91,320.00
Jan-21 Particulars Folio Debit Credit
31 Repair Income 510 ₱ 72,189.00
Income Summary 330 ₱ 72,189.00
to close revenue account

31 Income Summary 330 ₱ 87,402.00

Advertising Expense 520 ₱ 1,800.00
Depreciation Expense 530 ₱ 3,887.00
Insurance Expense 540 ₱ 2,670.00
Interest Expense 550 ₱ 400.00
Rent Expense 560 ₱ 3,000.00
Salary Expense 570 ₱ 36,740.00
Suppies Expense 580 ₱ 4,500.00
Tools Used 590 ₱ 28,265.00
Utilities Expense 600 ₱ 6,140.00
to close expense account

31 Salang Capital 310 ₱ 15,213.00

Income Summary 330 ₱ 15,213.00
to close income summary account

31 Salang, Capital 310 ₱ 5,000.00

Salang, Drawing 320 ₱ 5,000.00
to close drawing account
Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit
1 to record balances ₱22,500.00
1 to record investment of owner ₱50,000.00
1 to record proceeds from loan ₱40,000.00
1 to record bought tools ₱25,500.00
2 to record cash received for service yet to be rende ₱10,260.00
9 to record payment of advertisement ₱1,800.00
12 to record withdrawal of owner ₱5,000.00
13 to record payment of salaries ₱16,700.00
17 to record payment of rent ₱3,000.00
18 to record bought supplies on cash ₱4,500.00
20 to record cash received for service rendered ₱31,000.00
21 to record payment for insurance ₱16,020.00
22 to record payment for telephone and electricity ₱6,140.00
25 to record collection from customers ₱4,000.00
25 to record collection of note in Jan. 5 ₱7,400.00
27 to record payment of salaries ₱16,700.00
31 to record cash received for service rendered ₱21,250.00
31 to correct erroneous entry ₱270.00
Accounts Receivable
Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit
1 to record balances ₱12,600.00
31 to correct erroneous entry ₱5,600.00

Notes Receivable
Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit
1 to record balances ₱8,000.00
5 to record note received from a customer ₱7,400.00
25 to record collection from customers ₱4,000.00
25 to record collection of note in Jan. 5 ₱7,400.00

Unused Tools
Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit
1 to record balances ₱5,000.00
1 to record bought tools ₱25,500.00
4 to record investment of owner ₱1,565.00
31 to record used portion ₱ 28,265.00

Prepaid Insurance
Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit
21 to record payment for insurance ₱16,020.00
31 to record expired portion ₱2,670.00

Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit
27 to record bought land with a note ₱30,000.00

Furniture and Fixtures

Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit
1 to record balances ₱27,000.00
1 to record purchased office tables and chairs on cre ₱12,520.00

Accumulated Depreciation - Furniture and Fixture

Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit
1 to record balances ₱5,400.00
31 to record depreciation ₱450.00

Shop Equipment
Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit
1 to record balances ₱150,000.00

Accumulated Depreciation - Shop Equipment

Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit
1 to record balances ₱18,750.00
31 to record depreciation ₱1,562.00

Delivery Truck
Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit
1 to record balances ₱ 180,000.00

Accumulated Depreciation - Delivery Truck

Jan-21 Particulars Debit Credit
1 to record balances ₱22,500.00
31 to record depreciation ₱1,875.00
110 Accounts Payable
Balance Jan-21 Particulars Debit
₱22,500.00 1 to record balances
₱72,500.00 1 to record purchased office tables and chairs on credit
₱112,500.00 26 to record issued note 12,520.00
₱97,260.00 Notes Payable
₱95,460.00 Date
₱90,460.00 Jan-21 Particulars Debit
₱73,760.00 1 to record balances
₱70,760.00 27 to record bought land with a note
₱66,260.00 26 to record issued note
₱81,240.00 Salary Payable
₱75,100.00 Date
₱79,100.00 Jan-21 Particulars Debit
₱86,500.00 1 to record balances
₱69,800.00 31 to record accrued salaries
₱91,320.00 Unearned Repair Income
120 Date
Jan-21 Particulars Debit
Balance 2 to record cash received for service yet to be rendered
₱12,600.00 31 to record earned income 6,669.00
Loan Payable
130 Date
Jan-21 Particulars Debit
Balance 1 to record proceeds from loan
₱15,400.00 Interest Payable
₱11,400.00 Date
₱4,000.00 Jan-21 Particulars Debit
31 to record accrued interest
Salang, Capital
Balance Date
₱5,000.00 Jan-21 Particulars Debit
₱30,500.00 1 to record balances
₱32,065.00 1 to record investment of owner
₱3,800.00 4 to record investment of owner
31 to close income summary account 15,213
150 31 to close drawing account 5,000

Balance Salang, Drawing

₱16,020.00 Date
Particulars Debit
₱13,350.00 Jan-21 Particulars Debit
12 to record withdrawal of owner 5,000.00
160 31 to close drawing account
Income Summary
Balance Date
₱30,000.00 Jan-21 Particulars Debit
31 to close revenue account
170 31 to close expense account 87402
31 to close income summary account
₱27,000.00 Repair Income
₱39,520.00 Date
Jan-21 Particulars Debit
175 5 to record note received from a customer
20 to record cash received for service rendered
Balance 31 to record cash received for service rendered
₱ 5,400.00 31 to record earned income
₱ 5,850.00 31 to correct erroneous entry
31 to correct erroneous entry
180 31 to close revenue account 72,189





₱ 180,000.00


200 Advertising Expense
Credit Balance Jan-21 Particulars
₱14,000.00 ₱14,000.00 9 to record payment of advertisement
₱12,520.00 ₱26,520.00 31 to close expense account
₱14,000.00 Depreciation Expense
210 Jan-21 Particulars
31 to record depreciation
Credit Balance 31 to close expense account
₱10,000.00 ₱10,000.00 Insurance Expense
₱30,000.00 ₱40,000.00 Date
₱12,520.00 ₱52,520.00 Jan-21 Particulars
31 to record expired portion
220 31 to close expense account
Interest Expense
Credit Balance Date
₱1,670.00 ₱1,670.00 Jan-21 Particulars
₱3,340.00 ₱5,010.00 31 to record accrued interest
31 to close expense account
230 Rent Expense
Credit Balance Jan-21 Particulars
₱10,260.00 ₱10,260.00 17 to record payment of rent
₱3,591.00 31 to close expense account
Salary Expense
240 Date
Jan-21 Particulars
Credit Balance 13 to record payment of salaries
₱40,000.00 ₱40,000.00 27 to record payment of salaries
31 to record accrued salaries
250 to close expense account
Supplies Expense
Credit Balance Date
₱ 400.00 ₱ 400.00 Jan-21 Particulars
18 to record bought supplies on cash
310 31 to close expense account
Tools Used
Credit Balance Date
₱332,780.00 ₱332,780.00 Jan-21 Particulars
₱50,000.00 ₱382,780.00 31 to record used portion
₱1,565.00 ₱384,345.00 to close expense account
₱369,132.00 Utilities Expense
₱364,132.00 Date
Jan-21 Particulars
320 22 to record payment for telephone and electricity
31 to close expense account
Credit Balance
Credit Balance
5,000 ₱0.00

Credit Balance
₱ 72,189.00 ₱72,189.00
₱15,213.00 ₱0.00


Credit Balance
₱7,400.00 ₱7,400.00
₱31,000.00 ₱38,400.00
₱21,250.00 ₱59,650.00
6,669.00 ₱66,319.00
₱ 5,600.00 ₱71,919.00
₱270.00 ₱72,189.00

Debit Credit Balance

₱1,800.00 ₱1,800.00
1800 ₱ -

Debit Credit Balance

₱3,887.00 ₱3,887.00
3887 ₱ -

Debit Credit Balance

₱2,670.00 ₱2,670.00
2,670.00 ₱ -

Debit Credit Balance

₱ 400.00 ₱ 400.00
₱400.00 ₱ -

Debit Credit Balance

₱3,000.00 ₱3,000.00
3000 ₱ -

Debit Credit Balance

₱ 16,700.00 ₱ 16,700.00
₱ 16,700.00 ₱ 33,400.00
₱ 3,340.00 ₱ 36,740.00
36,740 ₱0.00

Debit Credit Balance

₱4,500.00 ₱4,500.00
4500 ₱0.00

Debit Credit Balance

₱28,265.00 ₱28,265.00
28,265 0

Debit Credit Balance

₱6,140.00 ₱6,140.00
6,140 ₱ -
Quality Auto Repair Shop
Post Closing Trial Balance
As of June 30, 20

Folio Account Title Debit Credit

110 Cash ₱91,320.00
120 Accounts Receivable ₱18,200.00
130 Notes Receivable ₱4,000.00
140 Unused Tools ₱3,800.00
150 Prepaid Insurance ₱13,350.00
160 Land ₱30,000.00
170 Furnitures and Fixture ₱39,520.00
175 Accumulated Depreciation - Furniture and Fixture ₱ 5,850.00
180 Shop Equipment ₱150,000.00
185 Accumulated Depreciation - Shop Equipment ₱ 20,312.00
190 Delivery Truck ₱180,000.00
195 Accumulated Depreciation - Delivery Truck ₱ 24,375.00
200 Accounts Payable ₱ 14,000.00
210 Notes Payable ₱ 52,520.00
220 Salary Payable ₱ 5,010.00
230 Unearned Repair Income ₱ 3,591.00
240 Loan Payable ₱ 40,000.00
250 Interest Payable ₱ 400.00
310 Salang, Capital ₱364,132.00
TOTAL ₱530,190.00 ₱ 530,190.00

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